657 research outputs found
Comparaison des indicateurs dâefficacitĂ© et des indicateurs Ă©conomiques des navires de pĂȘche dans le cas dâune multi-production
Les situations de surcapacitĂ© sont rĂ©currentes dans lâactivitĂ© dâexploitation des ressources marines vivantes. Les mesures de capacitĂ© dâutilisation et dâefficacitĂ© des navires de pĂȘche deviennent dĂšs lors nĂ©cessaires. Dans cet article, la mĂ©thode DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) est utilisĂ©e dans le cas dâune multi-production. Les donnĂ©es de production et dâutilisation des inputs des navires de pĂȘche sont disponibles sur une base mensuelle pour la pĂ©riode 1994-2003. Les indicateurs dâefficacitĂ© des navires sont ensuite comparĂ©s Ă des indicateurs de performance Ă©conomique issus dâune base de donnĂ©es comptables. Il ressort de lâanalyse que les navires les plus performants en terme dâefficacitĂ© nâobtiennent pas nĂ©cessairement les meilleurs rĂ©sultats Ă©conomiques. Ceci est surtout vĂ©rifiĂ© pour les plus petites unitĂ©s dont le comportement est plus hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšne que les navires de plus grande capacitĂ© potentielle de production.optimisation techniques, capacity, fishery
Les complaintes judiciaires
Tout est prĂ©texte Ă chansons dans les rues de Paris sous lâAncien RĂ©gime. Cantiques, chansons politiques, lĂ©gĂšres ou Ă boire, trouvent ainsi une diffusion efficace au travers des chanteurs ambulants. Dans cette diversitĂ© de genre, la complainte judiciaire prĂ©sente un statut particulier. VĂȘtu plus sobrement, presque religieusement, le chanteur de complaintes Ă©volue Ă lâĂ©cart du brouhaha du Pont-Neuf et de ses quais adjacents. Une brĂšve formule dâappel, une longue narration suivie dâune morale Ă©difiante, ainsi se rĂ©sume le scĂ©nario dâun genre essentiellement stĂ©rĂ©otypĂ©. Il adopte le plus souvent le ton de la confession et se chante sur un air connu ou nouveau. Le choix des mĂ©lodies rĂ©vĂšle alors de vĂ©ritables stratĂ©gies. Michel Leclerc, le vielleur du Pont-Neuf, prĂ©sent sur quelques estampes, est lâun de ces chanteurs spĂ©cialistes. Au XIXĂšme siĂšcle, la complainte de FualdĂšs, et lâaffaire du mĂȘme nom, inaugurent une Ăšre nouvelle. Compte-rendu dâaudience, mais aussi expression de la rumeur collective et de ses archĂ©types, la complainte accompagne alors le succĂšs grandissant des canards.Everything can be sung in the streets of Paris in the old Regime. Hymns, carols, all sorts of songs such as political, ribald or drinking ones can easily be spread out by strolling singers. In such a variety of genre, the criminal ballad is very special. Dressed soberly, almost religiously, the ballad-singer sings away from the âbrouhahaâ of the Pont-Neuf and its surrounding embankments. A quick singing invitation, a long narration followed by an edifying conclusion, this can be the summery of a stereotyped genre. It usually embraces a tone of confession and can be sung on a well-known or new air. The choice of tunes proved to be real strategies. Michel Leclerc, the hurdy-gurdy man from the Pont-Neuf, is one of them, very famous indeed at his time. In the nineteenth, the FualdĂšsâ ballad, and all that happened around this trial, opens a new period. Reports of the Court, but in the same time expression of the common report and its archetypes, the criminal ballad comes with the growing success of âcanardsâ
Mission repérage(s) : un élu, un artiste
« Mission RepĂ©rage » est une expĂ©rience rĂ©alisĂ©e dans treize villes de France pendant trois ans (2002 Ă 2005). Elle met en contact un Ă©lu et un artiste qui, pendant une journĂ©e, se promĂšnent dans la ville pour Ă©changer leurs Ă©motions et imaginer des possibles projets urbains.âOn Locationâ was an experience that was carried out in thirteen cities in France over a period of three years (2002 Ă 2005). It consisted in matching the mayor, or an elected official, with an artist so that they could explore the city on foot for an entire day and give free rein to their imaginations. The goal of this experience of shared emotions and brain storming is to envisage possible urban projects
One health: biodiversity and environmental ecosystemic services
