9 research outputs found
Low starting dosage of infliximab with possible escalating dosage in psoriatic arthritis gives the same treatment results as standard dosage of adalimumab or etanercept: results from the nationwide Icelandic ICEBIO registry
Objective: To explore differences in response to a low dosage regimen of infliximab with an escalating dosage in comparison to a standard dosage of etanercept and adalimumab in patients with psoriatic arthritis (PsA).
Methods: Biologically naïve PsA patients who were beginning anti-TNF-α therapy were selected from the ICEBIO registry. Demographics and clinical differences were compared in four treatment groups: infliximab 4 mg/kg; etanercept or adalimumab at baseline and on follow-up (6 and 12 months, last visit). The Kruskal–Wallis rank sum test was used for comparison of the groups and the Wilcoxon test to compare the two infliximab dosage regimens.
Results: One hundred and eighty-five patients (61% female) were identified; 84 patients received infliximab, 66 etanercept, and 35 adalimumab. A total of 19% of the patients treated with infliximab escalated their dosage ≥4 mg/kg. No significant differences were observed at baseline in respect to visual analog scale (VAS) pain, VAS fatigue, Health Assessment Questionnaire, C-reactive protein (CRP), numbers of swollen or tender joints, or Disease Activity Score (DAS) 28-CRP values. A similar treatment response was observed in all four treatment groups on follow-up.
Conclusion: In respect to treatment effects, a low dosage of infliximab with possible escalating dosage is acceptable for the majority of PsA patients who are in need of biological treatment.The study was partly funded by a study grant from The Icelandic Society for Rheumatology.Peer Reviewe
Second and third TNF inhibitors in European patients with axial spondyloarthritis: Effectiveness and impact of the reason for switching
OBJECTIVE: To investigate real-world effectiveness of tumor necrosis factor inhibitors (TNFi) in patients with axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA) and the association with 1) treatment line (second and third TNFi-series) and 2) reason for withdrawal from the preceding TNFi (lack of efficacy (LOE) versus adverse events (AE)).
METHODS: Prospectively collected routine care data from 12 European registries were pooled. Rates for 12-month drug retention and 6-month remission (Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Score C-reactive protein inactive disease (ASDAS-ID)) were assessed in second and third TNFi-series and stratified by withdrawal reason.
RESULTS: We included 8254 s and 2939 third TNFi-series; 12-month drug retention rates were similar (71%). Six-month ASDAS-ID rates were higher for the second (23%) than third TNFi (16%). Twelve-month drug retention rates for patients withdrawing from the preceding TNFi due to AE versus LOE were similar for the second (68% and 67%) and third TNFi (both 68%), while for the second TNFi, rates were lower in primary than secondary non-responders (LOE < 26 versus ≥26 weeks) (58% versus 71%, p< 0.001). Six-month ASDAS-ID rates for the second TNFi were higher if the withdrawal reason was AE (27%) versus LOE (17%), p< 0.001, while similar for the third TNFi (19% versus 13%, p= 0.20).
CONCLUSION: A similar proportion of axSpA patients remained on a second and third TNFi after one year, but with low remission rates for the third TNFi. Remission rates on the second TNFi (but not the third) were higher if the withdrawal reason from the preceding TNFi was AE versus LOE
Fjölkerfabandvefssjúkdómar á Íslandi
Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenÍ faraldsfræðilegri rannsókn á Íslandi á rauðum úlfum, fjölkerfaherslismeini, fjölvöðvabólgu/húð-vöðvabólgu og blönduðum bandvefssjúkdómi var beitt viðurkenndum skilmerkjum til flokkunar sjúkdómanna. Efniviður voru allir sjúklingar, skráðir á sjúkrahúsum landsins sem og utan sjúkrahúsa, á 10 ára tímabili frá 1975-1984. Alls fundust 100 ný tilfelli: Með rauða úlfa 76, 13 með herslismein, sex með fjölvöðvabólgu/húð-vöðvabólgu og fimm með blandaðan bandvefssjúkdóm. Aldursstaðlað nýgengi fyrir rauða úlfa var 5,8 fyrir konur og 0,8/;00.000/ári fyrir karla; fyrir herslismein 0,7 og 0,4; fyrir fjölvöðvabólgu/húð-vöðvabólgu 0,3 og 0,1 og fyrir blandaðan bandvefssjúkdóm 0,4 og 0,0. Af sjúklingum með rauða úlfa hefðu 25% ekki talist með ef efniviður rannsóknarinnar hefði takmarkast við sjúkrahús landsins. Samanborið við fyrri rannsókn á rauðum úlfum á fjórum sjúkrahúsum á Íslandi kom fram raunveruleg fjölgun tilfella á síðastliðnum 20 árum. Nýgengi og algengi rauðra úlfa og fjölvöðvabólgu/húð-vöðvabólgu hér á landi reyndist vera innan þeirra marka, sem fram hafa komið í erlendum rannsóknum, en algengi herslismeins og blandaðs bandvefssjúkdóms reyndist lægra en talið hefur verið til þessa. Sjúkdómarnir eru allir mun algengari meðal kvenna en karla. Meðalgreiningartöf er áberandi long fyrir rauða úlfa. Dánartíðni reyndist marktækt aukin við alla þessa sjúkdóma
