1,676 research outputs found

    Plan de viabilidad de una empresa de mecanizado

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    [Resumen] En el presente trabajo de fin de grado se desarrolla un plan de viabilidad de una empresa de mecanizado, que trata de proporcionar unas características determinadas a una forja para que pueda llegar a formar parte de un componente en un reactor de aviación. El trabajo comienza con una breve descripción del proyecto y un análisis estratégico, que incluye tanto el análisis externo como interno. A continuación, se desarrolla el plan estratégico, con un horizonte temporal determinado, definiendo las estrategias de explotación, de capital, financiera y de! corto plazo y describiendo las políticas para llegar a desarrollar unos estados financieros provisionales que permitan analizar la viabilidad del proyecto y llevar a cabo las revisiones que convengan.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.ECO). ADE. Curso 2017/201

    A fuzzy rule model for high level musical features on automated composition systems

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    Algorithmic composition systems are now well-understood. However, when they are used for specific tasks like creating material for a part of a piece, it is common to prefer, from all of its possible outputs, those exhibiting specific properties. Even though the number of valid outputs is huge, many times the selection is performed manually, either using expertise in the algorithmic model, by means of sampling techniques, or some times even by chance. Automations of this process have been done traditionally by using machine learning techniques. However, whether or not these techniques are really capable of capturing the human rationality, through which the selection is done, to a great degree remains as an open question. The present work discusses a possible approach, that combines expert’s opinion and a fuzzy methodology for rule extraction, to model high level features. An early implementation able to explore the universe of outputs of a particular algorithm by means of the extracted rules is discussed. The rules search for objects similar to those having a desired and pre-identified feature. In this sense, the model can be seen as a finder of objects with specific properties.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    El reto del envejecimiento y la complejidad farmacoterapéutica en el paciente VIH+

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    Objective: To describe the current knowledge and management of aging and pharmacotherapeutic complexity in HIV + patients. Method: A review of literature was carried out, including articles, originals or reviews, published in English or Spanish, from 2007 to 2017, which analysed the aging and pharmacotherapeutic complexity in HIV + patients. The terms «Polypharmacy»/«Polifarmacia», «Aging»/«Envejecimiento», «Frailty»/«Fragilidad», «Complejidad Farmacotera péutica»/«Medication Regimen Complexity» and «HIV»/«VIH» were combined. The review was carried out independently by two authors. The degree of agreement, according to the Kappa index, was analysed. Results: A total of 208 references were analysed, including, finally, only 68. An aging of the population and an increase in associated comorbidities have been identified, especially over 50 years-old. Immunological changes similar to those that are generated in a non-infected elderly population have been described. These conditions influencing the prescription of antiretroviral treatment, according to studies identified. In parallel, polypharmacy is increasingly present, being defined exclusively by the concomitant use of five drugs. Pharmacotherapeutic complexity, through the Medication Regimen Complexity Index, has begun to analyse and relate to health outcomes. There has been a need to know and apply concepts already known in non-HIV-aged population, such as deprescription, potentially inappropriate medication, cholinergic risk, although few results are available. Conclusions: There is a growing interest to know about the relationship between HIV and aging. Pharmacotherapeutic complexity is beginning to be used as a pharmacotherapeutic follow-up criterion due to its influence on health outcomes. It is necessary to manage and incorporate new concepts that help pharmacotherapeutic optimization in this population

    A methodological approach for algorithmic composition systems' parameter spaces aesthetic exploration

