218 research outputs found

    The trend in the relationship between school climate and school effectiveness: secondary analysis of PISA data

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    Eğitim sistemleri ve okul etkililiği ile ilişkili okul iklimi değişkenlerinin zaman içerisindeki değişiminin incelenmesine odaklı araştırma boşluğu belirlenmiştir. Bu problem doğrultusunda 2012-2018 döneminde okul etkililiğiyle anlamlı ilişkilere sahip okul iklimi değişkenlerinin belirlenmesi ve bu değişkenlerin zaman içerisinde nasıl bir eğilim sergilediğinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu amacı gerçekleştirebilmek için Uluslararası Öğrenci Değerlendirme Programı-PISA verileri geçerli, güvenilir ve uzun dönem verilerin ikincil analizini mümkün kılmaktadır. Bu kapsamda PISA 2012-2015-2018 döngüsünde Türkiye’de istatistiki bölge sınıflamasına göre 12 bölgeden tabakalı, oransal ve seçkisiz örnekleme yöntemiyle belirlenen okul yöneticileriyle öğrenci verileri ilişkisel tarama modelinde incelenmiştir. Araştırma sonunda; okul etkililiğiyle anlamlı ve en istikrarlı ilişkilere sahip okul iklimi değişkenleri belirlenmiştir. Öğrencilerin keyfi devamsızlık yapması, dersi asması ile öğretmenlerin, öğrencilerin bireysel ihtiyaçlarını karşılayamaması değişkenleri; okul etkililiği bağlamında alan yazındaki yeri ve uygulamadaki yansımaları açısından değerlendirilmiştir.The research gap was detected in the studies focused on investigating the change in school climate variables’ relationships with school and education system effectiveness in time. Based on this problem, we aimed to investigate firstly finding out school climate variables that have significant relations with school effectiveness in the 2012-2018 term then how these variables change in the manner of tendency. To enable this goal, the data of The Programme of International Student AssessmentPISA facilitate the valid, reliable and longitudinal secondary analysis. The data belonged to school administrators and students, which were obtained by using the stratified proportional and random sampling method across the 12 regions of Turkey, were analysed in the realm of the correlational survey research model. At the end of the study, we identified the variables that have significant and consistent relationships with school effectiveness. Student truancy, skipping the class and teachers’ not meeting the individual needs of student were assessed by considering their places in literature and their implementations in the context of school effectiveness

    Exploring the accountability relationships of turkish school principals: a qualitative study

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    In developed countries, accountability mechanisms, external control and standardized testing to increase student academic achievement have fundamentally influenced school principals and their management styles. On the other hand, much is unknown about the Turkish principals’ experiences in their accountability environment. This is significant because accountability relationships might be even destructive for principals and the school learning environment despite the intended formative and supportive purposes. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore the accountability relationships of Turkish K12 school principals. The data of seventeen purposefully-sampled Turkish school principals were collected through in-depth phenomenological interviews. Data analysis yielded five major themes with supporting sub-themes: bureaucratic accountability environment, market accountability environment, professional accountability environment, accountability intensity, and accountability impacts on principals, teachers, schools, students and parents. Knowing the nature of context-dependent accountability environments can help principals adopt new roles and help policymakers improve their ill-natured accountability relationships, principal preparation and development programs

    Psychological Unsafety in Schools: The Development and Validation of a Scale

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    Work related psychological unsafety defined as the degree to which employee perceive the risky work environment that hinder them to behave comfortably or to speak up what they think without fear of its possible negative consequences. The importance of psychological unsafety has already been laid down for organizational viability and development, but the main problem is lack of instrument to measure psychological unsafety in schools. So the aim of this study is to develop valid and reliable instrument. We developed it in line with the procedures suggested by AERA (The American Educational Research Association). Based on the literature review, we wrote 27 draft items, then we piloted it on 164 school staff and we implemented factor and item analyses. We finally conducted it in the main application with 393 school staff who randomly selected from schools located in different geographical regions of Turkey. Results of EFA displayed that the 19 items loaded on three factors explaining .73 of total variance and the factor loadings ranged between .59 to .85. In addition, corrected item-total correlations ranged from .51 to .86. The internal consistency reliability coefficient was .96 and CFA confirmed the structural model. At the end of the study, we obtained a valid and reliable scale to measure psychological unsafety in schools

    (R1518) The Dual Spherical Curves and Surfaces in Terms of Vectorial Moments

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    In the article, the parametric expressions of the dual ruled surfaces are expressed in terms of the vectorial moments of the Frenet vectors. The integral invariants of these surfaces are calculated. It is seen that the dual parts of these invariants can be stated by the real terms. Finally, we present examples of the ruled surfaces with bases such as helix and Viviani’s curves

    Determining the Leadership Potential of School Administrators Based on Data Triangulation

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    Aiming to describe the leadership potential (LP) of school principals who are currently in office, this study was carried out using the triangulation design of the mixed method. The study was carried out among 15 school administrators who were recruited using the purposive sampling method. Data were collected using an analytic graded measurement tool through a case-based semi-structured interview. In this study, the LP of the participants was found to be low, and the main sources of this situation were determined to be maintaining the current situation, avoiding complexity and uncertainty, and inadequacy in managing decision-making processes

    (R2026) Special Smarandache Ruled Surfaces According to Flc Frame in E^3

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    In this study, we introduce some special ruled surfaces according to the Flc frame of a given polynomial curve. We name these ruled surfaces as TD2, TD1 ve D2D1 Smarandache ruled surfaces and provide their characteristics such as Gauss and mean curvatures in order to specify their developability and minimality conditions. Moreover, we examine the conditions if the parametric curves of the surfaces are asymptotic, geodesic or curvature line. Such conditions are also argued in terms of the developability and minimality conditions. Finally, we give an example and picture the corresponding graphs of ruled surfaces by using Maple 17

    The Dual Expression of Parallel Equidistant Ruled Surfaces in Euclidean 3-Space

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    In this study, we examine the dual expression of Valeontis’ concept of parallel p-equidistant ruled surfaces well known in Euclidean 3-space, according to the Study mapping. Furthermore, we show that the dual part of the dual angle on the unit dual sphere corresponds to the p-distance. We call these ruled surfaces we obtained “dual parallel equidistant ruled surfaces” and we briefly denote them with “DPERS”. Furthermore, we find the Blaschke vectors, the Blaschke invariants and the striction curves of these DPERS and we give the relationships between these elements. Moreover, we show the relationships between the Darboux screws, the instantaneous screw axes, the instantaneous dual Pfaff vectors and dual Steiner rotation vectors of these surfaces. Finally, we give an example, which we reinforce this article, and we explain all of these features with the figures on the example. Furthermore, we see that the corresponding dual curves on the dual unit sphere to these DPERS are such that one of them is symmetric with respect to the imaginary symmetry axis of the other