9 research outputs found

    Media Relations Activities as A Public Relation Strategy Implementation of PT. Toyota Astra Motor

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    Abstract:  Public relations have an important role in a company. Not only in the effort to ensure good relations with the internal stakeholders, but also with its external stakeholders. In relation to external stakeholders, the media is one of the parties that have important roles in the formation of the company image. PT. Toyota Astra Motor as an international scale automotive company is an example of a company that owns a large commitment to building a good relation with media. Media relations activities conducted by the company have been proving that PT. Toyota Astra Motor not only placed the press as an instrument to build a positive image of the company but even more than that, the media is one of the important stakeholders and a partner for the PT. Toyota Astra Motor Itself


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    Deafness is a disorder that occurs in the human sense of hearing. Loss of hearing function causes deaf people unable to hear and communicate verbally so that they experience delays in language development. Sign language is used by deaf people as a communication language. Sign language needs to be introduced by teachers of SLB Pertiwi Ponorogo to students with hearing impairments in order to get an agreement on the meaning of the signs used during communication. This research uses a descriptive type of research with a qualitative approach. The results of this study indicate the following: first, the communication carried out by the teacher in introducing sign language uses total communication by means of oral, written, pictures, signs, spelling, and lip-reading. Second, students gave a positive response indicated by a change in attitude following the cues displayed by the teacher. Students give negative responses indicated by emotional changes such as expressions of anger, confusion, silence, and even rejection from students. Third, the communication position in this study lies in the communicator, message, and communicant, namely the communication process barriers, physical barriers, and semantic barriers

    Social Media Literacy Assistance to Ponorogo Instagram Admins as Citizen Journalism Activities

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    Instagram administrators @ponorogo.update, @setenpo, @iloveponorogo, and @infoponorogo have played an active role in an organic movement of citizen journalists in Ponorogo. This Instagram admin has actively amplified Ponorogo locality-themed information that residents need, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Instagram in Ponorogo has been accessed with a high engagement rate. Besides that, the Instagram admin acts as a curator of information and has been able to determine the behavior patterns of netizens in Ponorogo. The social media literacy assistance service uses the Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) method, which consists of laying the foundation, planning research, gathering and data analysis, and acting on findings. The CBPR method is then synthesized with a theoretical framework for digital literacy levels. The result of this service program is that the Instagram Ponorogo admin and the service team succeeded in formulating a guidebook for managing Instagram as a medium for disseminating information on Ponorogo residents. This social media literacy guide booklet has been synchronized based on social media regulations and can be used applicatively. All stages of community service are practical strategic steps so that Ponorogo residents are accustomed to receiving credible and valid information (a well-informed society) and minimizing the occurrence of misinformation, disinformation, and hoaxes

    Cyber Sex Sebagai Implikasi Perkembangan Teknologi Komunikasi

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    Along with its development, internet technology brings so many impacts to society. Not only in the way of communicating and seeking information, the development of the internet itself also has an impact on the sexual life of its users. The phenomenon of cybersex as one of the deviations in internet consumption patterns in society is a manifestation of the impact of the development of the internet on a person's sexual life. The existence of the internet have changed the concept of traditional sexuality to be more modern, where now the fulfillment of sexual needs can also be done through virtual activities, not just physical contact. As a result, the internet is now widely used as a tool to satisfying the sexual desires of cybersex perpetrators themselves. And Indonesia, is one of the countries where the cybersex phenomenon is growing so rapidly

    Strategi Segmentasi dan Positioning Radio Global FM Jogja dalam Merebut Pangsa Pasar

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    Sebagai stasiun radio yang bersaing dengan stasiun radio lain di Yogyakarta, Radio Global FM menggunakan strategi segmentasi dan positioning untuk merebut pangsa pasar. Penelitian ini berjudul Strategi Segmentasi dan Positioning Radio Global FM dalam Merebut Pangsa Pasar. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan perencanaan, penegakan, dan evaluasi strategi segmentasi dan positioning Radio Global FM Jogja dalam menangkap pangsa pasar. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitati. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara langsung dengan Divisi Pemasaran, Kepala Operasional serta Editor Berita/ Program Radio Global FM Jogja, dan menggunakan dokumen dan catatan yang diperoleh dari Radio Global FM Jogja. Validasi data dalam penlitian ini menggunakan teknik triangulasi sumber. Setelah data dikumpulkan, kemudian dianalisis secara kualitatif dan dijelaskan dalam bentuk deskripsi diurutkan dengan cara yang rinci dan sistematis. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dalam menangkap pangsa pasar, Radio Global FM Jogja telah merencanakan strategi segmentasi dan positioning dengan menganalisis peluang pasar, membagi segmen pendengar potensian berdasarkan faktor demografis, serta memutuskan konsep positioning yang sesuai dengan sumber daya yang dimiliki Radio Global FM Jogja, menegakkan segmentasi dan positioning dengan cukup baik meskipun masih ada beberapa kekurangan di dalamnya. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari konsistensi Radio Global FM Jogja dalam memenuhi kebutuhan segmen pendengar dan kesuksesan Radio Global FM Jogja untuk menggambarkan dirinya sebagai Radio Berita Jogja yang diwujudkan dengan keberhasilan Radio Global FM Jogja meraih berbagai penghargaa, khususnya di bidang penyiaran berita di radio


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    In order to achieve religious moderation, the inhabitants of Trenggalek Regency engaged in interpersonal communication, which is the focus of this study. Data gathering for this study involved both observation and interviews, following a qualitative research methodology. The findings demonstrated that interpersonal communication was successful in educating the residents of Trenggalek Regency about religious moderation there. With this, the neighborhood, which has never experienced interfaith conflict, may bring about harmony among its residents. Religious moderation is crucial in society. Every human being aspires to the fulfillment of holy peace. Importantly, Trenggalek practice of religion comports with the established social order and presents no risk of conflict. One of the benefits of interpersonal communication is the recognition of religious harmony

    Pengelolaan Konten Website Pemerintah Kota Yogyakarta sebagai Media Pelayanan Publik

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    As one of governmental institutions that had a commitment in developing a governmental website as public service facility, the Government of Yogyakarta City was demanded to be able to manage their website content as an effort to implement a quality public service. This research was aimed to identify and evaluate the Government of Yogyakarta City�s efforts in managing its website content. Overall, the Government of Yogyakarta City website content management had been conducted well. However, from a public service perspective, the service which delivered by the Government of Yogyakarta City had some disadvantages. Even it�s not maximum yet, transparency, responsiveness, effectiveness, efficiency, and also accountability aspects had emerged in the website content management of the Government of Yogyakarta City as public service media