216 research outputs found

    Social positioning: Designing the Seams between Social, Physical and Digital Space

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    Mobile settings are not only physically and digitally mediated; they are also inhabited by people - a social space. We argue that careful design exposing the connections, gaps, overlays and mismatches within and between physical, digital and social space allow for a better understanding and thereby mastering of the resulting combined space. Two concepts are explored in MobiTip, a social mobile service for exchanging opinions among peers: intramedia seams concerning network coverage and position technology, and intermedia seams between digitally transmitted tips and the physical, social context surrounding the user. We introduce social positioning as an alternative and complement to the current strive for seamless connectedness and exact positioning in physical space

    Paper Prototyping a Social Mobile Service

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    Methods for design and evaluation of interactive applications are not readily applicable to mobile services. By modifying an existing paper prototyping method we evaluated a mobile social service for providing user-based tips in a shopping mall. The evaluation showed that tips can be pushed to users and that they can accept that a complex user interface is presented on a small screen. Although the evaluation took place in an office environment, we received feedback on functionality of the service in the context of the shopping mall. Our evaluation indicates that simple prototyping techniques can be used for informative evaluations of mobile services that are heavily context dependent

    Landsbygdens miljökvaliteter

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    Considering the social dimension of sustainable development this thesis focuses on the qualities of life and how the environmental qualities that the inhabitants value can be incorporated in the physical planning of the municipality. The thesis deals with the problems that occur when the physical planning, whit its focus on the environmental aspects, also needs to consider peoples opinions, that springs from the individual experience of the place. The municipality of Mark, where this thesis takes its place, is characterised by the countryside landscape. Mark is situated in the western part of Sweden close to Göteborg, Borås and Varberg. The commuting is extensive and the demand for dwellings in the municipality is increasing. Those who strive to live in the municipality have a conception of what life on the countryside means and of which environmental qualities they want to assimilate. The planners in the municipality of Mark are therefore interested in why their inhabitants strive to live in the countryside and what environmental qualities they value. This study has focused on the individual and his/hers experience of their dwelling and their close surroundings. I have carried out 12 telephone interviews with individuals in the countryside in the municipality of Mark. I have asked them why they have chosen to settle down at the place of their dwelling, why that place is special and what environmental qualities they value and need for their well-being. The result was surprisingly concordant and the environmental qualities that the inhabitants of Mark value are "a special place and a place of their own", "with nature around the corner", "peace", "close fellowship", "freedom" and "at least a little service". To consider the different environmental qualities in the physical planning I suggest that the municipality should work on two different levels. On the municipal level it is important to favour a structure in the built environment that enable for the experience of the different environmental qualities. I suggest that the municipality should work according to my concept of "the small and large village". The structure of the village can easily enhance the experience of different environmental qualities, where the size of the village shows which priorities between them one makes. For example if one lives in a small village one prefers freedom and isolation, and if one lives in a larger village close fellowship and service is more important. On the smaller level the physical planning comes closer to the individuals own experiences and relationships with places. I suggest that the planners in the municipality should analyse places and changes with regard to the possibility for the individuals to experience the different environmental qualities, an environmental qualities analysis. The analysis can be used on already existing dwellings, when planning for future expansions and when working with new plans. The questions of the analysis can also be used as a starting point in communication with the inhabitants.Med avstamp i den sociala dimensionen på hållbar utveckling tar detta arbete fokus på människors livskvalitet och hur denna kan hanteras i kommunens fysiska planering. Arbetet behandlar den problematik som uppstår när planeringens hantering av platser, som tar utgångspunkt i dess fysiska förutsättningar, även ska hantera människors åsikter, som istället baseras på individuella upplevelser av platsen. Marks kommun, som är arbetets fysiska område, är en landsbygdskommun i västra Sverige med närhet till Göteborg, Borås och Varberg. Pendlingen är stor och trycket på bostäder i kommunen ökar. De som söker sig till Mark gör det med föreställningen om ett liv på landet och man eftersträvar att tillgodose sig vissa miljökvaliteter i sin vardag. Frågan från kommunens sida blir då varför man bosätter sig på landsbygden i Mark och vilka miljökvaliteter som är viktiga för invånarnas trivsel. Min studie i Mark har fokuserat på den enskilda individen och dess upplevelser av den egna boendemiljön. Jag har utfört 12 telefonintervjuer med privatpersoner på landsbygden i Mark och ställt frågor som berör varför de har valt att bosätta sig på just deras plats, vad som är speciellt med deras boende och vilka miljökvaliteter som är viktiga för deras trivsel. Resultatet blev förvånansvärt samstämmigt och de miljökvaliteter som är viktiga för de landsbygdsboende är ”en speciell plats och det egna”, ”med naturen runt knuten”, ”ett lugn”, ”nära gemenskap”, ”frihet” och ”i alla fall lite service”. För att ta hänsyn till dessa miljökvaliteter i kommunens planering föreslår jag att man ska arbeta i två olika skalor. Dels i den översiktliga planeringen där det blir viktigt att arbeta efter en övergripande bebyggelsestruktur som gynnar upplevelsen av de olika miljökvaliteterna. Dels i den lilla och mer mänskliga skalan där människornas egna upplevelser av platser och förhållanden till platser finns. Som en del i den översiktliga planeringen föreslår jag att man ska arbeta efter en övergripande bebyggelsestruktur, med ”den lilla och stora byn” som koncept. Bystrukturen ger stora möjligheter för upplevelsen av de olika miljökvaliteterna där storleken på byn visar vilken prioritering man gör dem emellan. Exempelvis prioriterar man frihet och avskildhet högre om man väljer att bosätta sig i en mindre by och en nära gemenskap och service om man bosätter sig i en av kommunens större byar (som representeras av kommunens serviceorter). I den lilla skalan föreslår jag att man i framtiden ska analysera platser och förändringar utifrån de boendes möjligheter att uppleva de olika miljökvaliteterna, en miljökvalitetsanalys. Analysen kan tillämpas på befintliga bostadsområden, utvecklingstankar samt i arbetet med nya detalplaner. Frågorna i analysen kan även användas som utgångspunkt för samverkan med invånarna

