63,963 research outputs found

    Molecular mechanisms supporting abnormal glutamate release in the spinal cord of a mouse model of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.

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    open10openT. Bonifacino, M. Milanese, L. Cattaneo, E. Gallia, L. Musazzi, G. Treccani, F. Onofri, C. Usai, M. Popoli, G. BonannoBonifacino, T.; Milanese, M.; Cattaneo, L.; Gallia, E.; Musazzi, L.; Treccani, G.; Onofri, F.; Usai, C.; Popoli, M.; Bonanno, G

    Low low-density lipoprotein (LDL), cholesterol and triglycerides plasma levels are associated with reduced risk of arterial occlusive events in chronic myeloid leukemia patients treated with ponatinib in the real-life. A Campus CML study

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    36noopenopenCaocci G.; Mulas O.; Capodanno I.; Abruzzese E.; Iurlo A.; Luciano L.; Albano F.; Annunziata M.; Tiribelli M.; Bonifacio M.; Galimberti S.; Castagnetti F.; Sgherza N.; Stagno F.; Gozzini A.; Orlandi E.M.; Luzi D.; Binotto G.; Pregno P.; Fozza C.; Efficace F.; Simula M.P.; Trawinska M.M.; Cattaneo D.; De Gregorio F.; Attolico I.; Stella R.; Scaffidi L.; Barate C.; Gugliotta G.; Scalzulli E.; Elena C.; Pirillo F.; Foa R.; Breccia M.; Nasa G.L.Caocci, G.; Mulas, O.; Capodanno, I.; Abruzzese, E.; Iurlo, A.; Luciano, L.; Albano, F.; Annunziata, M.; Tiribelli, M.; Bonifacio, M.; Galimberti, S.; Castagnetti, F.; Sgherza, N.; Stagno, F.; Gozzini, A.; Orlandi, E. M.; Luzi, D.; Binotto, G.; Pregno, P.; Fozza, C.; Efficace, F.; Simula, M. P.; Trawinska, M. M.; Cattaneo, D.; De Gregorio, F.; Attolico, I.; Stella, R.; Scaffidi, L.; Barate, C.; Gugliotta, G.; Scalzulli, E.; Elena, C.; Pirillo, F.; Foa, R.; Breccia, M.; Nasa, G. L

    Ruxolitinib discontinuation syndrome: incidence, risk factors, and management in 251 patients with myelofibrosis

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    none36Ruxolitinib discontinuation syndrome: incidence, risk factors, and management in 251 patients with myelofibrosisopenPalandri F.; Palumbo G.A.; Elli E.M.; Polverelli N.; Benevolo G.; Martino B.; Abruzzese E.; Tiribelli M.; Tieghi A.; Latagliata R.; Cavazzini F.; Bergamaschi M.; Binotto G.; Crugnola M.; Isidori A.; Caocci G.; Heidel F.; Pugliese N.; Bosi C.; Bartoletti D.; Auteri G.; Cattaneo D.; Scaffidi L.; Trawinska M.M.; Stella R.; Ciantia F.; Pane F.; Cuneo A.; Krampera M.; Semenzato G.; Lemoli R.M.; Iurlo A.; Vianelli N.; Cavo M.; Breccia M.; Bonifacio M.Palandri, F.; Palumbo, G. A.; Elli, E. M.; Polverelli, N.; Benevolo, G.; Martino, B.; Abruzzese, E.; Tiribelli, M.; Tieghi, A.; Latagliata, R.; Cavazzini, F.; Bergamaschi, M.; Binotto, G.; Crugnola, M.; Isidori, A.; Caocci, G.; Heidel, F.; Pugliese, N.; Bosi, C.; Bartoletti, D.; Auteri, G.; Cattaneo, D.; Scaffidi, L.; Trawinska, M. M.; Stella, R.; Ciantia, F.; Pane, F.; Cuneo, A.; Krampera, M.; Semenzato, G.; Lemoli, R. M.; Iurlo, A.; Vianelli, N.; Cavo, M.; Breccia, M.; Bonifacio, M

    Massive strandings of Velella velella (Hydrozoa: Anthoathecata: Porpitidae) in the Ligurian Sea (North-western Mediterranean Sea)

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    open6noVelella velella, the so-called by-the-wind sailor, is a common member of the open-ocean pleustonic fauna, worldwide distributed in tropical and temperate regions. Thanks to their sail protruding above the sea surface, floating polymorphic colonies of this hydrozoan are carried by winds, and tend to aggregate in large swarms, that often get stranded along the shores. Although these events are commonly observed in springtime along the Ligurian coasts (North-western Mediterranean Sea), no quantitative characterization was ever made. The aim of this study was to characterize the stranding events that occurred in spring 2016 along the Ligurian coast, by evaluating the influence of the local sea conditions and by quantifying the abundance of the stranded colonies in each event. Their size-frequency distribution and biomass were examined, and the associated mollusc fauna identified and counted. The magnitude of these episodes was so relevant that, along the Ligurian coasts, the V. velella strandings constitute one of the most important biological deposition of organic matter; nevertheless, the ecological role of these remarkable and stochastic accumulations of chitin along the coast is still unexplored.openBetti F.; Bo M.; Enrichetti F.; Manuele M.; Cattaneo-Vietti R.; Bavestrello G.Betti, F.; Bo, M.; Enrichetti, F.; Manuele, M.; Cattaneo-Vietti, R.; Bavestrello, G

