5 research outputs found

    Kesadaran dan Kepatuhan Hukum Terhadap Penerapan Protokol Kesehatan Masa Pandemi Covid-19 di UPBJJ UT Samarinda

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    Artikel ini membahas mengenai penerapan kesadaran hukum pegawai UPBJJ Universitas Terbuka Samarinda. Permasalahan yang dihadapi adalah apakah pegawai sudah menerapkan protokol kesehatan dan apakah ada kontrol dari kantor untuk pelaksanaan protokol kesehatan di UPBJJ UT Samarinda. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian empiris melalui pendekatan sosiologi. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik observasi, study literatur dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa kesadaran dan kepatuhan hukum pekerja terhadap penerapan protokol kesehatan masa pandemi Covid-19 sangatlah penting untuk diterapkan guna memutus mata rantai penyebaran Covid-19


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    Pada mata kuliah Pendidikan Matematika II di Prodi PGSD dibutuhkan media pembelajaran sebagai motivasi yang dapat meningkatkan minat dan pemahaman mahasiswa. Dibutuhkan media pembelajaran yang inovatif, interaktif, dan mengikuti perkembangan teknologi informasi. Media pembelajaran Geoshapes Digital sebagai alternatif media dalam menunjang materi geometri materi Keliling dan luas mata kuliah Pendidikan Matematika II. Tujuan dari pengembangan media  pembelajaran Geoshapes Digital adalah untuk menjelaskan atau mendeskripsikan tahapan pengembangan Geoshapes Digital pada mata kuliah Pendidikan Matematika II  dan untuk mendeskripsikan keefektifan dan kepraktisan pembelajaran dengan media Geoshapes Digital pada mata kuliah Pendidikan Matematika II. Model penelitian yang digunakan yaitu desain model Plomp yang memiliki tahap investigasi awal, perencanaan, realisasi dan tes, evaluasi. Validitas pada penelitian ini terdiri dari validitas materi dan media Geoshape digital.  Sedangkan angket digunakan untuk mengukur ketertarikan mahasiswa sedangkan tes diukur untuk mendapatkan data terkait kemampuan pemahaman konsep. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa media Geoshapes Digital sudah memenuhi kriteria valid dan praktis serta pembelajaan dengan media Geoshapes Digital juga dapat meningkatkan pemahaman mahasiswa ditunjukkan dengan rata-rata skor tes evaluasi mencapai 76 berdasarkan perhitungan uji t

    Academic Hardiness And Social Support: Universitas Terbuka Student’s Case

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    This study examines whether there are differences in academic hardiness between Indonesia Open University students who join Pokjar and those who do not join Pokjar. Pokjar is an abbreviation of “study group” which consists of a group of students and is managed by several administrators. Students who choose to take distance learning are scattered in different areas and do not meet each other in the same class. When problems occur related to the learning process, students ask questions and seek information through existing communication channels. Pokjar is a group of students who build commitment and mutual agreement to help each other and support each other smoothly and successfully study at the Indonesia Open University with or without the facilities of other parties. Pokjar management is needed to help provide administrative services and information about the Open University to students who need it. In the perspective of open and distance education, Pokjar can be positioned as a form of social support where students can convey all their problems to Pokjar, and Pokjar will help solve these problems to the University. This study uses an academic hardiness questionnaire which was compiled based on aspects of academic toughness by Benishek (2004) and modified by the researcher. The research sample was 705 Open University students from various study programs. After the difference test was conducted, it was found that there was a significant difference between students who attended Pokjar and students who did not take Pokjar. The average academic toughness score of students who joined Pokjar (Mean = 144.16) was higher than students who did not join Pokjar (Mean = 139.44). Research on social support for academic hardiness is often done, a new finding in this study is that in distance learning, social support can come from Pokjar. We carried out further investigations using FGDs and deep interviews to find out what kind of social support we received from the Pokjar. The type of social support felt by students when they joined the Pokjar was in the form of companionship support, namely support that includes the availability of groups to spend time together. This support causes a person to feel that he is part of a group where members can share with each other


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    Dishonest behavior in academic activity often becomes the news in mass media in Indonesia both in printed and in electronic media. However, in the middle of this condition, there are students who still have commitment to behave honestly in their academic activity. Staats, Hupp, dan Hagley (2008) explain that honest behavior that is performed by students becomes a form of heroic attitude that contains the character of bravery and readiness as well as the willingness to take the risk. These research objectives are to explore, to understand, and to explain the meaning of academic honesty. The main focuses of the research is the perspective, meaningfulness, and subjective view of senior high school students which correlates with honest behavior in academic activities. The participants of the research were five students of senior high school grade XI. The approach used is phenomenological qualitative. Data collection was conducted by having semi structured depth interview. Data analysis was done by organizing the data, reading the whole data to get general impression, to analyze the detail through coding process, and to present description and theme in quantitative narration. The result of the research covers the incoming of several themes, both unique and general theme, as well as the meaning of performing honest behavior. Academic responsibility and self representation become the meaning of honest behavior that was performed by students in senior high school. By using planned behavior theory, it can be determined that subjective norm existing inside the students� character has significant roles in the process of choosing hones and dishonest behavior. Subjective norm existing in students� character is honest behavior that must be important thing that must be struggled. Being honest is definitely right. Dishonest behavior causes sin. Dishonest behavior is the form of friendshi