8,693 research outputs found

    Visual Localisation of Mobile Devices in an Indoor Environment under Network Delay Conditions

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    Current progresses in home automation and service robotic environment have highlighted the need to develop interoperability mechanisms that allow a standard communication between the two systems. During the development of the DHCompliant protocol, the problem of locating mobile devices in an indoor environment has been investigated. The communication of the device with the location service has been carried out to study the time delay that web services offer in front of the sockets. The importance of obtaining data from real-time location systems portends that a basic tool for interoperability, such as web services, can be ineffective in this scenario because of the delays added in the invocation of services. This paper is focused on introducing a web service to resolve a coordinates request without any significant delay in comparison with the sockets

    Fine structure in the large n limit of the non-hermitian Penner matrix model

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    In this paper we apply results on the asymptotic zero distribution of the Laguerre polynomials to discuss generalizations of the standard large nn limit in the non-hermitian Penner matrix model. In these generalizations gnntg_n n\to t, but the product gnng_n n is not necessarily fixed to the value of the 't Hooft coupling tt. If t>1t>1 and the limit l=limnsin(π/gn)1/nl = \lim_{n\rightarrow \infty} |\sin(\pi/g_n)|^{1/n} exists, then the large nn limit is well-defined but depends both on tt and on ll. This result implies that for t>1t>1 the standard large nn limit with gnn=tg_n n=t fixed is not well-defined. The parameter ll determines a fine structure of the asymptotic eigenvalue support: for l0l\neq 0 the support consists of an interval on the real axis with charge fraction Q=11/tQ=1-1/t and an ll-dependent oval around the origin with charge fraction 1/t1/t. For l=1l=1 these two components meet, and for l=0l=0 the oval collapses to the origin. We also calculate the total electrostatic energy E\mathcal{E}, which turns out to be independent of ll, and the free energy F=EQlnl\mathcal{F}=\mathcal{E}-Q\ln l, which does depend of the fine structure parameter ll. The existence of large nn asymptotic expansions of F\mathcal{F} beyond the planar limit as well as the double-scaling limit are also discussed

    Misalignment & Co.: (Pseudo-)scalar and vector dark matter with curvature couplings

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    Motivated by their potential role as dark matter, we study the cosmological evolution of light scalar and vector fields non-minimally coupled to gravity. Our focus is on a situation where the dominant contribution to the energy density arises from the misalignment mechanism. In addition, we also discuss the possibility that dark matter is generated in a stochastic scenario or from inflationary fluctuations. Even small deviations in the non-minimal couplings from the standard scenarios lead to significant qualitative and quantitative changes. This is due to the curvature-coupling driven superhorizon evolution of the homogeneous field and the non-zero momentum modes during inflation. Both the relic density yield and the large-scale density fluctuations are affected. For the misalignment mechanism, this results in a weakening of the isocurvature constraints and opens up new viable regions of parameter space.Comment: 25 pages, 8 figures. References updated and discussion of vector longitudinal modes expande

    Integrated practices: an example of educational innovation and cooperation in the current European Higher Education Area

