340 research outputs found

    Maria, Dalang Wayang Bali Dari Negeri Obama

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    Seorang wanita Amerika, sebulan terakhir ini tampak suntuk menimba seni pewayangan di Banjar Babakan, Sukawati, Gianyar. Kepada I Wayan Nartha (69 tahun)--dalang sepuh setempat--wanita yang berasal dari Los Angeles, California, ini belajar berbagai aspek pedalangan, dari olah vokal, teknik bercerita hingga memainkan wayang pipih dua dimensi itu. Untuk melengkapi keterampilannya, wanita ceria dan energik ini juga tampak tekun belajar gender--gamelan pengiring wayang kulit--pada penabuh gender I Wayan Sarga (59 tahun). Seorang dalang muda, Bagus Bhratanatya (22 tahun) juga sering tampak bersamanya berasyik-asyik menjelajahi nada-nada gamelan yang memiliki teknik musikal nan kompleks tersebut. Maria (58 tahun), panggilan akrab wanita yang bernama lengkap Maria Elena Bodmann ini, bukan baru kali ini belajar seni pedalangan. Kehadirannya di Bali sejak pertengahan Juni lalu adalah mengasah pengetahuan dan keterampilannya dalam seni pertunjukan wayang kulit. Ia sudah belajar salah satu teater total Bali ini sejak tahun 1986. Setelah selama dua tahun dengan penuh kesungguhan mempelajari kesenian ini, ia kemudian mementaskannya dalam berbagai kesempatan di tengah-tengah masyarakat di negerinya. “Tapi di sini (Bali) saya belum pernah pentas, malu,” ujarnya sembari tertawa. Dalang wayang kulit Bali dari negerinya Barack Obama ini mengaku ingin terus menempa diri dalam bidang seni yang digelutinya

    This American Suburb: Fossil Fuels, Personal Misconceptions, and Loss of Community

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    How did we come to live this way? The modern suburb has become synonymous with the American dream and yet its inception is still rather new. This work examines the creation of this way of life thanks to the ready availability of cheap fuels and questionable modes of thinking. In light of the energy crisis these vast expanses of homes may not be able to sustain themselves after the peak consumption of oil. In light of this possibility, the author questions what these people will be missing since the sense of community has all but been lost in these areas and personal isolation continues to increase

    Parque Cultural da Ilha de Santa Maria, Açores : um projeto de desenvolvimento local

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    Dissertação de Mestrado, Património, Museologia e Desenvolvimento, 27 de Setembro de 2016, Universidade dos Açores.Os múltiplos valores patrimoniais da ilha de Santa Maria carecem de um programa de gestão global integrada no quadro de um parque cultural de ilha. Na presente dissertação caraterizamos a natureza e a cultura marienses, identificamos os vários processos de patrimonialização e gestão patrimonial desenvolvidos nas últimas três décadas. A estreita ligação do património natural e cultural, além da importância do seu estudo e conservação, deve servir de recurso turístico, gerador de novas oportunidades de negócio e de emprego ao serviço do desenvolvimento da ilha de Santa Maria.ABSTRACT: The multiple patrimonial assets of Santa Maria Island lack of an integrated comprehensive management programme, in the framework of a cultural park within the island. In the present dissertation we will characterize the nature and culture of Santa Maria and we will identify the various processes of patrimonialization and patrimonial management developed in the last three decades. The close link between the natural and cultural patrimony, beyond the importance of its own study and preservation, must be used as a touristic resource, capable of generating new business and employment opportunities to the benefit of Santa Maria Island’s development

    Estudi bibliomètric EETAC. 2008-2018

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    El present document recull les publicacions indexades a la base de dades Scopus durant el període comprès entre els anys 2008 i 2018, escrits per autors pertanyents a l’EETAC (segons directori de l’escola i dades de Futur, el portal de la recerca a la UPC: http://futur.upc.edu/EETAC i dades consensuades per l’Escola. S’han tingut en compte les vinculacions d’alguns professors limitades a un període de temps concret). Es presenten les dades recollides segons la font on s’ha publicat, els autors que han publicat, i el tipus de document publicat. Pel que fa als autors, s’ha fet una anàlisi paral·lela (sense limitació cronològica), agrupant els autors per temàtiques i s’ofereixen altres gràfics en els quals s’analitza la seva producció científica, factor h i cites rebudes. S’analitzen també els centres co-autors amb la UPC en l’afiliació dels documents, i els anys de publicació. També es presenten els vint documents que han rebut més cites en aquest període. La mostra total de professors analitzats correspon a: 140 professors, 26 dones i 114 homes. Pel que fa a les àrees de coneixement, s’ha agrupat per temàtiques: 20 professors d’aeronàutica, 3 d’empresa, 18 de física, 14 de matemàtiques, 84 de telecomunicacions i un de transversal. Les cerques s’han realitzat a principis d’abril de 2019.Postprint (published version

