163 research outputs found
The Role of Mutation Induction Technology in Forage Breeding
Mutation induction in breeding is one of many ways to improve the character of a plant, including forage crops. Â Formation of new variety of forage plants, especially grass is still very rare in Indonesia due to several obstacles, including the flower structure, ploid and reproductive systems of forage plants. Mutation induction in breeding as a method of producing new varieties of forage plants (grass and legume) can be utilized by eliminating the constraints in forage plants, because it can create new variety without being restricted by floral structure and reproductive system of plant. The paper aims to describe the mutation breeding and its methods on forage plants and its prospect to obtain new varieties of superior forage plants to meet the needs of forage in Indonesia. A number of factors, including mutation technique, mutagenic type, seed and other factors, are determining the success of mutational breeding. The creation of new types of forage plants by mutation-induction is aiming to increase productivity, improve forage performances and resist abiotic and biotic stress. Mutation breeding is expected to produce new varieties of superior forage plants in a relatively shorter time, because forage plants can be propagated in a vegetative or generative manner. It is epxected that the assembly of new varieties of forage plants can meet the needs of forage in quantity and quality
 In this research will be designing a prototype of a water pump system using solar photovoltaic (SPV) that is designing a SPV in accordance with the needs of PV with the capacity of water pump. The power generated by the photovoltaic system will be used to drive the water pump. One of the areas in Central Java region that have not received water source is Dusun satreyan, Rambat Village Geyer Subdistrict Grobogan District. The solar photovoltaic (SPV) water pump system is de-signed using SPV panels, Solar Charge Controller, Battery and Inverter for the needs of 1 family head with water capacity per day is 300 Liter. The water pump capacity is 125 Watt, the number of SPV panels of 2 each with a capacity of 100 Wp, battery capacity, solar charge controller and inverter is 60 Ah, 10.42 Ampere and 12 volts DC 220 VAC. The average effi-ciency rating of the SPV water pump system as a whole is 61.18%Keywords: MPPT,Solar Photovoltaic, Tracking.
The purpose of this research is to design and implementation Maximum Solar Power Tracking system using photovoltaic panel, in order to increase solar panel efficiency and power. Data collection is done for the condition in Semarang city. The result of the research is expected to be base in planning of solar power system in Semarang city, whether it is for light-ing lamp planning and for Solar Home System (SHS). This MPPT system design uses standard 180 degree servo motor to drive photovoltaic panel and control circuit using ATmega IC, while simulation using MATLAB program. Tracking is done by online tracking method by moving the photovoltaic panel to the radiation of the sun. Tracking simulation is done with step 20, 50 and 180 step. The average of voltage generated by system without tracking is 3.97 Volt while the average volt-age generated by tracking system is 4.72 Volt. Efficiency between system without tracking and tracking system is 66.28% for tracking system and 78.78% for tracking system.Keywords: MPPT,Solar Photovoltaic, Tracking
Guru dituntut mampu merancang dan mendesain pembelajaran daring yang ringan dan efektif, dengan memanfaatkan perangkat atau media daring yang tepat dan sesuai dengan materi yang diajarkan. Walaupun dengan pembelajaran daring akan memberikan kesempatan lebih luas dalam mengeksplorasi materi yang akan diajarkan, namun guru harus mampu memilih dan membatasi sejauh mana cakupan materinya dan aplikasi yang cocok pada materi dan metode belajar yang digunakan Saat ini para guru di SMPN 23 Semarang hanya menggunakan media Whatapps untuk berkomunikasi dengan para siswa dan orang tua siswa, pembelajaran dilakukan dengan memberikan lewat materi yang telah dirangkum oleh guru kepada siswa, selanjutnya memberikan tugas yang harus dikerjakan oleh siswa. Para guru ini mengharapkan adanya pelatihan bagaimana menggunakan aplikasi e-learning seperti edmodo, google classroom atau Microsoft tems, serta bagaimana memberikan penjelasan kepada siswa melalui video conference seperti zoom atau google meeting.Permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh para guru SMPN 23 Semarang sebenarnya sama dengan yang dihadapi oleh pada Guru di seluruh Indonesia, yaitu bagaimana menggunakan dan memilih peralatan model pembelajaran e-learning yang tepat untuk para siswa, bagaimana membuat media pembelajaran yang interaktif dan informative kepada para siswa. Tujuan dari penggunaan