796 research outputs found

    Interrelationships between tracking performance measures, control dynamics, and the effects of incentives

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    Interrelationships between tracking performance measures, control dynamics, and effects of incentive

    International law, indicators and global governance = Derecho internacional, indicadores y gobernanza global

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    Abstract: The use of indicators in international law and global governance has recently developed as a basis for evaluation, decision-making and conceptual and methodological legitimation. This study will analyse the use of different measurement devices constructed at the international level. It will consider the assessment of the state of human security as a case study, placing a particular focus on the relationship of ‘narrow’ and ‘broad’ views of human security to all human rights: civil, political, economic, social and cultural, and incorporating the aggravated human security risks encountered globally by women and girls. As a result, the text presents a proposal of a more holistic and operational measurement of human security based on a gendered and human rights based-approach.Keywords: indicators, international law, global governance, human security, human rights.Resumen: El uso de indicadores en el derecho internacional y la gobernanza global ha crecido recientemente como base para la evaluación, la toma de decisiones y la legitimación conceptual y metodológica. Este estudio analizará el uso de diferentes dispositivos de medición construidos a nivel internacional. Considerará la evaluación del estado de la seguridad humana como un estudio de caso, prestando especial atención a la relación de la seguridad humana, en su concepción ‘estrecha’ y ‘amplia’, con todos los derechos humanos: civiles, políticos, económicos, sociales y culturales, e incorporando la perspectiva de los riesgos agravados de seguridad humana que enfrentan las mujeres y las niñas a nivel global. Como resultado, el texto presenta una propuesta de medición de la seguridad humana más integral y operativa basada en un enfoque de género y de derechos humanos.Palabras clave: indicadores, derecho internacional, gobernanza global, seguridad humana, derechos humanos

    Undocumented Migrant Women in Europe: A Human Rights Perspective from Public International Law

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    Undocumented migrant women in Europe – many potential refugees – face cumulative forms of discrimination and heightened vulnerability, including the risk of suffering violence. This article explores the implications of viewing their situation through the lens of public international law, particularly international human rights law, as an indispensable companion to European human rights law. It argues for the incorporation of the UN normative and interpretative framework on the human rights of undocumented migrants into European legal and judicial analysis. The UN legal architecture constitutes an essential component to better understand the transnational phenomenon of migration in an interrelated world with combined and overlapping legal regimes. These instruments crafted within the realm of public international law may also play a key orienting role for the ECtHR to adequately uphold the rights of (female) undocumented migrants and for States to attend more justly to the dire conditions of many undocumented migrant women and girls in Europe

    The Scout Launch Vehicle System

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    SCOUT, a four-stage, solid-rocket launch vehicle originally developed by LTV Missiles and Electronics Group, is completing its third decade of service. NASA-Langley started the program in 1958 with the intent of providing a simple, low-cost, reliable launch vehicle for orbital, probe and re-entry missions. On July 1, 1960, the first SCOUT vehicle was launched. Since SCOUT became operational in 1963, there have been 88 launches of which 84 were successful, representing a reliability record of 95.5 percent successful flights. In addition, over the past 20 years the reliability rate is an excellent 98.2 percent. The role of the SCOUT launch vehicle has varied from Earth and space science missions to engineering experiments in communications, re-entry materials, and spacecraft technology, to navigation aids. Major customers have been NASA, the Department of Defense, and the European Space Agency, as well as cooperative programs with Italy, Great Britain, Germany, France, and the Netherlands. SCOUT launch capability has been increased throughout the life of the program. In 1960, 55 kg could be placed into a 555 km circular orbit. Today, SCOUT can place 219 kg in a 555 km circular, equatorial orbit. Current plans are to increase future capability to 450 kg for the same orbit. A joint development program with SNIA BPD of Italy and LTV Missiles and Electronics Group for this purpose is under consideration. Increased capability would be achieved by attaching two of SNIA BPD\u27s solid-rocket boosters to the current vehicle and replacing its upper stage with a SNIA BPD Mage 2 solid-rocket motor

    Seguridad Humana y Derecho Internacional Público

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    Este estudio sostiene que la seguridad humana guarda una relación conceptual con el derecho internacional público y que además en años recientes se han desarrollado diversas expresiones prácticas de la seguridad humana relevantes para esta rama del derecho que merecen ser estudiadas con mayor detalle. A ese respecto, el enfoque central de este texto no es proporcionar evidencia total de la materialización normativa de la seguridad humana en las fuentes tradicionales del derecho internacional público, sino más bien profundizar en el análisis de las implicaciones normativas de la seguridad humana, especialmente en su simbiosis con los derechos humanos reconocidos por el derecho internacional. Una de las preocupaciones centrales del derecho internacional público contemporáneo es, precisamente, el área del derecho internacional de los derechos humanos. Como tal, se hace referencia a las fuentes del derecho internacional público y se detalla y aclara la manera en que la seguridad humana se relaciona con ellas en el campo concreto de los derechos humanos.This study argues that human security holds a conceptual relationship with public international law and that in recent years several practical expressions of human security have been developed in a manner relevant to this area of the law and, thus, they deserve to be analyzed in further detail. In this respect, the main emphasis of this text is not to provide integral evidence of the normative materialization of human security in the traditional sources of public international law, but rather to deepen in the examination of the normative implications of human security, particularly in its synergies with human rights recognized internationally. One of the main concerns of modern public international law is, precisely, the area of international human rights law. As such, reference is made to the sources of public international law and closer attention is provided to the concrete ways in which human security relates to them in the sphere of human rights

    Evaluierung von Resektionsinstrumenten bei laser- und wasserstrahlgestützter Resektion von porcinen und humanen Aortenklappen im Modell

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    In dieser Studie wurden geeignete Resektionsverfahren und -instrumente zur Resektion von porcinen und humanen Aortenklappen im abgeschlossenen Raum einer Aortenklappenisolationskammer evaluiert. Ein Hochdruckwasserstrahlskalpell und ein Laser wurden mittels drei unterschiedlicher Steuerungsmethoden in verschiedenen in vitro, in situ und in vivo Versuchen zur Resektion von Aortenklappen eingesetzt. Es handelte sich dabei um Endoskope, mechanische Mikroaktorsysteme und pseudoelastische Mikroaktorsysteme in Kombination mit einem rotierbaren Inlay. Die Resektionen wurden kathetergestützt über einen retrograden oder transapikalen Zugang durchgeführt. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Steuerung der Resektionsinstrumente über einen pseudoelastischen Mikroaktor zusammen mit einem drehbaren Inlay eine schnelle und akkurate kathetergestützte Resektion der Aortenklappe in einer Isolationskammer ermöglicht