50 research outputs found

    Elabora莽茫o de um gloss谩rio bilingue de sa煤de mental em espanhol e ingl锚s

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    M谩ster Universitario en Comunicaci贸n Intercultural, Interpretaci贸n y Traducci贸n en los Servicios P煤blicos. Especialidad en ingl-esp (M198

    Mapuche medicine in the city. Significance of the medical practices of the Mapuche in the 21st century

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    Desde que la migraci贸n ind铆gena a las metr贸polis latinoamericanas se masific贸, hemos visto la emergencia y revitalizaci贸n, en dichos contextos, de dominios culturales propios de estos pueblos. Es el caso del pueblo mapuche en las grandes ciudades de Chile. Cuando el Sistema M茅dico Mapuche (SMM) se instala en contextos urbanos, adem谩s de insertarse en el mundo de la Salud P煤blica y en la agenda del Ministerio de Salud chileno (MINSAL), no s贸lo se ve afectado por las diferencias sustanciales (materiales y simb贸licas) que el nuevo escenario presenta, sino que tambi茅n por los intentos de normativizaci贸n de su pr谩ctica. La pregunta es 驴c贸mo se produce y reproduce el SMM en contextos urbanos? En torno a ella se plantea esta investigaci贸n, en un intento por responder dicha interrogante mediante un estudio de caso, en una Ruka instalada en un Consultorio de Atenci贸n Primaria, en Santiago de Chile.Ever since the indigenous migration towards the Latin-American metropolis became massive, there has been an emergence and revitalization, in these contexts, of their cultural spheres. This is the case of Mapuches in the great cities of Chile. When the Mapuche Medical System (Sistema M茅dico Mapuche, SMM) is transferred to urban contexts, even being included as part of the public-health policy and placed on the agenda of the Health Ministry (Ministerio de Salud MINSAL), the SMM is not only challenged by the substantial differences (material and symbolic) of the new context , but it is also affected by the attempts by state organizations to legislate of its practice. The question is: How is the SMM produced and reproduced in urban contexts? This question has guided the present investigation. It is an attempt to respond this query through a case study, in the Ruka at a Medical Centre, in Santiago de Chile.Grupo de Investigaci贸n Antropolog铆a y Filosof铆a (SEJ-126). Universidad de Granad

    Template-controlled acidity and catalytic activity of ferrierite crystals

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    A synthesis strategy to tailor the acid sites location in ferrierite crystals has been developed. The zeolite catalysts were synthesised in fluoride medium using different combinations of organic structure directing agents (SDAs) in the absence of inorganic cations. Therefore, the negative charge associated to the incorporation of aluminium to the framework was compensated exclusively by the positive charge of the organic SDAs. In this way, Al sitting in the zeolite framework was driven by the specific location of the different SDA molecules within the zeolite void volume. Following this synthesis strategy, it has been found that the distribution of strongly acidic hydroxyl groups in the proton form of the zeolites obtained after removal of the organic templates was dependent on the combination of organic molecules used as SDAs. Moreover, the catalytic activity of the zeolites in m-xylene and 1-butene isomerisation increased as the relative population of strong Br枚nsted acid groups in sterically constrained sites inside the ferrierite cavity decreased.This work has been financially supported by the MICINN (project CTQ2006-06282).Peer reviewe

    Clima motivacional, metas de logro de aproximaci贸n y evitaci贸n y bienestar en futbolistas cadetes

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    Basado en la teor铆a de las metas de logro (modelo dicot贸mico, Nicholls, 1989; y modelo 2 x 2, Elliot y McGregor, 2001), se explor贸 un modelo en el que se analizaban las relaciones hipotetizadas entre el clima motivacional percibido, la competencia percibida, las metas de maestr铆a y resultado (aproximaci贸n y evitaci贸n), e indicadores positivos de bienestar (satisfacci贸n con la vida y autoestima). Participaron 370 j贸venes varones jugadores de f煤tbol entre los 12 y los 16 a帽os (M = 14,77). Los resultados mostraron una asociaci贸n positiva entre la percepci贸n de un clima de implicaci贸n en la tarea y las orientaciones a la maestr铆a (aproximaci贸n y evitaci贸n), y entre la percepci贸n de un clima de implicaci贸n en el ego y las orientaciones al resultado (aproximaci贸n y evitaci贸n). La competencia percibida se asoci贸 positivamente con las orientaciones a la maestr铆a-aproximaci贸n y al resultado-aproximaci贸n. Por 煤ltimo, la orientaci贸n a la maestr铆a-aproximaci贸n se asoci贸 positivamente con la satisfacci贸n con la vida y de la autoestima, la orientaci贸n al resultado-aproximaci贸n se relacion贸 positivamente la satisfacci贸n con vida, mientras que la relaci贸n entre la orientaci贸n al resultado-evitaci贸n y la autoestima result贸 negativa. Estos resultados se帽alan la importancia de la figura del entrenador en la promoci贸n del bienestar psicol贸gico de los deportistasTests based on achievement goal theory (dichotomous model, Nicholls, 1989; and 2 x 2 model, Elliot and McGregor, 2001) were conducted on a model to analyse the hypothesised relationships between perceived motivational climate, perceived competence, approach and avoidance (mastery and performance) goals, and positive well-being indices (i. e., life satisfaction and self-esteem). A total of 370 young male soccer players between the ages of 12 and 16 took part in the study (M= 14.77). The results showed that perceptions of a task-involvement climate predicted the adoption of mastery approach and mastery avoidance goals, whereas a perceived ego-involving climate was related to performanceapproach and performance-avoidance goals. Perceived competence positively correlated to the two approach goals (mastery and performance). Lastly, the mastery-approach orientation positively correlated to life satisfaction and selfesteem; the performance-approach orientation was positively associated with life satisfaction; and the performanceavoidance orientation negatively correlated to self-esteem. These results highlight the importance of the coach's role in promoting psychological well-being in athlete

