2,038 research outputs found
Firm Heterogeneity and Country Size Dependent Market Entry Cost
This paper introduces a market size dependent firm entry cost into the Melitz (2003) model. This is a relatively small generalisation, which preserves the analytical solvability of the model. Nevertheless, our model yields several new results that are in line with data. First, the average productivity of firms located in a market increases in the size of the market. Second, the productivity of exporters is U-shaped with reference to export market size. Third, the productivity premium (the difference in average productivity) between exporters and non-exporters decreases in the home country size. Fourth, we derive a set of new results related to trade volume. It is shown that when the fixed entry cost of exporting declines, for instance as the result of economic integration, export shares converge. This prognosis is supported by the empirical section of the paper. Fifth, we use a multicountry version of our model to derive a gravity equation. Our specification yields a gravity equation Ă la Anderson and van Wincoop (2003), but where GDP per capita enters as an additional explanatory variable.Heterogenous Firms; Market Size; Beachhead Costs
Informal Care in the Light of Well-Being â the Case of Finland
The societal triumph in terms of increased life expectancy has, in combination with other development, contributed to an increased need for socially and financially sustainable care forms for older adults in Finland, as in many other parts of the Western world. An example of such a solution is informal care, that is, a formalisation of informal care where a close one with the help of public support services cares for care dependents who cannot manage on their own. The promotion of well-being of older adults is an important part of Finnish social policy. Macro-level decisions and local implementations affect well-being. Support services and benefits shape the prerequisites for coping in everyday life and subsequently experiencing well-being of older adults concerned with informal care. Simultaneously, well-being is a more complex and holistic phenomenon than only the outcome of welfare. Care is a relational and dynamic process, where norms and personal life stories are examples of factors that shape the experiences of how care servicesâand subsequently well-beingâought to be given or received.
This dissertation aims to study the informal care of older adults in light of well-being theories in a Finnish setting. In the first study, informal care recipientsâ care preferences and thoughts on the future were explored from a life course perspective. In the second study, well-being was investigated by applying the capability approach to dismantle an informal care dyadâs care arrangements and consequences on well-being across time. In the third study, the caregiver stress process model was used to investigate associations between individual economic, social, and political resources and subjective caregiver burden among older spousal caregivers in the Bothnia region. The fourth study explored the feasibility of a co-designed intervention developed in line with the World Health Organizationâs Healthy Ageing paradigm with the aim of training former caregivers to become expert caregivers.
In studies 1 and 2, informal care recipientsâ experiences were explored based on data collected from semi-structured interviews with seven informal care recipients (Study 1) and follow-up interviews with the same respondents and their informal caregivers in Study 2. The results illustrated that the development of social care for older adults contributed to the care recipientsâ well-being in both direct and indirect ways. The informal care recipients appreciated living at home despite a declined functional capacity, and the offered support services promoted this ability to some extent. Simultaneously, the social care system sometimes acted as a barrier towards experiencing well-being. As an indirect effect, negative experiences and/or perceptions of formal care alternatives contributed to feelings of insecurity and uncertainty regarding future care arrangements.
In Study 3, multivariate logistic regression was used on data derived from the Gerontological Regional Database (GERDA) survey 2016 to study the associations between individual social, economic, and political resources and subjective caregiver burden among older spousal caregivers in Ăsterbotten/Pohjanmaa (Finland) and VĂ€sterbotten (Sweden). About half of the spousal caregivers reported experiencing subjective caregiver burden, and this was slightly more common among Finnish-speaking caregivers. Frequent contact with family members indicated subjective caregiver burden, potentially meaning that frequent contact with family members is an indicator for intensive informal care. High levels of financial stress indicated subjective caregiver burden, while personal income did not. Out of the control variables, being Finnish speaking, reporting low perceived self-rated health and receiving formal support for informal care indicated subjective caregiver burden.
In Study 4, quantitative and qualitative methods were used to explore the feasibility of a co-designed intervention for former informal caregiversâa group that is largely overlooked in both research and policy. The participants took part in a training programme to become âexpert caregiversâ for current caregivers. Partly due to the already existing infrastructure for social activities for informal caregivers and/or older adults in the region of Ăsterbotten, the intervention was successfully implemented. The results showed that there was a demand for the intervention among former caregivers and a demand among current caregivers to take part in the support offered by the trained expert caregivers. The intervention created a social context for the expert caregivers, most of whom were bereaved widows/widowers.
