647 research outputs found

    Stacker Selection with PSI and WEDBA Methods

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    Material handling equipment selection is of great importance for companies as it will greatly increase the efficiency and productivity of the companies and impose a large cost on the companies in case of any wrong choice. In this study, by utilizing an integrated MCDM model consisting of PSI and WEDBA, the selection of stacker, which is one of the material handling equipment, is made. In this study, PSI and WEDBA methods are used together for the first time. In addition, the use of the PSI method to obtain the weights of the criteria rarely appears in the literature. Besides, there is no study on the selection of manual stacker in the literature. Thus, this study aims to fill above-mentioned gaps in the literature. According to results of WEDBA method, the best stacker was determined as "ST5". This stacker was followed by "ST3", "ST4", "ST1" and "ST2" respectively

    Regional implications of the Qatar crisis: increasing vulnerabilities

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    The crisis which was triggered by a set of sanctions imposed by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Egypt followed by several Arab states to isolate Qatar has strong regional implications beyond the Gulf. The pressure that has been exerted on Qatar is not an isolated effort; it is a part of a larger scale planning to shape the future order of the region. It is not a new effort either, as Qatar was targeted with sanctions by the Gulf countries before, lately in 2014. An ardent supporter of the anti-status quo movements during the so-called Arab Spring, Qatar drew the ire of some Arab states who have high stakes in the preservation of the regional status quo

    Traditional rivalry or regional design in the Middle East?

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    The repercussions of the Arab Spring and new polarization between Iran, Israel and the Gulf States means the Middle East faces multiple rivalries and conflicts. Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Israel and the United States seem to have reached an agreement on certain issues in an attempt to redesign a fractured regional order. This vision is yet to be realized on the ground given the uncertainty around Washington’s global role. In assessing regional stakeholders and their potential capabilities as well as several scenes of regional conflict, the paper argues Turkey plays a traditional role in balancing tensions between Iran, the Gulf and Israel. While Turkey does not have a silver bullet, it provides ‘balancing’ support to the region, preserving neutral, middle ground.WOS:0004464199000072-s2.0-8504532910

    The effects of storage temperature and storage time on the somatic cell count of anatolian buffaloes

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    This research examined the effects of storage temperature and storage time on the somatic cell count (SCC) of milk from Anatolian buffaloes, which was measured with the DeLaval cell counter (DCC). Storage temperature and time are among the different factors that potentially affect the SCC of Anatolian buffalo milk. In this context, 20 milk samples were collected from Anatolian Buffaloes and analyzed. The milk samples were divided into two groups according to their measured level of SCC. These two groups were the low score (?3.16 cell/ml) group and the high score (>3.16 cell/ml) group. The mean logSCC values of the low score and the high score groups were determined as 2.27±0.045 and 4.06±0.019 cells/ml, respectively. In this research, the effects of storage temperature (4ºC, 21ºC) and storage time (fresh milk, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 24 h) on logSCC were determined to be statistically significant (P<0.01). Thus, increases in storage temperature and storage time were associated with an increase in the logSCC of the milk samples. © 2019, International Buffalo Information Center, Kasetsart University. All rights reserved

    The esthetical analysis of the short film “My Shoes” in the relationship between social media and visual culture

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    Genelde görsel medyanın özelde ise sosyal medya aracılığıyla yaygınlaşan görsel ürünlerin çağımız insanın düşünme, algılama, yorumlama ve görme biçimleri üzerine etkilerinin oldukça fazla olduğu bilinmektedir. Son yıllarda çekilen kısa filmlerin sosyal medya üzerinden yayılması ise bahsi geçen etkiyi başka bir boyuta taşımaktadır. Bu etki özneler üzerinde kimi zaman rasyonel boyutta ortaya çıkarken kimi zamanlarda ise insanların duygu dünyası üzerinde meydana gelmekte ve irrasyonel bir şekilde ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bu çalışma incelediği örnek film ile sosyal medyada yaygınlaşan estetik bir fenomenin var oluşunu incelemekte ve üretim aşamasında yaşanan süreçler ile ortaya çıkan ürünün estetik boyutlarını ele almaktadır. Araştırmanın amacı bir estetik fenomen üretilirken, üreticinin düşünce dünyası ve bakış açısının nasıl bir gerçeklik yarattığı ve eserin bu bağlamda alımlayıcının biliş düzeylerine ve dolayısıyla duygularına nasıl hitap ettiğinin ortaya konulmasıdır.It is known that the visual products which has become widespread through the visual media in general and the social media in particular is highly effecting individuals’ way of thinking, perception, interpretation and vision. The short films shot recently spread over social media moves this affect to another dimension. This affect sometimes arises in a rational level in individuals’ minds but sometimes it takes place in an emotional level and occurs in an irrational way. This study examines the existence of an esthetic phenomenon spreading over social media and the final procuct in an esthetical extent after the processes of the production stage with the sample film. The purpose of this study is to exposure, while an esthetic phenomenon is produced how the producer’s world of though and the perspective creates reality and in this context how the product appeals to the receivers’ cognition levels and accordingly to their emotions

