61 research outputs found

    Ni-Ag alaşımlarına paladyum katkısının termodinamik ve mekanik özelliklere etkisinin moleküler dinamik incelenmesi

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Paladyum (Pd), Nikel (Ni) ve Gümüş (Ag)'ün ve bu metallerin farklı konsantrasyondaki alaşımlarının (Pd0.05Ni0.475Ag0.475, Pd0.1Ni0.45Ag0.45, Pd0.2Ni0.4Ag0.4, Pd0.33Ni0.33Ag0.33) katı faz fiziksel özellikleri moleküler dinamik yöntemi ile Quantum Sutton-Chen (Q-SC) potansiyeli kullanılarak incelenmiştir.Quantum Sutton-Chen potansiyel parametrelerinin ve model için gerekli bir özellik olan Rafii-Tabar birleştirme kuramının üçlü metal alaşımları içinde uygulanabilirliği tartışılmıştır. Farklı konsantrasyondaki alaşımların sıcaklığa karşı davranışı araştırılmıştır.Anahtar Kelimeler: Moleküler dinamik, Quantum Sutton-Chen potansiyeli, üçlü alaşımlar ve soy-metaller.Solid state physical properties of palladium (Pd), nickel (Ni) and silver (Ag) noble metals and their ternary alloys in given concentrations (Pd0.05Ni0.475Ag0.475, Pd0.1Ni0.45Ag0.45, Pd0.2Ni0.4Ag0.4, Pd0.33Ni0.33Ag0.33) are studied by using molecular dynamics with Quantum Sutton-Chen (Q-SC) potential.Validity of Quantum Sutton-Chen potential parameters and applicability of Rafii-Tabar Combination Rules to ternary alloys are discussed. Thermodynamics behavior of alloys and metals are investigated.Key words: Molecular Dynamics, Quantum Sutton Chen Potantial, Ternary Alloy, Noble Metals

    Assessment of Ten-Year-Long Results of Kidney Biopsies Performed on Children in the Thrace Region of Turkey

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    Background: Many children with kidney diseases can be diagnosed and treated without a biopsy. However, biopsy is a valuable method for the diagnostic and prognostic evaluation of children with kidney diseases. Aims: To evaluate the clinical and pathological profiles of the kidney biopsies in our department to provide epidemiological data for clinical practice. Study Design: Retrospective cross-sectional study. Methods: Kidney biopsies and patient's charts in pediatric patients performed between May 2005 and February 2015 at the Pediatric Nephrology Department, Trakya University School of Medicine were assessed retrospectively. Results: A total of 100 patients were examined. Their mean age was 9.62±4.26 years (range: 1-17 years); 54% of the patients were girls and 46% were boys. The most frequent indication for kidney biopsy was nephrotic syndrome (33%). The most common kidney disease was primary glomerulonephritis, which was observed in 65% of cases. IgA nephropathy (24%) was the most frequently observed subtype in primary glomerulonephritis groups. Secondary glomerulonephritis was diagnosed in 35% of cases. Systemic lupus erythematosus (51%) was the most frequently observed subtype in the secondary glomerulonephritis groups. Conclusion: IgA nephropathy and systemic lupus erythematosus were the most frequent primary and secondary glomerulonephritis in our region among children, respectively

    Potential of biological mortar for micro-crack remediation of calcareous stones in historical monuments

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    Since the early ages, first human beings, then architects and civil engineers have preferred stones for the construction of historic monuments and buildings due to their durable nature. But in the course of time, these stones have inescapably been faced with different kinds of weathering processes because of several biotic and abiotic weathering factors. In calcareous stones, micro-cracks/fissures are the common deterioration forms resulting from these weathering processes, and in the long term, they affect the durability of the structure. The survival of monuments and buildings is substantially related with the protection and the conservation of the materials from which they are constructed. To this end, several treatment approaches have been developed for the micro-crack remediation of these materials but there is still room for improvement to fulfill multiple aspects of remediation studies. Although many studies and applications can be found on biomineralization techniques and approaches, few studies have been conducted on biological mortars. This review highlights the potential of biological mortar acquired through biomineralization as an alternative bio-based repair material for the healing of micro-cracks of historic calcareous stones. Promising findings from laboratory analyses and field observations of biological mortars are given with a brief discussion on limitations, challenges, and future works in relation with remediation of micro-cracks of stones

