203 research outputs found

    Tranexamic Acid: A Potential Adjunct to Resectoscopic Endometrial Ablation

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    Abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) is a substantial cause of ill health in women worldwide. In this study, our aim was to evaluate the effectiveness of endometrial ablation using a modified urologic resectoscope along with tranexamic acid in AUB. Sixty patients were enrolled in this study. All patients underwent resectoscopic surgery. Patients were randomly divided into two groups. Group 1 (n = 30) received 500 mg of tranexamic acid. Group 2 (n = 30) served as the control group and underwent surgery without the administration of tranexamic acid. Total pictorial blood loss assessment chart (PBAC) scores were significantly lower postoperatively (152.14 +/- 9.65 versus 6.6 +/- 0.90; P 15 was lower in the tranexamic group (11 versus 17), but the differences were not statistically significant (P > 0.05). AUB is a complex disease that may need repeated treatments. In expert hands, the treatment rate of resectoscopic surgery seems acceptable. However, some patients may require additional interventions, like repeated surgery, hysterectomy, or a drug therapy in the long run. Introduction of tranexamic acid as a potential adjunct to rollerball endometrial ablation may present an interesting option that requires additional well-designed studies before firm conclusions can be made

    Experimental Investigation on Nano MoS2 Application in Milling of EN-GSJ 700-02 Cast Iron with Minimum Quantity Lubrication (MQL)

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    479-483In this study, effects of minimum quantity lubrication (MQL) conditions on machinability were investigated in milling operations, which is an important machining method. In this context, nano-sized solid lubricant MoS2 was mixed into MQL and EN-GSJ 700-02 spherical graphite cast iron was milled. Surface roughness and tool wear were examined and effects of nano-MoS2 were investigated. A range of statistical analyses such as Dunnet test was performed to determine Ra results and their relationship with experimental parameters. Positive results were obtained from nano MoS2 that was added to improve lubrication and cooling properties into fluid in MQL system. Lowest Ra value was measured as 0.47 µm in conditions of 5 bar pressure, 160 ml / min flow rate and MQL + 0.5% MoS2 spraying. A 45% improvement was achieved in these conditions. Added nano MoS2 played an alternative role on surface roughness and tool wear

    Experimental Investigation on Nano MoS2 Application in Milling of EN-GSJ 700-02 Cast Iron with Minimum Quantity Lubrication (MQL)

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    In this study, effects of minimum quantity lubrication (MQL) conditions on machinability were investigated in milling operations, which is an important machining method. In this context, nano-sized solid lubricant MoS2 was mixed into MQL and EN-GSJ 700-02 spherical graphite cast iron was milled. Surface roughness and tool wear were examined and effects of nano-MoS2 were investigated. A range of statistical analyses such as Dunnet test was performed to determine Ra results and their relationship with experimental parameters. Positive results were obtained from nano MoS2 that was added to improve lubrication and cooling properties into fluid in MQL system. Lowest Ra value was measured as 0.47 µm in conditions of 5 bar pressure, 160 ml / min flow rate and MQL + 0.5% MoS2 spraying. A 45% improvement was achieved in these conditions. Added nano MoS2 played an alternative role on surface roughness and tool wear

    Marriage satisfaction and forgiveness in people who continue their marriage after infidelity: Aldatma sonrası evliliğini sürdüren kişilerde evlilik doyumu ve affetme

