1,961 research outputs found

    L’essentialisme de Clarice Lispector

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    Le regard d’ailleurs : les constructions utopiques de la « différence »

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    L'évidence du concept de la « différence » entre hommes et femmes imprègne le discours féministe contemporain. Pour aborder ce concept de façon critique, j'utilise un corpus littéraire qui nous aide à voir l'évident, le non-remarqué et l'habituel dans nos positions sexuales : les fictions utopiques en forme d'inversion des rôles sexuaux. Après une discussion détaillée de ces textes, je suggère que la vision utopique de l'écrivaine anglaise Katharine Burdekin pointe en direction d'un sentier qui pourrait nous mener hors des interminables débats sur l'« essentialisme » et le « constructivisme social » comme explications de la « différence ».The obviousness of the concept of "difference" between men and women permeates contemporary feminist discourse, which has devoted much energy to explicating the sources of this " difference ". In order to take a critical look at this concept, I draw on a body of literature that helps us to see the obvious, the unnoticed, the habitual in our gendered positions : Utopian fictions cast as sex-role reversals. After discussing these texts in some detail, I argue that the Utopian vision of the british writer Katharine Burdekin hints at a path that can lead us out of the endless debates over "essentialism" and "social constructionism" as explanations of "difference". Ce texte a pour objet l'évident, et la façon dont les choses que l'on considère évidentes glissent doucement dans l'invisibilité. Je soutiendrai que c'est précisément l'évident qui doit être rendu visible, et qu'afin de récupérer l'évident nous devons trouver un point de vue, un lieu d'où l'évident perd son évidence, est délesté de l'attribut du "cela va sans dire"

    Orienting Attention Based on Long-Term Memory Improves Perceptual Discriminations

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    The role of attentional orienting in daily life is to selectively deploy both behavioural and neural resources towards events, based on continually changing task goals and expectations, in order to optimize performance. In the following experiment, we show that attentional orienting is influenced by long-term memories in a perceptual discrimination task. In the learning phase, participants were trained on 120 ecologically valid natural scenes, of which 80 contained a target. Their task was to locate the target (a small key) on the screen by clicking on it with the mouse. One or two days later, participants completed a cued perceptual discrimination task. The same scenes that were studied before, but without any targets, were presented as cues (50 ms duration), followed, after a delay (450ms), by the scene again with or without the target (200ms). Participants discriminated covertly whether the key was present or absent from the second scene. There were three conditions: valid (key in learning and discrimination task was in same location), invalid (key in learning and discrimination task were in different location) and neutral (there was no key in learning phase). Behavioural results indicated that memory-guided attention benefits both the sensitivity (d’) and speed of target identification within natural scenes. A replication of the study is being carried out with event-related potentials to chart the neural modulations that accompany the perceptual enhancements observed behaviourally

    The Versatile Wayfinder: Prefrontal Contributions to Spatial Navigation

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    Highlights: Navigation is a behavior fundamental to all mobile animals, and incorporates various cognitive functions, including memory, planning, decision-making, and updating models of the world. Historically, the neural underpinnings of flexible navigation have focused on the hippocampal formation, but recent evidence suggests that regions of the prefrontal cortex (PFC) are crucial to many aspects of navigation, especially when environments are complex or dynamic. This review summarizes what we know from recent human, non-human primate, and rodent studies, proposing a novel perspective that incorporates our knowledge across species and brain regions seeking to avoid tunnel vision in understanding the multifaceted behavior in navigation

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