142 research outputs found

    Therapeutic Potential of Seaweed Polysaccharides for Diabetes Mellitus

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    Seaweed has attracted a great deal of interest as excellent sources of nutrients. Seaweeds contain polysaccharides, proteins, amino acids, lipids, peptides, minerals, and some vitamins. Polyphenols of seaweed was used as cosmetics and pharmacological as antioxidants, protection from radiation, anti-inflammatory, hypoallergenic, antibacterial, and antidiabetic. Besides that seaweed also has a high content of antioxidant that can be used to ward off free radicals that increase due to the condition of hyperglycemia in a patient with diabetes mellitus. Hence, a great deal of attention has been directed at isolation and characterization of seaweed polysaccharides because of their numerous health benefits, especially for diabetes mellitus. This paper is expected to provide information on the effect of alginate from two seaweeds on blood glucose and lipid profiles of diabetic rats


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    This study aims to determine planning in the application of virtual communication, the economic learning process in virtual communication, the inhibiting and supporting factors for the implementation of virtual communication in economics class X SMA Negeri 10 Pontianak. This research method uses a qualitative research type of case study research. The data sources for this research were an economics teacher and four. Data collection techniques are by observation, interviews and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the virtual communication media at SMA Negeri 10 Pontianak is using the smanpul e-learningapplication with teacher learning planning making online lesson plans, learning modules, student worksheets which are uploaded in the smanpul e-learning application. In the learning process the teacher starts from the opening activity by praying, being absent and conveying the learning objectives. The teacher's core activities direct to opening the material, studying the material and analyzing the material. closing activities the teacher concludes the material, evaluates the material. Inhibiting factors are lack of mastery of information technology, lack of internet network and no notifications in the smanpul e-learning application. The supporting factors are support from school principals, teachers, students and the school's need for educator- certified teachers

    Rasio natrium karbonat dalam ekstraksi berpengaruh pada mutu natrium alginat sargassum muticum

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    Brown seaweed is one of Indonesia’s biological resources which has good potential as source for alginate which can be used for the food and non-food industries. Alginate was most widely used in the textile sector around 50%, food industry 30%, paper industry 6%, welding rods 5%, pharmacy 5% and other 4%. The process of taking alginate from brown seaweed can be done by extraction. Several studies have been carried out in an effort to improve the yield of alginate extraction. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of the ratio of Na2CO3 and obtain the best ratio of Na2CO3 for producing sodium alginate from Sargassum muticum. The ratio of Na2CO3 used was 1:10, 1:20, 1:30, 1:40, 1:50 (w/v) and observations of alginate quality included yield (%), viscosity (cps), pH, water content (%), whiteness degree (%), ash content (%) and functional groups. The results showed that the higher the ratio of Na2CO3 produced the lower viscosity and showed significantly different values but yield, pH, water content, whiteness degree, and ash content were not significantly different. The functional groups at the ratio 1:20, 1:30, and 1:40 (w/v) showed the alginate that were in accordance with the standard. The best ratio of Na2CO3 from this study was 1:20 (w/v) because it had a medium viscosity, besides that, the yield, pH, water content, whiteness degree, and ash content also accordance to the quality of alginate standard

    Hubungan Kerajaan Lamuri Dengan Dunia Antarabangsa Berdasarkan Temuan Seramik Di Kawasan Lamreh Kabupaten Aceh Besar (13 – 15 M)

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    Penyelidikan ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji seramik yang terdapat di tapak Lamreh, Aceh-Indonesia. Fokus penyelidikan ini ialah untuk melakukan klasifikasi, pentarikhan, kronologi dan menentukan peranan tapak Lamreh berdasarkan bukti seramik. Oleh itu, untuk mendapatkan seramik maka kaedah pengumpulan data yang digunakan ialah survei dan ekskavasi. Hasil kerja lapangan menjumpai 6,913 serpihan seramik dengan pelbagai jenis, bentuk dan motif. Kesemua seramik tersebut dianalisis menggunakan beberapa kaedah iaitu (1) analisis morfologi untuk mengenal pasti jenis dan bentuk seramik, (2) analisis motif hias untuk mengetahui motif-motif seramik, (3) pentarikhan relatif untuk menentukan usia seramik dan kronologi tapak, (4) analisis saintifik menggunakan kaedah X-Ray Flourescence (XRF) dan Energy Dispersive X-Ray (EDX) untuk mengenal pasti asal-usul seramik mengikut kepada dapur dan negara penghasilnya dan (5) analisis perbandingan untuk mengetahui peranan tapak Lamreh pada masa lampau berdasarkan bukti seramik. Hasil analisis mendapati seramik di tapak Lamreh berasal daripada empat negara yang berbeza iaitu China, Thailand, Vietnam dan Myanmar. Jenis seramik China yang dijumpai ialah seladon yang dihasilkan di dapur Longquan pada zaman Dinasti Song Selatan dan Yuan (abad ke-13 dan ke-14 Masihi)