    Maternal and fetal outcomes of COVID-19, SARS, and MERS: a narrative review on the current knowledge

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    OBJECTIVE: Coronavirus infections, including SARS. MERS and COVID-19 have significant impact on global health as well as on pregnancies. The aim of this review was to enlighten and summarize the cumulative knowledge regarding the relationship between Coronavirus outbreaks and pregnancy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Literature search was commenced in order to analyze the maternofetal effects of Coronavirus outbreaks. RESULTS: Fever and cough are the most common presenting symptoms of COVID-19 which mostly affects pregnant women in their 3rd trimester with a maternal mortality rate of 0-77% and fetal and neonatal mortality rates of 1.2%. Fetal demise is common in critically ill pregnant. Pregnancy seems as a worsening factor for SARS and MERS epidemics and both infections affect prominently 3rd trimester pregnancies, although abortion (57%) is a significant risk for cases of early pregnancy. Clinical course of COVID-19, SARS and MERS may be rapid and worse in pregnant women than non-pregnant individuals. Cesarean section is the choice of delivery in most reported women due to mostly obstetrical reasons, although vaginal delivery seems not a worsening factor for the disease.CONCLUSIONS: COVID-19, SARS and MERS have significant detrimental effect on pregnancy. Rapid intervention, treatment, and intensive care support are essential for infected pregnant. Timely delivery is important in order to avoid intrauterine fetal death

    A multidisciplinary approach to address climate-resilience, conservation and comfort in traditional architecture: The PROT3CT example

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    Traditional dwellings despite their environmental credentials, due to age, previous damage, and residents unable to afford even the limited maintenance allowed by restrictive legal framework, may offer poor thermal performance, which is expected to be further exacerbated by changing climate. More than 70% of Turkey’s built heritage stock is composed of traditional dwellings, which makes this stock able to create a major impact nationally on the building-related energy use, carbon emissions and population wellbeing. This research aims to develop an evidence-based multidisciplinary methodology for cost-effective retrofit of the traditional dwellings in Turkey, to improve energy performance, satisfy user expectations of comfort, and protect heritage value

    The Confıscatıon Of The Burjı Mamluk Perıod (1382 1517)

