13 research outputs found

    The Utilization of Sago Dregs to Increase Body Weight Gain and Feed Conversion Rate of Balitbangtan Superior Native Chicken

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    The utilization of local resource materials as the feed source for native chicken, such as sago dregs, is a potential solution to reduce the cost of conventional chicken feed. Sago dregs is produced from sago processing that is widely available in Meranti Island Regency, Riau Province. This research was aimed to determine how much evaluate the potential of sago dregs for native chicken feed in Meranti Regency. Testing sago-dregs based ration was carried out on 80 four-week-old Balitbangtan superior native chicken in four treatments (n=20) as follows: P1 = 60% fermented sago dregs (FSD)) + 10% corn + 30% trash fish; P2 = 60% FSD + 10% coffee skin + 30% trash fish; P3 = 50% FSD + 50% commercial chicken feed; P4 = 50% non-fermented sago dregs (NFSD)) + 50% commercial chicken feed. The commercial starter was given to 0-4 weeks-old chickens, while treatment feed was given to 4-12 weeks. The parameters observed were body weight gain and feed conversion ratio. The research data obtained were processed statistically using the T-test. The results showed a significantly lower (P <0.05) average body weight of chickens in P2 (630 grams) than that of P3 (808 grams) and of P4 (806 grams). Meanwhile, the P1 chickens’ weight (722 grams) was not significantly different from the others. The feed conversion ratio of P1, P2, P3, and P4 was 3.2, 3.3, 3.1, and 3.5, respectively. Sago dregs is a potential substitute for conventional feed for Balitbangtan's superior native chickens

    The Effect of Palm Sugar and Storage on Nutrient Content and Taste of Salted Duck’s Egg

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    This research used 150 duck eggs age one as subject day. There were two factors analyzed here. The first was the amount of palm sugar which consisted of 25 grams, 50 grams, and 75 grams. The second factor were the storage duration which consisted of 3, 4, and 5 weeks. The nutrient content parameters measured were rates protein, fat and ash content. Sensory quality parameters measured were color and taste. The analysis showed that in processing/making salted duck egg, palm sugar addition influenced protein content significantly (Fc = 7,0 > Ftab = 4,5) fat content ( Fc 67,3 > Ftab= 8,7) and ash content (Fc = 64,6 > F tab = 8,7) very significantly. However, organoleptic test showed that palm sugar addition did not influenced color and taste of salted duck egg significantly. Storage duration influenced protein content significantly (Fc= 6,9 F tab = 8,7) but did not significantly influenced ash content (Fc = 3,5 < Ftab = 4,46). Storage duration also influenced taste of salted duck egg, but did not for its color. The interaction of treatment between palm sugar addition and storage duration just influenced fat content of salted duck egg significantly. The salted duck egg made by addition 75 grams palm sugar and stored 5 weeks (A3B3) the highest content of fat. The salted duck’s eeg made by addition of 25 grams palm sugar and stored duration produced the salted duck’s egg with high content of fat and ash. Organoleptic test indicated that the panelis preferred the salted taste duck egg made by addition of palm sugar 25 grams and storaged for 3 weeks having reddish yellow color. Key words : Salted duck egg, palm sugar, strorage duration, nutrient content sensory quality

    The Effect of Palm Sugar and Storage on Nutrient Content and Taste of Salted Duck’s Egg

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    This research used 150 duck eggs age one as subject day. There were two factors analyzed here. The first was the amount of palm sugar which consisted of 25 grams, 50 grams, and 75 grams. The second factor were the storage duration which consisted of 3, 4, and 5 weeks. The nutrient content parameters measured were rates protein, fat and ash content. Sensory quality parameters measured were color and taste. The analysis showed that in processing/making salted duck egg, palm sugar addition influenced protein content significantly (Fc = 7,0 > Ftab = 4,5) fat content ( Fc 67,3 > Ftab= 8,7) and ash content (Fc = 64,6 > F tab = 8,7) very significantly. However, organoleptic test showed that palm sugar addition did not influenced color and taste of salted duck egg significantly. Storage duration influenced protein content significantly (Fc= 6,9 F tab = 8,7) but did not significantly influenced ash content (Fc = 3,5 < Ftab = 4,46). Storage duration also influenced taste of salted duck egg, but did not for its color. The interaction of treatment between palm sugar addition and storage duration just influenced fat content of salted duck egg significantly. The salted duck egg made by addition 75 grams palm sugar and stored 5 weeks (A3B3) the highest content of fat. The salted duck’s eeg made by addition of 25 grams palm sugar and stored duration produced the salted duck’s egg with high content of fat and ash. Organoleptic test indicated that the panelis preferred the salted taste duck egg made by addition of palm sugar 25 grams and storaged for 3 weeks having reddish yellow color. Key words : Salted duck egg, palm sugar, strorage duration, nutrient content sensory quality


