88 research outputs found

    Mapuche medicine in the city. Significance of the medical practices of the Mapuche in the 21st century

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    Desde que la migración indígena a las metrópolis latinoamericanas se masificó, hemos visto la emergencia y revitalización, en dichos contextos, de dominios culturales propios de estos pueblos. Es el caso del pueblo mapuche en las grandes ciudades de Chile. Cuando el Sistema Médico Mapuche (SMM) se instala en contextos urbanos, además de insertarse en el mundo de la Salud Pública y en la agenda del Ministerio de Salud chileno (MINSAL), no sólo se ve afectado por las diferencias sustanciales (materiales y simbólicas) que el nuevo escenario presenta, sino que también por los intentos de normativización de su práctica. La pregunta es ¿cómo se produce y reproduce el SMM en contextos urbanos? En torno a ella se plantea esta investigación, en un intento por responder dicha interrogante mediante un estudio de caso, en una Ruka instalada en un Consultorio de Atención Primaria, en Santiago de Chile.Ever since the indigenous migration towards the Latin-American metropolis became massive, there has been an emergence and revitalization, in these contexts, of their cultural spheres. This is the case of Mapuches in the great cities of Chile. When the Mapuche Medical System (Sistema Médico Mapuche, SMM) is transferred to urban contexts, even being included as part of the public-health policy and placed on the agenda of the Health Ministry (Ministerio de Salud MINSAL), the SMM is not only challenged by the substantial differences (material and symbolic) of the new context , but it is also affected by the attempts by state organizations to legislate of its practice. The question is: How is the SMM produced and reproduced in urban contexts? This question has guided the present investigation. It is an attempt to respond this query through a case study, in the Ruka at a Medical Centre, in Santiago de Chile.Grupo de Investigación Antropología y Filosofía (SEJ-126). Universidad de Granad

    Reducing the environmental impact of textile industry by reusing residual salts and water: ECUVal system

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    The textile industry is one of the largest consumers of water in the world and its wastewater constitutes a serious problem when it is discharged without the proper treatment. Different techniques are being applied for treating textile effluents. But, as far as we know, none of them consider the reuse of the clarified effluents. In this work, a recently developed wastewater system named ECUVal is proposed to treat and subsequently reuse the effluents generated by the dyeing process of a textile mill, which usually have high dyes and salt content. With this system, a reduction of water and salt consumption is achieved and simultaneously the volume of discharged effluents is also reduced. The ECUVal system is based on an electrochemical treatment assisted by UV irradiation. The system is able to remove colour completely. Colour removal efficiencies between 64 and 99% were obtained depending on the intensity applied. Moreover, the treated effluents are reconstituted in the system to be reused in new dyeing processes. Thus, 70% of water and up to 72% of salt reuse was achieved. The chromatic coordinates of fabrics dyed with the treated effluent were evaluated with respect to reference ones. Dyeings performed with reused effluents were in general into the acceptance limit of the textile industry (DECMC(2:1)¿=¿1). Finally, the environmental impact of the wastewater treatment currently performed in the textile companies was compared with respect to the ECUVal treatment by means of life cycle assessment. It was concluded that the use of the system reduces significantly the environmental impact of the textile industry.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Modalities of violence in a time deigned by the segregation of enjoyment

