2,965 research outputs found

    Minimal bounds and members of effectively closed sets

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    We show that there exists a non-empty Π10\Pi^0_1 class, with no recursive element, in which no member is a minimal cover for any Turing degree.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, 1 acknowledgemen

    Basit Mesnetli Simetrik Çapraz- Ve Açili- Tabakali Kompozit Kirişlerin Etkileşimli Serbest Titreşimleri

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    Konferans Bildirisi -- Teorik ve Uygulamalı Mekanik Türk Milli Komitesi, 2008Conference Paper -- Theoretical and Applied Mechanical Turkish National Committee, 2008Basit mesnetli tabakalı kompozit kirişlerin düzlem-dışı eğilme ve burulma etkileşimli serbest titreşimleri ANSYS 10.0 yazılımı kullanılarak sonlu eleman yöntemiyle incelenmiştir. Dönme ataleti ve kayma deformasyonu etkileri analizde dikkate alınmıştır. Simetrik dizilişe sahip hem çapraz- hem de açılı-tabakalı kirişlere ait sayısal uygulamalar yapılmış, doğal frekanslar ve mod yapıları analiz edilmiştir. Tabaka açısı, malzeme elastisite modülü, boy/kalınlık ve genişlik/kalınlık oranları ile tabaka sayısının doğal frekansa etkileri parametrik olarak araştırılmıştır. Sonlu eleman modelinin geçerliliği, literatürde mevcut değerler ile karşılaştırma yapılarak gösterilmiştir.Coupled out-of-plane and torsional free vibrations of simply-supported laminated composite beams is studied by finite elements method using ANSYS 10.0 software. The rotary inertia and shear deformation effects have been included in the analysis. Numerical applications are carried out for symmetric cross- and angle-ply beams; natural frequencies and mode shapes are analyzed. Parametric studies are performed to study the effects of layer angle, material orthotropicity, length/thickness and width/thickness ratios and layer number on natural frequencies. The validity of the finite element model is shown by comparing the results with those available in the literature

    New political parties and the reconfiguration of Turkey's political landscape

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    The recent emergence of two splinter parties from the Justice and Development Party (AKP) points to a deepening crisis within the party and growing discontent toward party leader and president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Although the leaders of the two new parties, Ali Babacan and Ahmet Davutoğlu, are both former high-ranking AKP politicians, they differ significantly in their style of politics and ideological leanings. Babacan is trying to position himself at the center of Turkey's ideological spectrum and emphasize issues of good governance and the rule of law. Davutoğlu is aiming for the more conservative voters, focusing on the moral shortcomings of the current regime. Davutoğlu's strategy has better chances in the short term, whereas Babacan is poised for a long game. The importance of both parties relies on their potential to attract votes from the AKP base. In a country that is deeply divided into two almost equal-sized camps that support Erdoğan and oppose him, even a small fraction of votes shifting from the AKP to the opposition can be a game changer. (Autorenreferat

    Mazbut Vakıfların Tüzel Kişiliği ve Vakıf Üniversitelerine Kurucu Üye Olma Ehliyetleri

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    Turkey's military operations in Syria and Iraq

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    In the early hours of 18 April, Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) launched a military opera­tion inside Northern Iraq dubbed Claw-Lock. Simultaneously, Turkey intensified its military activities in Syria. Furthermore, on 23 May, President Tayyip Erdoğan an­nounced that Turkey will soon start a new military operation in Syria. These moves reflect Turkey's new military strategy, based on area control, against the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK). So far, this new approach has yielded military success. How­ever, it is precisely military success that is reinforcing the tendency to deal with the Kurdish problem only in terms of security and military solutions and to rule out any long-term political solution to the problem. Europe should continue to support efforts towards seeking a solution that also addresses the political dimensions of the problem. (author's abstract

    A dark literary tourist at the end of life: Tezer Özlü

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    The blending of dark tourism and literary tourism has created a sub-niche as dark literary tourism. It offers dissimilar experiences as it incorporates distinctive motivations from literary tourism and dark tourism. This study aims to provide a better understanding of dark literary tourism motivations and experiences by offering a perspective on the concept of dark literary tourism. For that purpose, the work Journey to the End of Life by Turkish author Tezer Özlü, in which she traced three authors, Franz Kafka, Italo Svevo, and Cesare Pavese, was selected. The work was subjected to qualitative textual analysis. As a result of the analysis, the data obtained on the concept of dark literary tourism were interpreted under three headings. The findings of the study show that dark literary tourists have both dark tourist and literary pilgrim motivations, travelling for motivations such as paying homage to authors and the past, understanding their feelings by establishing closeness and connection with the authors, empathizing with their suffering, acquiring the smallest details about their lives, and experiencing their daily lives. The most crucial finding of the study is that the dark literary tourism experience allows tourists an inner journey and provides awareness about their lives

