94 research outputs found

    Siket és nagyothalló fiatalok integrációs lehetőségei a magyar felsőoktatásban

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    It can be observed both in the founding countries of the European Union and the ones that joined later that the proportion of the sensory disabled and especially that of the deaf and hard of hearing people studying in higher education is very low. In a joint project with the participation of local organizattions of three countries (Italy, Poland and Hungary), our research team aims at exploring the backgroung of this situation and we try to find the possibilities of more social integration. The direct goal of the project is that more sensory disabled people especially the deaf are admitted to institutions of higher education. In this study we wish to explore the real reasons of not choosing to go to higher education and to identify the needs that are not met. It can be presumed that in the Hungarian setting the reasons are to be found in forced oral communication in the past decades, in poor lobbying for the interest of the deaf, and finally in the lack of social acceptance, which is closely connected to the other reasons and it derives from them. The research method was a snapshot questionnnaire, which could only identify the problem because of the less than expected number of samples and which represented only those who are already admitted to higher education. Also, the study covers the way of communication of the affected group, the difficulties they experience in every day life, the services they may receive, their real needs, the role of the coordinator for equal opportunities and the (deaf and hard of hearing) students’ vision of the future

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    Tailoring Fe/Ag Superparamagnetic Composites by Multilayer Deposition

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    The magnetic properties of Fe/Ag granular multilayers were examined by SQUID magnetization and Mossbauer spectroscopy measurements. Very thin (0.2 nm) discontinuous Fe layers show superparamagnetic properties that can be tailored by the thickness of both the magnetic and the spacer layers. The role of magnetic interactions was studied in novel heterostructures of superparamagnetic and ferromagnetic layers and the specific contribution of the ferromagnetic layers to the low field magnetic susceptibility was identified.Comment: 5 pages and 3 figure

    A keresztcsonti ízület mobilitásának vizsgálata derékpanaszos betegcsoportban = Assessment of sacroiliacal joint mobility in patients with low back pain

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    Absztrakt: Bevezetés: A medence sagittalis irányú megjelenésének leírására három paraméter használatos, amelyek között a medenceincidencia, meghatározás szerint, egyénre jellemző, anatómiai állandónak tekintett. Célkitűzés: Jelen vizsgálat célja volt a medenceparaméterek vizsgálata egy olyan derékpanaszos heterogén csoportnál, ahol fizikálisan felmerült a keresztcsonti ízület mobilitásának lehetősége. Módszer: 48, perzisztáló derékfájdalommal rendelkező eset álló, majd ülő EOS 2D/3D képalkotásából nyert medenceparaméter-értékeit hasonlítottuk össze a felső test helyzetének függvényében, klaszteranalízis, valamint t-próba használatával. Eredmények: A medenceincidencia teljes betegcsoportra vonatkozó átlaga statisztikailag nem különbözött a két pozícióban (47,8°–47,7°). Az egyéneket külön értékelő klaszteranalízis azonban 14 esetben (30%) a felső test helyzetével összefüggő változást igazolt. Hét esetnél előrebillenő felső test, növekvő incidencia, hétnél ellenkező irányú változás mutatkozott, 34 esetben nem volt érdemi változás. Következtetés: Tapasztalataink szerint a medence felnőttkorban sem tekinthető minden esetben merev egységnek. A populáció egy részében előfordulhat a keresztcsonti ízület mobilitása, amely összefüggést mutathat egyes, gerincet érintő deformációkkal, illetve a derékpanaszokkal. Orv Hetil. 2017; 158(52): 2079–2085. | Abstract: Introduction: Sagittal alignment of the pelvis is typically characterized using three fundamental parameters. Among these, pelvic incidence is traditionally considered to be anatomically ‘constant’. Aim: We aimed to analyze the pelvic parameters of low back pain patients with suspected sacroiliac joint laxity. Method: Pelvic parameters were assessed in standing and seated EOS 2D/3D radiographs of 48 cases of persistent low back pain, and compared to upper body position using cluster analysis and t-test. Results: Median pelvic incidence did not differ statistically between standing and sitting (47.8°–47.7°). However, in individual analysis 7 cases (15%) exhibited a forward tilt in their upper body with an increased pelvic incidence, and 7 cases (15%) showed a backward upper body tilt. No change was found in 34 cases. Conclusion: Our results indicate the pelvis should not be regarded as a rigid unit, as in some cases significant appreciable sacroiliac joint laxity can occur. Orv Hetil. 2017; 158(52): 2079–2085

    Fiatalkori idiopathiás scoliosis műtéti korrekciójának hatása az állkapocs mozgástartományára = Comparing the function of the temporomandibular joint before and after surgical treatment in a young patient with idiopathic scoliosis. Case presentation