    Carcass yield, non-carcass parts, internal organs and meat quality characteristics of karayaka male lambs with different birth weight fed free-choice feeding

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    In order to investigate the changes in meat quality characteristics and some serum metabolites as well as carcass yield, non-carcass parts, internal organs of lambs as influenced by birth weight (BtW) and feeding system (FS), 28 Karayaka male lambs (150 days of age) obtained from four comparable groups that consisted of seven replicates according to a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement for 2 BtW (low, 4.1 ± 0.06 kg and high, 5.0 ± 0.09 kg) and 2 FS (total mixed ration, TMR and free choice feeding, FCF) were used. After weaning (90 days of age), lambs with low BtW and high BtW were fed individually a TMR ad libitum or fed on the same ingredients (FCF) as that of TMR. The TMR was consisted of 80% of a compound feed and 20% of roughage based on a dry matter basis (140 g crude protein and 10.7 ME MJ/kg). The carcass weight and yield of lambs were not affected by the BtW, FS and BtWxFS interaction. The slaughter body weight, cold carcass weight and yield of FCF-fed lambs were higher than those of TMR-fed animals. The pH45 and shear force of semitendinosus muscle decreased and increased by the FCF systems, respectively. These results showed that BtW of lambs did not affect the studied parameter and that feeding system created more differences in terms of some parameters due to the fact that the FCF lead to improvement in carcass and some meat quality traits

    Attitudes towards work in Educational Institutions

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    The current study aims to evaluate employees’ attitudes towards work in educational institutions. An attitude scale was developed in order to reach the researchs ub-purposes. The scale was administered to the selected sample to obtain the research findings. Survey model, a quantitative Research method, was used within the current research. The Research population consists of Education employees working in schools under department of education in the town of Corlu, city of Tekirdag. 312 administrators, 1878 teachingand 480 supportive staff worked in 98 schools in the town of Corlu when the Research was conducted. 215 participants within the research sample were selected through non-proportional quota sampling among the teachers working in schools in the town. A scale to measure attitudes toward work was used as the data collection tool within the research. Some statistical analyses were needed in order to define the Research sub-dimensions. SPSS 21 software package was used to analyze the data. One-way variance analysis (ANOVA), t-test, Tukey, and LCD tests were used in the analyses. Employees considered their works in five different dimensions. When employees’ attitudes toward work are examined based on their demographic characteristics, it is seen that employees’ age,  genders and seniority were a significant factors defining their attitudes toward work. The employees’ attitudes toward work at educational institutions were examined in the current study. The five dimensions defined within the research results must be considered significant for employees at educational institutions and some incentives must be activated

    IV. Haçlı Seferi öncesi Bizans ve Venedik ilişkileri

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    IV. Haçlı Seferi, tarihin tanık olduğu en büyük kıyımlardan biri olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Aynı dine mensup tarafların bu kadar acımasız bir şekilde birbirlerine kastetmelerinin nedenleri son derece büyük önem teşkil etmektedir. IV. Haçlı Seferi’nin görünürdeki en büyük nedeni 1187 yılında Selahattin Eyyûbi önderliğindeki Müslümanların kutsal şehir Kudüs’ü Haçlıların elinden almasıdır. Kudüs’ün Müslümanlar tarafından fethedilmesi Avrupa’da büyük üzüntü ve infial yarattı. Hemen akabinde III. Haçlı Seferi yapıldı isede istenilen başarılar elde edilemedi. III. Haçlı Seferi’nde genel itibari ile iki ana kola bölünen Haçlılar, birinci kolda Friedrich Barbarossa önderliğinde kara yolu ile Kudüs’e ulaşmaya çalıştı. Barbarossa’nın Silifke yakınlarında bir nehri geçerken boğulması sonucu ordusu dağılarak tekrardan Avrupa’ya dönmek zorunda kaldı. İkinci kol ise deniz yolu ile İngiltere Kralı Aslan Yürekli Richard ve Fransa Kralı Philippe Auguste önderliğinde gerçekleştirildi. Filistin kıyılarına kadar gelen Haçlılar bir anda patlak veren isyanlar ve menfi çatışmalar yüzünden bir netice elde edemeden geri dönmek zorunda kaldı. IV. Haçlı Seferi fikri Avrupa’da oluşmaya başladığında Papalık makamında III. İnnocentius bulunuyordu. Avrupalı baron ve kontlar kralların yönetiminden ziyade, kendilerinin yönetiminde bir haçlı seferinin oluşmasını istiyorlardı. Hazırlıklar tamamlanıp sefere çıkılacağında, III. Haçlı Seferi’nde edinilen tecrübe ile en iyi güzergâhın Mısır kıyılarından kutsal topraklara ulaşmak olduğuna karar verildi. Yapılacak bu deniz aşırı yolculukta Avrupalı devletlerin bu seferi gerçekleştirecek nakliye gemileri mevcut değildi. Hazırlanan Haçlı ordusunun nakliyesini gerçekleştirebilecek en güçlü aday ise Venedikliler idi. Haçlılar Venedik ile görüşmek üzere elçi göndererek 85.000 Köln markı karşılığında anlaşma sağladılar. Vaat ettikleri parayı ödeyemeyen Haçlılar daha sonra Venedik’in güdümüne girmek zorunda kaldılar. Venedik Doçu Enrico Dandolo seferin Bizans’ın başkenti İstanbul’a yönelmesini sağladı. Bu çalışmada Haçlılar ve özellikle Venedik’in seferi İstanbul üzerine çevirmelerinin nedenleri aktarılmaya çalışılacaktır