media pembelajaran yang tepat akan memudahkan siswa menerima pelajaran yang diberikan. Kesulitan para guru adalah karena belum dilatih mengunakan peralatan untuk model pembelajaran jarak jauh, sehingga perlu tambahan dukungan dan mentoring untuk menyesuaikan dengan model pembelajaran baru ini.Solusi yang ditawarkan untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan mitra adalah memberikan pelatihan kepada Guru SMPN 23 Semarang tentang (1) bagaimana menggunakan peralatan model pembelajaran e-learning seperti penggunaan edmodo, (2)memberikan pelatihan bagaimana membuat power point yang bisa merekam suara guru saat memberikan penjelasan sehingga pembelajaran menjadi lebih interaktif dan informatif. Pelatihan dilaksanakan dengan waktu selama 2 jam. Luaran lain yang dihasilkan adalah jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, HAKI Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, publikasi video pelaksanaan Pengabdian melalui Youtube
Adaptation Strategy of Forage Crops to Climate Change
Climate change is characterized by an increasing in temperature, drought, and an increase in CO2. This paper aims to describe the strategy to deal with climate change in forage crops. Plant adaptation mechanisms include increasing water content, cell membrane stability, and photosynthetic capacity by suppressing stomata conductance and C consumption through respiration. The impacts of climate change on animal feed crops include: decreased productivity and nutrient content, and reduced planting area which affects the supply of animal feed so that food availability is disrupted. Adaptation strategies are carried out by managing the cultivation of forage plants, including selecting planting and harvesting times, as well as irrigation. Besides, it is necessary to select adaptive fodder plants through breeding. Breeding methods are conducted through the exploration of genetic resources to compile new superior forage adaptive crops to climate change
Analisis Faktor – Faktor Yang Memengaruhi Harga Daging Sapi di Jawa Barat
Jawa Barat memiliki tingkat konsumsi daging sapi di atas tingkat konsumsi rata-rata nasional. Daging sapi menjadi komoditas penting bagi masyarakat dan perekonomian Jawa Barat. Namun harga daging sapi di Jawa Barat menunjukkan tidak stabil. Pada bulan Mei 2021 daging sapi menjadi penyumbang inflasi terbesar kedua di Jawa Barat. Kenaikan inflasi akan berdampak negatif terhadap para pelaku ekonomi, sehingga upaya stabilisasi harga komoditas daging sapi penting untuk dilakukan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis faktor-faktor apa saja yang memengaruhi harga daging sapi di Jawa Barat. Dengan berbasiskan data sekunder time series tahun 2003-2020 dan melalui metode Error Correction Model (ECM), hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada jangka panjang variabel harga daging ayam dan harga daging sapi internasional berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap harga daging sapi di Jawa Barat, dan pada jangka pendek variabel populasi sapi potong berpengaruh negatif signifikan terhadap harga daging sapi di Jawa Barat. Untuk menstabilkan harga daging sapi diperlukan penambahan populasi sapi potong.West Java has a consumption level of beef above the national average consumption level. Beef is an essential commodity for the residents and the economic system of West Java Province. However, the price of beef in West Java is unstable. In May 2021, beef became the second biggest contributor to inflation in West Java. High inflation has had a negative impact on economic actors, so efforts to stabilize beef commodity prices is important. The purpose of this research is to analyze the factors that influence the price of beef in West Java. This research applies a time series data of 2003-2020 and the error correction model method. The results of the study showed that the long-term variable price of chicken meat and international beef prices have a positive effect on the price of beef in West Java. Meanwhile, in the short term, the beef cattle population had a negative effect and the chicken meat price had a positive effect on beef prices in West Java. The results of this study indicate that a stable beef price can be achieved by increasing the population of beef cattle, especially culled cows and ready-to-slaughter bulls. In addition, the research results also show that chicken meat is a substitute commodity for beef, so to meet the public's need for animal protein, it is also important to stabilize the price of chicken meat. Stabilization of chicken meat and beef prices should be pursued to go hand in hand
Biaya Kebakaran Gambut yang Ditanggung oleh Rumah Tangga Petani di Kecamatan Air Sugihan, Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ilir