    Two-year follow-up of Helicobacter pylori infection in C57BL/6 and Balb/cA mice.

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    Helicobacter pylori infection is associated with chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, gastric adenocarcinoma and MALT lymphoma. We previously found high-grade lymphoma after 13 months' H. pylori infection in C57BL/6 mice. In this study we followed H. pylori infection by three different isolates in C57BL/6 and Balb/cA mice for 23 months. Six-week-old C57BL/6 and Balb/cA mice were infected with H. pylori strains 119p (CagA+, VacA+), SS1 (CagA+, VacA+) and G50 (CagA-, VacA-). Mice were followed at 2 weeks, 10 weeks and 23 months post-inoculation (p.i.) by culture, histopathology and serology. Strain G50 was only reisolated from mice 2 weeks p.i. There was no difference in colonization between strain 119p and SS1 at 10 weeks p.i., whereas SS1 gave 100% colonization versus 119p gave 50% 23 months p.i.. Interestingly, the inflammation score was higher in mice infected with strain 119p than with SS1 10-week p.i., and there were lymphoepithelial lesions in mice infected with strain 119p and G50 but not with SS1 at 23 months post-infection. Eight mice infected with strains 119p and G50 developed gastric lymphoma (grade 5 and 4). One C57BL/6 mouse infected with strain 119p developed hepatocellular carcinoma after 23 months. Immunoblot showed specific bands of 2633 kDa against H. pylori in infected mice, and two mice infected with strain SSI reacted with antibodies to the 120 kDa CagA toxin. Conclusion: A reproducible animal model for H. pylori-induced lymphoma and possibly hepatocellular carcinoma is described. Strain diversity may lead to different outcomes of H. pylori infection

    Kinetics of gene expression and bone remodelling in the clinical phase of collagen-induced arthritis

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    INTRODUCTION: Pathological bone changes differ considerably between inflammatory arthritic diseases and most studies have focused on bone erosion. Collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) is a model for rheumatoid arthritis, which, in addition to bone erosion, demonstrates bone formation at the time of clinical manifestations. The objective of this study was to use this model to characterise the histological and molecular changes in bone remodelling, and relate these to the clinical disease development. METHODS: A histological and gene expression profiling time-course study on bone remodelling in CIA was linked to onset of clinical symptoms. Global gene expression was studied with a gene chip array system. RESULTS: The main histopathological changes in bone structure and inflammation occurred during the first two weeks following the onset of clinical symptoms in the joint. Hereafter, the inflammation declined and remodelling of formed bone dominated. Global gene expression profiling showed simultaneous upregulation of genes related to bone changes and inflammation in week 0 to 2 after onset of clinical disease. Furthermore, we observed time-dependent expression of genes involved in early and late osteoblast differentiation and function, which mirrored the histopathological bone changes. The differentially expressed genes belong to the bone morphogenetic pathway (BMP) and, in addition, include the osteoblast markers integrin-binding sialoprotein (Ibsp), bone gamma-carboxyglutamate protein (Bglap1), and secreted phosphoprotein 1 (Spp1). Pregnancy-associated protein A (Pappa) and periostin (Postn), differentially expressed in the early disease phase, are proposed to participate in bone formation, and we suggest that they play a role in early bone formation in the CIA model. Comparison to human genome-wide association studies (GWAS) revealed differential expression of several genes associated with human arthritis. CONCLUSIONS: In the CIA model, bone formation in the joint starts shortly after onset of clinical symptoms, which results in bony fusion within one to two weeks. This makes it a candidate model for investigating the relationship between inflammation and bone formation in inflammatory arthritis. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13075-015-0531-7) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Dispersal and spatiotemporal distribution of Protapion fulvipes in white clover fields: implications for pest management

