712 research outputs found

    Peningkatan hasil belajar materi taat dan sabar melalui penerapan model pembelajaran team assisted individualization pada siswa kelas VII A SMP Nudia Semarang

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    Skripsi ini membahas tentang peningkatan hasil belajar siswa klas VII A. Kajianya dilatarbelakangi oleh terjadinya proses belajar mengajar yang monoton dan pasif,metode yang digunakan oleh guru bidang studi mata pelajaran PAI yang belum secara penuh mengedepankan pembelajaran aktif dan cenderung terjadi komunikasi satu arah artinya siswa cenderung pasif dalam pembelajaran. Hal itu dapat dilihat dari kesiapan dan keaktifan siswa pada saat pembelajaran berlangsung. Hal itu juga tampak adanya hasil belajar yang belum optimal; artinya, belum mencapai kriteria ketuntasan minimal (KKM). Objek penelitian ini adalah di SMP Nudia Semarang dengan populasi 312 dan dilaksanakan pada kelas VII A yang berjumlah 38 siswa. Studi ini dimaksud untuk menjawab permasalahan: (1) Bagaimana penerapan model pembelajaran Team Assisted Individualization (TAI) pada Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) aspek Aqidah Akhlak di kelas VII A SMP Nudia Semarang, (2) Apakah dengan model pembelajaran Team Assisted Individualization (TAI) dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar PAI aspek Aqidah Akhlak di kelas VII A SMP Nudia Semarang? Penelitian ini menggunakan studi tindakan (action research) pada siswa kelas VII A SMP Nudia Semarang. Dengan model pembelajaran Team Assisted Individualization yaitu: menciptakan suasana pembelajaran aktif maka suasana kelas menjadi hidup, siswa menjadi aktif dan hasil belajar maksimal. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam 3 tahap yaitu tahap pra siklus, siklus I, dan siklus II. Pada tahap pra siklus, keaktifan siswa sebesar 44,07% dan rata-rata tes akhir 63,69 dengan ketuntasan belajar 55,27%. Pada tahap siklus I setelah dilakukan tindakan keaktifan siswa meningkat menjadi 57,24%. Dan rata-rata tes akhir 67,90 dengan ketuntasan belajar 76,32%. Sedangkan pada siklus II setelah dilakukan tindakan keaktifan siswa mengalami peningkatan yaitu 91,45 %. Dan nilai rata-rata akhir 70,79 dengan ketuntasan belajar 97,37 . Dari 3 tahap tersebut jelas bahwa ada peningkatan setelah diterapkannya metode pembelajaran Team Assisted Individualization dengan sebelumnya. Setelah dilaksanakan tindakan melalui. Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan membuktikan bahwa ada peningkatan hasil belajar siswa dalam mengikuti pembelajaran dengan metode Team Assisted Individualization. Hasil penelitian tersebut diharapkan dapat memberikan pengetahuan kepada semua pihak (siswa, guru dan orang tua) untuk dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI)

    Perkembangan Arsitektur Mesjid Walisongo Di Jawa : Perubahan Ruang Dan Bentuk

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    . As period of time changes all the time and as the needs of moslem community had increased, an architecture of mosque as a prayer facility for moslem has tend to be changed as well. Those changes had happened to mostly mosques within early Islam development in Java, which generally had been related to “Wali Songo”. By using historical approach, this paper is trying to seek the changes of architectural space and form within architecture of Wali Songo\u27s mosque through spatial themes and modernity

    Jejak Keberadaan Rumah Tradisional Kudus : Sebuah Kajian Antropologi – Arsitektur Dan Sejarah

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    . House with \u27joglo pencu\u27 roof, has been determined as an adopted style from \u27joglo pendapa\u27 style or \u27joglo\u27 houses which belong to local government (bupati and their \u27abdi dalem\u27). The style is presenting monumental building such as \u27pendapa\u27 as well as \u27bangsawan\u27-nobleman houses which usually have a \u27joglo\u27 roof style. This style has shown a group of people who have power, high and special level within community. Traditional houses within first period, has been regarded as building which have special prestige for people who lived within it. Furthermore, traditional houses have been built by moeslem businessman who become modern young \u27ulama\u27 and succeed economically. High wall which surrounded houses, has been determined as a gap between modern islamic group and non modern islamic group as well as with business oriented group on the other part. The last group could be seen from house\u27s expression which has \u27gebyok lengkung\u27 as a focal point of their house

    Dakwah Wali Songo Pengaruhnya Terhadap Perkembangan Perubahan Bentuk Arsitektur Mesjid Di Jawa (Studi Kasus : Mesjid Agung Demak)

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    . Initial Islamic development in Java cannot be separated from Wali Songo's missionary by using compromise approach to old culture. This condition will affect the appearance of cyncretism between Islam and animism, Hindu and Budhist. Mosque as a facility for walisongo's missionary become something significant for research because the changes had been happened to the mosque for centuries since had been built at walisongo's period untill recently. One of the aspect is the development of architectural form changing of walisongo's mosque which had been known how far walisongo's missionary will affect the development