Le Flocâh Y. Une santĂ© : biodiversitĂ© et service Ă©cosystĂ©mique dans lâenvironnement. In: Bulletin de l'AcadĂ©mie VĂ©tĂ©rinaire de France tome 172 n°1, 2019. pp. 7-10
Animals as mediators of human
Le Flocâh Y. Lâanimal mĂ©diateur dans la santĂ© de lâhomme. In: Bulletin de l'AcadĂ©mie VĂ©tĂ©rinaire de France tome 172, 2019. pp. 42-44
The study of Hydrography at French institutes ENSTA Bretagne, Cnam/Intechmer and Shom/UBO
Every year, around 60 highly-qualified hydrographers graduate from the French institutions ENSTA Bretagne, Cnam Intechmer and Shom/UBO. These complementary teachings address both civilian and military demands. The survey practice is a key part of the training which ensure studentsâ ability to be quickly operational in the professional world. This paper outlines major fieldwork conducted by each school, where trainees acquire technical skills. To face these growing needs in terms of staff and equipment, French facilities actively cooperate. In particular, there are some bridges between educational programmes and also more global expertise and materials sharing.Les Ă©tablissements français Ă savoir lâENSTA Bretagne, Cnam Intechmer et le Shom/UBO forment chaque annĂ©e une soixantaine dâhydrographes. Ces formations complĂ©mentaires rĂ©pondent Ă la fois aux besoins civils et militaires. La composante pratique de la formation est fondamentale pour rendre ces futurs diplĂŽmĂ©s rapidement opĂ©rationnels dans le monde du travail. Ce papier prĂ©sente un projet terrain dâenvergure propre Ă chaque Ă©cole dans lequel les Ă©tudiants dĂ©veloppent leurs expertises techniques. Pour faire face aux besoins importants tant en termes dâencadrement que de matĂ©riel, les instituts collaborent activement entre eux. Il existe ainsi des passerelles inter-Ă©tablissements sur la formation, et des partages de compĂ©tence sur les enjeux actuels et futurs de lâhydrographieJedes Jahr schlieĂen rund 60 hochqualifizierte Hydrographen ihre Ausbildung an den französischen Institutionen ENSTA Bretagne, Cnam Intechmer und Shom/UBO ab. Diese sich ergĂ€nzenden Ausbildungen decken sowohl den zivilen als auch den militĂ€rischen Bedarf ab. Die Vermessungspraxis ist ein zentraler Bestandteil der Ausbildung, um die Studierenden schnell in der Berufswelt einsetzen zu können. In diesem Paper werden die wichtigsten von den einzelnen Schulen durchgefĂŒhrten Feldarbeiten beschrieben, bei denen die Studierenden technische FĂ€higkeiten erwerben. Um den hohen Bedarf an Personal und AusrĂŒstung zu decken, arbeiten die französischen Einrichtungen aktiv zusammen. Insbesondere gibt es einige BrĂŒcken zwischen Bildungsprogrammen und auch einen globaleren Austausch von Fachwissen und Materialien
Les activités de loisirs des enfants et des adolescents comme milieu de développement
Les activitĂ©s de loisirs, peu Ă©tudiĂ©es en France en psychologie du dĂ©veloppement, font lâobjet de nombreux travaux dans la littĂ©rature en particulier anglo-saxonne. ConsidĂ©rant ce dĂ©sĂ©quilibre, le but principal de cet article est de montrer en quoi, et comment, les loisirs constituent un environnement participant Ă lâĂ©volution et Ă la construction identitaire. ReconnaĂźtre ce rĂŽle invite les psychologues du dĂ©veloppement et de lâorientation Ă mieux les considĂ©rer dans leur pratique. AprĂšs avoir positionnĂ© le concept de loisirs comme un vĂ©ritable milieu, les relations rĂ©ciproques associant pratique de loisirs et dimensions sociales et cognitives du dĂ©veloppement seront prĂ©sentĂ©es, Ă partir dâune recension de travaux internationaux sur la question. Les facteurs socioculturels et psychologiques qui prĂ©ludent au choix des loisirs seront tout dâabord dĂ©crits, puis la question du rĂŽle propre des loisirs dans le dĂ©veloppement sera posĂ©e, en revenant plus particuliĂšrement sur les mĂ©canismes inter-et intra-individuels susceptibles de lâexpliquer.Leisure activities have attracted little attention in developmental psychology in France and have been studied to a greater extent internationally, particularly in the English-speaking countries. With this in mind, the principal aim of this article is to show how leisure contributes to the development and construction of identity. Recognition of this role of leisure should encourage developmental and counselling psychologists to take greater account of it in their work. After first establishing the specific role of leisure, the reciprocal relationships between leisure activities and aspects of social and cognitive development will be presented from a review of international work. The socio-cultural and psychological factors which determine the choice of leisure activities will be described. The specific role of these activities in development will then be discussed, in particular focusing on the inter-and intra-individual mechanisms that could be involved