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    Algorithmic composition is the process of creating musical material by means of formal methods. As a consequence of its design, algorithmic composition systems are (explicitly or implicitly) described in terms of parameters. Thus, parameter space exploration plays a key role in learning the system's capabilities. However, in the computer music field, this task has received little attention. This is due in part, because the produced changes on the human perception of the outputs, as a response to changes on the parameters, could be highly nonlinear, therefore models with strongly predictable outputs are needed. The present work describes a methodology for the human perceptual (or aesthetic) exploration of generative systems' parameter spaces. As the systems' outputs are intended to produce an aesthetic experience on humans, audition plays a central role in the process. The methodology starts from a set of parameter combinations which are perceptually evaluated by the user. The sampling process of such combinations depends on the system under study and possible on heuristic considerations. The evaluated set is processed by a compaction algorithm able to generate linguistic rules describing the distinct perceptions (classes) of the user evaluation. The semantic level of the extracted rules allows for interpretability, while showing great potential in describing high and low-level musical entities. As the resulting rules represent discrete points in the parameter space, further possible extensions for interpolation between points are also discussed. Finally, some practical implementations and paths for further research are presented.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Writing proficiency in English as L2 in Spanish children with dyslexia

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    Producción CientíficaDifferent studies have demonstrated that people with dyslexia have difficulties in acquiring fluent reading and writing. These problems are also evident when they learn a second language. The aim of our study was to investigate if there is a linguistic transfer effect for writing in children with dyslexia when they face tasks in English (L2), as well as the possible influence of other linguistic skills (spelling, vocabulary and reading) in English (L2) and in Spanish (L1). Participants completed a series of tasks both in Spanish and English: a picture naming task, a word reading task, a word spelling task, and a written composition of which we analysed its quality through different variables provided by the Coh-metrix software. Our results revealed that children with dyslexia show similar or parallel performance in written composition in both languages, which could imply a language transfer effect from L1 and L2. Besides, basic language skills are related to the characteristics of written composition to a greater extent in English than in Spanish, suggesting the impact of these on the quality of written composition.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, (grant PID2019-106868 GB-I00)Publicación en abierto financiada por el Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias de Castilla y León (BUCLE), con cargo al Programa Operativo 2014ES16RFOP009 FEDER 2014-2020 DE CASTILLA Y LEÓN, Actuación:20007-CL - Apoyo Consorcio BUCL

    The role of reading fluency in children's text comprehension

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    Understanding a written text requires some higher cognitive abilities that not all children have. Some children have these abilities, since they understand oral texts; however they have difficulties with written texts, probably due to problems in reading fluency. The aim of this study was to determine which aspects of reading fluency are related to reading comprehension. Four expositive texts, two written and two read by the evaluator, were presented to a sample of 103 primary school children (third and sixth grade). Each text was followed by four comprehension questions. From this sample we selected two groups of participants in each grade, 10 with good results in comprehension of oral and written texts, and 10 with good results in oral and poor in written comprehension. These 40 subjects were asked to read aloud a new text while they were recorded. Using Praat software some prosodic parameters were measured, such as pausing and reading rate (number and duration of the pauses and utterances), pitch and intensity changes and duration in declarative, exclamatory and interrogative sentences and also errors and duration in words by frequency and stress. We compared the results of both groups with ANOVAs. The results showed that children with less reading comprehension made more inappropriate pauses and also intersentential pauses before comma than the other group and made more mistakes in content words; significant differences were also found in the final declination of pitch in declarative sentences and in the F0 range in interrogative ones. These results confirm that reading comprehension problems in children are related to a lack in the development of a good reading fluency.Programa Severo Ochoa (FICYT): BP14-038 Proyecto del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad: PSI2012-3191

    Desarrollo de una taxonomía de las intervenciones farmacéuticas en pacientes VIH+ basados en el modelo CMO