Truflun á meðhöndlun mótefnafléttna hjá sjúklingum með herslismein
Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenKomplímentkerfið getur hindrað myndun stórra mótefnafléttna (immune complex), sem falla út í æðaveggi. Rannsakaðir voru 18 sjúklingar með herslismein (systemic sclerosis, scleroderma), 16 konur og tveir karlar. Meðalaldur sjúklinganna var 53,5 ár og sjúkdómslengd 9,9 ár. Þrettán sjúklinganna höfðu lítt virkan sjúkdóm en fimm höfðu virkan sjúkdóm. Til samanburðar voru rannsakaðir 103 handahófsvaldir blóðþegar og 30 sjúklingar með iktsýki. I ljós kom að sermi sjúklinga með herslismein reyndist hafa skerta getu til að halda mótefnafléttum á floti samanborið við fríska blóðgjafa og sjúklinga með iktsýki (p<0,001). Virkni komplímentkerfis sjúklinga með herslismein til að sundra rauðum blóðkornum CH50 (total hemolytic compliment) var hins vegar eðlileg í öllum nema einum. Atta sjúklinganna höfðu hækkun á C3d, en engin fylgni var á milli C3d hækkunar og lítillar virkni komplímentkerfisins til að halda mótefnafléttum á floti. Þessar niðurstöður benda til þess að sjúklingar með herslismein hafi galla í komplímentkerfinu, sem geti torveldað þeim að hreinsa mótefnafléttur úr líkamanum
Predictors of ASDAS-CRP inactive disease in axial spondyloarthritis during treatment with TNF-inhibitors: Data from the EuroSpA collaboration
OBJECTIVES: In patients with axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA) initiating their first tumor necrosis factor alpha-inhibitor (TNFi), we aimed to identify common baseline predictors of Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Score (ASDAS-CRP) inactive disease (primary objective) and clinically important improvement (CII) at 6 months, and drug retention at 12-months across 15 European registries.
METHODS: Baseline demographic and clinical characteristics were collected. Outcomes were investigated per registry and in pooled data using logistic regression analyses on multiply imputed data.
RESULTS: The consistency of baseline predictors in individual registries justified pooling the data. In the pooled dataset (n = 21,196), the 6-month rates for ASDAS inactive disease and ASDAS CII were 26% and 51%, and the 12-month drug retention rate 65% in patients with available data (n = 9,845, n = 6,948 and n = 21,196, respectively). Nine common baseline predictors of ASDAS inactive disease, ASDAS CII and 12-month drug retention were identified, and the odds ratios (95%-confidence interval) for ASDAS inactive disease were: age, per year: 0.97 (0.97-0.98), men vs. women: 1.88 (1.60-2.22), current vs. non-smoking: 0.76 (0.63-0.91), HLA-B27 positive vs. negative: 1.51 (1.20-1.91), TNF start year 2015-2018 vs. 2009-2014: 1.24 (1.06-1.45), CRP>10 vs. ≤10 mg/l: 1.49 (1.25-1.77), one unit increase in health assessment questionnaire (HAQ): 0.77 (0.58-1.03), one-millimeter (mm) increase in Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index (BASDAI) fatigue and spinal pain: 0.99 (0.99-1.00) and 0.99 (0.99-1.99), respectively CONCLUSION: Common baseline predictors of treatment response and adherence to TNFi could be identified across data from 15 European registries, indicating that they may be universal across different axSpA populations
Treatment response and drug retention rates in 24 195 biologic-naïve patients with axial spondyloarthritis initiating TNFi treatment: routine care data from 12 registries in the EuroSpA collaboration
To study drug retention and response rates in patients with axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA) initiating a first tumour necrosis factor inhibitor (TNFi).
Data from 12 European registries, prospectively collected in routine care, were pooled. TNFi retention rates (Kaplan-Meier statistics), Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Score (ASDAS) Inactive disease (<1.3), Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index (BASDAI) <40 mm and Assessment of SpondyloArthritis International Society responses (ASAS 20/40) were assessed at 6, 12 and 24 months.
