89 research outputs found
Análisis de los deberes del deporte en la universidad: ética cívica, derechos humanos, ética del deporte y fair play
This article analyses the moral duties on the operation of the Sports Departments at Universities. Deontology, from the Greek Deon (duty) and logy (treated), refers to the sphere of duty. This ethical perspective, which is a key precursor from the German philosopher Immanuel Kant, raises the need to assume the duties that must be followed in interaction with others. In this sense the moral duties, as essential components of any code of ethics, guide the management model of Sports Departments at Universities. They have to undertake them in order to achieve its inner goal. Particularly, the article provides a panoramic analysis covering from the broadest to the most specific sources such as civic ethics, human rights, ethics of sport and Fair Play
Innovación pedagógica en educación física: una propuesta de orientación basada en AICLE
In today's society, languages, especially English language, have acquired great relevance due to the unstoppable process of globalization. Schools must adapt to these kind of social demands. Because of this fact, methodologies such as Content Led Integrated Language Learning (CLIL) are being used more and more often. Here a didactic unit for working orienteering by using CLIL is proposed in order to demonstrate that Physical Education (PE) provides a suitable context in which the use of the language is significant and relevant. Through this proposal, it is shown the great potential of PE to enhance language learning
Juegos motores para niños y niñas con parálisis cerebral
This paper suggests using motor games with children with functional diversity, specifically, with cerebral palsy. As any other child, those with cerebral palsy should play and learn while playing. The characteristics of these children are described because knowing about them will help to adapt the motor games so that they will take more advantage of the benefits of this methodological tool. This is the reason why here some methodological indications are explained, because if they are taken into account, children with cerebral palsy will be more easily included in the games and will take more profit from them
El lugar del deporte en la universidad dentro del sistema deportivo
The goal of this paper is to explain the place of sports in college within the sports Spanish system. This will reveal the similarities and differences with other subsystems of the sporting event, in order to achieve the definition and delimitation of sport in college. Around the multiplicity of conceptions concerning the organization and structuring of the sporting event, there is a wide range of aspects. Just as there are different models or ways of understanding the sport, there are also different entities managing it from their respective positions. Thus, this paper reports the state of the sport in college from the analysis of its structure, goals and functions
Teaching physical education in English using CLIL methodology: a critical perspective
Relatively little research has been carried out in Europe on teaching Physical Education (PE) in English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) using the CLIL method. Although CLIL is widely used throughout Europe, the PE content is often limited merely to technical-practical skills without any significant links to a socio-cultural context, critical thinking and/or knowledge acquisition. The aim of this study is to integrate CLIL with the epistemological perspective of critical pedagogy applied to physical education (Kirk, 2014). A theoretical 'deconstructive' method will be used to provide guidelines for teaching physical education through CLIL. A cultural content based on language, culture and knowledge 'in action' (Schön, 1987) will be proposed
Perspectivas actuales de la filosofía y la pedagogía del deporte
La filosofía del deporte, al igual que la pedagogía, la historia y otros estudios humanísticos alrededor del fenómeno deportivo, ha permanecido tradicionalmente en un segundo plano en facultades e instituciones educativas, incluso en aquellas cuyo fin es, precisamente, comprender adecuadamente cómo y por qué jugamos del modo que lo hacemos y con qué finalidades (Kretchmar, 2005). En una reciente editorial de la revista Sport, Ethics and Philosophy, Michael McNamee (2015) hace un repaso de la actualidad, exponiendo cómo a pesar de que la disciplina no para de crecer y ganar protagonismo, sobre todo en el ámbito editorial, no acaba de hacerse el hueco pertinente en la academia. Por otro lado, este planteamiento deja entrever que algo debería mejorar en la filosofía del deporte, ya que ningún filósofo o, sobre todo, experto en ética del deporte, forma parte de los comités de decisión de las instituciones deportivas que tantas veces aparecen en los medios por casos de corrupción. Ni siquiera, y esto es opinión de los autores que aquí escriben, aunque sea como opción estratégica para aparentar una imagen presumiblemente ética (Chiva, 2014; López Frías, 2014)
Anxiety and Bodily Pain in Older Women Participants in a Physical Education Program. A Multiple Moderated Mediation Analysis
A special thanks to all participants in this study. Furthermore, thanks to the Sport Department
of the Málaga Provincial Government (Spain) and the agreement of this institution with the University of Granada
for the doctoral thesis of Pedro Jesús Ruiz-Montero to be performed with older people from the Province of Malaga.(1) Background: Bodily pain is normally associated with the consequences of ageing,
whereas anxiety shows a high prevalence in elderly people, decreasing the health-related quality
of life (HRQoL). Pain coping strategies are used to reduce the consequences of pain, specifically in
older people. This study analyzed if the passive and active pain coping strategies were significant
moderators in the link between anxiety and bodily pain with a physical component as a mediator.
