26 research outputs found
Examination of Y-Chromosomal Microdeletions and Partial Microdeletions in Idiopathic Infertility in East Hungarian Patients
The Small Heat Shock Protein, HSPB1, Interacts with and Modulates the Physical Structure of Membranes
Small heat shock proteins (sHSPs) have been demonstrated to interact with lipids and modulate the physical state of membranes across species. Through these interactions, sHSPs contribute to the maintenance of membrane integrity. HSPB1 is a major sHSP in mammals, but its lipid interaction profile has so far been unexplored. In this study, we characterized the interaction between HSPB1 and phospholipids. HSPB1 not only associated with membranes via membrane-forming lipids, but also showed a strong affinity towards highly fluid membranes. It participated in the modulation of the physical properties of the interacting membranes by altering rotational and lateral lipid mobility. In addition, the in vivo expression of HSPB1 greatly affected the phase behavior of the plasma membrane under membrane fluidizing stress conditions. In light of our current findings, we propose a new function for HSPB1 as a membrane chaperone
Molecular Analysis of Cystic Fibrosis Patients in Hungary - an Update to the Mutational Spectrum
Label-Free Semiquantitative Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry Proteomics Analysis of Laryngeal/Hypopharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma on Formalin-Fixed, Paraffin-Embedded Tissue Samples - a Pilot Study
Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the head and neck region is the sixth most frequent malignancy with high mortality rate. Due to its poor prognosis it is considered a growing public health problem worldwide inspite of existing treatment modalities. Thus, early diagnosis of new diseases and recurrences is emerging on one hand, but on the other hand troublesome in the lack of reliable tumor markers in this field. The rapid development of proteomics has opened new perspectives in tumor marker discovery. Liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS) as the gold standard in proteomics enables the semi-quantitative analysis of proteins within various tissues. Abundance differences between tumor and normal tissue also can be interpreted as tumor specific changes. The aim of this study was to identify potential tumor markers of laryngeal/hypopharyngeal SCC by revealing abundance changes between cancerous and the surrounding phenotypically healthy tissue. After separating the phenotypically cancerous and healthy parts of formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues, each sample underwent protein recovery process and tryptic digestion for label-free semi-quantitative LC/MS analysis. Eight proteins showed significantly higher abundance in tumor including tenascin, transmembrane emp24 domain-containing protein 2, cytoplasmic dynein light chain 1, coactosin-like protein, small proline-rich protein 2D, nucleolin, U5 small nuclear RNP 200-kDa helicase and fatty aldehyde dehydrogenase. Desmoglein-1 and keratin type I cytoskeletal 9 were down-regulated in tumor. Using Ingenuity Pathway Analysis we mapped the signaling pathways these proteins play role in regarding other tumors. Based on these findings these proteins may serve as promising biomarkers in the fight against laryngeal/hypopharyngeal SCCs
Mechanochemical P-derivatization of 1,3,5-Triaza-7-Phosphaadamantane (PTA) and Silver-Based Coordination Polymers Obtained from the Resulting Phosphabetaines
We have described earlier that in aqueous solutions, the reaction of 1,3,5-triaza-7-phosphaadamantane (PTA) with maleic acid yielded a phosphonium-alkanoate zwitterion. The same reaction with 2-methylmaleic acid (citraconic acid) proceeded much slower. It is reported here, that in the case of glutaconic and itaconic acids (constitutional isomers of citraconic acid), formation of the corresponding phosphabetaines requires significantly shorter reaction times. The new phosphabetaines were isolated and characterized by elemental analysis, multinuclear NMR spectroscopy and ESI-MS spectrometry. Furthermore, their molecular structures in the solid state were determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction (SC-XRD). Synthesis of the phosphabetaines from PTA and unsaturated dicarboxylic acids was also carried out mechanochemically with the use of a planetary ball mill, and the characteristics of the syntheses in solvent and under solvent-free conditions were compared. In aqueous solutions, the reaction of the new phosphabetaines with Ag(CF3SO3) yielded Ag(I)-based coordination polymers. According to the SC-XRD results, in these polymers the Ag(I)-ion coordinates to the N and O donor atoms of the ligands; however, Ag(I)-Ag(I) interactions were also identified. The Ag(I)-based coordination polymer (CP1.2) formed with the glutaconyl derivative of PTA (1) showed considerable antimicrobial activity against both Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria and yeast strain
The Small Heat Shock Protein, HSPB1, Interacts with and Modulates the Physical Structure of Membranes
Hungarian Linguistic, Cross-Cultural and Age Adaptation of Transition Specific Questionnaires in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Objective: In the TRANS–IBD clinical trial, the outcomes are measured with selected validated questionnaires. Cross-cultural and age adaptations of the Self-Efficacy Scale for adolescents and young adults (IBD–SES), the Transition Readiness Assessment Questionnaire (TRAQ), and the Self-Management and Transition Readiness Questionnaire (STARx) were performed. Methods: Linguistic and cultural adaptation was carried out with the usage of reliability coefficients (Cronbach’s α coefficients, Spearman’s rank correlation), and with confirmatory factor analysis (CFA; root Mean Square Error of Approximation [RMSEA], Comparative Fit Index [CFI], and Tucker-Lewis Index [TLI]). Results: 112 adolescents participated in the study (45.5% male, mean age 17 ± 1.98 years). CFA was acceptable in the IBD–SES and the TRAQ. Internal consistency was acceptable in IBD–SES and good in TRAQ (0.729; 0.865, respectively). Test–retest reliability was good in IBD–SES, but below the acceptable threshold in TRAQ (ρ = 0.819; ρ = 0.034). In STARx tools, RMSEA showed poor fit values, CFI and TLI were below acceptable fit values, and internal consistency was not satisfied (0.415; 0.693, respectively), while test–retest reliabilities were acceptable (ρ = 0.787; ρ = 0.788, respectively). Conclusions: Cross-cultural, age-specific adaptation was successfully completed with IBD–SES and TRAQ. Those are comparable to the original validated versions. The adaption of the STARx tools was not successful
A tanulás affektív pszichológiai nézőpontból
A tanulmány a pszichológiában lezajlott affektív forradalom főbb lépéseit összegzi. Ez az új megközelítés a kognitív és konatív mozzanatok mellett az affektív folyamatok fontosságát hangsúlyozza. Számos tanulmány kerül bemutatásra, amelyek az affektív folyamatok fontosságát igazolják. Körvonalazódik, hogy az affektív háttér alapvetően befolyásolhatja a megismerő folyamatokat: a figyelmet, emlékezetet, problémamegoldást, döntéshozást, stb. A kötődéselmélet keretében a tanár-diák interakció is elemzésre kerül. A szerzők két, a téma szempontjából fontos empirikus kutatásuk főbb eredményeit is összegzik: az egyik a szuggesztív tanáregyéniségek ismérveit, a másik az egyetemi hallgatók előadóikhoz főződő archaikus érzéseit tárta fel