101 research outputs found

    Tyranny On Women in Nawal El-Saadawi's The Fall of The Imam Novel (1987): A Marxist Approach

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    This research aims to reveal tyranny in The Fall of the Imam (1987) novel by Nawal El Saadawi. The objective of the research is to describe tyranny based on the Marxist Approach. The writer uses qualitative research. The writer uses two data resource: primary and secondary data source. The primary data source is The Fall of the Imam (1987) novel. Then the secondary takes the data source that related to this research such as literary books, biography of the author, journal, article, and internet. The technique of collecting data is library research. The technique of analyzing data is descriptive analysis. Based on the research, the researcher concludes based on the Marxist Approach: Dialectical Materialism, Historical Materialism, Class Struggle, and the last one, Revolution in this novel all points found in The Fall of the Imam (1987). Key word: Tyranny, Women, Marxist Approac

    Divorce Reflected In Heather Tullis Novel Second Chances: Love In Juniper Ridge (2016): A Behaviorist Perspective

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    This research has aim to analyze main character’s behavior, Karissa, before and after the divorce in Second Chances: Love in Juniper Ridge novel by Heather Tullis. This research uses behaviorism approach. It is descriptive qualitative research. The primary of this novel is the novel itself, Second Chances: Love in Juniper Ridge by Heather Tullis. The secondary data are the previous studies that related to the issue, articles, journals, and the others sources that related to this research. Technique of collecting data is library research and technic of analyzing data is analyzing document and content that is related to behaviorism theory by B.F Skinner. In this research, the researcher draws some conclusions, namely: 1) Karissa’s behavior changed after her divorce. Karissa becomes more positive than before. 2) There are Respondent and Operant conditioning in Karissa’s behavior. 3) The change behavior of Karissa is influenced by the environment around her. This novel shows that human behavior can change because of divorce and influenced by the environment

    Katnis Everdeen’s Ambition In The Hunger Games Trilogy Novel (2008 – 2010) By Suzanne Collins: A Psychoanalytic Approach

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    The main issue of this research is ambition.Everybody needs ambition to reach their aim.The purpose of this research paper is to analyze ambition reflected in The Hunger games trilogy novel especially on the main character of the novel, Katnis Everdeen based on Psychological approach. The researcher used qualitative method. The researcher used two data sources: Primer and Secondary. The Primer data was The Hunger games trilogy novel: The Hunger Games (2008), Catching Fire (2009), and Mocking jay (2010) by Suzanne Collins. The sources of secondary data are taken from other sources related the study, such as: Internet (website), dictionary, and some books which support the research. For data analysis, the researcher used descriptive qualitative research. Based on analysis, the researcher took some conclusions. This study reveals that ambition is something that everyone, no matter their age or culture background, instinctively. Ambition can be a driving force for success, or in some cases a road to failure. Through ambitious undertakings Katnis can set goals and find her selves and her God-given talents. Katnis Everdeen with her ambition can Hunger Games will be over, and then finds Freedom to life, speak, society, free from starvation and freedom without suppression from government. Keyword: Ambition, the Hunger Games trilogy, Suzanne Collins, Psychoanalyti

    Struggle For Normal Life In Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight Novel (2005): An Individual Psychological Approach

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    The major problem of this study is; how is struggle for normal life reflected in Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight novel (2005). The objective of this study is to analyze “Twilight” novel written by Stephenie Meyer based on the structural element of the novel and describe of struggle for normal life in Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight novel (2005) based on individual psychological approach. In Twilight novel, the researcher uses qualitative method and individual psychological approach. The researcher also uses two of data sources; primary data source and secondary data source. The primary data source is novel of Twilight itself and the secondary sources are the are taken from some books, web sites, and also other matters which support this analysis. The results of the study shows, first is the structural elements of Twilight novel shows that the character and characterization, setting, plot, point of view, theme and style. The Twilight is simple fiction novel based on portion for structural elements. Second, Edward Cullen as the major character must conquer the obstacle of life after he arrives in gloomy Forks, Washington. He must knew everything about his girl-friend (Isabella Swan), Bella’s family and friends, about the situation and the rules within at the Forks High School. And the last, he must struggle to keep of his girl-friend life from the hunters (sucks of human’s blood)

    The Influence Of Love On Landon Carter’s Behavior In Nicholas Sparks’ A Walk To Remember (1999): A Behaviorist Perspective

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    This research paper is analyzed by using behaviorist approach elaborates the influence of love on the major character’s behavior in A Walk to Remember novel. The objective of the research is to analyze the novel based on behaviorist approach. This research paper belongs to a descriptive qualitative research. The data of the research is the novel entitled A Walk to Remember. The data source comes from primary data and secondary data. The primary data source is A Walk to Remember novel and secondary data source of the research are biography of the author, websites, and other source about behaviorist criticism that support the analysis. The method to analyze this data is descriptive analysis. Based on the behaviorist criticism analysis, the researcher concludes that several relationships have a great contribution in shaping one’s personality and behavior. From behaviorist analysis the influence of love on the major character can be seen from the family relationship, friend relationship, and romance relationship that appear in the novel. Every relationship gives different influence. Those influences make him improve his life better by learning from his experiences during his life