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    Mülkiyet ve kişilik hakları ile ilgili olan müsâdere ilk çağlardan beri uygulanan bir yaptırımdır. Tarihi süreçte birtakım değişikliğe uğradıysa da bugün dahi, ceza ve güvenlik tedbirleri içerisinde yer almaktadır. Bu konuda en önemli adımı Osmanlı Sultanı II. Mahmut (ö. 1839) atmış ve müsaderenin ancak kamu malı olduğu mahkeme kararıyla saptanan servetlere uygulanması kuralını getirmiştir. Tanzimat'ın ilanından (1839) sonra müsâdere bütünüyle kaldırılmış olsa da günümüzde etik bir sorun olarak yine karşımıza çıkmakta ve Türk Ceza Kanunu içerinde yer almaktadır. Devletin, suçlunun malvarlığına el koyması demek olan müsâdere cezası, kamu hukukunun bir parçasıdır. Mülkiyet ve kişilik hakları ile ilgili olan bu müeyyidenin Burcî Memlûklerinde uygulanış şekli hakkındaki çalışmamız salâhiyet ve kullanımı ile ilgili önemli bilgiler vermektedir. Cezanın amacı öncelikle suçluyu te'dib etmek ve olası suçlardan caydırmak olduğundan işlevseldir. Ancak kararın verilmesi ve uygulanması sırasındaki etkenler, müeyyideyi keyfi bir hale getirirken müsâdereyi Burcî Memlûklerinde sıkça uygulanan bir gelir kaynağı olma yoluna götürmüştür. Devlet ricalinin ve sultanların bu yaptırım içindeki rolleri uygulamanın çerçevesini çizmiş olduğundan çok önemlidir. el- Makrîzî; Memlûk toplumunu gelir, emniyet, istikrar, idari ve siyasi merkez olarak farklı sınıflara ayırmıştır. Elit bir sınıf olarak yaşayıp büyük servetler biriktiren Memlûkler için o dönemde Mısır'ı ziyaret eden gayr-ı Müslimler, Memlûk emîrlerinin dahi şehirde lüks bir hayat yaşadıklarını ve onların çok servete sahip olduklarını müşahede etmişlerdir. Memlûk kaynakları, tek bir emirin bile sıkıntılı bir hayat geçirdiğini zikretmemiş, sultan ve emirlerin servetlerinden ve onların debdebeli bir hayat yaşadıklarından bahsetmişlerdir. Vezirlerin, valilerin ve diğer devlet görevlilerinin tekrar tekrar aynı zenginliğe sahip olmaları tek bir gelire bağlanamaz. İslam hukuku çerçevesinde değerlendirdiğimiz müsadere uygulamasında verdiğimiz örnekler içerisinde elzem bazı durumlar olduğu gibi keyfi uygulamaların da olduğu görülmüştür. Terimsel olarak müsâdere, devlet adına yapılan bir te'dib aracı iken bu çalışmada görülmüştür ki güç ve zenginlik arayışı ağır basmıştır. Çalışmamızda müsâdere cezasının verilmesi, uygulanması, cezaya etmen olan amiller ve cezanın uygulayıcıları hakkında malumat bulunmaktadır. İrtikâb ve iltimas ile beraber örneklerde sıkça gördüğümüz el koyma işlemi ahlâkî bir sorun olduğu ayrıca gibi iktisadî bir zafiyettir. Bu noktada Memlûk ekonomisini de bilmek gerekir. Gelirin önemli bir kısmını ıktalardan alan Memlûklerde tüccarların da üst düzey mevkilere geldikleri görülmüştür. Bu çalışmada elde ettiğimiz verilerden anlaşıldığı üzere müsâdere; anlamı, uygulanışı ve sonuçları ile etkili bir müeyyidedir.The confiscation, related to property and personality rights, is the sanction that has been imposed since the ancient times. Altough it was modificated during the historical process, it is still located in penality and security measures. The most important step in this topic was regarded by the Ottoman Sultan Mahmud (d. 1839), but about the confiscation wealth Mahmud II brought the rule to apply the court to be determined by the decision of the public domain. The state's confiscation of criminal assets confiscation of the means of the offender is a part of public law. Related to property and personal rights of our work on the shape of the Burji Mamluks implementation of these sanctions give important information about the authorization and use. The purpose of punishment is primarily functional because its aim is to discipline and deter any possible criminal offenses. However, given that during the implementation of decisions and factors, has led to arbitrary sanctions a way to be a source of income often applied in a horoscope as making the confiscation of the Mamluks. The bureaucrats and the sultan are important because of their role in the implementation of these sanctions. al-Maqrîzî, Mamluk income communities, safety, stability, allocated to different classes in the administrative and political center. Elite living as a class to accumulate great fortunes that nonmoslems visiting Egyptian Mamluk period, Mamluk emirs lived a luxurious life of the city and saw their very wealth they have. Mamluk sources say that even a single order has had a troubled life, the wealth of the sultans and their orders and that they had exaggerated their lives. Viziers, governors and other state officials have time and again by the same wealth can not be connected to a single income. Arbitrary as it is necessary in some cases we consider our example application for the forfeiture application within the framework of Islamic law were found to be in. Terminological as confiscation, while a disciplinary tool on behalf of the state has seen in this study was very intense pursuit of power and wealth. Our issuance of confiscation penalty study, implementation, has information about the enforcement of the penalties and what the factors. As in the examples we have seen frequently with bribery and favoritism that confiscation of goods is an ethical issue, it is also an economic weakness. At this point it is necessary to know the Mamluk economy. Income from iqta's a significant portion of the space in the Mamluk the traders were found to have come to senior positions. As it's seen from the data we obtained in this study, confiscation is an effective sanctions with is meaning, practice and results

    Centralizers of finite dimensional elements in unitary groups

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    La‘bu’l-Kurre “?awg?n” in Mamluks