    Cognitive deficits of schizophrenia: the flower workshop initiative

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    Advancement of research on the neurobiology of the schizophrenic brain has revealed a complex of factors, from genetic tendencies affecting the development of brain structure to functional impairment caused by defective molecular signaling. Recently, the attention of psychiatrists and mental health professionals has been directed to the presence of cognitive deficits, responsible for most of the obstacles to the social insertion of patients.The schizophrenic person has a difficulty to manage the flux of consciousness in social interactions. We address this difficulty with the Flower Arrangement Workshop, a methodology of Psycho-Social Rehabilitation that reduces the vulnerability of the schizophrenic in the social environment. The workshop was offered regularly (18 months) for a group containing 4 schizophrenic subjects.

    Faktor Pendorong Peningkatan Produktifitas Tenaga Kerja Wanita Sektor Industri, Perdagangan dan Jasa di Kalimantan Timur

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    This research is a quantitative study in causality model that testing hypotheses. Testing the hypothesis that some suspect the influence of several variables that affect the productivity of Women Labor. Respondents will be examined in several cities in Kalimantan Timur, the research area of Samarinda, Balikpapan and Bontang City. Sampling methods using purposive sampling method and sampling quoted. From the data obtained from the BPS, the population of the three towns that fit the criteria of this study was totaled 53,342 female workers. Using Slovin formula, obtained samples of 397 respondents. From 397 questionnaires distributed, only 134 were returned, and 93 respondents that can be processed data. The analysis using Multiple linear regression analysis with ordinary least squares method. The results showed that education had no significant effect on Female Labor Productivity. Then, higher wage given the higher productivity of Women's Labor. Wage increase is because the cost of living decent prices rise due to the ever increasing needs of the economy. The higher the incentives given higher the Womens Labor Productivity, incentives given to female employees will be able to improve the performance of the individual, through increased productivity. Social Insurance no significant effect on Women's Labor Productivity, presence or absence of social security, it does not provide a significant impact on womens increased labor productivity

    Educational Dramatics: The Instructional Qualities of "Fefu and Her Friends"

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    'Fefu and Her Friends' se considera un paradigma del teatro feminista. La propuesta de este artículo no contradice dicha lectura sino que la complementa centrándose en el interés de María Irene Fornés en la educación. La dramaturga ha insistido en su creencia de que el arte es una poderosa herramienta para facilitar que los individuos entren en contacto con su propio espíritu interior. El salón que los personajes están organizando apunta a los valores educativos del arte. Además, la estructura rompedora de la obra propone una función distinta para el espectador al hacerle participar de un modo no tradicional. Al apartarle de la butaca y obligarle a ver distintas escenas en orden aleatorio, el público se introduce en el salón e interactúa con las actrices. El resultado es una experiencia instructiva e interactiva cuyo fin es educar la sensibilidad hacia lo diferente.Fefu and Her Friends has often been analysed as a paradigmatic feminist text. My proposal complements this reading by considering the play as an offshoot of María Irene Fornés’ interest in education. The playwright has explained her belief that art is a powerful tool to access the individual’s inner spirit. The salon event the characters are organizing points to the educational values of art but the provocative structure of the play itself also proposes a different role of the spectator which forces them to participate in the play in a non traditional position. By moving away from their places and by watching different scenes in random order, the audience becomes part of the salon and interacts with the actresses radically changing their traditional position in an instructive and interactive experience which could educate their sensitivity to that which is different

    Empenyorament de joies i objectes del rei Joan I, fet per la reina Maria de Luna (1396)

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    Durant l'Edat Mitjana, la penúria constant de la Tresoreria Reial obligava, de vegades, els Sobirans a empenyorar les joies, com a garantia d'una quantitat manllevada per atendre les necessitats de la Corona. De tals prestacions en penyora fetes per la reialesa, se'n podrien aportar moltes mostres, però ara, en el present treball, ens referirem a un empenyorament d'objectes del rei Joan I, fet per la reina Maria de Luna. El conjunt de material que aquest document inédit ens ofereix és d'un efecte enlluernador

    The Food Habits of Polar Bears of James Bay and Southwest Hudson Bay in Summer and Autumn

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    A study of summer and autumn food habits of polar bears (Ursus maritimus Phipps) on some islands of James Bay and the coastal mainland of southwest Hudson Bay was conducted in 1968 and 1969. Analyses were made of 233 scats collected from islands in James Bay and 212 scats gathered on the southwest coast of Hudson Bay. Birds, primarily Anatidae, were the most commonly used summer and autumn food of bears in James Bay. Marine algae and grasses were the foods most often eaten by bears on the mainland. The diet of the bears from James Bay probably provides a better preparation for winter than the diet of those from the mainland, but evidence suggests that bears in both regions are generally in good physical condition.

    Das italienische Theater zwischen 1900 und 1949

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