8 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAKSI Arief Firmansyah Sudaryanto, 2020, NIT: 52155678.N, “Analisis pengaruh kegiatan bongkar muat batubara terhadap kesehatan crew MV. Sri Wandari Indah”, skripsi Program Studi Nautika, Program Diploma IV, Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang, Pembimbing I: Dr. Capt. Mashudi Rofik, M.Sc, Pembimbing II: Daryanto SH. MM Kesehatan merupakan hal terpenting dalam kehidupan manusia ketika bekerja dan telah diatur dalam UU nomer 13 tahun 2003 tentang ketenagakerjaan. Pada pelaksanaan bongkar muat batubara terjadi masalah kesehatan karena debu batubara yang berterbangan dan di hirup oleh awak kapal. Terkadang awak kapal juga tidak peduli dengan kesehatan mereka ditambah pihak perusahaan terkadang tidak tanggap dalam masalah awak kapal yang bekerja di lingkungan yang tidak sehat sehingga awak kapal mudah terjangkit penyakit. Gangguan kesehatan yang dialami memang tidak langsung dirasakan tetapi dalam jangka waktu tertentu. Ketika awak kapal telah sakit parah baru pihak perusahaan ada perhatian lebih. Untuk itu awak kapal diharapkan lebih paham dan peduli tentang kesehatan ketika bekerja di lingkungan yang penuh dengan debu batubara agar hal yang tidak diinginkan tidak terjadi. Metode yang digunakan oleh peneliti adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif sehingga peneliti dapat memaparkan hasil dari penelitian yang diperoleh. Pengumpulan data lewat dokumentasi, observasi, angket, dan wawancara. Peneliti melakukan observasi langsung diatas kapal MV. Sri Wandari Indah. Peneliti melaksanakan wawancara dengan Nakhoda dan seluruh awak kapal. Peneliti juga mengambil gambar dan menyebarkan angket ke awak kapal guna mendukung keabsahan data penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukan: faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kesehatan awak kapal akibat bekerja pada saat kegiatan bongkar muat.batubara yaitu manusia yang kurang peduli terhadap kesehatannya masing-masing, peralatan pelindung diri seperti masker yang diberi perusahaan yang tidak memenuhi standar, lingkungan kerja yang penuh dengan debu batubara, dan waktu bongkar muat batubara yang lama sehingga awak kapal harus bekerja cukup lama dengan debu batubara yang berterbangan. Dari hasil penelitian dan pembahasan masalah dapat disimpulkan bahwa waktu bongkar muat batubara tidak ada kendala sehingga tidak membutuhkan waktu yang lama, peralatan pelindung diri lebih baik lagi dan pemimpin di kapal lebih tegas dan peduli terhadap awak kapal. ABSTRACT Arief Firmansyah Sudaryanto, 2020, NIT: 52155678.N, “the analysis of the effect of loading and unloading coal on the health of the crew MV.Sri Wandari Indah”, skripsi Nautical Study Program, Diploma IV Program, Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang, Counselor I: Dr. Capt. Mashudi Rofik, M.Sc, Counselor II: Daryanto SH. MM Health is the most important thing in human life when it works and has been set up in LAW No. 13 of 2003 on employment. The implementation of unloading coal occurs health problems due to the coal dust that is flying By crew members. Sometimes the crew also does not care about their health in addition to the company, sometimes not aware of the problem of crew members who work in unhealthy environments so that the crew is easily infected by the disease. Health problems experienced are not directly in the feel but within a certain period time. When the crew has been seriously ill, then the new company will take more attention. For that, the crew hopes to better understand and care about health while working in an environment full of coal dust so that the unwanted thing is not happening. The method used by researchers is a qualitative descriptive method so that researchers can expose the results of the research gained. Data collection through documentation, observations, polls, and interviews. Researchers perform observations directly aboard MV. Sri Wulandari Indah. Researchers conducted interviews with the master and all crew members. Researchers also took pictures and distributed polls to the crew to support the validity of the research data The results showed: factors affecting the health of the crew due to work when loading and unloading of coal are human beings who are less concerned about their respective health, personal protective equipment such as masks in Giving companies that do not meet the standard, working environment full of coal dust and the long loading time of coal so that the crew must work long enough with the coal dust flying. From the results of the research and the discussion of the problem can be concluded that the loading time for coal is no obstacle so it does not take a long time, personal protective equipment is better again and the leader on the ship is more assertive and caring to the crew Ship

    Hubungan Antara Tingkat Aktifitas Fisik Dengan Fungsi Kognitif Pada Lanjut Usia Di Desa Pucangankecamatan Kartasura

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    Along with the aging process, all systems of the body dealing with changes or gradual deterioration functions, one of which was a decrease in physical activity. A decrease in physical activity in the elderly was one of the causes of cognitive impairment. Decline in cognitive function in the elderly is the biggest cause of the inability to perform normal daily activities. The purpose of the study was to know the correlation between the level of physical activity and cognitive function in the elderly in Pucangan Village Kartasura Sub-District. This research was cross sectional design. The population were in this study are listed on the elderly Posyandu Pucangan Village Kartasura Sub-District aged >60 years and include in inclusion criteria. The total sample in this study were 95 respondents. Sampling technique used is non-probability sampling technique with proportional random sampling method. The instrument used to measure the level of physical activity is GPPAQ (General Practice Physical Activity Questionnaire) and for cognitive function using the MMSE (Mini Mental State Examination). Analys of the data used was Chi Square test. Results of univariate known that elderly people who have high levels of physical activity inactive (35.8%) and active as much (21.1%). The percentage of elderly who have normal cognitive function as many (29.5%) and those with severe cognitive disorders amounted to (43.2%). The result of bivariate analysis there was no relationship between the level of physical activity and cognitive function in which showed the value of p value = 0.010 (p> 0.05) means that Ho was rejected. The conclusions of this study shows there is a relationship between the level of physical activity and cognitive function in the elderly in Pucangan Village Kartasura Sub-District