The Cosmic Far-Infrared Background Buildup Since Redshift 2 at 70 and 160 microns in the COSMOS and GOODS fields
The Cosmic Far-Infrared Background (CIB) at wavelengths around 160 {\mu}m
corresponds to the peak intensity of the whole Extragalactic Background Light,
which is being measured with increasing accuracy. However, the build up of the
CIB emission as a function of redshift, is still not well known. Our goal is to
measure the CIB history at 70 {\mu}m and 160 {\mu}m at different redshifts, and
provide constraints for infrared galaxy evolution models. We use complete deep
Spitzer 24 {\mu}m catalogs down to about 80 {\mu}Jy, with spectroscopic and
photometric redshifts identifications, from the GOODS and COSMOS deep infrared
surveys covering 2 square degrees total. After cleaning the Spitzer/MIPS 70
{\mu}m and 160 {\mu}m maps from detected sources, we stacked the far-IR images
at the positions of the 24 {\mu}m sources in different redshift bins. We
measured the contribution of each stacked source to the total 70 and 160 {\mu}m
light, and compare with model predictions and recent far-IR measurements made
with Herschel/PACS on smaller fields. We have detected components of the 70 and
160 {\mu}m backgrounds in different redshift bins up to z ~ 2. The contribution
to the CIB is maximum at 0.3 <= z <= 0.9 at 160{\mu}m (and z <= 0.5 at 70
{\mu}m). A total of 81% (74%) of the 70 (160) {\mu}m background was emitted at
z < 1. We estimate that the AGN relative contribution to the far-IR CIB is less
than about 10% at z < 1.5. We provide a comprehensive view of the CIB buildup
at 24, 70, 100, 160 {\mu}m. IR galaxy models predicting a major contribution to
the CIB at z < 1 are in agreement with our measurements, while our results
discard other models that predict a peak of the background at higher redshifts.
Our results are available online http://www.ias.u-psud.fr/irgalaxies/ .Comment: Accepted in Astronomy & Astrophysic
The influence of fiscal regulations on investment in marine fisheries: A French case study
Analysing investment drivers in fisheries is essential in understanding the long-term development of fishing capacity. This paper addresses the drivers of investment in the French commercial fishing fleets operating along the Atlantic coast, and the role of public policies have had on investment. First, we examine the changes in the capital value of the fleet, which was strongly impacted by decommissioning schemes during the nineties. We then examine drivers of investment using an unbalanced panel data set describing the investment decisions of a sample of firms over the period 1994â2004. In addition to economic variables, the estimated models account for other factors that may have an impact on investment behaviour, including the different career phases of the skipper-owners. The study concludes with a discussion of the results, and in particular of the role of fiscal policy on observed investment strategies
Direct Measurement of the Photon Statistics of a Triggered Single Photon Source
We studied intensity fluctuations of a single photon source relying on the
pulsed excitation of the fluorescence of a single molecule at room temperature.
We directly measured the Mandel parameter Q(T) over 4 orders of magnitude of
observation timescale T, by recording every photocount. On timescale of a few
excitation periods, subpoissonian statistics is clearly observed and the
probablility of two-photons events is 10 times smaller than Poissonian pulses.
On longer times, blinking in the fluorescence, due to the molecular triplet
state, produces an excess of noise.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, 1 table submitted to Physical Review Letter
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