7,230 research outputs found

    Documentation of Orature

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    Syllabus for workshop, CoLang 2016Orature is an amalgamation of two words: oral and literature. It depicts the creative impulse of the society it evolves from. This artistic expression includes proverbs, riddles, extemporized poems/songs, folktales, childlore, etc. The general observation is that attention has been given to aspects of Orature by adults almost to the exclusion of children’s artistic expression. There is no doubt that some aspects of our collective Orature has been put in print. However, much more is yet to be documented. It is also often not considered that both adults and children draw their experiences from the same setting, they employ the same language and discuss the same socio-cultural issues; they express the same hopes and aspirations. In fact adults very quickly forget that they were once children as they quite often look down on childhood tradition. On the other hand, how quickly their faces radiate with nostalgic laughter/smile as they recall some of the childhood games they played. For a holistic documentation therefore, it is necessary that the artistic creation of adults together with those of children should be collected, collated, analysed and properly documented either for revitalization or for archiving.2015 NSF/BCS 1500841: CoLang 2016: Institute on Collaborative Language Research – ALASK


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    In Chinese Language, complex predicate is the most special structure. Nowadays, there is no clear and uniform standard about the discussion of complex predicate. If based on tightly limit standard, most of complex predicate are not available in Indonesian language. Complex predicate is available in Indonesian grammar if this standard are not tight. This thesis will explain the comparison and classification of complex predicate in Chinese Language and Indonesian Language


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    Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pembelajaran Matematika berbasis konstruktivisme di SMP Negeri 4 Binjai. Hal ini didasarkan bahwa masih banyak guru yang belum menggunakan variasi model/metodo pembelajaran di kelas terutama pembelajaran Matematika sehingga siswa merasa bosan karena model/metode pembelajaran yang monoton setiap harinya. Metode pengabdian meliputi tahapan persiapan, tahapan pelaksanaan dan tahap evaluasi. Pada tahap persiapan bertujuan mempersiapkan RPP, LAS, angket, dan tes. Tahap pelaksanaan yaitu melaksanakan pembelajaran Matematika berbasis konstruktivsme. Pembelajaran Berbasis kontruktivisme yang dimaksud adalah pembelajaran Berbasis masalah (Problem Based Learning) dan Metode Penemuan Terbimbing. Tahap evaluasi dilakukan dengan memberikan angket dan tes. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian ini diperoleh bahwa siswa senang terhadap materi pelajaran, senang menggunakan LAS, senang dengan cara belajar, senang dengan cara guru mengajar dan senang terhadap masalah/soal yang diberikan. Siswa mampu mengikuti pelaksanaan kegiatan pembelajaran berbasis konstruktivisme dengan baik

    Cooking that Kills : Cleaner Energy, Indoor Air Pollution, and Health

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    Cooking with dirty fuel is known to be one of the biggest sources of indoor air pollution in developing countries. I estimate the health impact of indoor air pollution using a nationwide fuel-switching program, the largest household energy transition project ever attempted in the developing world, affecting more than 50 million homes in Indonesia. This program focused on replacing a dirty cooking fuel, kerosene, with cleaner cooking fuel, liquid petroleum gas (LPG). I use a difference-in-differences design with time-varying program intensities to capture the dynamic increase in the households' access to LPG. A 10-percentage-point increase in the program intensity &- measured by the number of free initial LPG packages distributed &- reduces infant mortality rate by 3.3 percentage points, or 1.2 infants per 1,000 live births annually. This study highlights the fact that adopting cleaner energy can have a substantial health impact beyond what is currently known

    The Global Forum on Migration and Development: Perspectives from Asia and the Pacific

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    Several governments in the Asia-Pacific region have actively engaged in the United Nations' Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) for the past seven years, as both participants and leaders. Virtually every country in the region has assigned representatives in GFMD's network of country focal points, eight Asia-Pacific countries are part of GFMD Steering Group, and a number have contributed to the roundtable and thematic meetings either as co-chairs or team members. Three countries from the region were also part of a 14-member Assessment Team that outlined the future of the Forum after 2012. The region's active engagement has helped shape the themes and topics of GFMD meetings, beginning with the first meeting convened in 2007. However, during this time, the challenges facing migrants and their families have not abated. To remain relevant, the GFMD must become as instrumental in shaping the reality on the ground as it has been in shaping the global discourse on migration and development. The 2012 GFMD assessment shows participant states' demand for a more development-focused and results-driven forum.The GFMD could provide more opportunities for collaboration between governments and other migration stakeholders. While becoming more action-oriented, it should continue to shape the agenda on migration and development and set international priorities among the wide range of issues that demands attention. Toward these ends, the GFMD would benefit from (1) an enhanced linkage with regional fora and processes; (2) a more dynamic people-to-people networking platform where policymakers can find partners, pilot projects, test ideas, and develop policy and programmatic tools; and (3) a more focused, action-oriented, and results-driven process for the next five years. This brief argues that although the Global Forum on Migration and Development was primarily designed as a venue for changing the discourse on migration, the success of its efforts to date and the pressing need for progress on the ground both indicate that it is time to assess how the Forum can facilitate concrete action