    Coping Behavior For Unhappy Childhood In Jean Webster’s Daddy-Long-Legs (1912): An Individual Psychological Perspective

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    This research paper examines coping behavior for unhappy childhood of Jerusha Abbott in Jean Webster’s Daddy-Long-Legs novel using Adler’s individual psychology. The objectives of the research are to analyze the structural element of the novel and Jerusha Abbott’s psychological condition in coping behavior for her unhappy childhood using individual psychological perspective. This research belongs to qualitative research in which the data source of the research is taken from words and written texts. There are two kinds of data source; primary and secondary data source. The primary data source is taken from Daddy-Long-Legs novel, and the secondary data source is taken from books, journals, articles, reviews, comments, and other relevant data. The method in analyzing the data is descriptive analysis. The conclusions of the research are as follows; first, based on the structural analysis of the novel, it can be concluded that all elements of the novel such as character and characterization, setting, plot, point of view, style and theme are supported each other in delivering the author’s message that happiness is already inside us. Second, based on the individual psychological analysis of the novel, it can be concluded that the author illustrates a psychological phenomenon in the novel in which the character experience unhappy childhood. In coping for her unhappy childhood, she uses her creative self so that she can reach happiness in her life

    The Illuminati Reflected In Dan Brown’s Angels And Demons (2000): A Marxist Approach

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    ABSTRACT This study is about The Illuminati Reflected in Dan Brown’s Angels And Demons (2000), which is analyzed by using Marxist approach.The objectives of the study are to identify the members, the power of Illuminati and the reasons of Illuminati-Catholic conflicts could happen. This research belongs to qualitative research. The primary data of this research is Angels and Demons novel by Dan Brown, while the secondary data of this research is other sources related to the study, such as: virtual sources and other printed materials that support this research. The researcher draws three conclusions in this research. First, Illuminati have members such as scientist, government, banker and the artists. Second, the power of Illuminati is from their money, brotherhood with Masonic, and their position. Third, the reasons of Illuminati-Catholic conflict could happen because their stereotypes from Church toward Science and vice versa. Keywords: Illuminati, Angels and Demons, Marxist

    Social Life Of The Main Character Tooru Watanabe In Norwegian Wood Novel : A Sociology Of Literature

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    This research is about the social life of the main character Toru Watanabe in the Norwegian Wood novel using of sociology of literature theory. The object of this study is Norwegian Wood novel by Haruki Murakami as many as 389 pages. This research aims to find out what kinds of social life reflected in the Norwegian Wood novel, how the social life reflected in the Norwegian Wood novel through characterization analysis and find the reason Haruki Murakami made a social life issue in his novel. The researchers uses techniques data collection by reading, taking the important notes and identifying the data that has been collected. While data analysis is by using data reduction and data display. The data validity is taken according to Denzin (1978) and Patton (1999), namely triangulation of data sources and theory triangulation. Based on data analysis, the results of the study are: (1) the type of social life in the Norwegian Wood novel are social interactions and actions, and social deviations. In social interactions and actions sharing associative social processes and dissociative social processes (2) social life was described through characterizations, points of view, plot , settings, symbols and imagery (3) Haruki Murakami raised the issue social life in the Norwegian Wood novel because it is inspired by him personal experience while he was young

    Behavior Patterns of Teamwork in The Maze Runner by James Dashner (2009): A Behaviorist Approach

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    This research aims to classify the kind of behavior patterns of teamwork and to show how behavior patterns build teamwork in the novel The Maze Runner. It is a qualitative research. The primary data source is the novel The Maze Runner by James Dashner (2009). The secondary data sources are including references from online books, websites, and research papers related to the research. The researcher uses the documentation method to collect the data. In presenting the data validity, the researcher uses triangulation by Denzin (2009). This research applies the theory of classical conditioning by Ivan Pavlov and the theory of operant conditioning by B.F Skinner to analyze data. Based on the result, the researcher found five kinds of behavior patterns of teamwork in The Maze Runner, namely: communication, commitment, strategy, helping, and discussion. The researcher found behavior patterns built teamwork in The Maze Runner novel through the habit of members and rules in the glade

    Love Affair Reflected In Paula Hawkins’ The Girl On The Train (2015): A Psychoanalytic Study

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    This research is purposed to reveal the love affair appear in The Girl on the Train novel. The research describes how the psychological condition of the three main characters and to reveal the love affair reflected in the Girl on the Train novel. The type of this research is qualitative study. In analyzing this novel, the researcher uses Psychoanalytic analysis. The primary data source for this research is The Girl on the Train novel (2015) by Paula Hawkins. The secondary data of this research are taken from any information or all referential data related to the novel. The result of the research shows the different psychological condition of the three main characters, such as: (1). the psychological conditions of Rachel, (2) the psychological conditions of Megan, (3) psychological conditions of Anna. Second the researcher found (1) the love affair between three characters (2) the cases of affair (3). the impact of affair
