367 research outputs found

    Management of ascites in patients with cirrhosis: An update

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    Ascites represents a critical event in the natural history of liver cirrhosis. From a prognostic perspective, its occurrence marks the transition from the compensated to the decompensated stage of the disease, leading to an abrupt worsening of patients’ life expectancy. Moreover, ascites heralds a turbulent clinical course, characterized by acute events and further complications, frequent hospital-izations, and eventually death. The pathophysiology of ascites classically relies on hemodynamic mechanisms, with effective hypovolemia as the pivotal event. Recent discoveries, however, integrated this hypothesis, proposing systemic inflammation and immune system dysregulation as key mechanisms. The mainstays of ascites treatment are represented by anti-mineralocorticoids and loop diuretics, and large volume paracentesis. When ascites reaches the stage of refractoriness, however, diuretics administration should be cautious due to the high risk of adverse events, and patients should be treated with periodic execution of paracentesis or with the placement of a trans-jugular intra-hepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS). TIPS reduces portal hypertension, eases ascites control, and potentially modify the clinical course of the disease. Further studies are required to expand its indica-tions and improve the management of complications. Long-term human albumin administration has been studied in two RCTs, with contradictory results, and remains a debated issue worldwide, despite a potential effectiveness both in ascites control and long-term survival. Other treatments (vaptans, vasoconstrictors, or implantable drainage systems) present some promising aspects but cannot be currently recommended outside clinical protocols or a case-by-case evaluation

    Sympathetic nervous activation, mitochondrial dysfunction and outcome in acutely decompensated cirrhosis: the metabolomic prognostic models (CLIF-C MET)

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    Background and aims Current prognostic scores of patients with acutely decompensated cirrhosis (AD), particularly those with acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF), underestimate the risk of mortality. This is probably because systemic inflammation (SI), the major driver of AD/ACLF, is not reflected in the scores. SI induces metabolic changes, which impair delivery of the necessary energy for the immune reaction. This investigation aimed to identify metabolites associated with short-term (28-day) death and to design metabolomic prognostic models. Methods Two prospective multicentre large cohorts from Europe for investigating ACLF and development of ACLF, CANONIC (discovery, n=831) and PREDICT (validation, n=851), were explored by untargeted serum metabolomics to identify and validate metabolites which could allow improved prognostic modelling. Results Three prognostic metabolites strongly associated with death were selected to build the models. 4-Hydroxy-3-methoxyphenylglycol sulfate is a norepinephrine derivative, which may be derived from the brainstem response to SI. Additionally, galacturonic acid and hexanoylcarnitine are associated with mitochondrial dysfunction. Model 1 included only these three prognostic metabolites and age. Model 2 was built around 4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenylglycol sulfate, hexanoylcarnitine, bilirubin, international normalised ratio (INR) and age. In the discovery cohort, both models were more accurate in predicting death within 7, 14 and 28 days after admission compared with MELDNa score (C-index: 0.9267, 0.9002 and 0.8424, and 0.9369, 0.9206 and 0.8529, with model 1 and model 2, respectively). Similar results were found in the validation cohort (C-index: 0.940, 0.834 and 0.791, and 0.947, 0.857 and 0.810, with model 1 and model 2, respectively). Also, in ACLF, model 1 and model 2 outperformed MELDNa 7, 14 and 28 days after admission for prediction of mortality. Conclusions Models including metabolites (CLIF-C MET) reflecting SI, mitochondrial dysfunction and sympathetic system activation are better predictors of short-term mortality than scores based only on organ dysfunction (eg, MELDNa), especially in patients with ACLF

    Mitochondrial dysfunction in advanced liver disease: Emerging Concepts.

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    Mitochondria are entrusted with the challenging task of providing energy through the generation of ATP, the universal cellular currency, thereby being highly flexible to different acute and chronic nutrient demands of the cell. The fact that mitochondrial diseases (genetic disorders caused by mutations in the nuclear or mitochondrial genome) manifest through a remarkable clinical variation of symptoms in affected individuals underlines the far-reaching implications of mitochondrial dysfunction. The study of mitochondrial function in genetic or non-genetic diseases therefore requires a multi-angled approach. Taking into account that the liver is among the organs richest in mitochondria, it stands to reason that in the process of unravelling the pathogenesis of liver-related diseases, researchers give special focus to characterizing mitochondrial function. However, mitochondrial dysfunction is not a uniformly defined term. It can refer to a decline in energy production, increase in reactive oxygen species and so forth. Therefore, any study on mitochondrial dysfunction first needs to define the dysfunction to be investigated. Here, we review the alterations of mitochondrial function in liver cirrhosis with emphasis on acutely decompensated liver cirrhosis and acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF), the latter being a form of acute decompensation characterized by a generalized state of systemic hyperinflammation/immunosuppression and high mortality rate. The studies that we discuss were either carried out in liver tissue itself of these patients, or in circulating leukocytes, whose mitochondrial alterations might reflect tissue and organ mitochondrial dysfunction. In addition, we present different methodological approaches that can be of utility to address the diverse aspects of hepatocyte and leukocyte mitochondrial function in liver disease. They include assays to measure metabolic fluxes using the comparatively novel Biolog's MitoPlates in a 96-well format as well as assessment of mitochondrial respiration by high-resolution respirometry using Oroboros' O2k-technology and Agilent Seahorse XF technology

    Prevention of cirrhosis complications: Looking for potential disease modifying agents

