99 research outputs found

    Conservación de cepas bacterianas por congelación sobre discos de celulosa

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    The conservation of bacterial strains adscribed to different genus and species, by freezing at -300ºC using disc paper of cellulose have been studied. It has also tested wether this technique can be utilized for maintenance of rnicroorganisms with structural and physiologic differences. The results show how the freezing of bacterial cultures on cellulose disc paper, keep the bacterial viability in good conditions. This technique is a good way of mainteneance of bacterial strains. It is significative that for recuperation of non halophiles strains, no enrichment medium is required.Se estudia la conservación de cepas bacterianas pertenecientes a diferentes géneros y especies, por congelación a 300C utilizando como soporte discos de papel de celulosa. Asímismo se compruebe si esta técnica puede ser utilizada para la conservación de bacterias estructural y fisiologicamente diferentes entre sí o si por el contrario no es aconsejable para determinados tipos bacterianos. Los resultados obtenidos, muestran que la congelación de suspensiones bacterianas sobre discos de celulosa, mantiene la viabilidad en condiciones suficientemente satisfactorias para considerar que esta técnica es un procedimiento eficaz de conservación de cepas bacterianas. Debe resaltarse el hecho de que la recuperación de las cepas no halófilas, tanto de Colección como de muestras clínicas, no requiere, en la mayoría de los casos de medios de enriquecimiento

    Adherencia bacteriana a linfocitos humanos y murinos

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    We have studied the capacity for a selective adherence to different human and murine lymphoid subpopulation of bacterial strains belonging to different genera and species. The strains of the genus Bacillus normally have a great capacity to bind to the murine lumphoid surfaces. Other strains with interesting adherence properties are Staphylococcus epidermidis, S. aurcus, Yersinia enterocolitica and Sporosarcina halophila. In the assay of adherence to human lumphocytes only Y. enterocolitica and S. halophila show binding capacity although in any one of cases in selective way.Hemos estudiado la capacidad de adherencia selectiva a distintas subpoblaciones linfocitarias humanas y murinas de diferentes cepas bacterianas pertenecientes a distintos géneros y especies. Las cepas pertenecientes al género Bacillus tienen, en general gran capacidad de unión a la superficie linfocitaria murina. Otras especies que presentan interesantes propiedades de adherencia son: Staphylococcus epidermidis, S. aurcus, Yersinia enterocolitica y Sporosarcina halophila. En el ensayo de adherencia a linfocitos humanos solo Y. enterocolitica y S. halophila se unen a ellos, aunque en ninguno de los casos de forma selectiva

    Conservación de cepas bacterianas por congelación sobre discos de celulosa

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    Se estudia la conservación de cepas bacterianas pertenecientes a diferentes géneros y especies, por congelación a 300C utilizando como soporte discos de papel de celulosa. Asímismo se compruebe si esta técnica puede ser utilizada para la conservación de bacterias estructural y fisiologicamente diferentes entre sí o si por el contrario no es aconsejable para determinados tipos bacterianos. Los resultados obtenidos, muestran que la congelación de suspensiones bacterianas sobre discos de celulosa, mantiene la viabilidad en condiciones suficientemente satisfactorias para considerar que esta técnica es un procedimiento eficaz de conservación de cepas bacterianas. Debe resaltarse el hecho de que la recuperación de las cepas no halófilas, tanto de Colección como de muestras clínicas, no requiere, en la mayoría de los casos de medios de enriquecimiento.The conservation of bacterial strains adscribed to different genus and species, by freezing at - 300C using disc paper of cellulose have been studied. It has also tested wether this technique can be utilized for maintenance of rnicroorganisms with structural and physiologic differences. The results show how the freezing of bacterial cultures on cellulose disc pa per, keep the bacterial viability in good conditions. This technique is a good way of mainteneance of bacterial strains. It is significative that for recuperation of non halophiles strains, no enrichment medium is required

    Hydrochemical characterization of a mine water geothermal energy resource in NW Spain

