29,791 research outputs found

    The application of LANDSAT remote sensing technology to natural resources management. Section 1: Introduction to VICAR - Image classification module. Section 2: Forest resource assessment of Humboldt County.

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    A teaching module on image classification procedures using the VICAR computer software package was developed to optimize the training benefits for users of the VICAR programs. The field test of the module is discussed. An intensive forest land inventory strategy was developed for Humboldt County. The results indicate that LANDSAT data can be computer classified to yield site specific forest resource information with high accuracy (82%). The "Douglas-fir 80%" category was found to cover approximately 21% of the county and "Mixed Conifer 80%" covering about 13%. The "Redwood 80%" resource category, which represented dense old growth trees as well as large second growth, comprised 4.0% of the total vegetation mosaic. Furthermore, the "Brush" and "Brush-Regeneration" categories were found to be a significant part of the vegetative community, with area estimates of 9.4 and 10.0%

    Speaker-normalized sound representations in the human auditory cortex

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    The acoustic dimensions that distinguish speech sounds (like the vowel differences in “boot” and “boat”) also differentiate speakers’ voices. Therefore, listeners must normalize across speakers without losing linguistic information. Past behavioral work suggests an important role for auditory contrast enhancement in normalization: preceding context affects listeners’ perception of subsequent speech sounds. Here, using intracranial electrocorticography in humans, we investigate whether and how such context effects arise in auditory cortex. Participants identified speech sounds that were preceded by phrases from two different speakers whose voices differed along the same acoustic dimension as target words (the lowest resonance of the vocal tract). In every participant, target vowels evoke a speaker-dependent neural response that is consistent with the listener’s perception, and which follows from a contrast enhancement model. Auditory cortex processing thus displays a critical feature of normalization, allowing listeners to extract meaningful content from the voices of diverse speakers

    SCOPe: Structural Classification of Proteins--extended, integrating SCOP and ASTRAL data and classification of new structures.

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    Structural Classification of Proteins-extended (SCOPe, http://scop.berkeley.edu) is a database of protein structural relationships that extends the SCOP database. SCOP is a manually curated ordering of domains from the majority of proteins of known structure in a hierarchy according to structural and evolutionary relationships. Development of the SCOP 1.x series concluded with SCOP 1.75. The ASTRAL compendium provides several databases and tools to aid in the analysis of the protein structures classified in SCOP, particularly through the use of their sequences. SCOPe extends version 1.75 of the SCOP database, using automated curation methods to classify many structures released since SCOP 1.75. We have rigorously benchmarked our automated methods to ensure that they are as accurate as manual curation, though there are many proteins to which our methods cannot be applied. SCOPe is also partially manually curated to correct some errors in SCOP. SCOPe aims to be backward compatible with SCOP, providing the same parseable files and a history of changes between all stable SCOP and SCOPe releases. SCOPe also incorporates and updates the ASTRAL database. The latest release of SCOPe, 2.03, contains 59 514 Protein Data Bank (PDB) entries, increasing the number of structures classified in SCOP by 55% and including more than 65% of the protein structures in the PDB

    Amino acids precursors in lunar finds

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    The consistent pattern is discussed of amino acids found in lunar dust from Apollo missions. The evidence indicates that compounds yielding amino acids were implanted into the surface of the moon by the solar wind, and the kind and amounts of amino acids found on the moon are closely similar to those found in meteorites. It is concluded that there is a common cosmochemical pattern for the moom and meteorites, and this offers evidence of a common course of cosmochemical reactions for carbon

    Organizational Arrangements for Water Development

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    Deterministic annealing, constrained clustering, and optimization

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    In previous work the authors (Phys. Rev. Let., vol.65, p.945-8, 1990) proposed the concept of deterministic annealing for the problem of clustering and vector quantization. This approach is summarized. The authors extend the clustering method to the constraint clustering method. Adding constraints to the deterministic annealing mechanism expands the variety of optimization problems which can be solved by this method. A brief presentation of the clustering approach is given. Two examples to which the constraint clustering approach can be applied are included

    Disentangling the Origin and Heating Mechanism of Supernova Dust: Late-Time Spitzer Spectroscopy of the Type IIn SN 2005ip

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    This paper presents late-time near-infrared and {\it Spitzer} mid-infrared photometric and spectroscopic observations of warm dust in the Type IIn SN 2005ip in NGC 2906. The spectra show evidence for two dust components with different temperatures. Spanning the peak of the thermal emission, these observations provide strong constraints on the dust mass, temperature, and luminosity, which serve as critical diagnostics for disentangling the origin and heating mechanism of each component. The results suggest the warmer dust has a mass of 5×104 \sim 5 \times 10^{-4}~\msolar, originates from newly formed dust in the ejecta, or possibly the cool, dense shell, and is continuously heated by the circumstellar interaction. By contrast, the cooler component likely originates from a circumstellar shock echo that forms from the heating of a large, pre-existing dust shell 0.010.05\sim 0.01 - 0.05~\msolar~by the late-time circumstellar interaction. The progenitor wind velocity derived from the blue edge of the He 1 1.083 \micron~P Cygni profile indicates a progenitor eruption likely formed this dust shell \sim100 years prior to the supernova explosion, which is consistent with a Luminous Blue Variable (LBV) progenitor star.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, Accepted to Ap

    Investigating the Efficacy of Attention Bias Modification in Reducing High Spider Fear: The Role of Individual Differences in Initial Bias

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    Background and objectives: Attention Bias Modification (ABM) targets attention bias (AB) towards threat and is a potential therapeutic intervention for anxiety. The current study investigated whether initial AB (towards or away from spider images) influenced the effectiveness of ABM in spider fear. Methods: AB was assessed with an attentional probe task consisting of spider and neutral images presented simultaneously followed by a probe in spider congruent or spider incongruent locations. Response time (RT) differences between spider and neutral trials > 25 ms was considered 'Bias Toward' threat. RT difference < - 25 ms was considered 'Bias Away' from threat, and a difference between 25 ms and +25 ms was considered 'No Bias'. Participants were categorized into Initial Bias groups using preABM AB scores calculated at the end of the study. 66 participants' (Bias Toward n = 27, Bias Away n = 18, No Bias n = 21) were randomly assigned to ABM-active training designed to reduce or eliminate a bias toward threat and 61 (Bias Toward n = 17, Bias Away n = 18, No Bias n = 26) to ABM-controL Results: ABM-active had the largest impact on those demonstrating an initial Bias Towards spider images in terms of changing AB and reducing Spider Fear Vulnerability, with the Bias Away group experiencing least benefit from ABM. However, all Initial Bias groups benefited equally from active ABM in a Stress Task. Limitations: Participants were high spider fearful but not formally diagnosed with a specific phobia. Therefore, results should be confirmed within a clinical population. Conclusions: Individual differences in Initial Bias may be an important determinant of ABM efficacy