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    Lacan a lo largo de su enseñanza ha teorizado sobre la época y sus consecuencias en la constitución del ser hablante. La declinación del nombre del padre, el impacto del capitalismo y del mercado, así como los avances de la ciencia tienen efectos en términos de desorientación y de un intento de uniformización en los modos de goce. Los lazos ya no se sostienen en discursos e ideales, sino en la identificación a modos de goce a partir de lo cual se fundan las comunidades. Los modos de gozar se delimitan cada vez más acordes a un goce Uno. La ciencia comanda el empuje a la universalización y ofrece objetos a partir de los cuales se arman fraternidades alrededor de las modalidades de satisfacción que ellos aportan, pero no orienta respecto del modo de gozar particular del cual cada uno es esclavo, y así el sujeto queda abolido y perdido en cuanto a su goce singular.Ya en 1968 Lacan nos advierte sobre la evaporación del padre y sus efectos, situando como cicatriz un modo de retorno en forma de segregación que produce una diferenciación por la emergencia de un nosotros versus ellos, ferozmente en algunos casos, hasta la aniquilación.Las modalidades de violencia contemporáneas están caracterizadas por el rechazo y la segregación de lo diferente, que se manifiestan desde fenómenos de bullying, por ejemplo, hasta formas más radicales. Tal como sitúa Lacan la violencia aparece cuando dirime la palabra, como puesta en acto de la pulsión de muerte, desprendida totalmente de lo simbólico, que puede llegar a dañar al cuerpo del Otro, sea el del semejante o sea el propio cuando se vuelve Otro. “El odio, en tanto que odio al ser del otro que justifica su abolición” (Szapiro, 2020)Frente a lo cual nos preguntamos ¿Qué abordajes posibles desde el Psicoanálisis? Orientados por una ética que supone el respeto al síntoma, la singularidad y la diferencia, apostamos, a través de la palabra, a la construcción de lazos más vivibles y vivificantes.Lacan throughout his teaching has theorized about the time and its consequences in the constitution of the speaking being. The decline of the father's name, the impact of capitalism and the market, as well as advances in science have effects in terms of disorientation and an attempt to standardize the modes of enjoyment. The ties are no longer sustained in discourses and ideals, but in the identification of modes of enjoyment from which communities are founded. The modes of enjoyment are increasingly delimited in accordance with a One enjoyment. Science commands the push towards universalization and offers objects from which fraternities are built around the modes of satisfaction that they provide, but it does not guide the mode of enjoyment of particular enjoyment of which each one is a slave, and thus the subject is abolished and lost in terms of its singular enjoyment. Already in 1968 Lacan warned us about the evaporation of the father and its effects, placing as a scar a way of return in the form of segregation that proceeds, due to the emergence of an us versus them, a differentiation that comes, fiercely in some cases, to the point of annihilation. Contemporary forms of violence characterized by the rejection and segregation of what is different, which are manifested from bullying phenomena, for example, to more radical forms. As Lacan puts it, violence appears when he decides the word, as an enactment of the death instinct, totally detached from the symbolic, which can damage the Other's body, be it that of his fellow man or his own when he becomes Other. "Hate, insofar as I hate the being of the other that justifies its abolition" (Szapiro, 2020) Against which we ask ourselves what possible approaches from Psychoanalysis? Guided by an ethic that supposes respect for the symptom, the singularity and the difference, we bet, through the word, on the construction of more liveable and vivifying ties.Facultad de Psicologí

    Effect of multi-component school-based program on body mass index, cardiovascular and diabetes risks in a multi-ethnic study

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    Background: Mexico occupies one of the first places worldwide in childhood obesity. Its Mestizo and Indigenous communities present different levels of westernization which have triggered different epidemiological diseases. We assessed the effects of a multi-component school-based intervention program on obesity, cardiovascular and diabetes risk factors. Methods: A physical activity, health education and parent involvement (PAHEPI) program was developed and applied in six urban (Mestizo ethnic group) and indigenous (Seri and Yaqui ethnic groups) primary schools for 12 weeks. A total of 320 children aged 4–12 years participated in intervention program; 203 under Treatment 1 (PAHEPI program) and 117, only from Mestizo groups, under Treatment 2 (PAHEPI+ school meals). For Body Mass Index (BMI), cardiovascular and diabetes factors, pairwise comparisons of values at baseline and after treatments were done using Wilcoxon signed rank test. Generalized linear models were applied to assess the intervention effect by age, sex and nutritional status in relation to ethnicity and treatment. Results: We observed improvements on BMI in children with overweight-obesity and in triglycerides in the three ethnic groups. The Mestizo ethnic group showed the largest improvements under Treatment 2. While Seris showed improvements only in cardiovascular risk factors, Yaquis also showed improvements in diabetes risk factors, though not in BMI. Conclusions: This study showed that the same intervention may have positive but different effects in different ethnic groups depending on their lifestyle and their emerging epidemiological disease. Including this type of intervention as part of the school curriculum would allow to adapt to ethnic group in order to contribute more efficiently to child welfare

    Hypothalamic AMPKα2 regulates liver energy metabolism in rainbow trout through vagal innervation