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    Objective: To agree on a proposal for pharmaceutical interventions and establish their classification taxonomy according to the CMO-Pharmaceutical Care Model (Capacity-Motivation- Opportunity). Method: A study conducted between March and May, 2016. Two phases of development were defined. A literature review was initially conducted. Then, the DELPHI-Rand-UCLA methodology was used in order to reach a consensus about those interventions selected, and to define the taxonomy. Fifteen (15) experts, specialists in Pharmaceutical Care for HIV+ patients, were selected. This selection was explicitly conducted, following a protocol in order to avoid any bias. An initial proposal was developed according to the interventions extracted from Phase 1. These were tentatively classified according to the CMO Model, in a category based on their design and utility. Three issues were raised from the initial question: Do you agree with the proposed classification? If not, there was an option to re-categorize. Additionally, they were asked about the importance, priority and impact to achieve pharmacotherapeutic objectives that they would assign to it. Interventions were classified according to the degree of agreement. Once a consensus was reached, the final taxonomy was established. Results: Eighteen (18) articles were finally considered. The initial proposal included 20 pharmaceutical interventions with the following classification: seven in Capacity, eight in Motivation, and five in Opportunity. Those interventions considered to have greater importance and priority were: Review and Validation, Safety, and Adherence. The interventions with the greatest impact were: Review and Validation, Coordination, Adherence, and Motivation. On the other hand, the lowest scores for importance were for: Planning and Social Coordination; and in terms of impact: Social Coordination. Conclusions: The taxonomy reached by consensus will allow to classify pharmaceutical interventions with the new model, and therefore to conduct an improved research and patient care

    Aspectos que afectan a la administración tópica y bucal de fármacos

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    Las vías oral e intravenosa como ejemplo de principales vías de administración poseen una serie de limitaciones que pueden ser cubiertas por otras vías, como puede ser la administración bucal y transdérmica. Tanto una como otra permite una administración fácilmente aceptable por el paciente, que además protege del metabolismo de primer paso, y que puede proporcionar una liberación estable a lo largo del tiempo. Tanto es así, que estas alternativas están cobrando importancia en el campo de la administración de fármacos, para proporcionar formulaciones aceptables y de fácil administración. Este hecho se puede ver ampliamente reflejado en la literatura científica, cada vez con mayor número de referencias en los últimos años. (Alexander et al., 2012, Dhote et al., 2012, Sattar and Lane, 2014) La naturaleza de estas barreras es compleja, por lo que para que las moléculas sean capaces de atravesarla, tanto la formulación como el vehículo serán decisivos. Los promotores químicos de la absorción interaccionan con el estrato córneo y mucosa bucal, permitiendo la interacción con las membranas lipídicas de ambos epitelios. Aunque el mecanismo de estos promotores no se conoce a ciencia cierta, el estudio de su efecto es crucial para el desarrollo de formulaciones eficientes para administración tópica y bucal. Por otra parte, el efecto del pH en la formulación es otro de los métodos más empleados para modular la absorción de un fármaco, ya que en el caso de aquellos principios activos ionizables, un diferente estado de ionización puede emplearse para dirigir la acción de dicho fármaco. En este presente trabajo, se analizarán las características de acción de los diferentes promotores químicos de la absorción, y se demostrará su efecto potenciador en formulaciones para la administración tópica. Por otra parte, se estudiará el comportamiento de un principio activo ionizable en soluciones de diferente alcalinidad, y las consecuencias del estado de ionización sobre la penetración a través de la mucosa oral

    Metodologia optimitzada per al disseny i innovació de models de negoci en startups