The purpose of this study is to estimate the costs borne by farming households due to peatland fires. The research location was Air Sugihan District, Ogan Komering Ilir Regency, and 3 villages were selected representing the district i.e., Rengas Abang Village, Nusa Karta Village, and Jadi Mulya Village. Twenty samples of farmer households were taken as respondents. Data collection activities were carried out in August‒September 2021. Data analysis methods used Cost of Illness, Loss of Earnings, Equivalency Analysis, and Loss on Farming. Economic losses due to forest and peatland fires in Air Sugihan District, Ogan Komering Ilir Regency amounted to IDR773.338.080 with 1.91% of medical expenses, 0.27% of additional cost of drinking water, 41.91% of increase in farming costs, and losses of farmer income by 55.91%, or IDR557,160/week/farmer household with a total of 1,388 households. The costs paid by farming households in Air Sugihan District, Ogan Komering Ilir Regency due to peatland fires, increased substantially compared to the cost paid before the fire was occurred. It is concluded that in minimizing the impact of forest and peatland fires it is necessary to carry out interventions so that similar incidents do not recur in the future.
Keywords: cost, farmers, impact of fire, peatland fire
Shallots are one of the most volatile food commodities. The volatility of shallot prices can cause volatility for other commodities, coupled with the existence of shallot distribution channels in various markets, allowing volatility to flow between domestic markets. This research aims to analyze shallot price volatility and the transmission of shallot price volatility. This study uses the monthly price of shallots at the consumer level for the period January 2010 - December 2020. To analyze price volatility using the GARCH method and the transmission of volatility using the VAR method. The analysis results show that the level of volatility in the price of Indonesian shallots in East Java has the highest value, followed by DKI Jakarta, Central Java, and West Java. It was found that there is a two-way transmission of shallot price volatility in Indonesia which tends to fluctuate in the long run. Shallot price volatility in DKI Jakarta contributes to price volatility in other regions. A policy from the government is needed that is focused on stabilizing shallot prices in DKI Jakarta so that it does not spread to other region
The performance condition of public transportation services in Salatiga City does have an average rating of still good, but it still has classic problems such as there is no passenger stop, public transportation takes a long time to catch up on deposits, and passengers do not know the fare per kilometer that must be paid. These conditions encourage research activities in the form of an analysis of the performance of public transport passengers in Salatiga City (Case Study of the Tamansari – Blotongan Route). The long-term goal of this research is that the resulting analysis can contribute to stakeholders in Salatiga City, especially in terms of (public transport) towards smart transportation. The specific target to be achieved from the research is the analysis and modeling of the performance of passenger public transport services that will be carried out in Salatiga City, in the form of field surveys and secondary data collection, namely: number of vehicles, number of passengers and data in the form of public transport routes: routes, schedules, speeds and Primary forms are: boarding alighting (up and down passengers) and headway (distance between two public transport vehicles). The analytical method used is the analysis and modeling of the performance of passenger public transportation services in accordance with Government Regulation No. 10 of 2012 Directorate General of Land Transportation concerning Minimum Service Standards for Road-Based Mass Transportation. The results showed that the physical condition of the passenger fleet of Salatiga City on the Tamansari - Blotongan PP route was classified as suitable for use. There are a total of 90 fleets that are sufficient for the needs of Salatiga City public transport passengers who want to travel by means of transportation. The results of the performance analysis based on various indicators show that the performance quality of public transportation services in Salatiga City has met the standards set by the Directorate General of Land Transportation. It can be seen from the results of the load factor analysis with a value of 0.72, the value is included in category A, namely > 0.8. For the level of satisfaction and level of performance, most of the indicators have met the satisfaction of public transport passengers in Salatiga City, so it is sufficient to maintain it. However, there are indicators of waiting times for public transportation that need to be improved
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