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    Hypothalamic AMPK plays a major role in the regulation of whole body metabolism and energy balance. Present evidence has demonstrated that this canonical mechanism is evolutionarily conserved. Thus, recent data demonstrated that inhibition of AMPKα2 in fish hypothalamus led to decreased food intake and liver capacity to use and synthesize glucose, lipids, and amino acids. We hypothesize that a signal of abundance of nutrients from the hypothalamus controls hepatic metabolism. The vagus nerve is the most important link between the brain and the liver. We therefore examined in the present study whether surgical transection of the vagus nerve in rainbow trout is sufficient to alter the effect in liver of central inhibition of AMPKα2. Thus, we vagotomized (VGX) or not (Sham) rainbow trout and then intracerebroventricularly administered adenoviral vectors tagged with green fluorescent protein alone or linked to a dominant negative isoform of AMPKα2. The inhibition of AMPKα2 led to reduced food intake in parallel with changes in the mRNA abundance of hypothalamic neuropeptides [neuropeptide Y ( npy), agouti-related protein 1 ( agrp1), and cocaine- and amphetamine-related transcript ( cartpt)] involved in food intake regulation. Central inhibition of AMPKα2 resulted in the liver having decreased capacity to use and synthesize glucose, lipids, and amino acids. Notably, these effects mostly disappeared in VGX fish. These results support the idea that autonomic nervous system actions mediate the actions of hypothalamic AMPKα2 on liver metabolism. Importantly, this evidence indicates that the well-established role of hypothalamic AMPK in energy balance is a canonical evolutionarily preserved mechanism that is also present in the fish lineage

    Babesia microti-like piroplasm (syn. Babesia vulpes) infection in red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in NW Spain (Galicia) and its relationship with Ixodes hexagonus

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    Piroplasmosis is caused by several species of protozoa such as the Babesia microti-like piroplasm (Bml), an emerging blood protozoan also known as Theileria annae or Babesia vulpes. Infection by Bml was first reported in dogs in Spain where it is endemic today. Recently, a high prevalence of Bml has been increasingly detected in red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in European countries. The objective of this study was to determine infection levels of this parasite in foxes from Galicia, NW Spain, and ticks species infestation in these carnivores, where they are so far unknown. Samples of blood, spleen and ticks (if present) were taken from 237 hunted red foxes in the Galicia region. Blood smears were prepared for direct parasite observation, and spleen and tick samples were examined by nested PCR. Prevalences of Bml infection in Galician red foxes were estimated at 72% (171/237) by PCR and 38.23% (26/68) by direct observation. Among 837 ticks collected, the main tick identified was Ixodes hexagonus (present in 82.4% of the foxes) followed by Ixodes ricinus (12.3%), Dermacentor reticulatus (12.3%) and Rhipicephalus sanguineus sensu lato (3.5%). From 34 foxes testing positive for Bml, 616 ticks were collected: positive Bml PCR results were obtained in 55.6% (227/408) of ticks collected from 9 foxes, while the 208 ticks from the remaining 25 infected foxes returned negative PCR results. Given that canine piroplasmosis is endemic in this area, our observations point to the red fox as the main reservoir for Bml infection and the high proportion of I. hexagonus among ticks collected from red foxes suggests its likely role as vectors of B. microti-like piroplasm in this region. Further studies are needed for a better understanding of the link between the wild and domestic life cycles of this piroplasmS

    The role of healthy dog carriers of Babesia microti-like piroplasms

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    While in Europe Babesia canis has been traditionally held responsible for canine piroplasmosis, Babesia microti-like piroplasm (Bml) infection is being ever more observed in dogs, with the first clinical cases reported in northwestern Spain. This study examines the epidemiological role of healthy dogs living in endemic areas of Bml infection in Spain. The data obtained were used to describe the clinical status and map the geographical distribution of Bml infection in healthy dogs in northwestern SpainThe study was funded by the own sources of the Universidad Complutense of Madrid, SpainS

    Estado vacunal antineumocócica y antigripal en pacientes con EPOC mayores de 40 años y su relación con las exacerbaciones de la enfermedad en el último año en Barranquilla y Soledad en el año 2019