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    In this study, marital satisfaction and forgiveness processes were investigated in the quantitative and qualitative dimensions of those who persisted in marriage after deceit. In the quantitative aspect of the research, marital satisfaction and forgiveness variables were examined in terms of gender, duration of marriage, and time spent on deception. In the qualitative dimension, the response to the allegation is discussed under the themes of the deception's contribution to forgiveness, dealing with the deception process, the process after forgiveness and the forgiveness of marriage. While the study group quantitative consisted of 41 women and 8 men volunteers, the qualitative dimension was realized on 5 women and 5 men volunteers. The data were collected using the Personal Information Form Marriage Satisfaction Scale, the interpersonal Motivation Scale for suicide and the open-ended questionnaire developed by the researchers which helpsinterpreting and grading. According to the quantitative results of the study, marital satisfaction and forgiveness scores did not differ according to gender, duration of marriage, and time spent on cheating. According to qualitative analysis, it is seen that deceived men and women give different emotional reactions;The most irritating situation in deception is that someone else is preferred to husband or wife It has been found that after the deception the women have made a lot of effort while the men have made no efforts to be forgiven. In addition, it has been found that the levels of forgiveness of women and men participating in the survey are low. Extended English summary is in the end of Full Text PDF (TURKISH) file.   Özet Bu araştırmada aldatma sonrası evliliğini sürdüren kişilerde evlilik doyumu ve affetme süreçleri nicel ve nitel boyutta incelenmiştir. Araştırmanın nicel boyutunda aldatma sonrasında evlilik doyumu ve affetme değişkenleri cinsiyet, evlilik süresi ve aldatmanın üzerinden geçen süre değişkenleri çerçevesinde incelenmiştir. Nitel boyutta ise veriler aldatmaya verilen tepki, aldatanın affetmeye katkısı, aldatma süreciyle baş etme, affetme sonrası süreç ve affetme-evlilik doyumu temaları altında ele alınmıştır. Nicel boyutun çalışma grubunu 41 kadın, 8 erkek oluştururken nitel boyut gönüllü 5 kadın, 5 erkek üzerinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Veri toplama aracı olarak, Kişisel Bilgi Formu, Evlilik Doyum Ölçeği, Suça İlişkin Kişiler Arası Motivasyon Ölçeği ve araştırmacılar tarafından geliştirilen yorumlama ve derecelendirme sorularından oluşan açık uçlu anket formu kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın nicel sonuçlarına göre, evlilik doyumu ve affetme puanlarının cinsiyet, evlilik süresi, aldatmanın üzerinden geçen süre ve aldatma türüne göre farklılaşmadığı görülmüştür. Nitel analizlere göre ise, aldatılan kadın ve erkeklerin farklı duygusal tepkiler verdikleri; aldatmada en örseleyici olan durumun, bir başkasının eşe tercih edilmesi olduğu; aldatma sonrasında erkeklerin affedilmek için hiç çaba harcamazken kadınların çok çaba harcadığı tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca araştırmaya katılan kadın ve erkeklerin affetme düzeylerinin düşük olduğu görülmüştür

    The socio-economic, religious and cultural situation of rhodes in the xvıııth century

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    Cezâyir-i Bahr-i Sefîd Eyâleti içindeki sancaklardan biri olarak Rodos Adası, donanmanın deniz seferleri için merkezi bir geçiş noktasıydı. Rodos, gemi yapımı ve tamiri; ayrıca sürgün edilen devlet adamlarının gönderildiği önemli bir yerdi. Türkler ve Yahudiler sadece kale içindeki şehirde yoğundu. Rumlar nüfus olarak köylerde çoğunluktaydı. Adada genel olarak Kanuni Vakfı’nın etkisi ve üstelik Müslüman hayırseverler vardı. Hristiyanlar ve Museviler kendi cemaatleri içinde oldukça serbest yaşamıştı. Üstelik Yahudiler cemaat içi yapılanmalarında bir esnaf teşkilatı oluşturmuşlardı. Rodos’ta halktan çeşitli vergiler alınmıştı. Ada, tımar birimlerine ayrılmıştı. Adada iktisadî durum bir kanunnâme ile düzenlenmişti.Rhodes Island was a central transit point for the maritime campaigns of the navy as one of the sanjaks in the State of Cezâyir-i Bahr-i Sefîd. Rhodes was an important place for shipbuilding and repair; also that sent of the exiled statesmen. Turks and Jews only were dense in the town that inside of the castle. Greeks were the majority as the population in villages. There was generally the influence of Kanuni Foundation and besides Muslim benefactors in Rhodes. Christians and Jews had lived as fairly unrestricted in their communities. Furthermore Jews had formed an artisan organization in the structuring that within their community. It was taken the assorted taxes from the people in Rhodes. The island was divided into the fief units. The economic situation was arranged with a code in the island

    Effectiveness of virtual reality-based vestibular rehabilitation in patients with peripheral vestibular hypofunction