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    Memlûk Devleti’nin tüm kademelerinde varlık bulduğu askerî yapı, disiplinli bir askerî eğitimin sonucudur. Memlûk sistemi olarak adlandırılan bu askerî eğitimin baş yapıtı sayılan furûsiyye ilmi içerisindeki aktiviteler, memlûklerin yeteneklerini geliştirmeleri için önemli olup fizîkî kondisyonla beraber pek çok konuda deneyim kazanmalarına neden olmuştur. Furûsiyye ilminin başlıklarından biri olan çevgân oyunu da bu minvalden olup Türk atlı bozkır kültüründen doğmuştur. Türklerin Orta Asya’dan Mısır’a getirdiği at kültürü ile askerlik kabiliyetlerini zinde tutan bu tür aktiviteler sadece talimgahta talim olarak değil aynı zamanda özel merasimlerde gösteri olarak sergilenmiştir. Edebiyatta bazen sevgilinin beni, bazen saçı bazen de aşkın kendisi olan çevgân bu yönüyle sanatın da konusu olmuştur. Askerî talim ve eğlencenin kesiştiği noktada çevgân, memlûklerde lâ‘bü’l-kürre olarak adlandırılmış ve bu makalede oyun tanıtılarak oyunun ana malzemesinin sorumlusu olan çevgândârın saray hizmetindeki önemine dikkat çekilmiştir.The military structure in which the Mamluk State found its presence at all levels is the result of a disciplined military education. The activities in the science of furûsiyya, which is considered as the masterpiece of this military education, which is called the Mamluk system, are important for the Mamluks to develop their skills and cause them to gain experience in many subjects together with their physical condition. The ?awg?n game, which is one of the titles of the science of furûsiyya, is of this kind and was born from the Turkish steppe culture. These kinds of activities, which keep their military skills strong with the horse culture brought by the Turks from Central Asia to Egypt, were exhibited not only as drills in the drill, but also as a show in special ceremonies. ?awg?n, which is sometimes the lover’s me, sometimes the hair and sometimes the love itself in literature, has also been the subject of art with this aspect. At the intersection of military training and entertainment, ?awg?n was named as la‘bu’l-kurre in the Mamluks, and in this article, the play was introduced and attention was drawn to the importance of ?awg?n-b?z?/ ?awg?nd?r, who was responsible for the main material of the play, in palace service

    A curved beam finite element for the dynamic analysis of helical coil springs

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    Mimar Sinan yapılarının inşa tekniğini anlamak: Lüleburgaz Sokullu Mehmed Paşa Camisi örnek çalışması.

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    This dissertation constructs a comprehensive understanding of the construction techniques applied and developed by Mimar Sinan, which underlie the structural characteristics of 16th century Ottoman Architecture. Conducting a research into the literature on Classical Ottoman Architecture and Mimar Sinan’s buildings, the study distinguishes Sokullu Mehmed Paşa Menzil Complexes in Lüleburgaz, Havsa and Payas among the buildings and complexes as known to be designed by Mimar Sinan. It focuses on the mosques of these three complexes, as mosques embody complicated systems and techniques of construction to respond spatial and structural challenges, and compares them to assess the changes and similarities in the construction techniques, as all of them are commissioned by the same donor and in the same decade. Among the three menzil complexes, the mosque in Lüleburgaz becomes prominent as Mimar Sinan was most probably personally involved in its construction process, while the other two in Havsa and Payas are supposed to be designed by Mimar Sinan and later constructed by his kalfas and local architects. After the literature survey that enables the specification of cases to be analyzed and evaluated, the study expands with pre-site survey and site surveys of each complex, all of which is represented by an individual catalogue including the restitutive and current site plans of the complex accompanied with its the historical, architectural and constructional features, and the three-dimensional mass model, plans, sections, elevations, and system details of the mosques in the respective complexes. In respect to the information gathered and produced through surveys, the study focuses on Lüleburgaz Sokullu Mehmed Paşa Mosque and develops a particular methodology to analyze the construction technique in the mosque by a two-fold approach: “decomposition” and “re-composition.” The methodology advances a “coding system” based on the analytical interpretation of sections showing system details, which are produced not only by the knowledge accessible in literature or visible in actual buildings but also by the critical interpretation of yet to be known or possible or unknown structural components, elements and materials. The coding system aims at an analytical and structural decomposition of building components, which contributes to the understanding of construction technique by the evaluation and classification of elements according to their structural behaviors and architectural purposes. The decomposed elements are individually studied with section drawings addressing to the changes in material, structural system and construction technique, and then re-composed to illustrate the techniques and processes of construction. Aiming at constructing a comprehensive understanding of construction technique in Mimar Sinan’s buildings, in particular, and 16th century Ottoman Architecture in general, this study develops a methodological approach and a catalogue system applicable in various studies on historical buildings from different periods to establish a database for expanding architectural knowledge not only in construction technique but also for guiding the projects in restoration and conservation.Ph.D. - Doctoral Progra