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    Tras la última Reforma Universitaria –en la cual se estableció la creación del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior y el llamado Plan Bolonia–, se ha hecho obligatorio e imprescindible el uso de prácticas en la totalidad de los nuevos títulos de grado. Si bien es cierto que se trata de actividades tradicionales y de gran importancia en las titulaciones del ámbito científico, tanto para adquirir conocimientos como actitudes, su uso resulta más complejo que en otro tipo de titulaciones. Tal es el caso del Grado de Maestro en Educación Primaria, donde el perfil del alumno, su formación inicial y su futuro profesional hacen difícil el uso de las prácticas con resultados óptimos. Añadido a lo anterior, la falta de tiempo y las numerosas materias a impartir en ese reducido número de clases, hace que su uso quede muchas veces reducido a experiencias tradicionales y de baja significación para el tipo de alumnado al que van dirigidas. Por ello en el presente estudio se tratará de abordar en primer lugar la importancia de las que pueden denominarse como prácticas integradas y cómo gracias a ellas se podría atender a las diferentes materias científicas de manera interconectada y eficaz en el marco de una única actividad práctica global. Con el fin de analizar su efectividad en el citado grado de Educación Primaria pueden tomarse como referencia varias asignaturas, entre las cuales una de las más atractivas es la de Desarrollo Curricular de las Ciencias Experimentales. Esto supondrá una innovación dentro de los planes de estudio cada vez más saturados y permitirá una docencia más acorde al paradigma de aprendizaje significativo dentro de la formación de futuros docentes de educación primaria. Como segundo objetivo del trabajo se ejemplificará una práctica integral y su análisis y adecuación a los objetivos académicos, junto con su posible desarrollo en el aula..After the last university reform which established the creation of the European Higher Education Area and the called Bologna Process, it has become imperative and essential the use of practices in all the new degrees. While the practices are a traditional and important activities in the scientific qualifications, both to acquire knowledge and attitudes, their use is more complex in other types of degrees. Such is the case of Degree in Elementary Education Teacher, where the student's profile, their initial training and professional future make it difficult to use the practices with optimums results. Added to this, insufficient time and the many subjects to be taught at the reduced number of classes, makes their use be reduced in many times to a traditional experiences with poorly significance for the type of students to whom they are addressed. Thus in the present study will seek to address firstly the importance of which can be termed as integrated practices and how they could be due to respond to the various scientific subjects, both effective and interconnected, under a single global practice activity. In order to analyze its effectiveness in that degree of Primary Education Teacher can be referenced several subjects, including one of the most attractive is the Curricular Development of Experimental Science. This will be an innovation in the curriculum increasingly saturated and allow teaching according to the paradigm of significant learning in the training of future Primary School teachers. The second objective of the work will be exemplified an integral practice and analysis and adjustment to academic objectives, along with their possible development in the classroom

    El obispo Arias y la apertura del Arca Santa de Oviedo: la reforma litúrgica antes del Concilio de Burgos (1080)

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    A l'església hispànica es van produir diversos moviments reformistes al llarg de l'Edat Mitjana. A partir de c. 1050, resulta en ocasions difícil diferenciar aquest tipus de transformacions de les propiciades pel papa Gregori VII. En aquest article s'intentarà analitzar, en aquest context, el paper exercit pel bisbe Arias d'Oviedo (1069-1093) en la reforma hispànica, així com l'esdeveniment més important de la seva episcopat: l'obertura de l'Arca Santa.The Hispanic church encouraged some reform movements throughout the Middle Ages. Since c. 1050, sometimes it is diffi cult to distinguish between this kind of transformations and those promoted by Pope Gregory VII. Th e aim of this paper is to analyze, in this context, the role played by the bishop Arias of Oviedo (1069-1093) in the Hispanic reform, and the most important event of his episcopate: the opening of the Arca Santa.En la iglesia hispánica se produjeron diversos movimientos reformistas a lo largo de la Edad Media. A partir de c. 1050, resulta en ocasiones difícil diferenciar este tipo de transformaciones de las propiciadas por el papa Gregorio VII. En este artículo se intentará analizar, en este contexto, el papel desempeñado por el obispo Arias de Oviedo (1069-1093) en la reforma hispánica, así como el acontecimiento más importante de su episcopado: la apertura del Arca Santa.

    I open a bank account, you pay your mortgage, he/she gets a credit card, we buy health insurance, you invest safely, they… enjoy a bailout. A critical analysis of financial education in Spain

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    International organizations, banks and public entities are altogether trying to teach financial education in the schools. The response to the crisis is to educate the children to be the perfect financial subjects that will create the perfect financial system. This working paper will study, then, how financial education is conceived, taught and received within the Spanish society, where the interpretations of the crisis and the role of the financial system is far from closed. The paper will look at this issue within the frame of neoliberal governmentality and it will try to understand it with discursive lenses. Departing from this analysis, it will go to the spaces of greyness and to the complexity and heterogeneous reality of social practices, such as specific financial education programmes, from where resistance is indeed possible to emerge and multiply