2,484 research outputs found

    State-Space Feedback Linearization for Depth Positioning of a Spherical URV

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    Variable ballast, a common mechanism in underwater vehichle, is utilized as vertical motion actuator of a spherical URV in order to control its depth positiong. Since the model of this system is nonlinear and controllable therefore state-space feedback linearization is utilized in this depth positioning. The idea of state-space feedback linearization is to algebraically transform all state variable of nonlinear systems dynamics into (fully or partly) linear ones, so that linear control techniques can be applied. This method can stabilize the equilibrium point of this system which is unstable in open loop system. From the control analysis and simulation results, it can be observed that the asymptotical stabilization is achieved by tracking the error. Hence, state-space feedback linearization can also be applied for tracking a trajectory of desired depth position. Keyword: variable ballast, spherical URV, feedback linearizatio


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    Best Practice ini adalah deskripsi dari pembinaan siswa inklusif di SMP Negeri 3 Probolinggo dalam memantik prestasinya melalui wadah Sanggar Anak Kreatif Siswa Inklusif (SAKSI) sehingga bakat dan minat siswa inklusif dapat digali sehingga prestasinya dapat terwujud. SAKSI merupakan wadah pembinaan prestasi bidang seni dan olahraga siswa inklusif melalui layanan khusus dan kemitraan. Tujuan dari penulisan artikel ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan pelaksanaan dan hasil dari penerapan cara memantik prestasi siswa inklusif melalui SAKSI di SMP Negeri 3 Probolinggo. Dalam catatan guru BK, sejak pelaksanaannya sampai saat ini, November 2020 sudah banyak prestasi yang dihasilkan oleh siswa inklusif. Prestasi itu berupa penampilan siswa inklusif di bidang seni di depan public serta prestasi di bidang olahraga dan seni mulai tingkat Kota sampai tingkat nasional. Kemitraan dengan stake holder maupun lembaga swasta perlu ditingkatkan dalam rangka meningkatkan prestasi siswa inklusif. Dengan menjalin kemitraan, pelaksanaan pembinaan menjadi lebih efektif dan tugas sekolah menjadi lebih ringan. Kata Kunci: Siswa inklusif, layanan khusus, kemitraan dan SAKSI. IGNITING THE ACHIEVEMENT OF INCLUSIVE STUDENTS THROUGH SAKSI Abstract: This Best Practice is a description of the development of inclusive students at SMP Negeri 3 Probolinggo in igniting their achievements through Sanggar Anak Kreatif Siswa Inklusif (SAKSI = Inclusive Student Creative Club) so that the talents and interests of inclusive students can be explored and their achievements can be realized as well. SAKSI is a forum for fostering achievements in arts and sports for inclusive students through special services and partnerships. The purpose of writing this article is to describe the implementation and results of the application of how to improve inclusive student achievement through SAKSI at SMP Negeri 3 Probolinggo. In the guidance of the Conseling teachers, since its implementation November 2020until now, there have been many achievements acheved by inclusive students. This achievement is in the form of inclusive student performances in   in front of the public as well as achievements in sports and arts from the municipality level to the national level. Partnerships with stake holders and private institutions need to be improved in order to develope students’ achievement. By having partnerships, the implementation of coaching will be more effective and school responsibility will be lighter. Keywords: Inclusive students, special services, partnerships and SAKSI


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    Tujuan dari penulisan ini, umum adalah untuk mendeskripsikan pelaksanaan dan hasil dari penerapan cara memantik prestasi siswa inklusif melalui TAKSI di SMP Negeri 3 Probolinggo. Tempat Anak Kreatif Siswa Inklusif (TAKSI) yang merupakan wadah pembinaan prestasi siswa inklusif ini berdampak pada peningkatan prestasi siswa inklusif di SMP Negeri 3 Probolinggo. Sehingga untuk lebih memantik dari prestasi siswa inklusi, maka SMP Negeri 3 Probolinggo harus memiliki kemitraan dengan beberapa lembaga lain guna untuk memberikan layanan yang terbaik dan khusus dalam meningkatkan potensi-potensi yang terdapat pada siswa yang inklusif sesuai dengan bidang yang diminatinya. Hasil penelitian ini, berdasarkan informasi dari guru pembimbing khusus, dapat diketahui bahwa seni yang diminati oleh siswa inklusi adalah seni tari, melukis, dan prakarya. Sedangkan dibidang olahraga yang banyak diminati siswa inklusi adalah sepakbola, renang. Prestasi yang telah diraih dan dicapai oleh siswa inklusi tepatnya pada Anugerah Anak Hebat 2 di Tahun 2019 SMP Negeri 3 Probolinggo mendapat juara 3 Adzan, juara 3 baca al–Qur’an, juara 2 baca al–Qur’an. Dan yang paling membanggakan sekolah maupun orang tua adalah kejuaran Paraswimming tingkat nasional yang diikuti secara mandiri memperoleh juara 1 gaya bebas, juara 2 gaya dada dan juara 3 gaya 50 meter.