    Decadent perspective on the relationship of reality and aesthetics in cinema and the ugly

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    Gerçekliği özümsemenin bilimi olarak tanımlanan estetik sadece güzel ile ilgili değildir. Estetik fenomenin ontolojisinin de inceleneceği bu çalışmada güzelin dışında başka kategorilerin ve özellikle de çirkinin nasıl mümkün olduğu üzerinde durulmaktadır. Çirkin veya çirkinlik denilen yargının gerek sinemada gerekse diğer görsel sanat dallarında bakış açılarının bir ürünü olduğu çalışmada ele alınmakta ve bu bakış açılarından “Dekadan” bakış açısına yoğunlaşılmaktadır. Dekadan bakış açısı Nietzsche felsefesi etkisinde gelişen bir konumlanma noktasını anlatmaktadır. Bu çalışmada dekadantların çirkin ile ilişkileri ele alınmaktadır.Aesthetics, described as the science of assimilation of reality, does not solely concern the beautiful. This study discourses on how it is possible for categories outside of the beautiful, particularly the ugly to exist, as well as examines the ontology of aesthetic phenomenon. The ugly or the judgement of ugliness is addressed in this study as a product of different perspectives in cinema as well as in other visual arts and the “Decadent” viewpoint is predominantly focused on across these perspectives. Decadent perspective describes a positioning point that has grown under the influence of philosophy of Nietzsche. This study discusses the relationship of decadents and the ugly

    The meaning problem of propagandistic documentary press photos and a study of photo as semiotic

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    Modern yaşamın en önemli teknik ve sanatsal araçlarından birisi olan fotoğraf, bir insanın bilinçli kullanımıyla anlam ve duygular üretebilme potansiyeline sahiptir. Pek çok alt kategoriye ayırabileceğimiz fotoğraf sanatı alanında belgesel basın fotoğrafçılığının son yıllarda insanlara ulaşma ve insanlarda yarattığı etki bakımından dikkate değer bir öneme kavuştuğu bilinmektedir. Belgesel basın fotoğraflarının özellikle alımlayıcıyla buluştuğu mekânlardan dolayı varoluşunun ve anlam yaratma süreçlerinin diğer fotoğraflara kıyasla farklılaştığı görülmektedir. Bir belgesel basın fotoğrafının yaratabileceği anlam dünyası, bu çalışmada gerçeklik ve öznellik ekseninde göstergebilimsel açıdan incelenmektedir. Örnek fotoğraf üzerinden gerçekleştirilen göstergebilimsel çözümleme ile bir belgesel basın fotoğrafının anlam katmanları ve metinselliği ortaya çıkarılmaktadır. Photography, which is one of the most important technical and artistic tools of modern life, has the potential to produce senses and feelings by the conscious use of a human. It’s widely known, that the documentary press photograpy, a subcategory of photo art, in recent years, in terms of reaching people and the impact on people, gained remarkable importance. It’s seen, that documentary press photographs, due to especially the places, where the photographs meet with audience, is differentiated the existence and meaning-making processes, compared to other photographs. In this study, the field of sense, which could created by a documentary press photography, is examined in the context of reality and subjectivity and in terms of semiotics. The stratum of semiotics and textuality of documentary press photography is revealed by use of semiotic analysis on a sample photo.Photography, which is one of the most important technical and artistic tools of modern life, has the potential to produce senses and feelings by the conscious use of a human. It’s widely known, that the documentary press photograpy, a subcategory of photo art, in recent years, in terms of reaching people and the impact on people, gained remarkable importance. It’s seen, that documentary press photographs, due to especially the places, where the photographs meet with audience, is differentiated the existence and meaning-making processes, compared to other photographs. In this study, the field of sense, which could created by a documentary press photography, is examined in the context of reality and subjectivity and in terms of semiotics. The stratum of semiotics and textuality of documentary press photography is revealed by use of semiotic analysis on a sample photo