8 research outputs found

    Nilai-Nilai Keislaman Dalam Novel Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows (Analisis Semiotik)

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    An author of a literary work tends to bring the moral values based on his/her religious background. A literary work, however, can be analyzed using different religious perspective. This research aims to reveal the values in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows novel through the Islamic perspective. Moreover, the values found in the novel are then interconnected to several issues of Muslims in Indonesia as one of the countries which translate the novel. This research applies the Semiotic theory by adopting ‘Peircean Sign’. The Islamic approach in this research applies Arifin’s view about dimension of Islamic values. This research results that there are several Islamic values in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows novel which are divided into three dimensions of life: (1) the dimension which contains the values in gaining life prosperity in the world; (2) the dimension which contains the values to motivate human in gaining happiness in the hereafter; and (3) the dimension which contains the values to compile both the world life and the hereafter importance. Furthermore, from the Islamic values, some of them have relevance with several issues of Muslim in Indonesia. According to the analysis, the writer concludes that Islamic values – as part of general values – can exist in every literary work. Besides that, Jews, Christian, and Islam claim that religious values in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows novel are in accordance with each religion. It shows that in fact, there is a relation among the three religions


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    Bamboo  music  will not become  a musical identity  of an  area,  if it is  not related  to the inherent culture and  creativity  of the supporting community.  Likewise the  life of bamboo  music in Banyumas,  has  recently  experienced a change  when compared to several  decades before.  Therefore,  the presentation  of bamboo  music in Banyumas can  be  assumed to have  work  on  creativity   and  be  able  to  do  musical dialogue with  the  community,  so  that  their  lives  up  to now  still survive and  compete with other  types of  art.   To see  this,   a  multidisciplinary  approach  can  be  used  as  a paradigm  in observing it,  including  examining what  and  how  bamboo  music is  in Banyumas;  especially  those  related   to  the  culture  and  creativity  of  the  people. Bamboo   music   as   the   identity   of  the   Banyumas  community,   is   still  living   in accordance  with  the  dynamics  of the  supporting  community.  For this  reason,  it is necessary   to  examine    various  factors   that   support  this   bamboo    music   life, especially those  in the Banyumas cultural area


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pencapaian tingkat penganekaragaman (diversifikasi) konsumsi pangan di Kabupaten Kaur dan permasalahanya serta implikasi perumusan kebijakan program dalam upaya pencapaian keseimbangan pola pangan harapan berbasis sumberdaya alam lokal di Kabupaten Kaur. Data utama yang digunakan adalah data Susnas tahun 2018, Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) Kabupaten Kaur 2020, Direktori Pengembangan Konsumsi dari Badan Ketahan Pangan (BKP) serta literature pendukung. Metode penelitian dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif dan menggunakan analisis SWOT untuk membuat strategi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa masih rendahnya diversifikasi konsumsi pangan yang dimana konsep pola pangan harapan dengan capaian yang masih rendah, akan tetapi terjadi peningktatan konsumsi karbohidrat yaitu beras, terigu dan turunannya, hal ini berakibat angka kecukupan energy tinggi. Pengembangan diversifikasi pangan lokal untuk pencapaian keseimbngan pola pangan harapan berbasis sumberdaya alam lokal hendaknya dilakukan pada semua kalangan. Upaya tersebut dapat dilakukan dengan menyususun serta implementasi strategi kebijakan terkait optimalisasi pemanfaat potensi lahan dan kebiasaan mengkonsumsi pangan local serta pengembangan produksi , industry, dan konsumsi pangan local serta manfatkan potensi lahan dan kebiasaan mengkonsumsi pangan lokal yang beragam, bergizi , seimbang, aman dan murah


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    Bamboo music will not become a musical identity of an area, if it is not related to the inherent culture and creativity of the supporting community. Likewise the life of bamboo music in Banyumas, has recently experienced a change when compared to several decades before. Therefore, the presentation of bamboo music in Banyumas can be assumed to have work on creativity and be able to do musical dialogue with the community, so that their lives up to now still survive and compete with other types of art. To see this, a multidisciplinary approach can be used as a paradigm in observing it, including examining what and how bamboo music is in Banyumas; especially those related to the culture and creativity of the people. Bamboo music as the identity of the Banyumas community, is still living in accordance with the dynamics of the supporting community. For this reason, it is necessary to examine various factors that support this bamboo music life, especially those in the Banyumas cultural area

    Tata rias pengantin dan adat istiadat pernikahan Surakarta klasik Solo Puteri

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    19 hlm. ; ill.; 28 cm

    Kehidupan Karawitan Jawa di bandung :: Konsepsi dan realitas garap

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