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    Abandoned and flooded mine networks provide underground reservoirs of mine water that can be used as a renewable geothermal energy source. A complete hydrochemical characterization of mine water is required to optimally design the geothermal installation, understand the hydraulic behavior of the water in the reservoir and prevent undesired effects such as pipe clogging via mineral precipitation. Water pumped from the Barredo-Figaredo mining reservoir (Asturias, NW Spain), which is currently exploited for geothermal use, has been studied and compared to water from a separate, nearby mountain mine and a river that receives mine water discharge and partially infiltrates into the mine workings. Although the hydrochemistry was altered during the flooding process, the deep mine waters are currently near neutral, net alkaline, high metal waters of Na-HCO3 type. Isotopic values suggest that mine waters are closely related to modern meteoric water, and likely correspond to rapid infiltration. Suspended and dissolved solids, and particularly iron content, of mine water results in some scaling and partial clogging of heat exchangers, but water temperature is stable (22 °C) and increases with depth, so, considering the available flow (> 100 L s− 1), the Barredo-Figaredo mining reservoir represents a sustainable, long-term resource for geothermal use

    Profilaxis antibiótica en cirugía

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    Existe una abundantísima documentación en la literatura acerca de la eficacia de los antibióticos utilizados profilácticamente en cirugía (1-10). Probablemente lo más útil para el trabajo diario de un hospital sea la adopción de pautas concretas que permitan ser evaluadas periódicamente a través de la colaboración, entre otros, de anestesistas, cirujanos y microbiólogos (11,12). En esta línea hemos revisado, de una manera intencionadamente esquemática, diversas facetas relativas a la profilaxis antibiótica en cirugía. Para ello comentaremos algunos aspectos generales de profilaxis de la infección postquirúrgica, unas breves normas para la utilización profiláctica de antibióticos y resumiremos determinadas indicaciones en función del tipo de intervención

    Aceite de oliva y funciones del sistema inmune: papel potencial en la inmunonutrición

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    Olive oil plays a crucial role as a main component of the Mediterranean diet, which has shown important benefits for the human health. According to the current knowledge, the administration of diets containing olive oil exerts some beneficial effects on the immune system functions due likely to the action of oleic acid rather than other substances contained in this fat. In the last few years, epidemiological, clinical and experimental studies have evidenced the potential of certain dietary lipids (containing polyunsaturated or monounsaturated fatty acids) as modulators of immune system functions due to their ability to suppress several functions of immune system in both humans and animals. As a result, these fats have been applied in the reduction of symptoms from diseases characterized by an overactivation of the immune system (autoimmune diseases) or in the reduction of cancer risk. Here, we review several relevant experimental and clinical data associated with the beneficial effects of olive oil upon the health, the mechanisms of action and the immune function susceptible of being be altered by the administration of dietary lipids and particularly of olive oil. In addition, we will also discuss the detrimental effects on the immune system functions caused by the administration of certain dietary lipids attributed mainly to a reduction of host natural resistance against infectious microorganisms as well as the involvement of olive oil diets in the regulation of immune resistance.El aceite de oliva tiene un papel crucial como componente de la dieta Mediterránea, con importantes beneficios sobre la salud humana. Dietas conteniendo aceite de oliva actúan de manera favorable en las funciones del sistema inmune por la acción sobretodo del ácido oleico. Los estudios epidemiológicos, clínicos y experimentales publicados en los últimos años demuestran que ciertos lípidos de la dieta [ácidos grasos monoinsaturados (MUFA) y poliinsaturados (PUFA)] pueden modular (suprimir) distintas funciones del sistema inmune, tanto en humanos como en animales. Grasas ricas en MUFA y PUFA se han utilizado para reducir los síntomas de enfermedades caracterizadas por una sobreactivación del sistema inmune (enfermedades autoinmunes) y el riesgo de cáncer. En este capítulo se revisan los datos clínicos y experimentales asociados con los efectos saludables del aceite de oliva, en particular aquellos relacionados con el sistema inmune y los mecanismos de acción. Además, se discuten los efectos adversos sobre las funciones del sistema inmune de ciertos lípidos de la dieta, que pueden atribuirse a una reducción de la resistencia natural del hospedador contra microorganismos infecciosos, indicando el papel del aceite de oliva en la regulación de estos procesos