    Karakteristik Flakes dengan Fortifikasi Tepung Sargassum hystrix sebagai Pangan Fungsional

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    AbstrakSargassum hystrix (S. hystrix) merupakan rumput laut cokelat yang mengandung antioksidan tinggi yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai pangan fungsional. Flakes merupakan salah satu alternatif makanan sarapan. Penambahan S. hystrix dalam flakes merupakan salah satu bentuk inovasi dalam pembuatan flakes. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan formulasi pembuatan flakes dengan penambahan S. hystrix dan pengaruhnya terhadap aktivitas antioksidan flakes. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan perlakuan perbedaan konsentrasi S. hystrix yang ditambahkan dalam flakes, yaitu konsentrasi 0; 0,26; 0,46; 0,66; dan 0,86%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan S. hystrix mampu meningkatkan kandungan nutrisi dan nilai aktivitas antioksidan flakes. Semakin tinggi konsentrasi S. hystrix yang ditambahkan, maka semakin tinggi kandungan nutrisi dan nilai aktivitas antioksidannya. Konsentrasi penambahan tepung S. hystrix dalam flakes yang menghasilkan kandungan gizi, aktivitas antioksidan, serta penerimaan konsumen terbaik adalah perlakuan 0,86% dengan karakter 2,96% kadar air, 4,87% abu, 3,66% protein, 6,89% lemak, 81,61% karbohidrat, 1,69% serat kasar, dan nilai aktivitas antioksidan sebesar 36,09%. Nilai hedonik flakes adalah 3,26 untuk kenampakan, 3,46 untuk tekstur, 3,30 untuk aroma, dan 3,05 untuk rasa. Penambahan tepung S. hystrix mampu meningkatkan nilai aktivitas antioksidan dalam flakes sebesar 1,43 – 36,09%.Kata kunci: antioksidan, flakes, formulasi, pangan fungsional, Sargassum hystrix Abstract Sargassum hystrix (S. hystrix) is brown seaweed that contains high antioxidants that can be used as functional food. Flakes is one alternative of breakfast meal. The addition of S. hystrix on flakes was one of the innovation in flakes production. This research aimed to formulate flakes with the addition of S. hystrix and its effect on antioxidant activity of the flakes. This research was conducted using the treatment of differences in the concentration of S. hystrix flour added to flakes, i.e. 0, 0.26, 0.46, 0.66, and 0.86%. The results showed that the addition of S. hystrix could increase the nutritional content and antioxidant activity of the flakes. The higher concentration of S. hystrix addition, the higher the nutritional content and antioxidant activity. The best concentration of S. hystrix addition to flakes on nutritional content, antioxidant activity, and consumer acceptance was the treatment of 0.86%. It had character of 2.96% water content, 4.87% of ash, 3.66% of protein, 6.89% of fat, 81.61% of carbohydrate, 1.69% of crude fiber, and the antioxidant activity of 36.09%. The hedonic value were 3.26 on appearance, 3.46 on texture, 3.30 on aroma, and 3.5 on taste. The addition of S. hystrix could increase the antioxidant activity of the flakes by 1.43 - 36.09%.Keywordss: antioxidant, flakes, formulation, functional food, Sargassum hystri

    Pengaruh penambahan ekstrak florotanin dari Sargassum sp. pada susu segar terhadap aktivitas antioksidan dan tingkat penerimaan konsumen

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    Brown seaweed Sargassum sp. contains florotanin which can be used as an antioxidant. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of the addition of Sargassum sp. on the antioxidant activity and consumer preferences of milk. Sargassum sp. was extracted using 50% ethanol followed by ethyl acetate. The florotanin extract was added to the pasteurized milk at a concentration of 0; 0.25; 0.50% (w/w). The milk was then tested for antioxidant activity, pH, and chemical composition, also the levels of consumer acceptance. The results showed that the antioxidant activity of milk added with florotanin extract at 0; 0.25%; 0.50% and commercial milk were 57.64±1.4%; 67.5±6.1%; 71.9±8.74%; and 32.5±5.77%, respectively. The addition of florotanin extract had no significant effect (p> 0.05) on pH and chemical composition but had a significant effect on antioxidant activity and consumer acceptance (p <0.05), especially at the level of preference for aroma and taste which tended to decrease