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    The concept Business Model refers to an abstraction widely used both in the academic literature and in the management practice field. Recently, it has captured the attention both of scholars and practitioners. Business Models have strongly emerged as a mechanism to foster innovation and to create and deliver value in organizations. Lately, new design methodologies have been appearing, making it easier to understand and study the Business Models. However, these methodologies are usually designed with a unique and specific focus. Therefore, they are not always completely useful for determined types of companies. Startups are temporary and dynamic organizations that tend to change and transform their Business Model constantly, to make it scalable, profitable and repeatable. This type of organizations do not have yet a particularized and optimized methodology that allows them to consider their idiosyncrasy to study their Business Model. Due to their specific characteristics, startups usually have to deal with numerous problems that make them different in comparison with big corporations. This thesis has been developed around the three pillars mentioned above: Business Models, methodologies and startups. It has the specific goal of developing an optimized methodology for startups that will help them designing and innovating on their Business Model. Through an extensive and thorough academic literature review, the thesis establishes the state of the art, develops a series of different research questions and establishes a set of theoretical propositions pending to be validated. Following the qualitative research methodology, all theoretical propositions are validated. Firstly, it is proved that Business Models are important and that they can be studied using specific tools. Secondly, it is checked that startups have some particular characteristics and often they need to deal with several problems that minimize their chances of success. Finally, it is validated that it is possible to develop a new tool that would solve the shortcomings and limitations of existing methodologies for Business Model innovation in startups. The empirical validation is achieved by using the case method and the specific technique of in-depth interviews. Thus, this thesis has studied three startups: a successful startup, a startup that is still in a transitional stage and a startup has failed. The results are listed as a set of advantages that could be achieved with the proper study of the Business Model, as a list of key characteristics of startups, and as a group of problems that startups usually have to overcome. Finally, the thesis concludes with the development of the new tool. This new methodology has been raised following a different conceptual foundation from existing ones. It starts from a theme aggregation of the problems that startups usually urge to overcome, solving the most important shortcomings and limitations of current methodologies for startups. Therefore, the new methodology runs as a useful, simple and visual tool for Business Model innovation in startupsEl terme Models de Negoci és un concepte àmpliament utilitzat a la literatura acadèmica en l'àmbit d’administració i direcció d’empreses que, durant els últims anys, ha centrat l’atenció d’acadèmics i practicants. Els Models de Negoci han emergit amb força com un mecanisme per a la innovació i per a la creació i captura de valor en les empreses. Recentment, han anat apareixent tot un seguit de metodologies que tenen l’objectiu de facilitar l’estudi i la comprensió dels Models de Negoci, així com el seu disseny i innovació. De forma específica, cadascuna de les eines existents està dissenyada per tenir una aplicabilitat òptima en sectors empresarials concrets. Les startups, entitats temporals, dinàmiques i vives que busquen anar canviant i transformant el seu Model de Negoci per fer-lo rentable, escalable i repetible, no tenen encara una metodologia optimitzada i específica que permeti tenir en compte la seva idiosincràsia a l’hora d’estudiar el Model de Negoci. Per les seves característiques, són empreses que han de fer front a tot un seguit de problemes que les fan diferents a les grans empreses. Aquesta tesi doctoral es desenvolupa al voltant dels tres pilars anteriorment citats (els Models de Negoci, les metodologies i les startups) i té l’objectiu concret de desenvolupar una nova metodologia de disseny i innovació de Models de Negoci que estigui específicament optimitzada per al cas de les startups. Mitjançant una àmplia i exhaustiva revisió de la literatura, la tesi situa l’estat de l’art, desenvolupa un seguit de preguntes d’investigació i estableix el conjunt de proposicions teòriques a validar. Seguint les teories i indicacions de la metodologia qualitativa, queda validat que els Models de Negoci són importants i es poden estudiar mitjançant eines específiques, que les startups tenen unes característiques particulars i habitualment han de fer front a un seguit de problemes que minimitzen les seves probabilitats d'èxit i que és possible desenvolupar una nova eina de disseny i innovació de Models de Negoci que resolgui les mancances i limitacions de les existents. Aquesta validació empírica s’aconsegueix utilitzant el mètode del cas i la tècnica concreta de les entrevistes en profunditat. D’aquesta forma, s’estudien tres startups concretes que permeten obtenir els resultats i conclusions presentats a la tesi: una startup d’èxit, una startup que encara està en una fase de transició i una startup que ha fracassat. Els resultats es detallen en forma d'un conjunt d’avantatges que s’aconsegueixen amb el correcte estudi dels Models de Negoci, d’un llistat de característiques principals de les startups i d’una agrupació de problemes als que habitualment han de fer front. Finalment, la tesi conclou amb la presentació i desenvolupament de la nova eina. Aquesta, s’ha plantejat amb uns fonaments conceptuals diferents respecte totes les metodologies existents. Parteix d’una agrupació àmplia dels problemes habituals d’una startup, resol les mancances i limitacions que presenten les metodologies actuals i es postula com una eina útil, senzilla i visual per a dissenyar o analitzar el Model de Negoci d’una startup