42 research outputs found

    Un diputado efímero en las cortes de Cádiz: José Álvarez de Toledo, de liberal independentista a conservador apostólico

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    Breve análisis de un contradictorio Diputado en Las Cortes de Cádiz (José Álvarez de Toledo y Dubois) y de la evolución diacrónica de su ideario político, desde el reinado de Carlos IV hasta el de Isabel II, incluido

    Un diputado efímero en las cortes de Cádiz: José Álvarez de Toledo, de liberal independentista a conservador apostólico

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    Análisis socio-económico de una veinticuatría y una alcaldía mayor de Sevilla en los siglos XVII y XVIII

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    Intento de aproximación a la realidad socioeconómica de linajes que ejercen Alcaldías Mayores y Regidurías en grandes ciudades españolas durante el Antiguo Régimen, basándome, principalmente, en documentación de carácter publico y de carácter privado

    Los Toledo cacereños (rama de la casa de Oropesa) y sus vinculaciones locales en los siglos XIV, XV y XVI

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    Trato de estudiar genealógicamente una rama de la casa de Oropesa, asentada en Cáceres a finales del siglo XlV, con el objeto de situarla en la escala sociológica cacereña bajomedieval y renacentista, tras analizar su potencial económico y sus vinculaciones y entronques con la nobleza local y regional

    Tension in secretory granule membranes causes extensive membrane transfer through the exocytotic fusion pore

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    or fusion to occur the repulsive forces between two interacting phospholipid bilayers must be reduced. In model systems, this can be achieved by increasing the surface tension of at least one of the membranes. However, there has so far been no evidence that the secretory granule membrane is under tension. We have been studying exocytosis by using the patch-clamp technique to measure the surface area of the plasma membrane of degranulating mast cells. When a secretory granule fuses with the plasma membrane there is a step increase in the cell surface area. Some fusion events are reversible, in which case we have found that the backstep is larger than the initial step, indicating that there is a net decrease in the area of the plasma membrane. The decrease has the following properties: (i) the magnitude is strongly dependent on the lifetime of the fusion event and can be extensive, representing as much as 40% of the initial granule surface area; (ii) the rate of decrease is independent of granule size; and (iii) the decrease is not dependent on swelling of the secretory granule matrix. We conclude that the granule membrane is under tension and that this tension causes a net transfer of membrane from the plasma membrane to the secretory granule, while they are connected by the fusion pore. The high membrane tension in the secretory granule may be the critical stress necessary for bringing about exocytotic fusion.National Institutes of Health GM-3885

    Oxygen sensing by ion channels and chemotransduction in single glomus cells

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    We have monitored cytosolic [Ca2+] and dopamine release in intact fura-2-loaded glomus cells with microfluoroimetry and a polarized carbon fiber electrode. Exposure to low PO2 produced a rise of cytosolic [Ca2+] with two distinguishable phases: an initial period (with PO2 values between 150 and approximately 70 mm Hg) during which the increase of [Ca2+] is very small and never exceeds 150-200 nM, and a second phase (with PO2 below approximately 70 mm Hg) characterized by a sharp rise of cytosolic [Ca2+]. Secretion occurs once cytosolic [Ca2+] reaches a threshold value of 180 +/- 43 nM. The results demonstrate a characteristic relationship between PO2 and transmitter secretion at the cellular level that is comparable with the relation described for the input (O2 tension)output (afferent neural discharges) variables in the carotid body. Thus, the properties of single glomus cells can explain the sensory functions of the entire organ. In whole-cell, patch-clamped cells, we have found that in addition to O2-sensitive K+ channels, there are Ca2+ channels whose activity is also regulated by PO2. Ca2+ channel activity is inhibited by hpoxia, although in a strongly voltage-dependent manner. The average hypoxic inhibition of the calcium current in 30% +/- 10% at -20 mV but only 2% +/- 2% at +30 mV. The differential inhibition of K+ and Ca2+ channels by hypoxia helps to explain why the secretory response of the cells is displaced toward PO2 values (below approximately 70 mm Hg) within the range of those normally existing in arterial blood. These data provide a conceptual framework for understanding the cellular mechanisms of O2 chemotransduction in the carotid body

