1,904 research outputs found

    On the quantum mechanical three-body problem with zero-range interactions

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    In this note we discuss the quantum mechanical three-body problem with pairwise zero-range interactions in dimension three. We review the state of the art concerning the construction of the corresponding Hamiltonian as a self-adjoint operator in the bosonic and in the fermionic case. Exploiting a quadratic form method, we also prove self-adjointness and boundedness from below in the case of three identical bosons when the Hilbert space is suitably restricted, i.e., excluding the "s-wave" subspace

    Efimov effect for a three-particle system with two identical fermions

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    We consider a three-particle quantum system in dimension three composed of two identical fermions of mass one and a different particle of mass mm. The particles interact via two-body short range potentials. We assume that the Hamiltonians of all the two-particle subsystems do not have bound states with negative energy and, moreover, that the Hamiltonians of the two subsystems made of a fermion and the different particle have a zero-energy resonance. Under these conditions and for m<m=(13.607)1m<m^* = (13.607)^{-1}, we give a rigorous proof of the occurrence of the Efimov effect, i.e., the existence of infinitely many negative eigenvalues for the three-particle Hamiltonian HH. More precisely, we prove that for m>mm>m^* the number of negative eigenvalues of HH is finite and for m<mm<m^* the number N(z)N(z) of negative eigenvalues of HH below z<0z<0 has the asymptotic behavior N(z)C(m)logzN(z) \sim \mathcal C(m) |\log|z|| for z0z \rightarrow 0^-. Moreover, we give an upper and a lower bound for the positive constant C(m)\mathcal C(m).Comment: 26 page

    Konflik Perkawinan Dan Model Penyelesaian Konflik Pada Pasangan Suami Istri

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perbedaan intensitas konflik perkawinan pada pasangan suami istri yang tinggal bersama dan yang tinggal terpisah dan cara penyelesaian konfliknya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dan dilengkapi dengan data kualitatif. Jumlah keseluruhan sampel 74 istri, 47 orang yang tinggal bersama suami dan 37 orang yang tinggal terpisah dengan suami. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah purposif accidental sampling. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji-t dan analisa diskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan intensitas konflik perkawinan pada istri yang tinggal bersama dan yang tinggal terpisah dengan suami. Model penyelesaian konflik yang banyak digunakan oleh para istri baik yang tinggal bersama suami maupun yang tinggal terpisah lebih banyak yang mengarah konstruktif dalam penyelesaian konflik perkawinan. Ditemukan persepsi berkebalikan. Menurut istri yang tinggal bersama suami, intensitas konflik perkawinan akan lebih tinggi jika istri tinggal bersama suami. Sebaliknya, menurut istri yang tinggal tidak bersama dengan suaminya, intensitas konflik akan lebih tinggi jika istri tidak tinggal bersama suaminya

    School Well Being (SWB) and Learning Motivation of Psychology Students in the State University of Makassar

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    Students of the Faculty of Psychology in the State University of Makassar during online learning perceived the learning activities not effective due to internet cost, burdening course work, colliding lecture schedule, and inadequate learning facilities. To complete the program, students need supports on the school's well - being improvement. School well - being has an important role in supporting students' learning development and motivation in receiving materials from the teachers. The study aimed to describe students' learning motivation and school well - being in the Faculty of Psychology, The State University of Makassar. The research subjects were 201 students of the Faculty of Psychology, The State University of Makassar. The research instrument was the learning motivation and school well - being scale. Data were analyzed descriptively. Findings show that: 1) internal learning motivation was stronger than external learning motivation; 2) highest scores given to the campus facilities/ condition aspects were from students' batches 2019 and 2017, while many of students batch 2018 criticized the point. In terms of Social relationships, students batch 2019 experienced strong interaction with their friends and lecturers, while students batch 2017 perceived it weaker, and students batch 2018 thought that they had very rare interaction. 3) Students feel that the school's well - being was inadequate, but their learning motivation is still in the medium category, and even the internal motivation was higher than the external on

    La nostra identità

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    Cellular Processes and Mechanisms in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Influencing Anaerobic Xylose Fermentation

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    In 2009 the EU approved two directives as a first initiative towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions and becoming independent of fossil fuels: the Renewable Energy Directive and the Fuel Quality Directive. As a result, the demand for biofuels will increase enormously over the next decade, both nationally and in the entire EU. This huge demand will require a more advanced type of biofuels, produced from cellulosic and lignocellulosic raw materials that do not compete with the supply of food crops. These biofuels are referred to as second generation (2G) fuels. The production of 2G bioethanol at a commercial scale requires yeast strains capable of producing ethanol at high yield and high productivity from all sugars (hexoses and pentoses) extracted from the raw material. The aim of the work presented in this thesis has been to increase the ethanol productivity of recombinant xylose-fermenting strains of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae during batch fermentation of a glucose/xylose mixture. A parameter that has a big influence on productivity is cellular growth and the yeast strains currently used today grow rather poorly on xylose. Many of the signals cells use to regulate growth originate from changes in the concentrations of metabolites inside the cells. To increase our knowledge of xylose metabolism the dynamic changes in intracellular metabolite concentrations were measured during batch fermentation of a glucose/xylose mixture using LC-MS/MS. This study gave meaningful insights about important intracellular signals, biological phenomena and mechanism. The analysis of the metabolite data pointed toward limitations in the folding of proteins inside the ER, which might be the underlying cause of the slow growth on xylose. Another important factor is the regulation of expression of genes required for sugar transport and those related to fermentative metabolism. Hexokinase 2 (Hxk2p) is an important bi-functional protein that acts both as a catalytic enzyme and a global transcription factor. This protein plays a role in the regulation of the above mentioned genes and becomes inactivated in the presence of xylose. As a consequence it loses its’ regulatory function. In an effort to improve repression signals during xylose fermentation this protein was engineered to become immune towards inactivation by xylose. By combining methods for protein and genetic engineering with fermentation technology a mutation in the gene was identified which increased the catalytic activity by 64% in the presence of xylose. The new variant allowed faster glucose consumption in the presence of xylose, but had no obvious impact on xylose fermentation. These results indicate that Hxk2p does not act alone and other proteins are involved in the regulation. These proteins remain to be identified. This thesis describes the cellular processes required for balanced anaerobic microbial growth and the intracellular signals that regulate them. The aim has been to identify biochemical mechanisms that limit anaerobic growth of recombinant S. cerevisiae strains on xylose