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    Tujuan dari penulisan untuk menganalisis pengembangan wilayah peternakan ruminansia berdasarkan kebutuhan pakan serta memberikan sumbangan pemikiran tentang konsep pemanfaatan sumber daya lokal yang berasal dari limbah pertanian di Kabupaten Aceh Besar.Data yang digunakan sumber data primer dan sekunder. Peubah yang diamati terdiri dari: populasi sapi potong dan kerbau, produksi limbah pertanian, kebutuhan bahan kering tercerna (BKC). Dari hasil kajian didapatkan kecamatan yang paling tinggi populasi sapi yaitu Seulimum sejumlah 11.219 ekor (6.605 ST) dengan persentase 9.61 dan kecamatan yang paling rendah yaitu Leupung 1.136 ekor (669 ST) dengan persentase 0,97.  Wilayah yang paling tinggi populasi kerbau yaitu kecamatan Lembah Seulawah sejumlah 5.100 ekor (2.502 ST) dengan persentase 16.67 dan kecamatan yang paling rendah yaitu Kecamatan Ingin Jaya 46 ekor (23 ST) dengan persentase 0.15. Total produksi limbah pertanian yang tinggi pada kecamatan Montasik sejumlah 8.234.53 BKC ton/tahundan kecamatan yang rendah yaitu Krueng Barona Jaya 4.58 BKC ton/tahun. Komoditas pertanian yang menghasilkan limbah pertanian yang terbanyak dan tersebar di semua kecamatan berasal dari padi sejumlah 8.417.58 BKC ton/tahun dan jagung 1.611.28, dan yang terendah kacang hijau 36.11 BKC ton/tahun. Kecamatan yang memiliki peluang besar untuk pengembangan peternakan yaitu kecamatan Montasik dengan total kebutuhan BKC sejumlah 2.538.85 ton/tahun dengan total produksi 8.234.53 ton/tahun dan Kecamatan Krueng Barona Jaya total kebutuhan BKC sejumlah 2.883.07 ton/tahun dengan total produksi 4.58 ton/tahun yang belum memiliki potensi pengembangan peternakan. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa Kabupaten Aceh Besar dapat meningkatkan populasi ternak ruminansia dengan memanfaatkan potensi pakan hijauan asal limbah pertanian

    PENGARUH PEMBERIAN GULA MERAH DAN LAMA PENYIMPANAN TERHADAP KADAR GIZI DAN RASA TELUR ITIK ASIN [The Effect of Palm Sugar and Storage on Nutrient Content and Taste of Salted Ducks Egg]

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    This research used 150 duck eggs age one as subject day. There were two factors analyzed here. The first was the amount of palm sugar which consisted of 25 grams, 50 grams, and 75 grams. The second factor were the storage duration which consisted of 3, 4, and 5 weeks. The nutrient content parameters measured were rates protein, fat and ash content. Sensory quality parameters measured were color and taste. The analysis showed that in processing/making salted duck egg, palm sugar addition influenced protein content significantly (Fc = 7,0 > Ftab = 4,5) fat content ( Fc 67,3 > Ftab= 8,7) and ash content (Fc = 64,6 > F tab = 8,7) very significantly. However, organoleptic test showed that palm sugar addition did not influenced color and taste of salted duck egg significantly. Storage duration influenced protein content significantly (Fc= 6,9 F tab = 8,7) but did not significantly influenced ash content (Fc = 3,5 < Ftab = 4,46). Storage duration also influenced taste of salted duck egg, but did not for its color. The interaction of treatment between palm sugar addition and storage duration just influenced fat content of salted duck egg significantly. The salted duck egg made by addition 75 grams palm sugar and stored 5 weeks (A3B3) the highest content of fat. The salted ducks eeg made by addition of 25 grams palm sugar and stored duration produced the salted ducks egg with high content of fat and ash. Organoleptic test indicated that the panelis preferred the salted taste duck egg made by addition of palm sugar 25 grams and storaged for 3 weeks having reddish yellow color