The main conclusion of the thesis is that well-being of older adults concerned with informal care is highly complex and prone to change in terms of needs and resources. Both facilitators and barriers to well-being are interwoven in the Finnish welfare context. The results in this thesis imply that an extended view of informal care and the meaning of social relationships can lead to until now unutilized resources. To ensure that resources as well as needs are considered across different phases of informal care and among different target groups, the co-operation between different welfare actors is crucial. Well-functioning co-operation and development involving multiple welfare actors and citizens themselves form a solid foundation for successful interventions that promote well-being.Den samhĂ€lleliga triumfen i form av en ökad förvĂ€ntad livslĂ€ngd har i kombination med annan utveckling bidragit till ett ökat behov av socialt och ekonomiskt hĂ„llbara omsorgslösningar för Ă€ldre i Finland sĂ„som i mĂ„nga andra delar av vĂ€stvĂ€rlden. Ett exempel pĂ„ en sĂ„dan lösning Ă€r nĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rd, d.v.s. en formalisering av informell omsorg dĂ€r en anhörig med hjĂ€lp av offentliga stödtjĂ€nster ger vĂ„rd och omsorg Ă„t vĂ„rdbehövande som inte klarar sig sjĂ€lvstĂ€ndigt. FrĂ€mjandet av vĂ€lbefinnande bland Ă€ldre utgör en viktig del av Finlands socialpolitiska verksamhet. Politiska beslut pĂ„ makronivĂ„ och lokala implementeringar i kommunerna pĂ„verkar vĂ€lbefinnande. StödtjĂ€nster och förmĂ„ner formar förutsĂ€ttningar för att klara vardagen och dĂ€rmed uppleva vĂ€lbefinnande bland Ă€ldre som berörs av nĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rd. Samtidigt Ă€r vĂ€lbefinnande ett mer komplext och holistiskt fenomen Ă€n enbart resultatet av vĂ€lfĂ€rd. Omsorg Ă€r en relationell och dynamisk process, dĂ€r normer och den personliga livshistorien Ă€r exempel pĂ„ faktorer som kan forma upplevelserna av hur omsorg bör ges eller tas emot â och dĂ€rmed vĂ€lbefinnandet.
Syftet med denna avhandling Ă€r att studera nĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rd bland Ă€ldre i ljuset av vĂ€lbefinnandeteorier i en finlĂ€ndsk kontext. I den första delstudien undersöktes nĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rdtagares vĂ„rdpreferenser och tankar om framtiden med hjĂ€lp av livsloppsperspektivet. I den andra delstudien anvĂ€ndes kapabilitetsteorin för att demontera en nĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rddyads vĂ„rdarrangemang och dess konsekvenser för vĂ€lbefinnande över tid. I den tredje delstudien anvĂ€ndes nĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rdares stressprocessmodell för att studera sambanden mellan individuella ekonomiska, sociala och politiska resurser och subjektiv nĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rdarbörda bland Ă€ldre makar som ger nĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rd i Botniaregionen. I den fjĂ€rde delstudien studerades genomförbarheten och effekterna av en samskapad intervention som utvecklats i enlighet med VĂ€rldshĂ€lsoorganisationens HĂ€lsosamt Ă
ldrande paradigm med syfte att utbilda före detta nÀrstÄendevÄrdare till att bli erfarenhetsmentorer.
I studie 1 och 2 undersöktes nÀrstÄendevÄrdmottagares erfarenheter med fokus pÄ vÄrdpreferenser och vÄrdarrangemang baserat pÄ data insamlat frÄn semistrukturerade intervjuer med sju nÀrstÄendevÄrdmottagare (delstudie 1) samt uppföljningsintervjuer med samma respondenter och deras nÀrstÄendevÄrdare i delstudie 2. Resultaten frÄn studie 1 och 2 illustrerade hur utvecklingen inom Àldreomsorgen bidrog till nÀrstÄendevÄrdtagares vÀlbefinnande pÄ bÄde direkta och indirekta sÀtt. NÀrstÄendevÄrdtagarna vÀrdesatte att fÄ bo hemma trots en nedsatt funktionsförmÄga och de erbjudna stödtjÀnsterna frÀmjade denna möjlighet till viss del. Samtidigt fungerade social- och hÀlsovÄrdssystemet ibland som ett hinder för att uppleva vÀlbefinnande. Som en indirekt effekt bidrog negativa erfarenheter och/eller förestÀllningar om formella vÄrdalternativ till kÀnslor av otrygghet och osÀkerhet gÀllande framtida vÄrdarrangemang.
