16 research outputs found


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    Peran KPK dalam hal pencegahan adalah memberikan teladan diri sebagai apparat yang bersih, kapabel, dan independent atau model penegak hukum yang memiliki integritas, profesionalitas, dan berkinerja yang tinggi, serta memberikan sosialisasi ke berbagai pihak mengenai urgensi tidak melakukan korupsi, khususnya melalui kampanye anti korupsi di sekolah-sekolah atau Lembaga-lembaga Pendidikan maupun lainnya. Langkah Pendidikan anti korupsi ini juga beberapa sama dengan yang dilakukan sejumlah Lembaga anti korupsi di negara lain. Sedangkan dalam hal penindakan, KPK) merupakan lembaga negara yang dalam melaksanakan tugas dan wewenangnya bersifat independen dan bebas dari pengaruh kekuasaan manapun.Kata kunci: korupsi, pencegahan, penindakan, peran The role of KPK in terms of prevention is to set an example as a clean, capable and independent apparatus or law enforcement model that has high integrity, professionalism and performance, and provides socialization to various parties regarding the urgency of not committing corruption, especially through anti-corruption campaigns in schools or Educational Institutions and others. Some anti-corruption education steps are similar to those carried out by a number of anti-corruption institutions in other countries. Whereas in the case of prosecution, KPK is a state institution which in carrying out its duties and authority is independent and free from the influence of any power.Keywords: corruption, prevention, prosecution, role


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    PENERAPAN TERAPI MUSIK TERHADAP PENURUNAN FREKUENSI KEJANG PADA ANAK DENGAN EPILEPSI TANPA DEMAM DI RUANG PADMANABA TIMUR RSUP Dr. SARDJITO YOGYAKARTA Octavia Dwi Arini1, Atik Badi’ah2, Agus Sarwo Prayogi3 123Jurusan Keperawatan Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta Jl Tatabumi No. 3 Banyuraden, Gamping, Sleman, Yogyakarta 55293 Email : [email protected] ABSTRAK Latar Belakang : Epilepsi merupakan salah satu penyakit kronis pada otak yang mempengaruhi sekitar 50 juta orang di seluruh dunia. Di Indonesia sendiri insiden kasus epilepsi 700.000 – 1.400.00 dengan pertambahan kasus baru 70.000 setiap tahunnya dan dari kasus tersebut 40% – 50% terjadi pada masa anak – anak. Rata – rata prevalensi epilepsi 8,2/1000 penduduk. Epilepsi dapat berakibat pada mortalitas dikenal dengan Sudden Unexpected Death In Epilepsy (SUDEP) terdapat 1,16 kasus untuk 1.000 orang yang mengalami epilepsi mengalami SUDEP hal ini karena cidera seperti tenggelam karena selama dan setelah kejang berlangsung. Berbagai cara yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengurangi kejang dengan memberikan terapi farmakologi dan terapi non farmakologi. Salah satu terapi non farmakologi yang dapat diberikan adalah terapi musik. Salah satu musik yang dapat digunakan untuk terapi musik adalah musik klasik. Tujuan : Mengetahui pengaruh terapi musik terhadap penurunan frekuensi kejang pada anak dengan epilepsi tanpa demam di ruang Padmanaba Timur RSUP Dr. Sardjito Metode : Metode penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif. Subyek penelitian ini adalah 2 pasien, kriteria pasien dengan diagnosa medis epilepsi tanpa demam. Hasil : Setelah dilakukan pengkajian dan analisa data dirumuskan diagnosa untuk pasien 1 dan pasien 2 yaitu resiko cedera. Intervensi yang dilakukan untuk kedua pasien adalah terapi musik. Implementasi dilakukan berdasarkan intervensi selama lima hari dan evaluasi dilaksanakan setiap akhir melakukan implementasi. Kesimpulan : Terjadi penurunan frekuensi kejang setelah diberikan intervensi terapi musik selama 5 hari. Terapi musik berperan sebagai faktor pendukung terapi farmokologi untuk menurunkan frekuensi kejang. Kata Kunci : Epilepsi, Terapi Musik, Usia Pra-Sekolah 1Mahasiswa Pendidikan Profesi Ners Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta 2Dosen Jurusan Keperawatan Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta 3Dosen Jurusan Keperawatan Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakart