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    Absztrakt: Anatómiai és funkcionális szempontból a stomatognath rendszer szoros kapcsolatban van a gerincoszlop nyaki csigolyáival. A köztük lévő neuromuscularis kapcsolat miatt ez fontos határterület fogorvosok és ortopéd orvosok számára. Esetismertetésünkben bemutatjuk, hogy milyen módon változott az állkapocsízület funkciója egy idiopathiás scoliosisos páciens ortopédiai műtéti korrekciójának hatására. A 15 éves fiatalkori idiopathiás scoliosisos nőbeteg gerincferdülésének korrekciójára 2016-ban került sor. A műtétet megelőző napon és 10 hónappal később funkcióanalitikai vizsgálatot végeztünk ultrahangalapú jelzőkészülékkel. A mozgástartomány-vizsgálat jelentős javulást mutatott. A szájnyitáskor korábban fennálló 8 mm-es jobbra deviáció 2 mm-re csökkent. A bal oldalmozgáskor látott blokk a 10 hónapos kontroll során teljesen szabaddá vált, illetve az eredeti aszimmetrikus protrusio majdnem teljesen szimmetrikus lett. Vizsgálatunk eredményeit értékelve elmondhatjuk, hogy a mandibula mozgásai, deviációja, valamint a mozgástartományt leíró értékek is lényegesen javultak tíz hónappal a műtét után. Tekintettel arra, hogy a páciens temporomandibularis ízületi diszfunkciós kezelést nem kapott, feltételezzük, hogy kapcsolat volt a gerincoszlop és az állkapocsízület funkciója között. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(50): 2144–2149. | Abstract: From an anatomic and functional point of view, the stomatognathic system and the upper cervical spine are closely connected. Together with the complex neuromuscular relationships, this generates an important field of cooperation between dentists and orthopedics. The aim of this case report was to demonstrate the improvements of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) function after orthopedic surgery in case of a patient with idiopathic scoliosis. A 15-year-old female patient who had adolescent idiopathic scoliosis was surgically treated in 2016. Functional analyses of the TMJ were performed before the day of the operation and 10 months after the surgery. For detection, an ultrasound-based testing machine was used. The analyses of the data showed that almost all ranges of motions (ROM) were improved. The deviation to the right side was reduced from 8 mm to 2 mm during mouth opening. The patient had limited left lateral movement before the operation, however, after 10 months following the operation, there were free motions towards both sides. The originally asymmetrical protrusion became almost completely symmetrical. Regarding the functions of the TMJ, the surgery was successful; this in itself had a beneficial effect on the range and the path of the mandibular movements without any other treatment. These improved functions are indirect evidences for the connection of the function of the spine and TMJ. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(50): 2144–2149

    Surgical management of moderate adolescent idiopathic scoliosis with ApiFix® : a short peri- apical fixation followed by post-operative curve reduction with exercises

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    Surgery in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) is a major operative intervention where 10-12 vertebrae are instrumented and fused. A smaller motion preserving surgery would be more desirable for these otherwise healthy adolescents. The ApiFix® system is a novel less invasive short segment pedicle screw based instrumentation inserted around the apex of the main curve. The system has a ratchet mechanism that enables gradual postoperative device elongation and curve correction. The ratchet is activated by performing specific spinal exercises. The unique features of the device allow curve correction without fusion. The system which has a CE approval was employed in adolescents with main thoracic curves. More than a dozen of ApiFix surgeries have been performed so far. The preoperative Cobb angle was 45° ± 8, and 25° ± 8 at final follow up. The following is a report on three adolescent females aged 13–16 years with curves between 43°-53° and Risser sign of 1-4 who underwent surgery with ApiFix®. Two pedicle screws were inserted around the curve apex and the ratchet based device with polyaxial ring connectors was attached to the screws. No fusion attempt was made. Operative time was around one hour. Two weeks after surgery the patients were instructed to perform Schroth like daily exercises with the aim of rod elongation and gradual curve correction. Patients were followed between 6 months to 2 years. Curves were reduced and maintained between 22- 33°. Patients were pain free and were able to perform their spinal exercises. Postoperative gradual elongation of the device was observed. No screw loosening or rod breakage were observed. No adding on or curve progression was seen. Three factors may contribute to the ApiFix® success: polyaxial connections that prevent mechanical failure, gradual curve correction by spinal motion and spinal growth modulation. The ApiFix® system allows managing moderate AIS with a simple and minor surgical intervention. Recovery is rapid with negligible motion loss. It allows gradual and safe curve correction with high patient satisfaction. It may also serve as an internal brace for AIS