31 research outputs found

    Condições de germinação influenciam as características físicas, isoflavonas e vitamina C de brotos de soja

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of the germination conditions of 'BRS 216' soybean (Glycine max) on the length, yield, and isoflavone contents of sprouts. A 23 factorial arrangement was used to evaluate the variables soaking time, irrigation frequency, and germination time. Sprouts that showed better length and yield and higher isoflavone contents were evaluated for their chemical composition and vitamin C content. Soaking and germination time of soybean showed a positive and significant linear effect on sprout length. However, only germination time showed a significant positive linear effect on yield, and a significant negative linear effect on the content of malonylglycosides, aglycones, and total isoflavones. Soybean germination conditions were established at 6 hours of soaking, three days of germination, and 8 hours of irrigation frequency. Under these conditions, the obtained sprouts show a more preserved chemical composition, besides higher contents of β-glycosides, malonylglycosides, aglycones, total isoflavones, and vitamin C than the nongerminated soybean. Under suitable germination conditions, it is possible to produce soybean sprouts with better physical characteristics, higher yield, and higher contents of isoflavones, aglycones, and vitamin C.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos das condições de germinação da soja (Glycine max) 'BRS 216' sobre o comprimento, o rendimento e o teor de isoflavonas dos brotos. Um delineamento fatorial 23 foi utilizado para avaliar as variáveis tempo de maceração, frequência de irrigação e tempo de germinação. Os brotos que apresentaram melhor comprimento e rendimento e maior teor de isoflavonas foram avaliados quanto à composição química e ao teor de vitamina C. Os tempos de maceração e germinação da soja apresentaram efeito linear positivo e significativo sobre o comprimento dos brotos. No entanto, apenas o tempo de germinação apresentou efeito linear significativo e positivo sobre o rendimento, e efeito linear significativo e negativo sobre o teor de malonilglicosídeos, agliconas e isoflavonas totais. As condições de germinação da soja foram estabelecidas em 6 horas de maceração, três dias de germinação e 8 horas de frequência de irrigação. Nessas condições, os brotos obtidos apresentam composição química mais preservada, além de maior teor de β-glicosídeos, malonilglicosídeos, agliconas, isoflavonas totais e vitamina C do que a soja não germinada. Em condições adequadas de germinação, é possível produzir brotos de soja com melhores características físicas, maior rendimento, e maiores teores de isoflavonas, agliconas e vitamina C

    A cor e a concretude da desigualdade no Brasil: a violência e o encarceramento dos jovens de cor ou raça preta ou parda / The color and concreteness of inequality in Brazil: violence and the incarceration of young people of black or brown color or race

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    Este artigo analisa se o perfil da população encarcerada no Brasil corresponde à distribuição da população brasileira em termos de cor, gênero e idade, com vista a verificar se há sobrerrepresentação de algum segmento populacional. Para isso, são apresentados, em primeiro lugar, as informações relativas à população total, por gênero, cor e idade, seguida de uma análise do mercado de trabalho, compreendendo a ocupação e o rendimento, também por gênero e cor. Em segundo lugar, são apontadas as características da população encarcerada, por gênero, idade, escolaridade, entre outros aspectos. Entre as conclusões a que o estudo chegou, destaca-se a sobrerrepresentação dos jovens homens negros ou pardos junto à população carcerária. 

    Evaluation of the Anatomy of the Lower First Premolar

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    This chapter provides information about the lower first premolars. This tooth is considered to be one of the most complex teeth and the dentistry graduation students usually have difficulties in identifying it. The aim of this chapter is to present a detailed morphological study of extracted lower first premolars. One hundred lower first premolars, belonging to the collection of the Laboratory of Anatomy of the Department of Morphology of the São Paulo State University (UNESP), School of Dentistry, Araraquara, SP, Brazil, were evaluated. Nine measurements were performed through direct observation without any instruments. Other 20 measurements were made by photographs and they were analyzed by the Image Tool 3.0 program. According to the results, it was concluded that most of the teeth presented the following features such as one lingual cusp; the distal occlusal pits were wider than the mesial occlusal pits; an enamel bridge linking the buccal and lingual cusps; the grooves in the lingual surface that emerged from the mesial and distal occlusal pits were absent, and where the grooves were present, they emerged from the mesial occlusal pit; one rectilinear root with no root grooves and where the root groove was present, it was observed in the mesial surface