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    Yield loss caused by insect pests remains a substantial problem in agriculture. Chemical control, with potential negative effects on non-target organisms, is still the main tool for pest management. For pest species with limited dispersal capacity, rotation of the crop in time and space has potential as an alternative management measure. This is particularly important in organic farming, where most agrochemicals are prohibited, but also relevant as a complementary pest management strategy in conventional agriculture. Clover is an important crop used for animal feed and as green manure; however, seed-eating weevils can severely limit the seed yield. We hypothesized that the previous year's clover seed fields constitute the major sources of weevil pests. Consequently, a greater distance to, and a smaller pest load from, this source should reduce the number of weevils colonizing the new seed fields. To map population dynamics and dispersal range of Protapion fulvipes, an economically important seed weevil specialized on white clover, we conducted field studies over four years in 45 white clover seed fields. We found that P. fulvipes overwinters close to its source field and disperses to new fields in early spring the following year. Pest abundance increased with pest load in the previous year's seed field, but decreased by 68% per km distance to the previous year's field. Thus, separation of seed production fields between years by 2-3 km would create a spatiotemporal pest management tool to reduce the pest infestation below the estimated economic injury level

    Incidence and risk factors for suicide and attempted suicide following a diagnosis of hematological malignancy.

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    To access publisher's full text version of this article, please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links field or click on the hyperlink at the top of the page marked Files. This article is open access.Solid tumors are associated with an increased risk of suicide, however, there is limited detailed information on the risk of suicide in patients with hematological malignancies. Therefore, we conducted a population-based study including 47,220 patients with hematological malignancies (diagnosed 1992-2006) and their 235,868 matched controls to define the incidence and risk factors for suicide and suicide attempt. Information on suicides, suicide attempts, and preexisting psychiatric disorders was obtained from Swedish registers and individual medical records. There was a twofold increased (hazard ratio [HR] = 1.9, 95% confidence interval 1.5-2.3, P < 0.0001) risk of suicide/suicide attempt during the first 3 years after diagnosis in patients with hematological malignancies compared to matched controls. Of all hematological malignancies, multiple myeloma was associated with the highest risk (HR = 3.4; 2.3-5.0, P < 0.0001). Patients with a preexisting psychiatric disorder were at a very high risk of suicide and suicide attempt (HR = 23.3; 16.6-32.6, P < 0.0001), regardless of type of hematological malignancy. Among patients who committed suicide, 19% were in a palliative phase and 44% were in remission with no active treatment. In conclusion, the risk of suicide and suicide attempt is elevated in patients with hematological malignancies. Certain high-risk patients may benefit from early detection and preventive measures.Swedish Cancer Society CAN 2012/483 regional agreement on medical training and clinical research (ALF) between Stockholm County Council and Karolinska Institutet 20120004 Adolf H Lundin Charitable Foundation Blodcancerfonde

    NILS datafångst och datavärdskap (NIDa)

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    Projektet NIDa (NILS datafångst och datavärdskap) har pågått i 5 år. Syftet har varit att skapa förutsättningar för ett datavärdskap i NILS (Nationell inventering av landskapet i Sverige). Inom projektet har ett system för mottagning av data och grunden för lagringsdatabasen utvecklats. Förutom systemutveckling har projektet genomfört kvalitetssäkring av befintliga data och tagit fram rutiner för korrigering av data. I rapporten beskrivs datasystemet för NILS och projektet utvärderas. Komplett systemdokumentation, förvaltningsplan och ekonomisk redovisning av projektet bifogas i bilagor