    Monitoring synaptic function at the neuromuscular junction of a mouse expressing synaptopHluorin

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    We monitored presynaptic exocytosis and vesicle recycling at neuromuscular junctions of transgenic mice expressing synaptopHluorin (spH), using simultaneous optical and electrophysiological recordings. Synaptic transmission was indistinguishable from that in wildtype controls. Fluorescence rose during and decayed monotonically after stimulus trains to the nerve, with amplitudes and decay times increasing with the amount of stimulation. The relatively large size of synaptic terminals allowed us to examine the spatial profile of fluorescence changes. We identified hot spots of exocytosis, which were stable with repeated trains. Photobleach experiments showed that spH freshly exposed by nerve stimulation was not preferentially retrieved by compensatory endocytosis; instead, most retrieved spH preexisted in the surface membrane. Finally, we compared fluorescence and electrical [summed end-plate potentials (EPPs)] estimates of exocytosis, which diverged during repeated trains, as fluorescence exceeded summed EPPs, although the average amplitude of miniature EPPs was unchanged. This might reflect exocytosis of spH-containing, acetylcholine-free (“empty”) vesicles or other organelles during intense stimulation

    HERC1 ubiquitin ligase is required for hippocampal learning and memory

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    Mutations in the human HERC1 E3 ubiquitin ligase protein develop intellectual disability. The tambaleante (tbl) mouse carries a HERC1 mutation characterized by cerebellar ataxia due of adult cerebellar Purkinje cells death by extensive autophagy. Our previous studies demonstrated that both the neuromuscular junction and the peripheral nerve myelin sheaths are also affected in this mutant. Moreover, there are signs of dysregulated autophagy in the central nervous system in the tbl mouse, affecting spinal cord motor neurons, and pyramidal neurons of the neocortex and the hippocampal CA3 region. The tbl mutation affects associative learning, with absence of short- and long-term potentiation in the lateral amygdala, altered spinogenesis in their neurons, and a dramatic decrease in their glutamatergic input. To assess whether other brain areas engaged in learning processes might be affected by the tbl mutation, we have studied the tbl hippocampus using behavioral tests, ex vivo electrophysiological recordings, immunohistochemistry, the Golgi-Cox method and transmission electron microscopy. The tbl mice performed poorly in the novel-object recognition, T-maze and Morris water maze tests. In addition, there was a decrease in glutamatergic input while the GABAergic one remains unaltered in the hippocampal CA1 region of tbl mice, accompanied by changes in the dendritic spines, and signs of cellular damage. Moreover, the proportions of immature and mature neurons in the dentate gyrus of the tbl hippocampus differ relative to the control mice. Together, these observations demonstrate the important role of HERC1 in regulating synaptic activity during learning

    Lo tangible e intangible del diseño

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    1 archivo PDF (366 páginas)"El Departamento de Evaluación del Diseño, en el Tiempo de la División de Ciencias y Artes para el Diseño de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Azcapotzalco, publica este libro colectivo, donde se aborda la discusión y el análisis sobre "Lo tangible e intangible del diseño". Este libro tiene como finalidad el profundizar en distintas posiciones teóricas, metodológicas y empíricas, donde un grupo interdisciplinario de profesores investigadores del Departamento de Evaluación, desde la arquitectura, los estudios urbanos, la educación, la historia, la semiótica, el diseño de la comunicación gráfica y el industrial; buscan convergencias y discuten divergencias que puedan generar servir como referentes intelectuales y teóricos, en el diseño. Este libro es resultado del Cuarto Coloquio Departamental: Lo tangible e Intangible del Diseño. Evaluación de Objetos, Espacios, Mensajes, realizado durante el mes de septiembre del año 2004, el cual se constituyó como un espacio para el intercambio de experiencias académicas y profesionales, desde una perspectiva interdisciplinaria, centrada en la reflexión y la discusión sobre la manera de cómo se puede analizar, definir y evaluar, lo tangible y lo intangible en el diseño"