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    Con la edición número 33 de la revista Anagramas Rumbos y Sentidos de la Comunicación, y con los retos que han planteado los nuevos estándares de la ciencia, la tecnología y la innovación en Colombia, es pertinente seguir reflexionando sobre los conceptos de la apropiación social de la ciencia. Esta reflexión se ha propuesto en diferentes escenarios y ha generado diversas reacciones en el mundo académico. Algunas reflexiones que he hecho sobre la divulgación pública de la ciencia han sido ideas motivadoras que muestran un camino por construir.https://revistas.udem.edu.co/index.php/anagramas/article/view/272

    Why Teach History of Economic Thought Today?

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    Shorter undergraduate studies, increasing specialization and the priority of applied research in Economics represent threats for the History of Economic Thought (HET) as an integral part of the training of young economists. There are mostly sociological arguments to reduce or eliminate HET courses and contents to which we try to respond in this text. We advance that HET allows developing valuable skills that might help overcome the criticisms against Economics due to its alleged incapacity to offer solutions in times of crisis and to its fascination with quantification and technique. In this context, HET appears as a space for thought, self-criticism and introspection in which new economists may understand that Economics is a process and not a product giving them the abilities necessary to participate in the extended present of their discipline.history of economic thought, teaching in economics, economic theory

    Out of sight, out of mind: Modern economics, social interactions, and Smith´s sympathy

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    After having reviewed some of the recent advances in Economics trying to incorporate new elements in our understanding of human interactions, we aim at contributing to this line of research using Adam Smith´s system of sympathy. The features Smithattributes to the intersubjective identification mechanism of sympathy lead not only to conceive the construction of a community but also the possibility of exclusion of some of its members. The asymmetry of sympathy allows explaining emulationof those seen as more fortunate as well as the exclusion of those perceived as miserable. Through a formal representation we try to illustrate the phenomena of inclusion and exclusion present in intersubjetive relations and the construction of communities.Keywords: Adam Smith, sympathy, emulation, exclusion.JEL Codes: B12, B31, D03.Adam Smith, sympathy, emulation, exclusion

    Liquidity Crises and Corporate Cash Holdings in Chile

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    This paper addresses the way optimal cash holdings decisions may be affected in episodes of adverse liquidity shocks. Motivated by the recent financial crisis, we are particularly interested in understanding how firm characteristics can explain differences in the adjustment speed to desired cash holdings, and how these characteristics determine whether a firm is more or less affected during a liquidity crisis. To address those issues, we use a large panel dataset with quarterly information of Chilean firms during the period 1996 through 2009. In line with some previous empirical evidence, our findings show that leverage, banking debt, liquid assets, size and volatility affect cash holdings. We also find that liquidity crises have had an overall negative and economically significant effect on the firms’ cash holdings and this effect varies across firm size. In addition, our results reveal other important component of heterogeneity across firms: we find that medium-sized firms are less capable of adjusting cash holdings than do small and large firms.

    Early Neoclassical views on Monopoly: the Cournotian heritage

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    In spite of Cournot’s unquestionable influence on contemporary theory, his legacy regarding economic policy and, especially, the regulation of monopolies is mostly unknown. In this paper I explore the several forms of Cournot’s analysis of monopolistic market structures, starting with his theoretical model up to his normative and empirical examination. With the help of little known texts of the author I aim at showing the versatility of his ideas and the richness of his analytical legacy. Against this setup I retrace his influence over three of the most important economists of the end of the XIXth century: Walras, Edgeworth and Marshall. I show that there exists a theoretical representation that constitutes the indisputable reference regarding monopolies that is enriched with normative analyses and leads each one of them to their own specific proposals in regulation and economic policy.   RESUMEN A pesar de la influencia teórica indiscutible de Cournot sobre la teoría contemporánea, su legado en relación con las políticas económicas y en particular con la regulación de los monopolios es mucho menor. Este trabajo explora las formas diversas que tiene el análisis de las estructuras monopólicas de mercado propuesto por Cournot, partiendo de su modelo teórico hasta su análisis más normativo y empírico. Utilizando textos poco conocidos del autor se pone en evidencia la versatilidad de sus ideas y la riqueza de su legado analítico. A partir de estos elementos se intenta reconstruir la influencia que sus ideas tuvieron sobre tres de los principales autores de finales del siglo XIX: Walras, Edgeworth y Marshall. Se muestra que existe una representación teórica que constituye la referencia indiscutible sobre los monopolios pero que se enriquece en los análisis normativos y resulta en propuestas de regulación y de política económica diversas que cada uno de estos autores desarrolla y se apropia de manera diferente