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    Estrus synchronization and artificial insemination (AI) for productive female cattle through feed improvement aimed to increase the availability of seed quality. This study was conducted in July Kede Dua Village in July Subdistrict, Bireuen District. Nine cattle at the ages of 2 to 2.5 years old were used as samples. The design of the study was a Randomized Block Design (RBD) with 3 treatments and 3 replications. There were three ration treatments, namely: P = Sync+AI+natural grass+elephant grass, J = Sync+AI+50% rice straw+15% Gliricidia+35% (natural grass+elephant grass)+concentrate+mineral blocks, and S = Sync+AI+40% rice straw + 20% Gliricidia + 40% (natural grass + elephant grass) + concentrate + mineral blocks. The observed variables were the percentage of estrus, the percentage/rates of pregnancy, the weight of female cattle during pregnancy, feed intake and feed conversion. The results showed that hormonal injections of PGF2α on the first day of J treatment generated 100% of estrus while P and S treatments generated 33,33% of estrus. At the second injection, there was an increase up to 66,67% on the 12th day in P and S treatments. The average of feed consumption during the study in each treatment was J = 28.23 kg/cow/day, S = 27.08 kg/cow/day, P = 25.60 kg/cow/day. There was a significant difference in daily weight gain caused by the difference in ration quality in each treatment

    The Increase of Ruminant Population Based on Agricultural Waste Potential as Feed in Aceh Tamiang District

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    Livestock management includes the systems of maintenance, reproduction, and waste utilization. This study aims to examine the potential of feed sources for ruminants (cows and buffaloes) and efforts to maintain continuous feed availability associated with ruminant livestock development strategies. The data used were primary and secondary data of feed sources. Furthermore, the variables observed include cattle and buffalo population, agricultural waste production, digested dry matter (DDM), and carrying capacity. The results showed that Seruway sub-district had the highest population of cattle with 8,378 cows (4,933 ST) or 20.35% while Karang Baru sub-district had the highest population of 70 buffalo (34 ST) or 40.23%. Meanwhile, Manyak Payed sub-district produced the highest agricultural waste with 5,029.32 DDM tons/year while the low district was Kuala Simpang city. Moreover, the commodity that produces the highest agricultural waste is rice which is scattered in all districts with a total of 19,370.65 DDM tons/year. Although the cassava plant was not in all districts, it has the potential of producing 48,154.5 tons/year DDM. Furthermore, the sub-district with a great opportunity was Karang Baru which produces an unutilized potential of 2,718.23 tons/year and a carrying capacity of 2,384.41 (ST/year). This showed that Kejuruan Muda subdistrict has insufficient agricultural waste for cattle and buffalo, therefore, breeders in this sub-district get feed from the plantation and other wastes. Based on the results, Aceh Tamiang district has the potential to increase the ruminants population by utilizing forage feed from agricultural waste

    Development planning ranch area based on the potential of feeding ruminants in Aceh, Indonesia

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    The research objectives were: (1) to determine which ruminants could be developed based on regional resource support; and (2) to identify the potential of agricultural waste to support livestock development in Pidie Regency, Aceh. This research used descriptive and exploratory methods. The descriptive method described the condition of development of potential forage areas in the Pidie district. The population data for large ruminants was calculated based on the population structure of production (weaning, young, adult, and imported cattle). Furthermore, the population based on age was converted into Animal Unit (AU). The results found that the Pidie regency had the potential for livestock development. The sub-districts of Padang Tiji had an ample opportunity as producer of rice farming waste with a total of 4,734.80 tonnes/year, maize 81.3; cassava 12.5; soybean 4.95; green beans 1.37 and peanuts 0.822 DDM tonnes/year. The potential that had not been utilized was 4,241.57 tonnes/year and has a capacity of 3,720.68 (ST/year), followed by Sakti district and Mutiara Timur districts. The conclusion showed Pidie Regency can increase the population of ruminants by increasing the benefits of feed from agricultural waste