    Indonesian EFL Teachers in the Swing of Curricula

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    In the era of standard-based education which is marked by the reforms in many areas of education including curriculum, it is necessary to understand how Indonesian EFL teachers coped with curricular change in the course of their profession. This study attempts to discover how EFL teachers in Indonesia perceive the curricular changes through their beliefs, attitudes, and practices. Employing an on-line survey combined with semi-structured individual interviews, the qualitative study began with mapping EFL teachers’ generic perceptions towards curricular change. The initial map was then used to probe major emergent themes through individual interviews on purposively selected participants. The result showed that: (1) teachers’ belief was perceived to reshape through adequate socialization and training. (2), it took time to witness teachers’ belief formation and eventually attitudinal change, and (3) as their beliefs and practices were reshaped, teachers’ practice was highly likely to change moreover when improvement in learning gains were achieved by the students. However, the latter is often dismayed by the implementation of high-stakes testing (The National Examinations). This article is closed with relevant recommendations based on the particular findings. Keywords: Curricular change, teacher belief, teacher practice, qualitativ

    Indonesian EFL Teachers in the Swing of Curricula

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    In the era of standard-based education which is marked by the reforms in many areas of education including curriculum, it is necessary to understand how Indonesian EFL teachers coped with curricular change in the course of their profession. This study attempts to discover how EFL teachers in Indonesia perceive the curricular changes through their beliefs, attitudes, and practices. Employing an on-line survey combined with semi-structured individual interviews, the qualitative study began with mapping EFL teachers' generic perceptions towards curricular change. The initial map was then used to probe major emergent themes through individual interviews on purposively selected participants. The result showed that: (1) teachers' belief was perceived to reshape through adequate socialization and training. (2), it took time to witness teachers' belief formation and eventually attitudinal change, and (3) as their beliefs and practices were reshaped, teachers' practice was highly likely to change moreover when improvement in learning gains were achieved by the students. However, the latter is often dismayed by the implementation of high-stakes testing (The National Examinations). This article is closed with relevant recommendations based on the particular findings. Keywords: Curricular change, teacher belief, teacher practice, qualitativ

    Weblog as an Appropriate Online Medium in Teaching Writing

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    This research aims to develop weblog as media in teaching writing of senior high school students.It is a research and development (R&D) study that follows ASSURE model proposed by Heinrich and developed by Smaldino, Heinich, Molenda, & Russell (2005:49). The procedure of developing media consisted of analyzing learner, stating objective, selecting media, utilizing media, requiring learner participation, evaluating and revising.The product was examined by the media expert. After conducting the first test, the second test was conducted by English teacher and students. The subjects of this research were the eleventh grade students of PGN 1 High school. The subject consisted of 19 students of class XI. The researcher used an interview and questionnaires as the data collecting technique. The questionnaires were distributed for needs analysis and expert validation. English teacher and students’ responded toward the developed weblog. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics for the questionnaires and the qualitative analysis technique for the interview.The findings revealed that the developed weblog as online media in teaching writing is categorized “very good” by experts with the mean scores put on 3.82. The result score of tryout is 3.48 and categorized as very good. The English teacher’s response towards the weblog show the range of average mean score on 3.69 categorized “very good”. Therefore, the developed weblog is very appropriate to use in teaching and learning process of writing


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    Swear words are often associated to inappropriate expressions in all societies. This study investigates the acquisition of swear words by Indonesian students using social media which was designed in descriptive qualitative approach. Data were gathered by questionnaireand interviews method. Result shows that the students tend to use animal terms to swear  to show anger to others. Further, friendship becomes the main source of their acquisition of swear words and these students tend to swear among themselves to show intimacy. Moreover, these students admitted that they learnt how to swear from social media and free videos available on-line

    High-stakes testing and English teachers' role as materials developers: Insights from vocational high schools

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    The implementation of the National Examination (NE) in Indonesia in elementary to high schools is considered as high-stakes testing and affects the teachers’ practice particularly in vocational settings. As material developers, English teachers in Vocational High Schools (VHS) are demanded to develop appropriate and suitable materials to meet the students’ specific needs. The incompatibility of the NE materials prescribed by the government and the vocational students’ needs put the teachers in a dilemma. The teachers should deal with the pressure of the NE and their roles as materials developers. This article tries to reveal how high-stakes testing impacts their roles as material developers particularly in the absence of specifically prescribed materials for VHS students. A case study design was used in this research with 31 participants of English teachers from nine state VHS in Pontianak, Indonesia. Data were collected through questionnaires and interviews. The result revealed that the role of teachers as materials developers somehow becomes diminishing because of the presence of the NE as high-stakes testing in the learning process, especially in VHS. This condition is detrimental to the teachers’ professional development since their roles as materials developers are limited and even under-developed. With the cancellation of NE by the end of this year, it is expected that the teachers are able to play their roles as materials developers and conduct evaluations based on the students’ specific expertise
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