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    The current therapeutic strategies for the management of patients with cirrhosis rely on the prevention or treatment of specific complications. The removal of the causative agents (i.e., viruses or alcohol) prevents decompensation in the vast majority of patients with compensated cirrhosis. In contrast, even when etiological treatment has been effective, a significant proportion of patients with decompensated cirrhosis remains at risk of further disease progression. Therefore, therapies targeting specific key points in the complex pathophysiological cascade of decompensated cirrhosis could represent a new approach for the management of these severely ill patients. Some of the interventions currently employed for treating or preventing specific complications of cirrhosis or used in other diseases (i.e., poorly absorbable oral antibiotics, statins, albumin) have been proposed as potential disease‐modifying agents in cirrhosis (DMAC) since clinical studies have shown their capacity of improving survival. Additional multicenter, large randomized clinical trials are awaited to confirm these promising results. Finally, new drugs able to antagonize key pathophysiological mechanisms are under pre‐clinical development or at the initial stages of clinical assessment

    The "Alter Ego" of Albumin in Cirrhosis

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    Albumin is a globular, multifunctional protein that is highly conserved in nature. Alpha-fetoprotein, Vitamin D and E binding proteins are part of the albumin family and these are produced exclusively in the liver. Albumin is negatively charged and this gives it the oncotic properties it is well known for. More recently, it has become clear that albumin has clinically significant effects on antioxidant status, immune and endothelial function, capillary permeability, organ function, and metabolic homeostasis

    Sparse metapiles for shear wave attenuation in half-spaces

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    We show that shear waves traveling towards the surface of a half-space medium can be attenuated via buried one-dimensional arrays of resonators -- here called metapiles -- arranged according to sparse patterns around a site to be isolated. Our focus is on shear waves approaching the surface along a direction perpendicular to the surface itself. First, we illustrate the behavior of metapiles, both experimentally and numerically, using 3D printed resonators embedded in an acrylic plate. Then, via numerical simulations, we extend this idea to the case study of an idealized soil half-space, and elucidate the influence of various design parameters on wave attenuation. Results of this work demonstrate that significant wave attenuation can be achieved by installing sparse resonating piles around a selected site on the free surface of the medium, rather than placing resonators directly underneath that same site. This work might have implications in metamaterial-based wave attenuation applications across scales

    Acute-on-chronic liver failure: Definitions, pathophysiology and principles of treatment

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    The term acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF) defines an abrupt and life-threatening worsening of clinical conditions in patients with cirrhosis or chronic liver disease. In recent years, different definitions and diagnostic criteria for the syndrome have been proposed by the major international scientific societies. The main controversies relate to the type of acute insult (specifically hepatic or also extrahepatic), the stage of underlying liver disease (cirrhosis or chronic hepatitis) and the concomitant extrahepatic organ failure(s) that should be considered in the definition of ACLF. Therefore, different severity criteria and prognostic scores have been proposed and validated. Current evidence shows that the pathophysiology of ACLF is closely associated with an intense systemic inflammation sustained by circulating pathogen-associated molecular patterns and damage-associated molecular patterns. The development of organ failures may be a result of a combination of tissue hypoperfusion, direct immune-mediated damage and mitochondrial dysfunction. Management of ACLF is currently based on the supportive treatment of organ failures, mainly in an intensive care setting. For selected patients, liver transplantation is an effective treatment that offers a good long-term prognosis. Future studies on potential mechanistic treatments that improve patient survival are eagerly awaited

    Sympathetic nervous activation, mitochondrial dysfunction and outcome in acutely decompensated cirrhosis: the metabolomic prognostic models (CLIF-C MET)

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    Background and aims: Current prognostic scores of patients with acutely decompensated cirrhosis (AD), particularly those with acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF), underestimate the risk of mortality. This is probably because systemic inflammation (SI), the major driver of AD/ACLF, is not reflected in the scores. SI induces metabolic changes, which impair delivery of the necessary energy for the immune reaction. This investigation aimed to identify metabolites associated with short-term (28-day) death and to design metabolomic prognostic models. Methods: Two prospective multicentre large cohorts from Europe for investigating ACLF and development of ACLF, CANONIC (discovery, n=831) and PREDICT (validation, n=851), were explored by untargeted serum metabolomics to identify and validate metabolites which could allow improved prognostic modelling. Results: Three prognostic metabolites strongly associated with death were selected to build the models. 4-Hydroxy-3-methoxyphenylglycol sulfate is a norepinephrine derivative, which may be derived from the brainstem response to SI. Additionally, galacturonic acid and hexanoylcarnitine are associated with mitochondrial dysfunction. Model 1 included only these three prognostic metabolites and age. Model 2 was built around 4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenylglycol sulfate, hexanoylcarnitine, bilirubin, international normalised ratio (INR) and age. In the discovery cohort, both models were more accurate in predicting death within 7, 14 and 28 days after admission compared with MELDNa score (C-index: 0.9267, 0.9002 and 0.8424, and 0.9369, 0.9206 and 0.8529, with model 1 and model 2, respectively). Similar results were found in the validation cohort (C-index: 0.940, 0.834 and 0.791, and 0.947, 0.857 and 0.810, with model 1 and model 2, respectively). Also, in ACLF, model 1 and model 2 outperformed MELDNa 7, 14 and 28 days after admission for prediction of mortality. Conclusions: Models including metabolites (CLIF-C MET) reflecting SI, mitochondrial dysfunction and sympathetic system activation are better predictors of short-term mortality than scores based only on organ dysfunction (eg, MELDNa), especially in patients with ACLF