    A growing dynamo from a saturated Roberts flow dynamo

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    Using direct simulations, weakly nonlinear theory and nonlinear mean-field theory, it is shown that the quenched velocity field of a saturated nonlinear dynamo can itself act as a kinematic dynamo. The flow is driven by a forcing function that would produce a Roberts flow in the absence of a magnetic field. This result confirms an analogous finding by F. Cattaneo & S. M. Tobias (arXiv:0809.1801) for the more complicated case of turbulent convection, suggesting that this may be a common property of nonlinear dynamos; see also the talk given also online at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics (http://online.kitp.ucsb.edu/online/dynamo_c08/cattaneo). It is argued that this property can be used to test nonlinear mean-field dynamo theories.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, accepted by MNRA

    Partial slip in liquids studied with high-frequency shear oscillations

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    Byl studován kontakt mezi koulí a deskou pod tangenciálním zatížením ve vodě. Jako zdroj střižných kmitů byl použit akustický rezonátor (křemíkové mikrováhy – QCM). Kontakt koule s povrchem resonátoru indukuje změnu resonanční frekvence a šířky pásma. Byla měřena změna frekvence f a změna šířky pásma v závislosti na amplitudě oscilací. S rostoucí amplitudou docházelo k poklesu f a růstem , což je chování typické pro parciální skluz. Díky aplikaci Cattaneo-Mindlinova modelu byl vypočítán kontaktní poloměr a třecí koeficient. Kontaktní poloměr při nízké amplitudě stoupal při zvětšujícím se normálovým zatížením. Tato závislost se dobře shodovala s JKR modelem. Třecí koeficient se nacházel v odpovídajícím rozsahu. Při zvyšování externí normálové síly, docházelo k nepatrnému snižování hodnoty třecího koeficientu. Toto chování je vysvětleno příspěvkem adhezivních sil k totální normálové síle. Výpočtem byly získány dva typy třecích koeficientů, první ze změny frekvence f a druhý ze změny šířky pásma . Tyto dvě hodnoty se spolu shodovaly z ± 20 % pro měření prováděná ve vodě, zatímco pro dvě měření prováděných na hydrofilním povrchu ve vzduchu se lišila. Tento nesoulad poukazuje na nedostatek Cattaneo Mindlinovy teorie a mohl by být vysvětlen přítomností kapilárních sil.The sphere-plate contact under normal and tangential load in water was studied. As a source of shear oscillation the acoustic resonator (a quartz crystal microbalance - QCM) was used. The contact of a sphere with the surface of resonator induces a shift of resonance frequency and bandwidth. The dependence of the frequency shift f and bandwidth shift on the amplitude of oscillation were measured. With increasing amplitude, a decrease in f and an increase in were observed. This behaviour is characteristic for partial slip. Applying the Cattaneo-Mindlin model, the contact radius and the friction coefficient were calculated. The contact radius in the limit of small amplitudes increases with increasing normal load. For this dependency, the data fit well to the JKR model. The friction coefficient is of the order of unity, as it should be. It slightly decreases with increasing external normal force, which can be explained with an adhesive force contributing to the total normal force. The formalism yields two separate values for friction coefficient, the first is derived from the frequency shift and the second is derived from the shift in bandwidth. These two values agree with each other within ± 20 % for experiments in liquids, while they differ by about a factor of two for experiments with hydrophilic surfaces in air. This is tentatively explained with capillary forces. The discrepancy points to a shortcoming of the Cattaneo Mindlin theory.

    Dispersion relations for the time-fractional Cattaneo-Maxwell heat equation

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    In this paper, after a brief review of the general theory of dispersive waves in dissipative media, we present a complete discussion of the dispersion relations for both the ordinary and the time-fractional Cattaneo-Maxwell heat equations. Consequently, we provide a complete characterization of the group and phase velocities for these two cases, together with some non-trivial remarks on the nature of wave dispersion in fractional models.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figure

    Black Holes and Cosmological Constant in Bosonic String Theory: Some Remarks

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    (some corrections in the semiclassical study and one reference added).Comment: 17 pages; PHYZZX; IFUM 450/F

    Magnetic fields in the overshoot zone: The great escape

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    In order that magnetic flux be confined within the solar interior for times comparable to the solar cycle period it has been suggested that the bulk of the solar toroidal field is stored in the convectively stable overshoot region situated beneath the convection zone proper. Such a magnetic field, though, is still buoyant and is therefore subject to Rayleigh-Taylor type instabilities. The model problem of an isolated region of magnetic field embedded in a convectively stable atmosphere is considered. The fully nonlinear evolution of the two dimensional interchange of modes is studied, thereby shedding some light on one of the processes responsible for the escape of flux from the solar interior