    The Post‐Modern Transcendental of Language in Science and Philosophy

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    In this chapter I discuss the deep mutations occurring today in our society and in our culture, the natural and mathematical sciences included, from the standpoint of the “transcendental of language”, and of the primacy of language over knowledge. That is, from the standpoint of the “completion of the linguistic turn” in the foundations of logic and mathematics using Peirce’s algebra of relations. This evolved during the last century till the development of the Category Theory as universal language for mathematics, in many senses wider than set theory. Therefore, starting from the fundamental M. Stone’s representation theorem for Boolean algebras, computer scientists developed a coalgebraic first-order semantics defined on Stone’s spaces, for Boolean algebras, till arriving to the definition of a non-Turing paradigm of coalgebraic universality in computation. Independently, theoretical physicists developed a coalgebraic modelling of dissipative quantum systems in quantum field theory, interpreted as a thermo-field dynamics. The deep connection between these two coalgebraic constructions is the fact that the topologies of Stone spaces in computer science are the same of the C*-algebras of quantum physics. This allows the development of a new class of quantum computers based on coalgebras. This suggests also an intriguing explanation of why one of the most successful experimental applications of this coalgebraic modelling of dissipative quantum systems is just in cognitive neuroscience

    A bioinformatic analysis identifies circadian expression of splicing factors and time-dependent alternative splicing events in the HD-MY-Z cell line

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    The circadian clock regulates key cellular processes and its dysregulation is associated to several pathologies including cancer. Although the transcriptional regulation of gene expression by the clock machinery is well described, the role of the clock in the regulation of post-transcriptional processes, including splicing, remains poorly understood. In the present work, we investigated the putative interplay between the circadian clock and splicing in a cancer context. For this, we applied a computational pipeline to identify oscillating genes and alternatively spliced transcripts in time-course high-throughput data sets from normal cells and tissues, and cancer cell lines. We investigated the temporal phenotype of clock-controlled genes and splicing factors, and evaluated their impact in alternative splice patterns in the Hodgkin Lymphoma cell line HD-MY-Z. Our data points to a connection between clock-controlled genes and splicing factors, which correlates with temporal alternative splicing in several genes in the HD-MY-Z cell line. These include the genes DPYD, SS18, VIPR1 and IRF4, involved in metabolism, cell cycle, apoptosis and proliferation. Our results highlight a role for the clock as a temporal regulator of alternative splicing, which may impact malignancy in this cellular model

    Selected Poems of Robert Frost

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    Peran Risiko Operasional Dalam Memoderasi Pengaruh Corporate Governance Terhadap Financial Statement Fraud

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    Dinesh Basti Farani. Peran Risiko Operasional dalam Memoderasi Pengaruh Corporate Governance terhadap Financial Statement Fraud (Studi pada Bank Umum yang Terdaftar di BEI).Peningkatan kecurangan pelaporan keuangan yang dilakukan perusahaan publik akan meningkatkan kekhawatiran di kalangan masyarakat, termasuk investor, auditor, kreditur dan pemangku kepentingan lainnya. Aktivitas fraud yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan berpotensi meningkatkan biaya risiko operasional, yakni berupa denda atau sanksi yang harus ditanggung apabila perusahaan terdeteksi melakukan penipuan (fraud). Corporate governance merupakan salah satu cara untuk mengurangi tindakan-tindakan ilegal yang dilakukan oleh pihak manajemen, khususnya yang terkait dengan kecurangan laporan keuangan perusahaan.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji dan menganalisis pengaruh corporate governance terhadap financial statement fraud pada perusahaan perbankan yang terdaftar di BEI dengan dimoderasi oleh risiko operasional. Pengembangan model penelitian dilakukan dengan mengkaji dan menganalisis ulang baik pengaruh langsung antara corporate governance terhadap financial statement fraud, maupun pengaruh tidak langsungnya melalui peran moderasi risiko operasional.Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Bank Umum yang terdaftar di BEI. Berdasarkan kriteria populasi yang ditetapkan, maka diperoleh jumlah populasi sebanyak 25. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah metode sensus, dengan periode pengamatan selama tiga tahun, sehingga total unit data yang diolah adalah sebanyak 75 unit. Analisis data menggunakan model analisis regresi moderasi dengan metode Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA), yang dilakukan melalui bantuan software SPSS versi 23.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan corporate governance dapat meningkatkan tindakan financial statement fraud yang dilakukan oleh Bank. Sebaliknya interaksi pelaksanaan corporate governance dengan risiko operasional dapat menurunkan tindakan financial statement fraud yang dilakukan oleh Bank. Temuan penelitian memberikan indikasi bahwa ketika Bank mengkalkulasi besarnya risiko operasional dalam pengelolaan bisnis mereka, maka tindakan kecurangan pada publikasi laporan keuangan akan dikurangi atau diturunkan. Bagi penelitian selanjutnya disarankan untuk menggunakan pengembangan model analisis berdasarkan kapitalisasi pasar sehingga bisa didapatkan hasil analisa secara lebih komprehensif