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    En el estudió se determinó la relación existente entre el estado vacunal (antineumocócica y antigripal) en pacientes, la presentación de exacerbaciones en el último año y variables sociodemográficas en pacientes mayores de 40 años con enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica en Barranquilla y Soledad. Se trata de un estudio observacional descriptivo transversal. Se encuestaron 81 personas, con técnica de muestreo consecutivo en el segundo semestre del año 2019, en el Hospital Universidad del Norte de Soledad y en la Clínica Reina Catalina de Barranquilla. La información se obtuvo directamente de los pacientes mediante el auto diligenciamiento de un cuestionario y a través de encuestas telefónicas. El grupo de variables investigadas fueron: socioeconómicas, estado de inmunización, comorbilidades y exacerbaciones en el último año. Del total de la población se encontró que el 19,75% de los pacientes recibieron la vacuna contra la influenza y sólo el 7,4% la antineumocócica, mismo porcentaje de pacientes con la aplicación de ambas vacunas. Se encontró que los pacientes vacunados contra el virus de la influenza, se presentaron menos exacerbaciones de la enfermedad, lo cual podría sugerir que actuase como un factor protector frente a las agudizaciones de la EPOC.PregradoMedic

    Estudio de medios de cultivo para la conservación in vitro de la yuca

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    Plant tissue culture constitutes an alternative for germplasm conservation in case of vegetatively propagated species. This approach permits to maintain collections in small places free from attach of diseases and catastrophes. Eleven variants from MS culture media were tested. Variants consist of different sucrose (20, 30 and 40 g.l-1) and manitol (0, 10, 20 y 30 g.l-1) concentrations in order to decrease the subculture number in the in vitro storage of ‘Señorita’ and ‘CEMSA 74-725’ clones. Evaluations were carried out nine months after in vitro implantation based on: height (cm), internode number by plant, number of active leave, number of active roots and surviving percentage. After storage, explants were incubated for recovery in the described culture medium for in vitro cassava growing. A culture medium with the addition of 40 g.l-1 sucrose, 0.02 mg.l-1 BAP, 0.1 mg.l-1 de GA3 and 0.01 mg.l-1 ANA is recommended.Key Words: Manihot esculenta, micropropagation, genetics resoursesEl cultivo de tejidos vegetales constituye una alternativa para la conservación del germoplasma de especies que son propagadas vegetativamente. Su utilización permite mantener las colecciones en pequeños espacios, libres del ataque de enfermedades y catástrofes, además de facilitar el intercambio de germoplasma. Se estudiaron 11 variantes del medio de cultivo MS que consistieron en diferentes concentraciones de sacarosa (20, 30 y 40 g.l-1) y de manitol (0, 10, 20 y 30 g.l-1), con el objetivo de disminuir el número de subcultivos en la conservación in vitro de los clones Señorita y CEMSA 74-725. Las evaluaciones se realizaron a los nueve meses de la implantación in vitro, teniendo en cuenta: altura (cm), número de entrenudos por planta, número de hojas activas, número de raíces activas y porcentaje de supervivencia. Los explantes que sobrevivieron, después de la conservación fueron incubados para su recuperación en el medio de cultivo descrito para el crecimiento in vitro de la yuca. El medio de cultivo suplementado con 40 g.l-1 de sacarosa, 0.02 mg.l-1 de BAP, 0.1 mg.l-1 de GA3 y 0.01 mg.l-1 de ANA, resultó la mejor variante para la conservación in vitro de ambos clones.Palabras clave: Manihot esculenta, micropropagación, recursos genético

    The Seabed Makes the Dolphins: Physiographic Features Shape the Size and Structure of the Bottlenose Dolphin Geographical Units

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    The common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) is a cosmopolitan delphinid, regularly present in the Mediterranean Sea. According to previous studies, this dolphin tends to form resident geographical units scattered on the continental shelf. We investigated how the physiographic characteristics of the area of residence, with special reference to the size and shape of the continental shelf, affect the home range and the group size of the local units. We analysed and compared data collected between 2004-2016 by 15 research groups operating in different study areas of the Mediterranean Sea: the Alboran Sea, in the South-Western Mediterranean, the Gulf of Lion and the Pelagos Sanctuary for the marine mammals, in the North-Western Mediterranean, and the Gulf of Ambracia, in the North-Central Mediterranean Sea. We have found that in areas characterised by a wide continental platform, dolphins have wider home ranges and aggregate into larger groups. In areas characterized by a narrow continental platform, dolphins show much smaller home ranges and aggregate into smaller groups. The results obtained from this collective research effort highlight the importance of data sharing to improve our scientific knowledge in the field of cetaceans and beyond