595 research outputs found

    Polarization aspects of near-field radiation from nanoscale subwavelength apertures

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    It is demonstrated that a square nanoaperture can mediate polarized diffractionlimited radiation into nanoscale optical spots with the same polarization. A rectangular nanoaperture can convert linearly-polarized diffraction-limited radiation into circularly and elliptically-polarized nanoscale optical spots

    Birefringent and dichroic behaviour of plasmonic nano-antennas

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    Birefringence and dichroism of plasmonic nano-antennas are investigated. We demonstrate that birefringent and dichroic behaviour of a cross-dipole nanoantenna is due to a length difference, and a relative plasmonic enhancement of the antenna particles, respectively

    Music In Transit: Musical Practices Of The Chaldean-Iraqı Migrants In Istanbul

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    Tez (Doktora) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2015Thesis (Ph.D.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2015Irak'ta özellikle 2003 yılında gerçekleşen işgal sonrasında Hıristiyanlara yönelen saldırılardan etkilenen Iraklı-Keldani Katolikler, aralarında Türkiye'nin de bulunduğu komşu ülkelere giriş yaparak mülteci statüsü almak ve üçüncü bir ülkeye yerleşmek için Birleşmiş Milletler'e başvuruda bulunmakta ve resmi işlemlerinin tamamlanmasını bekledikleri bu süreçte transit göçmenler olarak ikinci ülkelerde belirsiz bir süre geçirmektedirler. Bu çalışma, söz konusu topluluğun İstanbul'da geçirdikleri süre zarfında gerçekleştirdikleri müzik pratiklerini çok yönlü bir şekilde (dini-din dışı, icra-dinleme, amatör-profesyonel) incelerken, topluluğun geçiciliğini merkeze alarak, bu geçiciliğin topluluğun müziksel etkinlikleri üzerindeki etkilerini araştırmaktadır. Çalışma bu bağlamda, geçici ve yerleşik göçmen topluluklarının müzik pratikleri arasındaki farklara dikkat çekerken, etnomüzikoloji disiplini içindeki göç çalışmaları literatürünün yerleşik göçmen toplulukların müzik pratiklerinin incelenmesi üzerinden vardığı sonuçların geçici göçmen topluluklara ne düzeyde uygulanabileceğini de tartışmaktadır.There has been a mass emigration from Iraq that gained speed following the 2003 invasion, eventually reaching four million people. Even though not all of those fleeing were Christians, the Christian communities constituted some of the ethnic groups who were severely affected by the ongoing situation in the country. This study takes a multi-dimensional look at the musical practices of the community, including the sacred-secular, performance-listening, and professional-amateur features of them. In regards to the musical practices, the differentiations between the permanent and temporary migration constitute the core of the study. In this respect, while pointing out these differences, I discuss the applicability of the theoretical framework of the migration studies in ethnomusicology that focus on the permanent migrant communities and their musical production.DoktoraPh.D

    Biset functors and brauer's induction theorem

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.We introduce two algebras on the endomorphism ring of the direct sum of character rings of groups from some collection. We prove the equality of these algebras to simplify a step in the proof of Brauer’s Induction Theorem. We also show that these algebras are isomorphic to the direct sum of character rings of the direct products of the groups from the collection.Öğüt, İsmail AlperenM.S

    The Effect Of Online Reviews On Hotel Pricing

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    Current studies show that online hotel bookings are growing constantly as consumer increasingly uses Internet for the arrangement of their travel. One of the important factor in online hotel booking is the rating and review of past customers. However, the impact of online reviews are not fully explored in online hotel booking setting. For that purpose, we choose two most popular tourist destinations in the world: Paris and London. Our analysis shows that both stars ratings and customer reviews positively affect hotel pricing. Besides, high stars hotels benefit more from higher customer satisfaction. The implication of these results is that hotels should strive to please customer as their future revenue depends on the satisfaction of previous users. This study also guides hotel manager how to make price decisions of hotel room

    A gossypiboma masquerading as a mesenteric cyst

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    Gossypiboma refers to foreign bodies left inside the body during surgery, such as sponges and gauze. These foreign bodies represent a significant cause of morbidity and mortality.A 57-year-old female presented to us with right upper abdominal pain. Her past history was non-contributory except for an open cholecystectomy 20 years previously. A physical examination revealed tenderness to palpation on the right of the abdomen, while the remaining examination was normal. An abdominal computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan revealed a well-defined calcified mass of 5 cm that was compatible with a mesenteric cyst. During surgery, the mass was found to be adherent to the mesocolon and to have invaded the colon wall. A right hemicolectomy and ileotransverse anastomosis was performed. The pathological mass was considered to be a gossypiboma that had been left behind during the earlier cholecystectomy. The body’s reaction to the foreign body was seen to extend beyond the lamina propria and muscularis propria. Gossypiboma is an undesired and life-threatening but preventable surgical complication. This condition may present with nonspecific findings and a clinical scenario that mimics various disorders, even after many years. A diagnosis of gossypiboma should be kept in mind for patients with a history of previous operations and undergoing surgery due to the suspicion of a mesenteric cyst