    Identification of Lower Central Incisors

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    Unlike the other teeth, the permanent lower central incisors have great symmetry between the proximal surfaces, being difficult to distinguish them. It was intended to facilitate the study of the anatomy of the lower central incisor for dentistry students, that this study searched for a better way to differentiate the third quadrant element (31) from the fourth quadrant element (41). The purpose of this chapter was to evaluate 100 permanent lower central incisors of the didactic collection of the Discipline of Anatomy of the Department of Morphology of the School of Dentistry of Araraquara - UNESP and to verify the presence of correlation between the some anatomical features. Besides, it was evaluated if there was difference between 31 and 41. It was verified that the systematic methodology used for the evaluation of the incisors in this study facilitated the identification of the teeth. There was no statistically significant difference between the measurements of 31 and 41. Distinguishing the right from the left central incisor is difficult, even for experienced practitioners. We could observe that the measurements do not facilitate the identification of teeth of different quadrants. Therefore, the anatomical features are relevant for the study of the dental anatomy in the identification of the lower central incisors

    Molecular modeling study of complexes between ferriprotoporphyrin IX and antimalarial 4-quinolinecarbinolamines: a proposal of pharmacophore

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    Quinine and quinidine are well-known 4-quinolinecarbinolamines that exhibit antimalarial activity, but, in contrast, their epimers 9-epiquinine and 9-epiquinidine are almost inactive. Literature data are conflicting in describing the 4-quinolinecarbinolamine interaction mode with the molecular target, the ferriprotoporphyrin IX [Fe(III)PPIX]. In the present paper, a pharmacophore is proposed based on the binding of the non-aromatic nitrogen to the iron atom. The 4-quinolinecarbinolamine antimalarials were superimposed on the pharmacophore under consideration and complexes with Fe(III)PPIX were constructed. Conformational analyses of the complexes were performed applying the MM+ molecular mechanics method. The analysis of the complexes showed that the proposed ligand mode is possible although it does not explain the activity differences between epimers. A discussion of the structural aspects is also provided.

    Caracterização da institucionalização da assistência farmacêutica na atenção básica no Brasil