    Manajemen Peningkatan Mutu Administrasi Sekolah

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    The purpose of this study was to describe the management of quality improvement of school administration at senior high school number 2 Muara Beliti Musi Rawas Regency. Thisstudy used a qualitative descriptive method. The subject is principal, vice principal, head of the administration, teachers and school treasurer. Data collection was done by observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis was performed with a descriptive qualitative through the reduction of data, display data, and data verification. The results showed that improved quality management school has been going according to plan with the condition, and the programs of the school


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    The government through the Department of Food Crops, Horticulture and Food Security provides fertilizer subsidies to coal farmers, which annually reaches 15 tons of urea, SP 36 fertilizer, ZA fertilizer, NPK fertilizer, organic fertilizer. The fertilizer is used for rice, chili, onions, palm oil, eggplant and other types of agricultural crops that are cultivated in Batu Bara Regency by farmers. In the development of farmer groups in Batu Bara Regency, increasing years are increasing because Coal has become a granary, especially for rice which has greatly increased from 2018-2020 about an increase of 10% in the increase in the number of farmer groups. Problems that often occur at the Department of Food Crops, Horticulture and Food Security in Batu Bara Regency are related to determining the distribution of subsidized fertilizer assistance that is not right on target, to farmer groups who should deserve it but do not get it, because every year the number of farmers is increasing but the availability of fertilizer is limited. . Decision Support System (DSS) or Decision Support System (DSS) is a system that is able to provide problem solving and communication skills for problems with semi-structured and unstructured conditions. This system is used to help structure, where no one knows for sure how decisions should be made. This decision support system itself is intended to make decisions that are really feasible to get fertilizer assistance provided by the Indonesian government for the welfare of farmers and good results. obtained through the Distribution of Subsidized Fertilizer Aid


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    Sumantri. NIM 14123141151. “PERDEBATAN SOEKARNO DENGAN PARA ULAMA TENTANG PERUMUSAN DASAR NEGARA DALAM SIDANG BPUPKI”. Skripsi. Cirebon : Fakultas Adab Dakwah Ushuluddin, Jurusan Sejarah Kebudayaan Islam, Agustus 2016. Dimulai dari perdebatan antara Ir. Soekarno dengan Muh. Natsir yang saat itu mempunyai pemikiran yang berbeda tentang dasar negara. Ketika itu polemik pemikiran Ir. Soekarno yang berkeinginan memisahkan antara agama dan negara, sedangkan Muh. Natsir berkeinginan mendirikan negara nasional yang berdasarkan Islam, karena banyaknya penganut agama Islam di Indonesia. Perbedaan inilah yang memulai perdebatan tentang dasar-dasar negara. Dari latar belakang yang telah dijelaskan di atas, penulis merasa tertarik dengan perdebatan yang terjadi dalam sidang BPUPKI pada 14 Juli 1945, Soekarno sebagai Ketua Panitia Konstitusi, melaporkan kepada sidang paripurna tiga rancangan Deklarasi Kemerdekaan, Preambule Undang-Undang Dasar dan Batang tubuh Undang-Undang dasar yang terdiri dari 42 pasal yang sangat menarik untuk diteliti. Dimana dalam hal ini dirumuskan dalam pembahasan tentang perdebatan Soekarno dengan Ulama dan proses perdebatan dalam sidang BPUPKI yang terjadi pada saat itu. Dari perdebatan dalam rangkaian sidang-sidang BPUPKI tersebut penulis menarik kesimpulan, jelas bahwa soal dilematik belum terselesaikan. Pada satu sisi kalangan Islam mengusung Islam sebagai dasar negara dalam sidang-sidang BPUPKI dan ingin melaksanakan seluruh isi syariat Islam yang ada tanpa suatu reformulasi yang tuntas. Di sisi lain, kalangan Islam kebangsaan memiliki pemahaman yang sebaliknya, bahwa urusan negara haruslah dipisahkan dengan urusan agama. Nampaknya, kalangan kebangsaan hanya ingin menempatkan Islam dalam sebuah bungkus ”urusan pribadi” seorang muslim. Perdebatan tentang dasar negara ini telah menggiring para pendiri Republik Indonesia menjalani masa-masa sulit dalam sejarah Indonesia modern. Kata kunci : Perdebatan Soekarno Dengan Ulama, Dasar Negara

    Good Knowledge Makes Good Behavior In Giving Vitamin A To Toodler

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    Background: Vitamin A is one of the important nutrients that is fat-soluble and stored in the liver, cannot be made by the body so it must be met from the outside. Data from East Java Provincial Health Office note that the scope toddlers who received vitamin A capsules in 2019 reached 90.80% and has met the 2019 target of 90.8%. Meanwhile, the coverage of giving vitamin A capsules in Ngawi Regency is 75.9% of the target of 90.80% in 2019. The purpose of the study were to identify the characteristics of respondents based on age, education and occupation, to describe the mother's knowledge about vitamin A capsules in toddlers, to describe the attitudes of mothers about vitamin A capsules to toddlers. Methods: Descriptive quantitative research methods with a survey approach. The sampling technique was total sampling with a sample size of 60 mothers with toddlers aged 6-59 months at the Posyandu I Kartoharjo Village, Ngawi in 2021. The data analysis technique used was descriptive statistics. Results: The characteristics of the respondents based on the majority age 21-35 years (73%), based on the education of the majority of High School (42%), based on the occupation of the majority of housewives (78%), the description of the mother's knowledge about vitamin A capsules was mostly good (58 %), the majority of mothers' attitudes about vitamin A capsules support (96%). Conclusion: The reseacrh measurement knowledge and attitudes of mothers about vitamin A capsules in toddlers during the covid-19 pandemic at the Posyandu I Kartoharjo Village, Ngawi is good. However, there is still knowledge and attitudes that are lacking and unsupportive, during the pandemic covid 19, it is hoped that efforts to increase the knowledge and attitudes of respondents about vitamin A
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