314 research outputs found

    Comparison of Factors that Influence Customer Loyalty in Sharia and Conventional Banks

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi loyalitas nasabah pada bank syariah dan konvensional. Variabel bebas yang diteliti adalah reputasi bank dan nilai pelanggan. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan kuesioner dan diolah menggunakan analisis regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa reputasi perusahaan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan untuk nasabah bank syariah, namun untuk nasabah bank konvensional pengaruh reputasi perusahaan terhadap loyalitas nasabah ditemukan positif tetapi tidak signifikan. Selanjutnya, nilai pelanggan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap loyalitas nasabah baik pada nasabah bank syariah maupun konvensional. Kontribusi reputasi perusahaan dan nilai pelanggan pada bank konvensional menunjukkan persentase yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan pada bank syariah


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    Penurunan dari tahun ke tahun nasabah Asuransi Takaful di Pekanbaru. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh premi asuransi terhadap keputusan menjadi nasabah PT. Asuransi Takaful Keluarga Pekanbaru. Penelitian ini, merupakan penelitian lapangan Field Research) dengan pendekatan kuantitatif, penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mempelajari secara intensif tentang latar belakang keadaan sekarang dan interaksi lingkungan suatu unit sosial baik individu, kelompok, lembaga, atau masyarakat. Jenis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data kuantitatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah Terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara Premi pada Asuransi Takaful Pekanbaru dengan variable keputusan menjadi nasabah pada Asuransi Takaful Pekanbaru. Hal ini, didasarkan pada hasil uji t pada uji regresi. Yaitu bahwa variabel Premi pada Asuransi Takaful Pekanbaru mempengaruhi Variable keputusan menjadi nasabah pada Asuransi Takaful Pekanbaru. Hal ini didasarkan pada hasil uji t tersebut, dimana nilai signifikansinya 0.025 lebih kecil dari 0.0

    Is Ginger an Effective Treatment for Reducing the Severity of Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea in Breast Cancer Patients?

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    Objective: The objective of this selective EBM review is to determine whether or not “Is ginger an effective treatment for reducing the severity of chemotherapy-induced nausea in breast cancer patients?” Study Design: The systematic review of three English language, peer reviewed, randomized control trials have been published between 2015 and 2016. Data Sources: Three randomized control trials were obtained using the PubMed database. One single-blind randomized control trial, one double-blinded randomized control trial, and one double-blind Phase II-III randomized control trial. Outcomes Measured: The participants of the trials graded the severity of nausea after the intervention of ginger or the control. Each study assessed patient-oriented outcomes. The outcomes measured were analyzed via visual analog scale, European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire, and self-reported severity of nausea questionnaire. Results: All three studies did not show a significant improvement in the severity of nausea in breast cancer patients receiving chemotherapy after the treatment of ginger. However, one study showed a positive benefit in the health-related quality of life after using ginger essential oil aromatherapy. Conclusion: The three randomized control trials used in this systematic review did not show an improvement in the severity of chemotherapy-induced nausea when using ginger as a treatment intervention. There were too many limitations determined in the three control trials which could have cause insignificant results. Although, participants in the single-blinded control trial reported positive improvement in the health-related quality of life


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    Berdasarkan data dari Kementerian Kesehatan (Kemenkes) tahun 2012, prevalensi kanker mencapai 4,3 banding 1.000 orang. Setiap tahunnya diperkirakan terdapat 100 penderita baru per 100.000 penduduk. Ini berarti dari jumlah 237 juta penduduk Indonesia, ada sekitar 237.000 penderita kanker baru setiap tahunnya.Di Banda Aceh jumlah penderita kanker telah mencapai angka ribuan menurut data pasien yang diperoleh dari Rumah Sakit Umum Zainal Abidin, perkembangan jumlah penderita kanker menunjukkan angka yang dinamis, artinya dapat terjadi peningkatan serta penurunan pada tiap tahunnya.Lokasi yang digunakan untuk perancangan Rumah Sakit Khusus Kanker terletak pada jalan T.Nyak Arif, yaitu pada lokasi Rumah Sakit Zainal Abidin Lama. Pembangunan rumah sakit kanker pada lokasi ini telah menjadi bagian rencana strategis pembangunan rumah sakit umum zainal abidin.Perancangan rumah sakit khusus kanker di Banda Aceh ini, bertujuan untuk dapat mewujudkan pelayanan pengobatan kanker yang lebih baik di Aceh. Tema yang dipilih pada rancangan adalah Geometri dan Bentuk Dasar. Pendekatan in digunakan agar dapat mewujudkan bangunan yang lebih fungsional. Rumah sakit merupakan suatu bangunan yang harus memenuhi standar fungsi, dalam penataan massa, tata ruang, maupun aktifitas di dalam bangunan rumah sakit khusus kanker ini nantinya. Konsep yang digunakan pada rancangan terkait dengan pengaplikasian bentuk-bentuk geometri serta tanggapan bangunan terhadap lahan yang digunakan.Kata kunci : Rumah Sakit Khusus Kanker, perencanaan dan perancangan arsitektur, arsitektur geometri dan bentuk dasar, konsep aplikasi geometri