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    Intisari, Kesehatan merupakan hal terpenting dalam kehidupan manusia ketika bekerja dan telah diatur dalam UU nomer 13 tahun 2003 tentang ketenagakerjaan. Pada pelaksanaan bongkar muat batubara terjadi masalah kesehatan karena debu batubara yang berterbangan dan di hirup oleh awak kapal. Metode yang digunakan oleh peneliti adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif sehingga peneliti dapat memaparkan hasil dari penelitian yang diperoleh. Pengumpulan data lewat dokumentasi, observasi, angket, dan wawancara. Peneliti melakukan observasi langsung diatas kapal MV. Sri Wandari Indah. Hasil penelitian menunjukan: faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kesehatan awak kapal akibat bekerja pada saat kegiatan bongkar muat. batubara yaitu manusia yang kurang peduli terhadap kesehatannya masing-masing, peralatan pelindung diri seperti masker yang diberi perusahaan yang tidak memenuhi standar, lingkungan kerja yang penuh dengan debu batubara, dan waktu bongkar muat batubara yang lama sehingga awak kapal harus bekerja cukup lama dengan debu batubara yang berterbangan

    Perubahan Struktur Kristal dan Index Kerja Bijih Emas Cimanggu, Jawa Barat akibat Pemanasan Gelombang Mikro

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    Sari. Energi yang dibutuhkan pada proses kominusi dapat mencapai 50-70% dari keseluruhan energi yang digunakan pada pengolahan mineral. Karena itu, diperlukan usaha untuk menurunkan pemakaian energi kominusi dengan mengubah sifat fisik bijih agar murah hancur. Pemanasan gelombang mikro pada bijih sebelum kominusi merupakan salah satu alternatif yang dapat diterapkan. Pada penelitian ini telah diamati besarnya energi penggerusan bijih emas dari Cimanggu, Jawa Barat sebelum dan sesudah diperlakukan dengan pemanasan gelombang mikro. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahsa pemanasan gelombang mikro dapat mengubah struktur fisik mineral. Perubahan struktur fisik mineral pembentuk batuan menyebabkan batuan tersebut menjadi lebih getas, dan adanya "interal stress" mengakibatkan kecepatan pemanasan yang tinggi menyebabkan timbulnya retakan sehingga dapat memperpendek waktu gerus dan menurunkan energi penggerusan. Dengan pemanasan gelombang mikro selama 5, 15, 30, 60, 120 dan 300 detik sebelum pengggerusan, indeks kinerja penggerusan dapat turun sekitar 20 sampai 35%. The Influence of Microwave Heating on the Crystal Structure and Work Index of Cimanggu (West Java) Gold OreAbstract. The energy consumed in the comminution can reach up to 50- 70% of the whole energy consumed in the mineral processing. It is necessary to reduce the consumption of the comminution energy changing the physical characteristic of the ore. The microwave energy heating used on the ore before comminution is one of the applicable alternatives. In this research the grinding energy of the Cimanggu gold ore, West Java, has been observed before and after the microwave heating treatment. The result indicates that the microwave treatment can cause physical structural changes on certain minerals, and the rock become more brittle. It can shorten and reduce the grinding time and energy. By microwave energy induced for 5, 15, 30, 60, 120, and 300 seconds prior to grinding, the work index was reduced by about 20 to 35%

    Peer Review: Karya Rekaman "VCD Pembelajaran Aplikasi Siklus Pendapatan"

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    Evaluation of Fluidized-Bed and Drum Roaster Performance in Roasting of Robusta Green Bean

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    The roasting process is essential in producing ground coffee as it is where coffee's distinctive aroma and flavour are developed. There are two coffee roasters: drum and fluidized bed roasters, each with benefits and drawbacks. This study aimed to determine the effects of roasting machine type and roasting level on the characteristics of Robusta coffee. The experimental design used was a 2x3 factorial of a Randomized Block Design. The results indicated that the water content, ash content, caffeine content, total phenol content, bulk density, colour, coffee ground aroma, brewing colour, brewing aroma, bitterness, acidity, and sweetness were all affected by roasting level. The interaction between roaster type and roasting level affected the water content, total phenol content, bulk density, colour, ground coffee aroma, brewing aroma, bitterness, and acidity. The analysis of volatile compounds in ground roasted coffee by hot-air and drum roasters at light, medium, and dark levels revealed 40, 20, 18 and, 46, 48, 48 volatile compounds, respectively. As a conclusion it was found that the type of roasting machine and the degree of roasting have a strong influence on different characteristics of coffee powder, including moisture content, ash content, total phenol content, volatile compounds, bulk density, colour, and sensory qualities like aroma, bitterness, acidity, and sweetness. However, they didn't have a significant impact on the caffeine content