I studie 3 anvĂ€ndes multivariat logistisk regression pĂ„ data frĂ„n GERDA-enkĂ€tundersökningen 2016 för att studera sambanden mellan individuella sociala, ekonomiska och politiska resurser och subjektiv nĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rdbörda bland Ă€ldre nĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rdmakar i Ăsterbotten och VĂ€sterbotten. UngefĂ€r hĂ€lften av nĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rdarna rapporterade att de upplevde subjektiv nĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rdbörda och detta var nĂ„got mer förekommande bland finsksprĂ„kiga nĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rdare. Frekvent kontakt med familjemedlemmar indikerade subjektiv nĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rdbörda, vilket potentiellt kan innebĂ€ra att frekvent kontakt med familjemedlemmar Ă€r en indikator för intensiv nĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rd. En hög nivĂ„ av ekonomisk stress indikerade subjektiv nĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rdbörda, medan personlig inkomst inte gjorde det. Av kontrollvariablerna indikerade finsk sprĂ„kgruppstillhörighet, lĂ„g sjĂ€lvskattad hĂ€lsa och formellt stöd för nĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rd subjektiv nĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rdbörda.
I studie 4 anvĂ€ndes bĂ„de kvantitativa och kvalitativa metoder för att studera genomförbarheten i en samskapad intervention för före detta nĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rdare â en grupp som till stor del Ă€r förbisedd inom bĂ„de forskning och policy. Deltagarna tog del av ett utbildningsprogram för att bli âerfarenhetsmentorerâ för nuvarande nĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rdare. Delvis pĂ„ grund av den redan existerande infrastrukturen för sociala aktiviteter för nĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rdare och/eller Ă€ldre individer i regionen Ăsterbotten, kunde interventionen framgĂ„ngsrikt implementeras. Resultaten visade att det fanns efterfrĂ„gan pĂ„ interventionen bland de utbildade erfarenhetsmentorerna och en efterfrĂ„gan bland nuvarande nĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rdare att ta del av erfarenhetsmentorernas stöd. Interventionen skapade en social kontext för erfarenhetsmentorerna varav de flesta var Ă€nkor/Ă€nklingar.
Avhandlingens huvudsakliga slutsats Àr att villkoren för att uppleva vÀlbefinnande bland Àldre berörda av nÀrstÄendevÄrd Àr mycket komplexa och förÀnderliga i termer av behov och resurser. BÄde möjliggörande och hindrande faktorer för vÀlbefinnande Àr inbÀddade i den finlÀndska vÀlfÀrdskontexten. Resultaten i avhandlingen tyder pÄ att en vidgad syn pÄ nÀrstÄendevÄrd och sociala relationers betydelse kan leda till hittills outnyttjade resurser. För att sÀkerstÀlla att sÄvÀl resurser som behov tas i beaktande under nÀrstÄendevÄrdens gÄng och bland olika mÄlgrupper som berörs av nÀrstÄendevÄrd, bör samarbetet mellan olika aktörer inom vÀlfÀrden fungera. Ett vÀlfungerande samarbete och utvecklingsarbete som involverar olika vÀlfÀrdsaktörer och medborgare sjÀlva skapar en god grund för framgÄngsrik verksamhet som stöder vÀlbefinnande
Queen Christinaâs esoteric interests as a background to her Platonic Academies
In 1681 the blind quietist, Francois Malaval, stated that Queen Christina of Sweden late in life had âgiven upâ [Hermes] Trismegistos and the Platonists, in favour of the Church fathers. The statement does not explain what role the Church fathers were to play in her last years, but it does show that Christina really had been interested in the rather elitist and esoteric doctrine of Hermetic Platonic Christianity. In this article the author looks at her library to show the depth of this Hermetic involvement. Her interest serves as a background to her life as ex-queen in Italy after her famous abdication from the Swedish throne in 1654, when she was 27 years old
Fine-Needle Aspiration Cytology of Soft Tissue Sarcoma: Benefits and Limitations
Purpose. Examine the benefits and limitations of fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNA) used as the definitive diagnostic method before treatment
Infelicitous Cancellation: The Explicit Cancellability Test for Conversational Implicature Revisited
This paper questions the adequacy of the explicit cancellability test for conversational implicature as it is commonly understood. The standard way of understanding this test relies on two assumptions: first, that that one can test whether a certain content is conversationally implicated, by checking whether that content is cancellable, and second, that a cancellation is successful only if it results in a felicitous utterance. While I accept the first of these assumptions, I reject the second one. I argue that a cancellation can succeed even if it results in an infelicitous utterance, and that unless we take this possibility into account we run the risk of misdiagnosing philosophically significant cases
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