    Magnetite mineralization inside cross-linked protein crystals

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    Crystallization in confined spaces is a widespread process in nature that also has important implications for the stability and durability of many man-made materials. It has been reported that confinement can alter essential crystallization events, such as nucleation and growth and, thus, have an impact on crystal size, polymorphism, morphology, and stability. Therefore, the study of nucleation in confined spaces can help us understand similar events that occur in nature, such as biomineralization, design new methods to control crystallization, and expand our knowledge in the field of crystallography. Although the fundamental interest is clear, basic models at the laboratory scale are scarce mainly due to the difficulty in obtaining well-defined confined spaces allowing a simultaneous study of the mineralization process outside and inside the cavities. Herein, we have studied magnetite precipitation in the channels of cross-linked protein crystals (CLPCs) with different channel pore sizes, as a model of crystallization in confined spaces. Our results show that nucleation of an Fe-rich phase occurs inside the protein channels in all cases, but, by a combination of chemical and physical effects, the channel diameter of CLPCs exerted a precise control on the size and stability of those Fe-rich nanoparticles. The small diameters of protein channels restrain the growth of metastable intermediates to around 2 nm and stabilize them over time. At larger pore diameters, recrystallization of the Fe-rich precursors into more stable phases was observed. This study highlights the impact that crystallization in confined spaces can have on the physicochemical properties of the resulting crystals and shows that CLPCs can be interesting substrates to study this process

    Endothelin-1 serum levels in women with Rheumatoid Arthritis

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    Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate serum Endothelin-1(ET-1) levels in female Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) patients compared with healthy controls, examine possible associations between ET-1 with different characteristic of the disease and investigate possible associations between ET-1 with surrogate markers of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Methods: This cross-sectional study was performed in Vega-Baja Hospital, Orihuela (Spain) from November 2016 to May 2018. Sixty-three women with RA and sixty-five age and sex healthy controls were included in this study. Serum ET-1 was analyzed using ELISA. Results: Serum levels of ET-1 in RA female patients were higher than those in healthy controls (p ??0.001). Serum le vels of ET-1 were positively associated with Nterminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) (r = 0.27, p < 0.05) and with C-reactive protein (CRP) (r = 0.36, p < 0.05). ET-1 levels in women with RA were higher in smokers. Pre dnisone use was associated with lower ET-1 levels. No association with carotid intima media thickness was found. Conclusions: we observed the presence of higher le - vels of serum ET-1 in RA women patients compared with healthy controls. These increased levels of ET-1 are associated with inflammation and smoking and reduced by prednisone intake

    Portal Revascularization in the Setting of Cavernous Transformation Through a Paracholedocal Vein: A Case Report

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    Diffuse thrombosis of the entire portal system (PVT) and cavernomatous transformation of the portal vein (CTPV) represents a demanding challenge in liver transplantation. We present the case of a patient with nodular regenerative hyperplasia and recurrent episodes of type B hepatic encephalopathy concomitant with PVT as well as CTPV, successfully treated with orthotopic liver transplantation. The portal inflow to the graft was carried out through the confluence of 2 thin paracholedochal varicose veins, obtaining good early graft function and recovery of the encephalopatic episodes. This alternative should be kept in mind as an option to assure hepatopetal splanchnic flow in those cases of diffuse thrombosis and cavernomatous transformation of portal vein. CI - Copyright (c) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    The celiac axis compression syndrome (CACS): critical review in the laparoscopic era

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    The celiac axis compression syndrome (CACS) due to median arcuate ligament (MAL) was first described by Harjola in 1963; originating postpandrial abdominal pain, weight loss, epigastric bruit and celiac axis stenosis > 75% in angiographic studies. This clinical condition has been the origin of controversies about its pathogenesis, diagnosis and its long term clinical results. Advances in diagnostic imaging as 64 multidetector–row CT (MDCT), 3-D reconstruction, magnetic resonance (MR) and color duplex ultrasonography, provide better understanding of the syndrome and allow to identify the best candidates for surgical division of MAL fibers. Since the introduction of laparoscopic approach, and also endovascular procedures, in 2000, a new perspective has established in this challenging syndrome. With the occasion of our own experience, a critical review of the syndrome is presented