A first TNFi was initiated in 24 195 axSpA patients. Heterogeneity of baseline characteristics between registries was observed. Twelve-month retention was 80% (95% CI 79% to 80%), ranging from 71% to 94% across registries. At 6 months, ASDAS Inactive disease/BASDAI<40 rates were 33%/72% (LUNDEX-adjusted: 27%/59%), ASAS 20/40 response rates 64%/49% (LUNDEX-adjusted 52%/40%). In patients initiating first TNFi after 2009, 6097 patients was registered to fulfil ASAS criteria for axSpA, 2935 was registered to fulfil modified New York Criteria for Ankylosing Spondylitis and 1178 patients was registered as having non-radiographic axSpA. In nr-axSpA patients, we observed lower 12-month retention rates (73% (70%-76%)) and lower 6-month LUNDEX adjusted response rates (ASDAS Inactive disease/BASDAI40 20%/50%, ASAS 20/40 45%/33%). For patients initiating first TNFi after 2014, 12-month retention rate, but not 6-month response rate, was numerically higher compared with patients initiating TNFi in 2009-2014.
A large European database of patients with axSpA initiating a first TNFi treatment in routine care, demonstrated that 27% of patients achieved ASDAS inactive disease after 6 months, while 59% achieved BASDAI <40. Four of five patients continued treatment after 1 year
Treatment response and drug retention rates in 24 195 biologic-naïve patients with axial spondyloarthritis initiating TNFi treatment: routine care data from 12 registries in the EuroSpA collaboration.
To access publisher's full text version of this article click on the hyperlink belowOBJECTIVE:
To study drug retention and response rates in patients with axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA) initiating a first tumour necrosis factor inhibitor (TNFi).
Data from 12 European registries, prospectively collected in routine care, were pooled. TNFi retention rates (Kaplan-Meier statistics), Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Score (ASDAS) Inactive disease (<1.3), Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index (BASDAI) <40 mm and Assessment of SpondyloArthritis International Society responses (ASAS 20/40) were assessed at 6, 12 and 24 months.
A first TNFi was initiated in 24 195 axSpA patients. Heterogeneity of baseline characteristics between registries was observed. Twelve-month retention was 80% (95% CI 79% to 80%), ranging from 71% to 94% across registries. At 6 months, ASDAS Inactive disease/BASDAI<40 rates were 33%/72% (LUNDEX-adjusted: 27%/59%), ASAS 20/40 response rates 64%/49% (LUNDEX-adjusted 52%/40%). In patients initiating first TNFi after 2009, 6097 patients was registered to fulfil ASAS criteria for axSpA, 2935 was registered to fulfil modified New York Criteria for Ankylosing Spondylitis and 1178 patients was registered as having non-radiographic axSpA. In nr-axSpA patients, we observed lower 12-month retention rates (73% (70%-76%)) and lower 6-month LUNDEX adjusted response rates (ASDAS Inactive disease/BASDAI40 20%/50%, ASAS 20/40 45%/33%). For patients initiating first TNFi after 2014, 12-month retention rate, but not 6-month response rate, was numerically higher compared with patients initiating TNFi in 2009-2014.
A large European database of patients with axSpA initiating a first TNFi treatment in routine care, demonstrated that 27% of patients achieved ASDAS inactive disease after 6 months, while 59% achieved BASDAI <40. Four of five patients continued treatment after 1 year.Novarti
Sex differences in the effectiveness of first-line tumour necrosis factor inhibitors in axial spondyloarthritis: results from the EuroSpA Research Collaboration Network
Objective Evidence indicates reduced treatment effectiveness of TNFi in women with axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA) compared with men. We aimed to investigate sex differences in treatment response and retention rates over 24 months of follow-up in axSpA patients initiating their first TNFi.Methods Data from axSpA patients initiating a TNFi in 1 of 15 registries within EuroSpA collaboration were pooled. We investigated the association of sex with treatment response using logistic regression. The primary outcome was clinically important improvement (CII) at 6 months according to Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Score with C-reactive protein (CRP) (≥1.1 decrease). We adjusted for age, country and TNFi start year. A secondary outcome was retention rates over 24 months of follow-up assessed by Kaplan-Meier estimator.Results In total, 6451 axSpA patients with data on CII were assessed for treatment response; 2538 (39%) were women and 3913 (61%) were men. Women presented at baseline with lower CRP levels but had higher scores on patient-reported outcome measures. At 6 months, 53% of the women and 66% of the men had CII. Women had a lower relative risk of CII compared with men (0.81; 95% CI 0.77 to 0.84). This sex difference was similar in adjusted analysis (0.85; 95% CI 0.82 to 0.88). Retention rates were evaluated in 27 702 patients. The TNFi 6/12/24 months retention rates were significantly lower among women (79%/66%/53%) than men (88%/79%/69%).Conclusion Treatment response and retention rates are lower among women with axSpA initiating their first TNFi. Sex differences in treatment effectiveness were present regardless of the outcome measure used for treatment response, and differences in retention rates transpired early and increased as time progressed