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    Objetivo: caracterizar o estágio atual da institucionalização da assistência farmacêutica nos municípios brasileiros. Métodos: artigo integrante da Pesquisa Nacional sobre Acesso, Utilização e Promoção do Uso Racional de Medicamentos, um estudo transversal, exploratório, de natureza avaliativa, composto por um levantamento de informações numa amostra representativa de municípios estratificada pelas regiões do Brasil. Foram entrevistados os secretários municipais de saúde, responsáveis pela assistência farmacêutica e farmacêuticos responsáveis pela dispensação dos medicamentos. As variáveis selecionadas das entrevistas foram agrupadas em cinco dimensões, definindo-se três estágios de institucionalização da assistência farmacêutica: incipiente (0–34%), parcial (35%–69%), avançada (70%–100%), estimados com base nas respostas dos entrevistados. Foram estimadas frequências com intervalos de 95% de confiança. Para análise de associação estatística aplicou-se o teste do qui-quadrado, com nível de significância de p < 0,05. Resultados: os resultados mostram um processo heterogêneo e parcial da institucionalização da assistência farmacêutica no Brasil e grau avançado nas estruturas formais, como nos planos municipais de saúde e existência de lista padronizada de medicamentos. As variáveis analisadas na dimensão organização, estrutura e financiamento configuraram estágios que variam de parcial a avançado. A gestão apresentou grau parcial de institucionalização, revelando positivamente a existência de sistema informatizado, e resultados discrepantes no tocante à autonomia na gestão dos recursos financeiros. Itens imprescindíveis relacionados à estrutura expressaram disparidades entre as regiões, com diferenças estatísticas significantes. Conclusões: o estudo mostrou um processo de institucionalização heterogêneo e parcial da assistência farmacêutica em municípios brasileiros, revelando desigualdades regionais. Destacaram-se positivamente as variáveis relacionadas aos aspectos normativos da institucionalização em todas as dimensões, entretanto faz-se necessário novos estudos para avaliar a institucionalização das atividades finalísticas da assistência farmacêutica.Objective: to characterize the current stage of the institutionalization of pharmaceutical services in Brazilian cities. Methods: this study is part of the Pesquisa Nacional sobre Acesso, Utilização e Promoção do Uso Racional de Medicamentos (PNAUM – National Survey on Access, Use and Promotion of Rational Use of Medicines), a cross-sectional, exploratory, and evaluative study composed by an information survey in a representative sample of cities, stratified by Brazilian regions. We interviewed municipal secretaries of health, responsible for pharmaceutical services, and pharmacists responsible for the dispensing of medicines. The variables selected from the interviews were grouped into five dimensions that defined three stages of pharmaceutical services institutionalization: incipient (0%-34.0%), partial (35.0%-69.0%), and advanced (70.0%-100%), estimated based on the interviewees’ answers. Frequencies were estimated with 95% confidence intervals. For the statistical association analysis, the Chi-square test was applied, with significance level of p<0.05. Results: our results show a partial and heterogeneous process of institutionalization of pharmaceutical services in Brazil, and an advanced stage in formal structures, such as the municipal health plans and the existence of a standardized list of medicines. The analysed variables in the “organization, structure, and financing” dimension configured stages that range from partial to advanced. The management presented partial institutionalization, positively showing the existence of computerized system, but also disparate results regarding the autonomy in the management of financial resources. Indispensable items related to the structure expressed disparities between the regions, with statistically significant differences. Conclusion: the study showed a partial and heterogeneous process of institutionalization of pharmaceutical services in Brazilian cities, showing regional disparities. Variables related to the normative aspects of institutionalization were positively highlighted in all dimensions; however, it is necessary to conduct new studies to evaluate the institutionalization of pharmaceutical services’ finalistic activities

    HIF-1alpha expression profile in intratumoral and peritumoral inflammatory cells as a prognostic marker for squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity.

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    The HIF-1 transcriptional complex is responsible for controlling transcription of over 100 genes involved in cell hypoxia response. HIF-1alpha subunit is stabilized in hypoxia conditions, creating the HIF-1 nuclear transcription factor. In inflammatory cells, high HIF-1alpha expression induces lymphocytic immunosuppression, decreasing tumoral antigen recognition, which promotes tumor growth. The present work investigated the relationship between HIF-1alpha expression in lymphocytes populating the intratumoral and peritumoral region of 56 patients with oral cancer. Our data indicates a prognostic value for this expression. High HIF-1alpha expression in peritumoral inflammatory cells is significantly related to worse patient outcome, whereas high expression in the intratumoral lymphoid cells correlates with a better prognosis. A risk profile indicating the chance of disease relapse and death was designed based on HIF-1alpha expression in tumoral inflammatory cells, defining low, intermediate and high risks. This risk profile was able to determine that high HIF-1alpha expression in peritumoral cells correlates with worse prognosis, independently of intratumoral expression. Low HIF-1alpha in tumor margins and high expression in the tumor was considered a low risk profile, showing no cases of disease relapse and disease related death. Intermediate risk was associated with low expression in tumor and tumor margins. Our results suggest that HIF-1alpha expression in tumor and peritumoral inflammatory cells may play an important role as prognostic tumor marker