276 research outputs found

    How national culture and parental style affect the process of adolescents’ ecological resocialization

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    The role of adolescents as influencers on their families’ environmental behavior is potentially a catalyst for change towards increasing eco-friendly actions. In this paper, the authors report on a cross-cultural study of ecological resocialization in France and India. Using in-depth dyadic interviews, they investigated parental styles, cultural attributes and extent of adolescents’ influence over parental eco-behavior. The study reveals that ecological resocialization across countries differs substantially, according to a combination of national cultural values, parental style and influence strategy. French teens exhibit a greater impact than Indian teens on their parents’ eco-behavior and use bilateral influence strategies. In India, not all mothers engage in ecological resocialization, but those who do are susceptible to unilateral strategies. The role of environmental knowledge, and the context and effectiveness of each kind of strategy is discussed. The findings have implications for how public policy officials and agencies can encourage adolescents as key resocialization agents to influence their parents’ pro-environmental consumption by using the most adapted influence strategy across cultures

    Preferensi Masyarakat Terhadap Kondisi Fisik Taman Honda Tebet

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    Taman kota ibarat oase di padang pasir beton di perkotaan, sehingga keberadaannya membuat warga kota hidup lebih manusiawi. Namun begitu kondisi fisik taman yang seperti apakah yang membuat warga memilih suatu taman kota untuk dikunjungi? untuk menjawabnya maka dilakukan penelitian ini, maka diambillah teori preferensi untuk mengupasnya. Sehingga penelitian ini bertujuan meneliti kecenderungan masyarakat memilih Taman Honda Tebet jika dilihat dari preferensinya. Metode yang digunakan adalah Post Positivistik Rasionalistik, karena kesimpulan yang dihasilkan oleh penelitian di Honda Tebet ini, diharapkan dapat melengkapi teori sebelumnya. Dan dari penelitian ini dihasilkan kesimpulan bahwa kondisi fisik taman Tebet sebagai RTH public, Playground maupun Tempat Rekreasi terbukti secara signifikan berkaitan atau berpengaruh terhadap masing-masing aspek preferensi yaitu koherensi, kompleksitas, misteri dan keterbacaan

    Hubungan Kampus D1 Universitas Mercubuana dengan Keberagaman Activity Support di Sekitarnya (Lokasi Activity Support : Ruas Jalan Ganceng)

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    Kawasan kampus D1 Universitas Mercubuana terletak di jalan raya Kranggan yang sedang berkembang permukimannya. Dan pada Kenyataannya activity support terus berkembang di sekitar kampus ini. Apakah pertumbuhan activity support ada karena keberadaan kampus ataukah karena Perumahan-Perumahan baru di sekitarnya? Ini merupakan permasalahan yang diangkat pada penelitian ini. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengupasnya adalah kualitatif deskriptif. Dan hasil survey yang didapat ternyata memang menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar konsumen yang dituju oleh activity support- activity support ini adalah para mahasiswa kampus D1 Universitas Mercubuana. Penelitian ini mengambil responden yang berada di jalan Ganceng yang terletak di samping kampus, dan disarankan bagi peneliti lain untuk melakukan penelitian serupa yang mengambil responden dari lokasi lain

    Does bad company corrupt good morals? Social bonding and academic cheating among French and Chinese teens.

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    A well-known common wisdom asserts that strong social bonds undermine delinquency. However, there is little empirical evidence to substantiate this assertion regarding adolescence academic cheating across cultures. In this study, we adopt social bonding theory and develop a theoretical model involving four social bonds (parental attachment, academic commitment, peer involvement, and moral values) and adolescence self-reported academic cheating behavior and cheating perception. Based on 913 adolescents (average age = 15.88) in France (n = 429) and China (n = 484), we show that parental attachment, academic commitment, and moral values curb academic cheating; counter-intuitively, peer involvement contributes to cheating. We test our theoretical model across culture and gender, separately, using multi-group analyses. For French teens, peer involvement encourages and moral values undermine cheating; for Chinese adolescents, all four social bonds contribute to cheating, similar to the whole sample. For girls, parental attachment deters, but peer involvement enhances cheating. For boys, parental attachment is the only social bond that does not affect cheating. We treat social integration (popularity) as a mediator of the relationship between peer involvement and cheating and ask: Considering popularity, who are likely to cheat? Our answers provide an interesting paradox: Popularity matters, yet popular French girls and unpopular Chinese boys are likely to cheat. Social sharing is a positive pro-social behavior in consumer behavior. We shed new lights on both the bright and dark sides of social bonds on cheating, demonstrate bad company corrupts good morals, differently, across culture and gender, and provide practical implications to social bonding, business ethics, and cheating. Keywords: Social bond, Classroom cheating, Adolescent, Cross-cultural, France, China, Gender, Moderator, Mediator, Sharing, Social Integration, Dishonesty, Massacr