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    Indexed keywords Metrics Abstract Background/aim: The rehabilitation of classical peripheral vestibular disorders is long and costly. Recently, interactive systems based on virtual reality (VR) technology have reduced the cost of vestibular rehabilitation therapy (VRT) and made the process more enjoyable. This study aims to investigate the effects of VR-based VRT in patients diagnosed with peripheral vestibular hypofunction (PVH). Materials and methods: In this study, a VR-based VRT program that utilized Sony Playstation®4 VR Head Mounted Display was applied to 25 patients (between 18–60) diagnosed with PVH. PVH was diagnosed by evaluating the patients’ clinical histories, the findings in the “Micromedical Technologies VisualEyes Spectrum” videonystagmography (VNG) and the “Micromedical Aqua Stim” model bithermal water caloric tests. VR-based VRT program was applied to the patients for 4 weeks, 2 sessions per week, 8 sessions in total. Each session lasted around 30 to 40 min. All patients underwent the Dizziness Handicap Inventory (DHI), Sensory Organization Test (SOT), Adaptation Test (ADT), Limits of Stability (LOS), and Rhythmic Weight Shift (RWS) before, after, and 8-week follow-up of the VRT program. In addition, the Cybersickness Survey was applied to the patients at the end of the VR-based VRT session every week. Results: The DHI mean scores of the patients were 54.60, 19.20, and 16.84, respectively, before, just after, and at the 8-week follow-up VRT (p < 0.001). The mean SOT composite score of the patients was obtained as 58.08 before VRT; 77.16 after VRT and 76.40 at 8-week after VRT (p < 0.000). On the other hand, the values in the ‘movement velocity’ and “direction control” parameters of the patients in LOS and RWS showed a significant improvement after VRT compared to before VRT (p < 0.000). From before VRT to 8 weeks after VRT, the patient’s oscillation averages in the ‘toes up’ and ‘toes down’ positions in ADT reduced progressively (p < 0.000). Conclusion: This study demonstrates that implementing a VR-based VRT protocol may be an efficient option to improve posture stability and the quality of life in patients with PVH. In addition, VR-based vestibular rehabilitation therapy has shown to be effective for PVH patients in the mid-term

    Determining professionalism in Turkish students nurses

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    Characteristics of the nursing profession include educational standards, professional organizations, commitment, autonomy, continuing education, body of knowledge and competencies, social value, and a code of ethics. This study was carried out with the aim of determining the professional attitudes of nursing students in Turkey. It was a descriptive study. This study was conducted in 25 nursing schools that provide graduate level nursing education in Turkey. The sample of the study included 1412 final year nursing students who were selected by random sampling from nursing schools offering education at bachelor level. Data was collected using a questionnaire, which included demographic characteristics of students and an Inventory to Measure Professional Attitudes in Student Nurses (IPASN). The mean score of IPASN was 4.1 ± 0.5 and the areas the highest mean scores were for autonomy, competence and continuous education whilst lowest ones were for  cooperation, contribution to scientific knowledge, and participating in professional organizations. In conclusion, the overall mean scores of professional attitudes for nursing students were found to be satisfying and some recommendations were made to improve subgroups scores

    Role of long-term vestibular rehabilitation in a patient with posterior fossa tumor: A case report with 2 years of follow-up

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    Objective: Unusual clinical courseBackground: Lhermitte-Duclos disease (LDD) is caused by a rare slow-growing mass in the cerebellum. LDD generally is experienced by young adults, but also it has been encountered in the pediatric population. Lhermitte and Duclos first described cerebellar dysplastic gangliocytoma in 1920. The first case they described included occipital headache, paroxysmal vertigo, falls, hearing problems, and memory deficits. Our patient had typical symptoms of the disorder such as headache, nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, and imbalance. The purpose of this case report was to describe the outcome of a computerized dynamic posturography (CDP) vestibular training program combined with home-based exercises designed to improve balance function and reduce the risk of falling by an individual with a posterior fossa tumor.Case Report: A 36-year-old male patient was diagnosed with dysplastic gangliocytoma/ganglioglioma according to magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography, and pathology reports on March 28, 2016. The patient was treated by partial cerebellar tumor resection on April 7, 2016. After the operation, he reported severe imbalance, nausea, and vomiting for 1 month and visited the Audiology Department on October 20, 2016. The patient was evaluated with the CDP-sensory organization test (SOT) and his composite equilibrium score of this examination was 48, 31% below normal. We administered a 6-week posturography-assisted vestibular rehabilitation (VR) protocol (extending an hour per week) combined with a home-based exercise program twice in 2 years. In the second evaluation we applied in 2018, SOT composite equilibrium score increased to 72 after VR, reaching normal limits. After 2 years, his complaints slightly alleviated and his SOT scores were better when we compared the VR results in 2016.Conclusions: We demonstrated that long-term VR may affect a patient with dysplastic cerebellar gangliocytoma (LDD) presenting imbalance or dizziness