    Hierarchical Multiverse of Sets

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    In this paper, I develop a novel version of the multiverse theory of sets called hierarchical pluralism by introducing the notion of `degrees of intentionality' of theories. The presented view is articulated for the purpose of reconciling epistemological realism and the multiverse theory of sets so as to preserve a considerable amount of epistemic objectivity when working with the multiverse theory. I give some arguments in favour of a hierarchical picture of the multiverse in which theories or models are thought to be ordered with respect to their plausibility, as a manifestation of endorsing the idea that some set theories are more plausible than others. The proposed multiverse account settles the pluralist's dilemma, the dichotomy that there is a trade-off between the richness of mathematical ontology and the objectivity of mathematical truth. The view also extends and serves as an alternative position to Balaguer's intention-based Platonism from which he claims that a certain version of mathematical pluralism follows

    Rüstem Paşa Camii Çinilerinde Lale ve Karanfil Motifleri

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    Rüstem Paşa Camii 16. yüzyılda Rüstem Paşa tarafından Mimar Sinan’a yaptırılan ilk sekizgen planlı camidir. Dışarıdan bakıldığında sade ve gösterişsiz duran caminin asıl zenginliği son cemaat yerinden başlayarak iç mekânda artan çini süslemeleridir. Devrin en güzel çini örneklerine sahiptir. Saray nakkaşhanesinde tasarlanan desenlerin tamamı İznik ve Kütahya’da yaptırılmıştır. Renk tercihi olarak kobalt mavi, turkuaz, yeşil, domates kırmızısı ve patlıcan moru tercih edilerek sır altı tekniğinde fırınlanmıştır. “Rüstem Paşa Camii Çinilerinde Lale ve Karanfil Motifleri” tez konusu olarak ele alınmıştır.Rüstem Paşa Camii’nde daha önce yapılan çeşitli araştırmalar azda olsa mevcuttur.Biz bu çalışmada, daha önce yapılan araştırmaları da göz önünde bulundurup, genişleterek lale ve karanfil motiflerini daha detaylı biçimde incelemek istedik. Dolayısıyla bu motiflerin tek tek incelemesi yapılmıştır. 27 ayrı kompozisyonda 66farklı lale motifi, 11farklı kompozisyonda ise42’si profil, 3’ümerkezsel olmak üzere 45 adet farklı karanfil motifine rastlanmıştır. Çalışma üç bölümden oluşmaktadır. Birinci bölümde Türk Çini sanatı, ikinci bölümde Mimar Sinan ve sanatı, üçüncü bölümde ise Rüstem Paşa, Rüstem Paşa Camii ve camideki lale ve karanfil motifleri ile laleve karanfillerdekiKara Memi üslubuna değinilmiştir.Rüstem PashaMosque is thefirstmosquethatwasbuilt on an octagonal plan by Sinan the Architect in the 16th century. Themosque is simpleandunpretentiousfrom an externalperspective, but majorvisualrichness of thebuilding is tileworksthatarestartingfromnarthexandincreasing inside. Rüstem PashaMosque has themostbeautifultilesamples in accordingtotheirownera. Theirallpatternsweredesigned in thecourtworkshopcallednakkaşhane. Andthen, theywerecreated in İznik and Kütahya. Cobaltblue, turquoise, green, tomatoredandeggplantpurplewerepreferred as colorchoices. Theywerebakedwiththeunderglazetechnique. "TheTulipandCarnationMotifs on TheTiles of Rüstem PashaMosque" is taken as thetopic of thisthesis. Wehavesomevarioussearchesabout Rüstem PashaMosque, but theyareveryfew. Inthisstudy, weconsideredallprevioussearches. Inaddition, weandwantedtoextendthemandanalyzetulipandcarnationmotifs in moredetail. Accordinglyallmotifswereanalyzedonebyone. As a result, sixtysixdifferenttulipmotifswerefound in twenty seven separatecompositions. Andalso, fortyfivedifferentcarnationmotifswerefound in elevenseparatecompositions. Thesecarnationmotifsincludedthreecentralsamplesandthe rest of themwereprofile. Thestudyconsists of threeparts. Thefirstsection is “TurkishTile Art” andthesecondone is “Sinan the Architect and His Life.” Inthe final section, “Rüstem Pashaand his mosquewerementioned. Inaddition, thetulipandcarnationmotifs on thetiles of Rüstem PashaMosqueandthestyle of Kara Memi in thesemotifswereexamined in detail