    Penggunaan Zat Warna Organik Untuk Meningkatkan Performa Peralatan Solar Cell Menggunakan Metoda Density Functional Theory (Dft)

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    To improve the performance of solar cell equipment can be used dye as a sensitizer, a sensitizer role is to help absorb visible light in equipment that uses a semiconductor with a wide band gap such as TiO2 and ZnO . The calculation methods used are computationally DFT and TD - DFT to determine the value of geometry optimization , energy , population density and optical properties . As for knowing the performance of experimental equipment can be obtained from the value of the open circuit voltage ( Voc ) , short circuit current density (Jsc), Fill Factor. The dye can be enhanced sensitivity capabilities with the engineering structure or conformation of the molecule

    Video-based Mobile Learning in EFL’s Writing

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    Abstract: The development of ICT has been recognized as an important aspect in today’s EFL classroom. Due to the low achievement of Indonesian EFL’s writing, video-based mobile learning is believed to be able to enhance the students’ writing skill. The flexibility and the practicality of mobile learning through video project offer a solution to English teachers in facilitating the students’ language learning and fostering the students’ engagement in authentic – real life context at their interests. This paper aims at presenting the literature review on the benefits of video-based mobile learning and its implementation in EFL’s writing.Key Words: mobile learning, video project, EFL writing skill, writing process approachAbstrak: Perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi yang dikenal dengan singkatan ICT  me-miliki pengaruh penting terhadap pengajaran bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing. Metode video-based mobile learning dianggap mampu meningkatkan keterampilan menulis bahasa Inggris siswa In-donesia yang rendah. Fleksibilitas dan kemudahan penerapan metode mobile learning melalui proyek video memberikan solusi kepada pengajar bahasa Inggris untuk memfasilitasi dan mendorong peran serta siswa dalam pembelajaran yang autentik dan nyata sesuai minat mereka. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menyajikan tinjauan pustaka tentang manfaat video-based mobile learning serta penerapannya dalam pembelajaran menulis siswa EFL. Kata kunci:  pembelajaran mobile, proyek video, keterampilan menulis efektif, pendekatan proses menulis

    The Response of Consumption to Fuel Switching : Panel Data Estimates

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    This paper investigates on the extent to which the switching improves households' standard of living. Using a nationwide transition from kerosene to cleaner burning propane in Indonesia, I explore households' consumption response to fuel switching from a nation wide kerosene to liquid petroleum gas conversion program in Indonesia. Based on combustion efficiency and end-use energy equivalence, LPG is cleaner and more efficient than kerosene. Using variation in the timing of the implementation on four waves of the Indonesia longitudinal survey, I compare changes in expenditure within households of targeted districts with changes in expenditure within households of untargeted districts. I find that households reduce their kerosene consumption up to 100% and their fuel expenses are reduced by 40%, or 1.19 USD per month on average. These effects are higher among poor households. I do not find any response to other nondurable expenditures which provides some evidence of consumption smoothing. This is as expected considering the size of the effect is only about a 2% reduction from total monthly expenditure

    Penggunaan Partikel で dan に oleh Mahasiswa Program Studi Sastra Jepang Universitas Hasanuddin Makassar

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    Japanese language is a language that has different sentence structure with bahasa Indonesia. In addition, particles or 助词 are also characteristis in Japanese. There are so many of them, causing the basic level Japanese language learners confused. Therefore, as a new study program, studies based on goyou or dai ni gengou shuutoku are conducted as a mean to look at the problems occured in Japanese language learning at UNHAS. This study used qualitative researchmethod. Population was taken from Japanese Literature, Faculty of Literature, Universitas Hasanuddin. Twenty two from second year students were the sample and randomly selected. Based on the results, the research concludes that the explanation of the use of particleで and に in Minna No Nihongo I was not all covered, especially on particle に . The explanation of the use of particle に, especially verb 住ん で い ます, 入り ます, 乗り ます, is very prone to errors. This is due to the verb is unfamiliar or infrequently used by respondents in the sentence. Therefore, teachers can fill insufficient explanation in the book, so that the error can be minimized. Whereas, errors/goyou occurred on particle で are more on the functions of the particle for the scope, places of activities, and abstract tools

    Antecedents and outcomes of brand management from the perspective of resource based view (RBV) theory

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    Brand management requires greater emphasis on internal factors to increase brand performance. A model of antecedents and outcomes of brand management is developed in this study based on the Resource Based View (RBV) Theory. Top management emphasis on brand, corporate supportive resources and market orientation are identified as crucial internal factors or antecedents for success of brand management. Apart from that, the brand management measurement are expanded in this study with the introduction of three new marketing constructs namely marketing capabilities, innovation and brand orientation as new dimensions in brand management which currently comprised of management related constructs. This study also contributes in the brand management of small and medium enterprise (SMEs) literature as previous studies mainly focused on the brand management for multinational companies or large organizations. One important issue of SMEs is the “internal” brand management which is currently under-researched even though it is critical in brand building and management. Therefore, this research aims to highlight the antecedents and outcomes of brand management in Malaysians’ SMEs based on RBV theory. A comprehensive literature review was done and a conceptual model is proposed in this literature review