    Léon Walras and Augustin Cournot on the Regulation of Paper Money: Rules vs. Discretion at the End of the 19th Century

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    This paper compares Léon Walras’ and Augustin Cournot’s views on monetary regulation. It shows that whereas Cournot believed discretionary monetary regulation to be convenient and acceptable, Walras held that the only acceptable monetary system is based exclusively on the stability of the value of money under a monetary rule following a strict equivalence between metallic reserves and a pure medium of exchange form of money. The paper also advances Cournot understood more clearly than Walras the evolution of the monetary system of their days because Walras was trying to guarantee the coherence of his pure theory with his applied theory, which made him unable to accept the evolution toward a monetary system based on fiat money

    Evaluación de la capacidad neuroprotectora de las células madre mesenquimales sobre neurorretina

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    Las enfermedades retinianas constituyen un grupo de patologías de gran impacto en la sociedad actual. En este momento no existe tratamiento para ellas, y las opciones de las que se disponen no suelen ser efectivas o no llegan a producir la completa recuperación. Una de las nuevas opciones terapéuticas es la terapia celular la cual podría permitir la sustitución de las células dañadas o la neuroprotección del tejido retiniano a partir de la secreción de factores paracrinos con efecto protector. El Grupo de Retina del Instituto Universitario de Oftalmobiología Aplicada (IOBA) de la Universidad de Valladolid ha desarrollado un modelo ex-vivo de neurodegeneración retiniana a partir de un cultivo organotípico de retina porcina para estudiar patologías neurodegenerativas de la retina. Todo ello nos permitió establecer el objetivo, en el presente TFG, de evaluar la capacidad neuroprotectora que tienen las células madre mesenquimales sobre la capa de fotorreceptores (FR) de la neurorretina (NR) en degeneración.Grado en Óptica y Optometrí

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    "El estudiante de Salamanca" en la estética del fracaso: un acercamiento desde el mito de Tántalo

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    Este artículo dirige su estudio al fracaso como origen germinal de la estética de El estudiante de Salamanca. Un origen fatal que sitúa el poema en relación con el pesimismo propio de su tiempo histórico, y que es tratado en este estudio, ante todo, como huella de la angustia del hombre. Por ello, en él se exponen las semejanzas del poema con uno de los grandes mitos fatalistas: el mito de Tántalo. Su suplicio es interpretado aquí como metáfora del fracaso vital del hombre, y comparte con El estudiante de Salamanca unas claves comunes que revelan el carácter esencial de ese conflicto interno que atañe a ambos; ansia y fatalismo se ciernen sobre el poeta.This article is aimed to study the failure which has been considered to be the germ origin of the aesthetics in El estudiante de Salamanca. It deals with the fatal origin which sets the poem in relation to the pessimism of its own historical time, and which, in this survey, has been mainly regarded as the trace of the man´s anguish. Because of these reasons, this article shows the similarities of the poem with one of the greatest fatalistic myths: the Myth of Tantalus. His torments have been interpreted here as the metaphor of the man´s vital failure. This piece of work shares common keys with El estudiante de Salamanca, which reveal the essential nature of this internal conflict which concerns both characters: anxiety and fatalism threaten the poet