    Shinji, s煤bete al maldito EVA y pit茅ate a los milicos : El otaku como sujeto pol铆tico inesperado durante el estallido social chileno

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    La revuelta social chilena de octubre de 2019 fue una de las movilizaciones masivas de mayor repercusi贸n e impacto en la pol铆tica latinoamericana de los 煤ltimos a帽os. En un marco de pronunciada crisis social, institucional y pol铆tica, las manifestaciones se extendieron a todo el pa铆s, clamando por un cambio, y fueron ferozmente reprimidas por el gobierno derechista de Sebasti谩n Pi帽era. En el clima de efervescencia social, las calles se poblaron de un gran n煤mero de colectivos que generaron formas novedosas de protesta p煤blica y manifestaci贸n pol铆tica. Los grupos de otakus antifascistas cobraron notoriedad por sus creativas formas de manifestarse, reinterpretando, resignificando y reproduciendo nuevas visualidades generadas a partir de mangas y animaciones japonesas. Este trabajo se centra en la figura del otaku devenido en sujeto pol铆tico novedoso, inesperado, creativo y activo; protagonista del choque con las fuerzas estatales junto a la masa social en las movilizaciones y revueltas; destaca por su forma de generar nuevos matices de sentido, a partir de y sobre sus consumos visuales, a trav茅s de relecturas, apropiaciones, y operaciones que relocalizan y resignifican a estos productos de la industria cultural nipona, transformados ahora en valiosos insumos pol铆ticos.Facultad de Arte

    Tailoring the acid strength of microporous silicoaluminophosphates through the use of mixtures of templates: Control of the silicon incorporation mechanism

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    SAPO-5 samples have been synthesized with triethylamine (TEA), benzylpyrrolidine (BP) and mixtures of them as structure directing agents (SDAs). It has been observed that in the as-synthesised materials the concentration of SDAs (molecules per unit cell) and the Si content are similar. According to the different molecular size of both SDAs, the samples exhibit higher organic weight and lower water content as the molar fraction of BP in the synthesis gel increases. These differences in selectivity for organic/water incorporation influences the mechanism of Si substitution in the AlPO lattice: the higher organic content obtained at higher BP/TEA ratio leads to the formation of large Si islands, while the higher water content of the sample obtained with TEA enhances the formation of isolated Si(OAl)4 environments. Interestingly, it has been found that these two opposite trends can be tailored to a certain point by using mixtures of both SDAs, TEA and BP, in the required ratio. The catalytic activity of the samples has been tested in the isomerisation of m-xylene. It has been observed a higher activity of samples obtained with BP as the main SDA, thus evidencing the better performance of large Si islands in this reaction.MEC (CTQ2006-06282)Peer reviewe

    Buenos Aires Verde: una estructura de soporte a la transformaci贸n de los espacios p煤blicos

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    El desaf铆o y la oportunidad que representa el Programa Buenos Aires Verde es la conciliaci贸n entre los ciudadanos y el uso del espacio p煤blico, a trav茅s de una estrategia de incremento de la superficie destinada al espacio p煤blico y mejora de las condiciones de movilidad peatonal. Su objetivo principal es proporcionar, a corto y mediano plazo, itinerarios verdes accesibles y nuevos espacios verdes de alta calidad duplicando el 谩rea verde por habitante. El Modelo Territorial Buenos Aires 2010-2060 es la herramienta que establece el modelo de planificaci贸n, la metodolog铆a a seguir y determina la estructura urbana sobre la cual se generan las propuestas de nuevos espacios verdes. Desde el enfoque integral de la sustentabilidad social, econ贸mica y ambiental, se genera una propuesta que busca la soluci贸n de los actuales conflictos y el fortalecimiento de la capacidad de recuperaci贸n de Buenos Aires a los potenciales impactos del cambio clim谩tico en los pr贸ximos a帽os. El Programa est谩 en el inicio de su aplicaci贸n, con ejecuci贸n de proyectos como Plaza Boedo, bulevares diversos y la promulgaci贸n de la Ley de Techos Verdes.The challenge and opportunity presented by the Buenos Aires Green Program is the reconciliation between citizens and the use of public space through a strategy to increase public space and improve pedestrian mobility. Its main purpose is to provide short to medium-term policies for new, accessible and high quality green ways and parks to double the existing urban green space area. The Territorial Model Buenos Aires 2010-2060 is the main tool that provides the planning model, the methodology to be followed and the urban structure that is used as a basis to create new green spaces. From the holistic approach of social, economic and environmental sustainability of the Territorial Model, Buenos Aires Green Program propose a solution to current environmental conflicts and strengthen Buenos Aires resilience to the potential impacts caused by Climate Change phenomenon in coming years. The program is in the beginning of its implementation and many projects have already been finished like Plaza Mariano Boedo, several boulevards and the promulgation of the Law of Green Roofs.Eje 2: Forma y estructura urbana, organizaci贸n del territorio, orientaci贸n del crecimiento.Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanism