762 research outputs found

    Convectively driven coastal currents in a rotating basin

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    Density driven coastal currents were produced in the laboratory by differentially heating and cooling the end walls of a rotating rectangular cavity. After turning on the heat flux, intrusions propagated along the side walls of the cavity under an inertial buoyancy balance, with a geostrophic cross-stream balance. These boundary currents were internally stratified in temperature, while the environment during the early stages of development of the flow was isothermal. Rotational instabilities developed on the edge of the currents and broke to form cyclone-anticyclone eddy pairs. Measurements were made of the intrusion velocity, the temporal development of the width of the boundary currents, their internal thermal structure, and the characteristics of the unstable waves, including their growth rates, wavelengths, and phase speeds. Comparisons are made with previous field observations of the Leeuwin Current off Western and Southern Australia

    Mixing in a stratified shear flow: Energetics and sampling

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    Direct numerical simulations of the time evolution of homogeneous stably stratified shear flows have been performed for Richardson numbers from 0 to 1 and for Prandtl numbers between 0.1 and 2. The results indicate that mixing efficiency R(sub f) varies with turbulent Froude number in a manner consistent with laboratory experiments performed with Prandtl numbers of 0.7 and 700. However, unlike the laboratory results, for a particular Froude number, the simulations do not show a clear dependence on the magnitude of R(sub f) on Pr. The observed maximum value of R(sub f) is 0.25. When averaged over vertical length scales of an order of magnitude greater than either the overturning or Ozmidov scales of the flow, the simulations indicate that the dissipation rate epsilon is only weakly lognormally distributed with an intermittency of about 0.01 whereas estimated values in the ocean are 3 to 7

    Finite-gap Solutions of the Vortex Filament Equation: Isoperiodic Deformations

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    We study the topology of quasiperiodic solutions of the vortex filament equation in a neighborhood of multiply covered circles. We construct these solutions by means of a sequence of isoperiodic deformations, at each step of which a real double point is "unpinched" to produce a new pair of branch points and therefore a solution of higher genus. We prove that every step in this process corresponds to a cabling operation on the previous curve, and we provide a labelling scheme that matches the deformation data with the knot type of the resulting filament.Comment: 33 pages, 5 figures; submitted to Journal of Nonlinear Scienc

    Non-ideality of quantum operations with the electron spin of a 31P donor in a Si crystal due to interaction with a nuclear spin system

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    We examine a 31P donor electron spin in a Si crystal to be used for the purposes of quantum computation. The interaction with an uncontrolled system of 29Si nuclear spins influences the electron spin dynamics appreciably. The hyperfine field at the 29Si nuclei positions is non-collinear with the external magnetic field. Quantum operations with the electron wave function, i.e. using magnetic field pulses or electrical gates, change the orientation of hyperfine field and disturb the nuclear spin system. This disturbance produces a deviation of the electron spin qubit from an ideal state, at a short time scale in comparison with the nuclear spin diffusion time. For H_ext=9 T, the estimated error rate is comparable to the threshold value required by the quantum error correction algorithms. The rate is lower at higher external magnetic fields.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

    Evaluating academic and media nongovernmental organization partnerships for participatory data gathering

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    This article discusses participatory methods for data gathering in the context of a partnership between a Swiss-based media development organization, Fondation Hirondelle, and a research team at the University of Sheffield. In 2018–2019, the partnership conducted fieldwork which focused on the impact of radio on women listeners in Niger. The project used participatory methods of data gathering in the form of workshops and focus group discussions (FGDs). The article examines the advantages and limitations of combining the practical experience of international development organizations and the in-depth research capabilities of academia. To triangulate this collaboration and to navigate the limitations of FGDs, the use of workshops is discussed as an important method for providing feedback among the radio practitioners and experts in Niger. The article examines the usefulness of combining these methods and reshaping their application to promote participatory research with radio audiences and practitioners

    High-Speed PLIF Imaging of Hypersonic Transition over Discrete Cylindrical Roughness

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    In two separate test entries, advanced laser-based instrumentation has been developed and applied to visualize the hypersonic flow over cylindrical protrusions on a flat plate. Upstream of these trips, trace quantities of nitric oxide (NO) were seeded into the boundary layer. The protuberances were sized to force laminar-to-turbulent boundary layer transition. In the first test, a 10-Hz nitric oxide planar laser-induced fluorescence (NO PLIF) flow visualization system was used to provide wide-field-of-view, high-resolution images of the flowfield. The images had sub-microsecond time resolution. However these images, obtained with a time separation of 0.1 sec, were uncorrelated with each other. Fluorescent oil-flow visualizations were also obtained during this test. In the second experiment, a laser and camera system capable of acquiring NO PLIF measurements at 1 million frames per second (1 MHz) was used. This system had lower spatial resolution, and a smaller field of view, but the images were time correlated so that the development of the flow structures could be observed in time

    Confronting Grand Challenges in Environmental Fluid Dynamics

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    Environmental fluid dynamics underlies a wealth of natural, industrial and, by extension, societal challenges. In the coming decades, as we strive towards a more sustainable planet, there are a wide range of grand challenge problems that need to be tackled, ranging from fundamental advances in understanding and modeling of stratified turbulence and consequent mixing, to applied studies of pollution transport in the ocean, atmosphere and urban environments. A workshop was organized in the Les Houches School of Physics in France in January 2019 with the objective of gathering leading figures in the field to produce a road map for the scientific community. Five subject areas were addressed: multiphase flow, stratified flow, ocean transport, atmospheric and urban transport, and weather and climate prediction. This article summarizes the discussions and outcomes of the meeting, with the intent of providing a resource for the community going forward
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