    It’s part of the “new normal”: Does a global pandemic change employees’ perception of teleworking?

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    This paper fills an important gap related to employee perceptions of teleworking during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Drawing on the work/family border and task-technology fit theories, we propose and empirically test a new model using data collected from 483 employees. Our findings suggest that social well-being, work-family balance and task-technology fit during the pandemic are positively related to teleworking performance. In addition, teleworking performance during the pandemic affects employees’ intention to continue to telework and career engagement after the pandemic. Also, we offer evidence of the impact of the moderating effect of factors contributing to the digital divide in this context. Our findings contribute to the teleworking literature, by proposing a model which provides insights into employees’ perceptions of teleworking during the pandemic and how this affects their intention to telework and career engagement after the pandemic. Our research has multiple implications for employers, policy makers and technology developers

    Application of bioleaching to copper mining in Chile

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    Background: Bioleaching of minerals is a process that allows the treatment of insoluble sulphides and insoluble oxides via hydrometallurgy, as opposed to the more traditional technology of pyrometallurgy. Bioleaching presents several technological, environmental and economic advantages as compared with pyrometallurgy, as well as some limitations. Results: In this work a general panorama of copper mining and biomining, the influence of the most relevant operating variables and their present and future situation in Chile are presented and discussed. Conclusions: Today, Chile plays an important role in the development and commercial application of bioleaching to copper ores. This background information allows predicting a brilliant future for this technology in Chile, as has been forecasted in the last years

    Identity (Re)construction through sharing:a study of mother and teenage daughter dyads in France and Japan

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    We use the transitional and liminal stage when daughters enter adolescence to investigate how sharing practices within families are employed as a resource in identity work. We show the importance of “sharing in” within some French dyads, as a means for discovering new life projects and for rediscovering past identity projects driven by self-expressive motivations. In contrast, Japanese dyads are often reluctant to share personal possessions (sharing out) in order to maintain hierarchical relationships (affiliation motivations) and remain fashionably up-to-date (self-expressive motivations) in their identity work, and in their drive to maintain and prolong their mothering role. In order to better target adolescent girls’ mothers, retailers could develop more clothing appeals based on inter-generational approaches in France and intra-generational approaches in Japan

    Optimisation of the solids suspension conditions in a continuous stirred tank reactor for the biooxidation of refractory gold concentrates

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    The large-scale biooxidation of gold concentrates is usually carried on in continuous stirred tank reactors (CSTR). Attaining homogeneous slurries is a difficult task, as solids tend to stratify in the tank. The objective of this work was to determine the optimal conditions of agitation in a CSTR so to obtain the best solids suspension. The experiments were performed in a 5 litre glass tank operated with 3 litres of 6% w/v slurry. The impellers (pitched blade turbine or marine propeller) were placed at heights of 6.7 to 13.4 cm from the bottom and operated at 370 to 1040 rpm, with specific aeration rates of 0.3 to 3.7 vvm. A statistical experimental design was used which allowed the derivation of a model representing response surfaces of the exit and mean solids concentration as a function of the impeller type, impeller distance from the bottom and aeration and agitation rates. During the experiments no solids were deposited on the bottom and the solids concentration near the bottom was always higher than that of the top region. At the optimal conditions for each type of impeller, the marine propeller required agitation rates about 15 to 22% higher than the pitched blade turbine. Nevertheless it is concluded that the marine helix is preferable because it requires less power and produces a more homogeneous suspension
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