    Appraisal of Drainage System in Term of Water Stagnation inUrban Environment

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    This project title is 'Appraisal of drainage system in term of water stagnation in urban environment'. The study area chosen for assessment is Manjung which focus on Taman Megah Tiga in Sitiawan and Taman Mas inKampung Koh and also Universiti Teknologi Petronas, UTP. The area is selected with the recommendation from Personnel from Jabatan Kesihatan Perak Tengah, Mr. Mohan since it recorded a high number of dengue cases in 2004 which is 100 cases for Sitiawan and 97 cases for Kampung Koh. Due to the high cases of dengue fever in the area, Jabatan Kesihatan Daerah Manjung has taken preventive measure by using 'Abete' to kill mosquito larvae. In this project, an assessment of the existing drainage system for the study area has been doneandtesting has beendoneon the quality of watersample taken from different sumps that have water stagnation problem. For this project, only 7 samples were collected and tested for BOD, COD, pH, turbidity and total suspended solids (TSS). The value for BOD range from 17 mg/L to 55 mg/L while for COD, the value range from 9 mg/L to 128 mg/L. The total suspended solids of the samples range from 0.2 mg/L to 0.5 mg/L. The water samples were quite neutral since most of the pH values were more or less equal to 7. Ovitrap research was also done for UTP to determine the ovitrap index. The result shows that the ovitrap index is 40%. The result shows that UTP is susceptible to Dengue outbreak and serious measures have to be done to reduce the breeding ground of mosquito. In the literature review and theory section, result from previous research conducted in India and Thalandare presented. In India, there has been a program to control Malaria by using larvivorous fish such as Gambusia. The application of the larvivorous fish shows a positive result where afterthe application, breeding of mosquito is reduced rapidly and at some places, it is reduced to 0%


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti produksi biodiesel dengan bahan baku dari biji saga. Pohon saga merupakan tanaman yang memiliki kandungan minyak sekitar 20-28% pada bijinya. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan meliputi tahap optimasi pada waktu perendaman biji, waktu pemanasan biji, dan suhu pemanasan biji. Ekstraksi minyak saga dilakukan dengan menggunakan alat soxhlet yang diikuti dengan proses destilasi untuk memisahkan pelarut dari minyak. Kemudian minyak hasil ekstraksi tersebut digunakan untuk bahan baku produksi biodiesel yang meliputi tahap esterifikasi dan transesterifikasi. Dari hasil penelitian, diperoleh waktu perendaman optimum selama 1 hari dengan randemen minyak tertinggi 23,75%, waktu pemanasan optimum 30 menit dengan randemen minyak tertinggi 26,81%, dan suhu pemanasan optimum 350oC dengan randemen minyak tertinggi 29,78%. Kondisi optimum tersebut digunakan untuk preparasi biji saga yang akan di ekstraksi. Minyak hasil ekstraksi digunakan untuk bahan baku produksi biodiesel yang meliputi tahap esterifikasi dan transesterifikasi. Pada tahap esterifikasi yang bertujuan untuk menurunkan kadar asam lemak bebas (FFA) pada minyak diperoleh kadar asam lemak bebas (FFA) terendah sebesar 0,9953%. Selanjutnya dilakukan tahap transesterifikasi, sehingga diperoleh randemen biodiesel sebesar 75,4972% dan kadar metil ester tertinggi 98,04%.;--- This study aims to research the production of biodiesel with raw materials from seed saga. Saga tree is a plant that has an oil content of about 20-28% in the seeds. The method includes the step of research conducted on the optimization seed soaking time, seed heating time and seed heating temperature. Extraction of saga oils done by using a soxchlet, following by a distillation process to separate the solvent from the oils. Then, yield oil from the extraction used for the production of biodiesel feedstock which includes the step of esterification and transesterification. From the research, obtained optimum seed soaking time of 1 days with the highest oil yield of 23,75%, optimum seed heating time of 30 minutes with the highest oil yield of 26,81%, and optimum seed temperature heating of 350oC with the highest oil yield of 29,78%. The optimum conditions are used for the preparation seed saga will be extracted. Yield of oils extraction used for the raw materials for production of biodiesel which includes the step of esterification and transesterification. At step of esterification which aims to reduce contents of free fatty acids (FFA) in the oil, obtained free fatty acids (FFA) low of 0,9953%. Furthermore, at steps transesterification thus obtained yield biodiesel amounted 75,4972% and a high yield metil ester of 98,04%