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    Indonesia mempunyai banyak rumput laut yang berpotensi tinggi sebagai penghasil alginate, namun metode ekstraksinya belum sesuai yang diharapkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan metode ekstraksi natrium alginat dari rumput laut Sargassum melalui jalur kalsium alginat. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan berbagai variasi konsentrasi kalsium klorida yang digunakan pada pemisahan alginat dari filtrat hasil ekstraksinya. Konsentrasi kalsium klorida yang digunakan divariasi 0,50,75 dan 1 M. Sebagai kontrol dilakukan ekstraksi alginat melalui jalur asam alginat yang dikembangkan di Balai Besar Riset Pengolahan Produk dan Bioteknologi Kelautan dan Perikanan, Jakarta. Parameter kualitas alginat yang diamati meliputi rendemen alginat, kenampakan produk, viskositas dan kekuatan gel yang dihasilkan. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa rendemen alginat yang dihasilkan berturut-turut sebesar 32,6744,67 dan 53,33 % dan untuk kontrol 31,67 %. Secara kenampakan, konsentrasi kalsium klorida tidak terlalu mempengaruhi kenampakan produk alginat yang dihasilkan, tetapi lebih gelap jika dibandingkan dengan produk hasil ekstraksi melaluijalur asam alginat. Viskositas alginat yang dihasilkan berturut-turut 149, 131 dan 144 cP, sementara untuk kontrol 304 cPoSecara umum kekuatan gel alginat yang dihasilkan dari jalur kalsium alginat lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan yang diekstrak melalui jalur asam alginat


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    Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi keramik-keramik Asia Tenggara di situs Lamreh, Aceh-Indonesia. Keramik diperoleh dari hasil survei sistematik yang dilakukan pada tahun 2017. Semua keramik yang ditemukan dianalisis untuk menghasilkan sebuah klasifikasi lengkap keramik Asia Tenggara di situs Lamreh. Oleh karena itu, untuk menjawab permasalahan tersebut maka digunakan dua jenis analisis yaitu analisis morfologi untuk mengetahui jenis, bentuk dan hiasan keramik berdasarkan negara penghasilnya dan analisis perbandingan atau perbandingan relatif untuk menentukan usia keramik. Hasil analisis mendapati keramik-keramik Asia Tenggara di situs Lamreh berasal dari tiga negara yaitu Vietnam, Thailand dan Myanmar. Jenis keramik Vietnam yang ditemukan ialah keramik monokrom putih dengan motif hitam di bawah glasir yang dihasilkan di dapur Thanh-Hoa abad ke-14 Masehi. Kemudian, jenis keramik Thailand yang ditemukan adalah keramik Sukothai dan Si-Satchanalai yang dihasilkan pada abad ke-15 Masehi di utara Thailand. Terakhir adalah kendi hitam Myanmar yang dihasilkan di dapur Martavan pada abad ke-15 Masehi. Keramik-keramik Asia Tenggara dari abad ke-14 sehingga 15 Masehi tersebut adalah bukti nyata tentang kontak kebudayaan dan hubungan ekonomi antara Lamreh-Aceh dengan Asia Tenggara (Vietnam, Thailand dan Myanmar) sejak 700 tahun lalu

    Inhibitory Activity of Sargassum hystrix Extract and Its Methanolic Fractions on Inhibiting α-Glucosidase Activity

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    Seaweed has a great potential in the pharmaceutical field, one of them as antidiabetic. The purposed of this study was to know the inhibitory activity of Sargassum hystrix extract and its methanol fraction in inhibiting α-glucosidase activity. S. hystrix was extracted using methanol, then partitioned using chloroform, ethyl acetate, and methanol. Methanol fraction then separated by column chromatography to obtain the compound. The crude extract, the partitioned methanol fraction, and the column chromatography fraction were tested for its activity on inhibiting the α-glucosidase. The compounds of active fraction were analyzed using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The inhibitory activity (IC50) of the crude extracts and the partitioned methanol fraction were 0.35±0.05 and 0.02±0.00 (mg/mL), respectively. The column chromategraphy fractions that had an inhibitory activity to α-glucosidase were M2 (23.46±1.63%), M3 (30.88±4.53%), M4 (73.64±3.47%), and M7 (53.48±1.56%). GC-MS showed that the suspected compound which had inhibiting α-glucosidase in methanol fraction were 9-Octadecenoic acid, 1-Heptadecanecarboxylic acid,9,12-Octadecadienoic acid (Z, Z), and Octadecanoic acid methyl ester