484 research outputs found

    Operations and single particle interferometry

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    Interferometry of single particles with internal degrees of freedom is investigated. We discuss the interference patterns obtained when an internal state evolution device is inserted into one or both the paths of the interferometer. The interference pattern obtained is not uniquely determined by the completely positive maps (CPMs) that describe how the devices evolve the internal state of a particle. By using the concept of gluing of CPMs, we investigate the structure of all possible interference patterns obtainable for given trace preserving internal state CPMs. We discuss what can be inferred about the gluing, given a sufficiently rich set of interference experiments. It is shown that the standard interferometric setup is limited in its abilities to distinguish different gluings. A generalized interferometric setup is introduced with the capacity to distinguish all gluings. We also connect to another approach using the well known fact that channels can be realized using a joint unitary evolution of the system and an ancillary system. We deduce the set of all such unitary `representations' and relate the structure of this set to gluings and interference phenomena.Comment: Journal reference added. Material adde

    Onset of Rotational Damping in Superdeformed Nuclei

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    We discuss damping of the collective rotational motion in A150A\sim 150 superdeformed nuclei by means of a shell model combining the cranked Nilsson mean-filed and the surface-delta two-body residual force. It is shown that, because of the shell structure associated with the superdeformed mean-field, onset energy of the rotational damping becomes Ex23E_x \sim 2-3 MeV above yrast line, which is much higher than in normal deformed nuclei. The mechanism of the shell structure effect is investigated through detailed analysis of level densities in superdeformed nuclei. It is predicted the onset of damping varies in different supedeformed nuclei along with variation in the single-particle structure at the Fermi surface.Comment: 24 pages, latex, 14 figures (compressed and uuencoded

    Shell Model for Warm Rotating Nuclei

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    In order to provide a microscopic description of levels and E2 transitions in rapidly rotating nuclei with internal excitation energy up to a few MeV, use is made of a shell model which combines the cranked Nilsson mean-field and the residual surface delta two-body force. The damping of collective rotational motion is investigated in the case of a typical rare-earth nucleus, namely \Yb. It is found that rotational damping sets in at around 0.8 MeV above the yrast line, and the levels which form rotational band structures are thus limited. We predict at a given rotational frequency existence of about 30 rotational bands of various lengths, in overall agreement with the experimental findings. The onset of the rotational damping proceeds quite gradually as a function of the internal excitation energy. The transition region extends up to around 2 MeV above yrast and it is characterized by the presence of scars of discrete rotational bands which extend over few spin values and stand out among the damped transitions, and by a two-component profile in the EγEγE_\gamma -E_\gamma correlation. The important role played by the high-multipole components of the two-body residual interaction is emphasized.Comment: 28 pages, LaTe

    Barrier penetration and rotational damping of thermally excited superdeformed nuclei

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    We construct a microscopic model of thermally excited superdeformed states that describes both the barrier penetration mechanism, leading to the decay-out transitions to normal deformed states, and the rotational damping causing fragmentation of rotational E2 transitions. We describe the barrier penetration by means of a tunneling path in the two-dimensional deformation energy surface, which is calculated with the cranked Nilsson-Strutinsky model. The individual excited superdeformed states and associated E2 transition strengths are calculated by the shell model diagonalization of the many-particle many-hole excitations interacting with the delta-type residual two-body force. The effect of the decay-out on the excited superdeformed states are discussed in detail for 152^{152}Dy, 143^{143}Eu and 192^{192}Hg.Comment: 33pages, 32 figures, submitted to Nucl.Phys.

    Evidence for a correlated insulator to antiferromagnetic metal transition in CrN

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    We investigate the electronic structure of Chromium Nitride (CrN) across the first-order magneto-structural transition at T_N ~ 286 K. Resonant photoemission spectroscopy shows a gap in the 3d partial density of states at the Fermi level and an On-site Coulomb energy U ~ 4.5 eV, indicating strong electron-electron correlations. Bulk-sensitive high resolution (6 meV) laser photoemission reveals a clear Fermi edge indicating an antiferromagnetic metal below T_N. Hard x-ray Cr 2p core-level spectra show T-dependent changes across T_N which originate from screening due to coherent states as substantiated by cluster model calculations using the experimentally observed U. The electrical resistivity confirms an insulator above T_N (E_g ~ 70 meV) which becomes a disordered metal below T_N. The results indicate CrN transforms from a correlated insulator to an antiferromagnetic metal, coupled to the magneto-structural transition.Comment: Submitted to Physical Review Letters (February 2010) 11 pages, 3 figures in the main text, 1 Supplementary Informatio

    Adiabatic Approximation for weakly open systems

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    We generalize the adiabatic approximation to the case of open quantum systems, in the joint limit of slow change and weak open system disturbances. We show that the approximation is ``physically reasonable'' as under wide conditions it leads to a completely positive evolution, if the original master equation can be written on a time-dependent Lindblad form. We demonstrate the approximation for a non-Abelian holonomic implementation of the Hadamard gate, disturbed by a decoherence process. We compare the resulting approximate evolution with numerical simulations of the exact equation.Comment: New material added, references added and updated, journal reference adde

    Dynamics of cold bosons in optical lattices: Effects of higher Bloch bands

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    The extended effective multiorbital Bose-Hubbard-type Hamiltonian which takes into account higher Bloch bands, is discussed for boson systems in optical lattices, with emphasis on dynamical properties, in relation with current experiments. It is shown that the renormalization of Hamiltonian parameters depends on the dimension of the problem studied. Therefore, mean field phase diagrams do not scale with the coordination number of the lattice. The effect of Hamiltonian parameters renormalization on the dynamics in reduced one-dimensional optical lattice potential is analyzed. We study both the quasi-adiabatic quench through the superfluid-Mott insulator transition and the absorption spectroscopy, that is energy absorption rate when the lattice depth is periodically modulated.Comment: 23 corrected interesting pages, no Higgs boson insid

    On the role of shake-off in single-photon double ionization

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    The role of shake-off for double ionization of atoms by a single photon with finite energy has become the subject of debate. In this letter, we attempt to clarify the meaning of shake-off at low photon energies by comparing different formulations appearing in the literature and by suggesting a working definition. Moreover, we elaborate on the foundation and justification of a mixed quantum-classical ansatz for the calculation of single-photon double ionization

    The thermodynamic meaning of negative entropy

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    Landauer's erasure principle exposes an intrinsic relation between thermodynamics and information theory: the erasure of information stored in a system, S, requires an amount of work proportional to the entropy of that system. This entropy, H(S|O), depends on the information that a given observer, O, has about S, and the work necessary to erase a system may therefore vary for different observers. Here, we consider a general setting where the information held by the observer may be quantum-mechanical, and show that an amount of work proportional to H(S|O) is still sufficient to erase S. Since the entropy H(S|O) can now become negative, erasing a system can result in a net gain of work (and a corresponding cooling of the environment).Comment: Added clarification on non-cyclic erasure and reversible computation (Appendix E). For a new version of all technical proofs see the Supplementary Information of the journal version (free access