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    The process of drying banana sale manually through direct drying under the sun has some obstacles often encountered among which the drying time too long in the rainy season resulting in low productivity, lack of hygiene and quality of material uniformity. The study was conducted to evaluate the performance of the dryer and changes in the texture of banana sale with rack typed dryer by air warmer box on stove using fuel gas. This study was conducted to know the change of drying air temperature, moisture content of bananas, the rate of drying, drying efficiency, heating efficiency, as well as changes in the mechanical properties of banana. The study was conducted in 3 variations of the air flow in a row at 0.0176 m3/s, 0.0194 m3/s, 0.0272 m3/s by giving several variations on the blower openings. The process of drying bananas performed for 400 minutes with a fuel capacity of 15 kg. From the results of evaluation of the performance of the dryer and changes in the texture of bananas is known that the average air temperature in the drying chamber when empty (without substance) is equal to 61.17°C for variation 1, 60.81°C for variation 2, and 60.54°C for variation 3. The average air temperature in the drying chamber when the material is equal to 58.52°C for variation 1, 57.04°C for variation 2, and 55.88°C for variation 3. The drying process can dry banana banana sale of the water content of 69.38% - 71.55% to approximately 17.88% - 24.4% within 400 minutes. Constant drying rate constants ranged between 0.647/min - 0,972/min and to decrease the drying rate ranged between 0.0092/min - 0.0177/min . Heating efficiency in the first variation of 15.9% , the second variation of 17.12%, and the third variation of 22.8%. On the drying efficiency variation 1 of 7.37%, the second variation of 6.6% , and the third variation of 5.97%. Rated voltage of material drying banana sale proceeds ranging between 0.0029N/mm2 - 0,656N/mm2. Material strain value of sale proceeds banana drying process ranged from 0.0173 to 0.04. The elasticity of the material of banana drying process results ranged from 0.111N/mm2 - 3,714N/mm2. The longer the drying time then the value of the voltage and the higher the elasticity, where as the lower strain values. Broke slew rate constants ranged from 0.0339/min - 0.00785/min

    Tray Dryer's Performance in the Drying of Banana Slices Using LPG and Wood Stove

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    An evaluation was carried out on a simple tray dryer of banana slices in the "sale pisang" production. The dryer is designed to use gas fuel and a wood-burning stove as a source of energy. The dryer's performance is analyzed to evaluate its ability to dry the product efficiently and effectively to prevent excessive heat use. The research aims to analyze the temperature distribution in the drying chamber, the profile of the product's moisture content, the drying rate on each shelf, as well as the efficiency of dryers using gas fuel and wood-burning stoves. At an air speed of 0.0176 m3/s, the drying chamber reaches a maximum temperature of 76.2 ℃ using gas and 66.23 ℃ using a wood stove. The use of Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) gives an average room temperature of 73.46 ℃, while the furnace gives a less stable pattern with an average temperature of 63.02 ℃. Drying using LPG occurs more quickly with a constant drying rate and a falling rate period of 0.8262%/hour and 0.01504%/hour, higher than using wood fuel which is 0.5482%/hour and 0.0098 %/hour. Within 400 minutes, the product’s moisture content reached 24.64% using LPG and 36.762 using the furnace. The efficiency for heating the drying air is 28.51% and the drying process efficiency is 27% using 8.6 kilograms of LPG as fuel. Meanwhile, using a furnace energy source, the dryer provides a heating efficiency of 15.9% and a drying efficiency of 7.37% with a fuel consumption of 34.12 kg of wood.An evaluation was carried out on a simple tray dryer of banana slices in the "sale pisang" production. The dryer is designed to use gas fuel and a wood-burning stove as a source of energy. The dryer's performance is analyzed to evaluate its ability to dry the product efficiently and effectively to prevent excessive heat use. The research aims to analyze the temperature distribution in the drying chamber, the profile of the product's moisture content, the drying rate on each shelf, as well as the efficiency of dryers using gas fuel and wood-burning stoves. At an air speed of 0.0176 m3/s, the drying chamber reaches a maximum temperature of 76.2 ℃ using gas and 66.23 ℃ using a wood stove. The use of Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) gives an average room temperature of 73.46 ℃, while the furnace gives a less stable pattern with an average temperature of 63.02 ℃. Drying using LPG occurs more quickly with a constant drying rate and a falling rate period of 0.8262%/hour and 0.01504%/hour, higher than using wood fuel which is 0.5482%/hour and 0.0098 %/hour. Within 400 minutes, the product’s moisture content reached 24.64% using LPG and 36.762 using the furnace. The efficiency for heating the drying air is 28.51% and the drying process efficiency is 27% using 8.6 kilograms of LPG as fuel. Meanwhile, using a furnace energy source, the dryer provides a heating efficiency of 15.9% and a drying efficiency of 7.37% with a fuel consumption of 34.12 kg of wood

    Laporan praktek kerja profesi apoteker di bidang sumber daya kesehatan seksi kefarmasian dan seksi alat kesehatan dan perbekalan rumah tangga Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Jawa Timur Jl. Jenderal Ahmad Yani No. 118, Surabaya 20 Juli 2020-21 Juli 2020

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