(2) Methods: This cross-sectional study consisted of older women between 60 and 90 years old
from small villages with under 5000 inhabitants, of whom 53.8% of the total were participants of
a physical education program. Participants of the present study completed all sociodemographic
(living alone/accompanied, marital and educational status, number of illnesses, and level of physical
activity (PA)) and clinical (anxiety, HRQoL, and pain coping strategies) questionnaires. Anxiety was
assessed by the Hospitality Anxiety and Depression Scale (HAD), passive and active strategies by the
Vanderbilt Pain Management Inventory (VPMI), and bodily pain and the physical component by the
SF-36 questionnaire. (3) Results: The physical component positively predicted bodily pain (p < 0.001)
and passive strategies significantly moderated the effect of anxiety on the physical component
(p = 0.034). (4) Conclusions: These outcomes help to understand the link between anxiety and bodily
pain in older women and the moderation of pain coping strategies in this relationship. In addition,
the physical component should be considered when physical education programs aimed at the
reduction of bodily pain through the management of anxiety are designed.It was supported by Malaga Provincial
Government (Spain)
La pedagogía del deporte desde una interpretación filosófico-hermenéutica agonal
El artículo analiza la pedagogía del deporte empleando un enfoque hermenéutico basado en interpretar la esencia del deporte, a raíz del contraste entre la vertiente agonal, que se relaciona con el ámbito educativo, y la certaminal, más cercana al competitivo. De la confrontación entre los valores antiguos y modernos del deporte emerge la pedagogía agonal, cuyo espíritu, además, permite comprender la interrelación entre la democracia y el deporte, regulados en ambos casos por el enfrentamiento dialógico (agonal) y dialéctico (certaminal) aplicado a partir de principios comunitarios. Finalmente, se sugieren algunos principios metodológicos para la aplicación de la pedagogía deportiva agonal
Características del Aprendizaje Integrado de Contenidos de Educación Física y Lengua Extranjera
Learning English has become one of the main objectives for the educational system and it has been suggested that the learning of this language is done through content. Due to physical education's characteristics and idiosyncrasy, it seems to be one of the most likely subjects to use English as the language of communication. However, to use it properly, many points have to be considered paying attention to both the peculiarities of physical education and the language learning theories. This paper analyses these singularities linking them with some of the key factors of content and language integrated learning (CLIL). In order to improve English learning, the role of the language is highlighted, but taking account the fact that physical education's features must be preserved. Finally, to test and evaluate the implementation of the theoretical framework, we present an empirical and practical learning experience that contrasts and highlights these arguments
Evolución de la educación permanente y tendencias en el siglo XXI
Dado que la Educación Permanente ocupa hoy en día un lugar relevante, el presente artículo plantea la visión de la evolución de la educación permanente y dos tendencias bien diferenciadas que, a nuestro juicio, emergen por una parte desde la UNESCO y por otra desde la Unión Europea. Todo esto para llegar a reflexionar sobre el paradigma filosófico-educativo más adecuado para la educación permanente en una escuela de adultos del Siglo XXI. En definitiva, se argumenta la necesidad de potenciar un perfil de profesorado que permita desarrollar una educación integral para todos y a lo largo de toda la vida
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