    Root Architecture and Development of American Grape Rootstocks Grafted with Foxy Grapes (Vitis labrusca L.) Cultivars

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    One of the important factors affecting rootstock performance in grafted grapevine production is root structure and its ability for different soil. In the present study, foxy grape varieties registered for the first time in the Black Sea Region in Turkey by the selection, and several American grape rootstocks were bench grafted. In this study%253B it is aimed to examine the root architecture of foxy grape grafted saplings for their root architecture and the development of rootstocks. In the experiment lsquo%253BRizessi, lsquo%253BÇeliksu, lsquo%253BÜlkemiz and lsquo%253BRizellim foxy grape cultivars grafted on 140Ru, SO4 and 110R rootstocks. WinRhizo root analysis program (Regent Instrument Inc. Canada, ver.2013) was used to determine rootstocks%252339%253B architecture and development of grafted vine saplings. Roots prepared for scanning were placed on the scanning part of the device and transferred to the computer context. Root length and mean root diameter are two of the essential features that reveal the root architecture of rootstocks. In the study, root length (cm), root surface area (cm2), root diameter (mm), root volume (cm3), root tip number (piece), root branching number (piece), and root intersection number (piece) were determined. Total root length was determined between 330.05 - 595.40 cm (%252339%253BRizellim%252339%253B%252FSO4 and %252339%253BÇeliksu%252339%253B%252F140Ru) and mean root diameter of 2.04 - 3.13 mm (%252339%253BÇeliksu%252339%253B%252F140Ru and %252339%253BRizessi%252339%253B%252F110R). Negative relationships were found between root length and mean root diameter. Among the rootstocks, the highest root surface area was 399.67 cm2, root volume was 29.32 m3, the number of root tips was 1605.75, the number of root forks was 5421.89, and the number of root crossing was 671.61 on 110R rootstock. In all combinations obtained as a result of the study, it was determined that the rootstocks showed good root development and were in harmony with the new foxy grape cultivars

    Cervical Priming Before Diagnostic Operative Hysteroscopy in Infertile Women: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Controlled Comparison of 2 Vaginal Misoprostol Doses

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of vaginal misoprostol for cervical priming at doses of 200 mcg and 400 mcg, 12 to 15 hours before diagnostic office hysteroscopy (OH) without anesthesia in patients with infertility. Sixty infertile patients requiring a diagnostic office hysteroscopy for investigation of infertility were included in the study. The patients were randomly allocated into 3 vaginally administered misoprostol groups: (1) control group, (2) 200-mcg dose group, and (3) 400-mcg dose group. Misoprostol significantly facilitated the procedure of OH: cervical entry was easier; procedural time was shorter; baseline cervical width was larger; and pain scoring was lower in the misoprostol groups compared with the control group. Increasing the dose of misoprostol from 200 mcg to 400 mcg did not improve the effect on cervical dilation. Misoprostol is a promising analog to use for cervical priming before OH. Since doses of 200 mcg and 400 mcg vaginal misoprostol 12 hours before the OH both have proven to be effective regimens, 200 mcg may be preferred. However, before routine clinical usage, further research is needed through large, randomized, controlled trials powered to detect a difference in complications to determine whether misoprostol reduces complications in OH.Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit of Istanbul UniversityIstanbul University [26324]An earlier version of this research was presented at the 42nd Annual Meeting of American Society of Reproductive Medicine in San Diego, 2012. This was made possible by funding from the Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit of Istanbul University (grant 26324)