3 research outputs found

    Determinants of in-hospital muscle loss in acute ischemic stroke- Results of the Muscle Assessment in Stroke Study (MASS)

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    Background ; aims: There is a change in the mass and composition of paretic and non-paretic skeletal muscles in the chronic phase of stroke. The multi-center, prospective, and observational Muscle Assessment in Stroke Study (MASS) was performed to evaluate the degree of muscle loss during the in-hospital acute stroke setting and determine factors contributing to this loss.Methods: Acute dysphagic ischemic stroke patients (n = 107) admitted to neuro-intensive care units were evaluated by computed tomography on days 1 and 14 after admission to determine the cross-sectional muscle area (CSMA) at the level of the mid-humerus, mid-thigh, and third lumbar vertebra. The percentage change in CSMA and variables associated with this change were evaluated by univariate and multivariate analyses.Results: There were significant reductions in CSMA in all the muscle groups analyzed; the most prom-inent change was observed in the arms (both: 14.2 +/- 10.7%; paretic: 17.7 +/- 11.6%; non-paretic: 10.1 +/- 12.5%), followed by the muscles in the legs (both: 12.4 +/- 8.7%; paretic: 12.9 +/- 9.9%; non-paretic: 12.0 +/- 9.3%) and L3-vertebra level (5.6 +/- 9.8%) (P 0.001 for all). Higher calorie (r =-0.378, P 0.001) or protein (r =-0.352, P 0.001) intake was negatively associated with the decrease in CSMA of upper extremities. A substantial protein (>= 0.4 g/kg/d) or calorie (>= 5 kcal/kg/d) gap between targeted or actual intake was related to a larger decrease in CSMA in all the anatomic regions (P 0.05 for all). Other significant predictors of muscle loss included history of diabetes mellitus, male sex, higher BMI, in-hospital infections, and the necessity for invasive mechanical ventilation.Conclusions: There is a considerable degree of loss in the global muscle mass in acute ischemic stroke patients over a two-week period. Along with several factors, falling significantly behind the daily protein or calorie targets was related to the decrease in the muscle area. Trial registration information: clinicaltrials.gov identifier NCT03825419.(c) 2023 Elsevier Ltd and European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism. All rights reserved

    Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis as a Rare Complication of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: Subgroup Analysis of the VENOST Study

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    Kozak, Hasan Huseyin/0000-0001-6904-8545; Sahin, Sevki/0000-0003-2016-9965; Batur Caglayan, Hale/0000-0002-3279-1842; GUNES, TASKIN/0000-0002-9343-0573; Afsar, Nazire/0000-0001-8123-8560; Uzuner, Nevzat/0000-0002-4961-4332WOS: 000498868800011PubMed: 31562041Aim: Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an unusual risk factor for cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST). As few CVST patients with SLE have been reported, little is known regarding its frequency as an underlying etiology, clinical characteristics, or long-term outcome. We evaluated a large cohort of CVST patients with SLE in a multicenter study of cerebral venous thrombosis, the VENOST study, and their clinical characteristics. Material and Method: Among the 1144 CVST patients in the VENOST cohort, patients diagnosed with SLE were studied. Their demographic and clinical characteristics, etiological risk factors, venous involvement status, and outcomes were recorded. Results: In total, 15 (1.31%) of 1144 CVST patients had SLE. The mean age of these patients was 39.9 +/- 12.1 years and 13 (86.7%) were female. Presenting symptoms included headache (73.3%), visual field defects (40.0%), and altered consciousness (26.7%). The main sinuses involved were the transverse (60.0%), sagittal (40.0%), and sigmoid (20.0%) sinuses. Parenchymal involvement was not seen in 73.3% of the patients. On the modified Rankin scale, 92.9% of the patients scored 0-1 at the 1-month follow-up and 90.9% scored 0-1 at the 1-year follow-up. Conclusions: SLE was found in 1.31% of the CVST patients, most frequently in young women. Headache was the most common symptom and the CVST onset was chronic in the majority of cases. The patient outcomes were favorable. CVST should be suspected in SLE patients, even in those with isolated chronic headache symptoms with or without other neurological findings

    Gastrostomy in hospitalized patients with acute stroke: "NoroTek" Turkey point prevalence study subgroup analysis

