83 research outputs found

    Population structure and genetic association studies in wheat

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    To define genetic diversity and population structure among a collection of wheat cultivars and lines of mainly European origin, Kompetitive Allele Specific PCR (KASP) technology was used to characterize a population of 95 bread wheat genotypes. In total, 860 of 960 tested markers were polymorphic and could be used for further analysis. Four subgroups of wheat genotypes were identified using Neighbor Joining (NJ) cluster analysis. Two of this subgroups comprised mainly varieties from Hungarian breeding programs (GrI, GrII); one subgroup contained varieties from Western Europe (Grill) and one contained varieties with various origin (GrIV). GrI mainly contained genotypes originated from crosses including GK Kincső (Arthur 71/Sava) as one of the parents, or derivatives of this genotype. The results of this study should provide valuable information for future association mapping studies using this wheat collection. Furthermore, the genetic diversity and distance data combined with specific genotype data can be used by breeders to guide selection of crossing parents

    Derivation of the Fundamental Missile Guidance Equations

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    Kriogén hajtóanyagok a polgári repülés területén

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    A légi közlekedés növekedésének hatására az elmúlt évtizedekben (1960–2018) az ágazat CO2-kibocsátása 6,8 millió tonnáról 1034 millió tonnára nőtt. Az ICAO globális CO2-csökkentési törekvéseinek elérését célzó intézkedéscsomag fontos technológiai elvárásokat fogalmaz meg a hajtóműgyártókkal szemben is. Ennek megfelelően a gyártók, illetve egyetemi kutatói csoportokkal és kutatóintézetekkel alkotott konzorciumaik lázasan keresik a megoldásokat.Ezek a kutatások kiterjednek új működési alapelvek, szerkezeti megoldások, szerkezeti anyagok, illetve új hajtóanyagok lehetséges alkalmazására is. Az előadást a cseppfolyósított földgáz (LNG1) és kerozint égető, úgynevezett Multi-Fuel Hybrid Engine (MFHE) koncepciója ihlette, feldolgozva a Feijia Yin és társai Performance assessment of a multi-fuel hybrid engine for future aircraft cikkét [6], másrészt vizsgáljuk, hogy az LNG, illetve az LH22 alkalmazása hogyan érinti a repülőgép-hajtóművek tüzelőanyag-hatékonyságát és a várható teljesítményét a kerozin hajtóanyaggal összehasonlítva

    Population structure and genetic association studies in wheat

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    To define genetic diversity and population structure among a collection of wheat cultivars and lines of mainly European origin, Kompetitive Allele Specific PCR (KASP) technology was used to characterize a population of 95 bread wheat genotypes. In total, 860 of 960 tested markers were polymorphic and could be used for further analysis. Four subgroups of wheat genotypes were identified using Neighbor Joining (NJ) cluster analysis. Two of this subgroups comprised mainly varieties from Hungarian breeding programs (GrI, GrII); one subgroup contained varieties from Western Europe (Grill) and one contained varieties with various origin (GrIV). GrI mainly contained genotypes originated from crosses including GK Kincső (Arthur 71/Sava) as one of the parents, or derivatives of this genotype. The results of this study should provide valuable information for future association mapping studies using this wheat collection. Furthermore, the genetic diversity and distance data combined with specific genotype data can be used by breeders to guide selection of crossing parents