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Jigsaw untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS Siswa Kelas IV SD Negeri 002 Raja Bejamu Kecamatan Sinaboi Kabupaten Rokan Hilir

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    This research was motivated by the low student learning outcomes in social studies. From the daily tests carried only 9 students who have mastery (45%) whereas those who did not complete 11 (55%) with KKM 60 While the average student learning outcomes, namely 49.34. The form of this research is a form of Classroom Action Research (CAR), which aims to improve learning outcomes through the implementation of the IPS model of jigsaw cooperative learning in fourth grade Bejamu 002 King Rokan Hilir Subdistrict Sinaboi second semester of the school year 2013/2014 in the subject matter of economic activity in utilizing natural resources. The problem of this study are Is the application of the Jigsaw cooperative learning model to improve learning outcomes of students in social studies fourth grade Bejamu 002 King Rokan Hilir Subdistrict Sinaboi second semester of academic year 2013/2014 ?. The subjects were fourth grade students of SD Negeri Bejamu 002 King Rokan Hilir Subdistrict Sinaboi of 20 people consisting of 9 male students and 11 female students with academic and social abilities are heterogeneous. On the basis of students who achieve a score of KKM 9 people (45%), daily tests first 10 people (50%) and the second daily test increased to 19 people (95%). The average increase learning outcomes of basic score of 50.5 increased to 57 on daily tests I and 80.4 in the second daily test. The increased activity of teachers and students. In the first cycle with a percentage of 57% and 78% in the first and second meetings. While in the second cycle with the percentage of 82% and 100% in the first and second meetings. As for the activities of students in the first cycle 53% and 75% in the first and second meetings. While on the second cycle increased to 82% and 100% in the first and second meetings

    Resistant starch is effective in lowering body fat in a rat model of human endocrine obesity

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    Two studies were performed to determine the effects of resistant starch (RS) on body weight and fat. A 2x2 factorial design was used in both studies, and results were considered significant when p\u3c0.05 for both studies. The first study examined the effects of RS in a high fat diet (44.8% of energy) on weight, fat, peptide-YY (PYY) levels, and cecal pH in male Sprague-Dawley rats. Rats were fed a low fat energy control diet for one week prior to diet treatment. On week two, rats were blocked by weight and fed one of the following diets for 12 weeks (n=10): low fat, energy control (LFEC); LF resistant starch (LFRS); high fat, energy control (HFEC); or high fat resistant starch (HFRS). RS did not lower weight or fat with either the HF or LF diets. RS consumption resulted in greater full and empty cecal weights, and a lower pH for the LFRS diet. This data indicate fermentation, even though weight and fat loss did not occur. This is contrary to previous reports with RS, which has been shown to decrease body fat compared to controls. The second study examined the effects of RS on the weight, fat, PYY levels, and glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) levels in female Sprague-Dawley rats. Ovariectomized (OVX) rats were used to represent rats prone to gaining weight, and sham rats represented normal rats. Rats were assigned to one of four groups (n=10): OVEC, OVRS, SHEC, or SHRS. Rats were fed the EC diet for 6 weeks prior to diet treatment to gain weight after surgery, and then blocked by weight and fat into diet treatment groups, and spent 13 weeks on treatment diets. Energy intake, total gastrointestinal weight, large intestine/cecum weight, and small intestine weight were all higher in RS fed rats relative to EC fed rats. Mesenteric, ovarian, perirenal, retroperitoneal, and total fat pads were lower in RS rats relative to EC rats. Although RS was not effective in lowering body weight or body fat in the first study, the data indicates that resistant starch may lower body weight and fat in postmenopausal women

    Privacy v. Cybersecurity : How Much Power Should the Government Have?

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