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    Objective: Nutritional status assessment, dysphagia evaluation and enteral feeding decision are important determinants of prognosis in acute neurovascular diseases. Materials and Methods: NöroTek is a point prevalence study conducted with the participation of 87 hospitals spread across all health sub regions of Turkey conducted on 10-May-2018 (World Stroke Awareness Day). A total of 972 hospitalized neurovascular patients [female: 53%, age: 69±14; acute ischemic stroke in 845; intracerebral hematoma (ICH) in 119 and post-resuscitation encephalopathy (PRE) in 8] with complete data were included in this sub-study. Results: Gastrostomy was inserted in 10.7% of the patients with ischemic stroke, 10.1% of the patients with ICH and in 50% of the patients with PRE. Independent predictors of percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) administration were The National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale score at admission [exp (β): 1.09 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.05-1.14, per point] in ischemic stroke; and mechanical ventilation in ischemic [exp (β): 6.18 (95% CI: 3.16-12.09)] and hemorrhagic strokes [exp (β): 26.48 (95% CI: 1.36-515.8)]. PEG was found to be a significant negative indicator of favorable (modified Rankin’s scale score 0-2) functional outcome [exp (β): 0.032 (95% CI: 0.004-0.251)] but not of in-hospital mortality [exp (β): 1.731 (95% CI: 0.785-3.829)]. Nutritional and swallowing assessments were performed in approximately two-thirds of patients. Of the nutritional assessments 69% and 76% of dysphagia assessments were completed within the first 2 days. Tube feeding was performed in 39% of the patients. In 83.5% of them, tube was inserted in the first 2 days; 28% of the patients with feeding tube had PEG later. Conclusion: The NöroTek study provided the first reliable and large-scale data on key quality metrics of nutrition practice in acute stroke in Turkey. In terms of being economical and accurate it makes sense to use the point prevalence method.Amaç: Akut nörovasküler hastalıklarda nütrisyonel durum ve disfaji değerlendirmesi ve enteral beslenme kararı önemli prognoz belirleyicilerindendir. Gereç ve Yöntem: NöroTek, 10 Mayıs 2018’de (Dünya İnme Farkındalık Günü) Türkiye’nin tüm sağlık alt bölgelerine yayılmış 87 hastanenin katılımıyla gerçekleştirilen bir nokta prevalans çalışmasıdır. Hastanede yatan ve bu alt çalışma için toplanan verisi tam olan toplam 972 nörovasküler hasta (kadın: %53, yaş: 69±14 yıl; 845’i akut iskemik inme; 119’u intraserebral hematom ve 8’i post-resüsitasyon ensefalopatisi) analiz edildi. Bulgular: Gastrostomi iskemik inmeli hastaların %10,7, intraserebral kanamalıların %10,1 ve post-resusitasyon ensefalopatisi olanların %50’sine uygulanmıştır. Perkütan endoskopik gastrostomi (PEG) gereksiniminin bağımsız belirleyicileri, iskemik inme grubunda kabul NIHSS [exp (β): 1,09, %95 güven aralığı (GA): 1,05-1,14, puan başına] ile hem iskemik hem de hemorajik inmelerde mekanik ventilasyon uygulanmış olmasıdır [iskemik için: exp (β): 6,18, %95 GA: 3,16- 12,09] ve hemorajik inme için: [exp (β): 26,48, 95% GA: 1,36-515,8]. İnme olgularında PEG uygulaması hastane içi mortalite için bağımsız belirleyici değildi [exp (β): 1,731, 95% GA: 0,785-3,829]. Ancak, PEG uygulanmış olması taburculuk esnasında iyi prognoza (modifiye Rankin skoru 0-2) sahip olabilme için anlamlı bir negatif etmen olarak bulundu [exp (β): 0,032, %95 GA: 0,004-0,251]. Hastanede yatan nörovasküler hastaların yaklaşık üçte ikisinde malnütrisyon ve yutma bozukluğu açısından değerlendirme yapılmıştı. Nutrisyonel status değerlendirmesinin %69’u ve disfaji değerlendirmesinin %76’sı ilk 48 saat içinde gerçekleştirilmişti. Tüple enteral nütrisyon uygulama oranı %39’du. Beslenme tüplerinin %83,5’i ilk 2 gün içinde yerleştirilirken beslenme tüpü olan hastaların %28’ine daha sonra PEG açılmıştı. Sonuç: NöroTek çalışması ile Türkiye’de hastanede yatan akut inme hastalarında nutrisyonel uygulamaların temel kalite ölçütlerine ilişkin ilk güvenilir ve büyük ölçekli veri sağlanmıştır. Ekonomik olması ve doğruluğu açısından nokta yaygınlık yönteminin bu tip verilerin temini için daha fazla kullanılması mantıklıdır