2,220 research outputs found

    The PRIMA fringe sensor unit

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    The Fringe Sensor Unit (FSU) is the central element of the Phase Referenced Imaging and Micro-arcsecond Astrometry (PRIMA) dual-feed facility and provides fringe sensing for all observation modes, comprising off-axis fringe tracking, phase referenced imaging, and high-accuracy narrow-angle astrometry. It is installed at the Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI) and successfully servoed the fringe tracking loop during the initial commissioning phase. Unique among interferometric beam combiners, the FSU uses spatial phase modulation in bulk optics to retrieve real-time estimates of fringe phase after spatial filtering. A R=20 spectrometer across the K-band makes the retrieval of the group delay signal possible. The FSU was integrated and aligned at the VLTI in summer 2008. It yields phase and group delay measurements at sampling rates up to 2 kHz, which are used to drive the fringe tracking control loop. During the first commissioning runs, the FSU was used to track the fringes of stars with K-band magnitudes as faint as m_K=9.0, using two VLTI Auxiliary Telescopes (AT) and baselines of up to 96 m. Fringe tracking using two Very Large Telescope (VLT) Unit Telescopes (UT) was demonstrated. During initial commissioning and combining stellar light with two ATs, the FSU showed its ability to improve the VLTI sensitivity in K-band by more than one magnitude towards fainter objects, which is of fundamental importance to achieve the scientific objectives of PRIMA.Comment: 19 pages, 23 figures. minor changes and language editing. this version equals the published articl

    Massive binaries in the vicinity of Sgr A*

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    A long-term spectroscopic and photometric survey of the most luminous and massive stars in the vicinity of the super-massive black hole Sgr A* revealed two new binaries; a long-period Ofpe/WN9 binary, GCIRS 16NE, with a modest eccentricity of 0.3 and a period of 224 days and an eclipsing Wolf-Rayet binary with a period of 2.3 days. Together with the already identified binary GCIRS 16SW, there are now three confirmed OB/WR binaries in the inner 0.2\,pc of the Galactic Center. Using radial velocity change upper limits, we were able to constrain the spectroscopic binary fraction in the Galactic Center to FSB=0.270.19+0.29F_{\rm SB}=0.27^{+0.29}_{-0.19} at a confidence level of 95%, a massive binary fraction similar to that observed in dense clusters. The fraction of eclipsing binaries with photometric amplitudes Δm>0.4\Delta m>0.4 is FEBGC=3±2F^{\rm GC}_{\rm EB}=3\pm2%, which is consistent with local OB star clusters (FEB=1F_{\rm EB}=1%). Overall the Galactic Center binary fraction seems to be close to the binary fraction in comparable young clusters.Comment: 5 figures, submitted to Ap

    Mid-infrared interferometry with K band fringe-tracking I. The VLTI MIDI+FSU experiment

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    Context: A turbulent atmosphere causes atmospheric piston variations leading to rapid changes in the optical path difference of an interferometer, which causes correlated flux losses. This leads to decreased sensitivity and accuracy in the correlated flux measurement. Aims: To stabilize the N band interferometric signal in MIDI (MID-infrared Interferometric instrument), we use an external fringe tracker working in K band, the so-called FSU-A (fringe sensor unit) of the PRIMA (Phase-Referenced Imaging and Micro-arcsecond Astrometry) facility at VLTI. We present measurements obtained using the newly commissioned and publicly offered MIDI+FSU-A mode. A first characterization of the fringe-tracking performance and resulting gains in the N band are presented. In addition, we demonstrate the possibility of using the FSU-A to measure visibilities in the K band. Methods: We analyzed FSU-A fringe track data of 43 individual observations covering different baselines and object K band magnitudes with respect to the fringe-tracking performance. The N band group delay and phase delay values could be predicted by computing the relative change in the differential water vapor column density from FSU-A data. Visibility measurements in the K band were carried out using a scanning mode of the FSU-A. Results: Using the FSU-A K band group delay and phase delay measurements, we were able to predict the corresponding N band values with high accuracy with residuals of less than 1 micrometer. This allows the coherent integration of the MIDI fringes of faint or resolved N band targets, respectively. With that method we could decrease the detection limit of correlated fluxes of MIDI down to 0.5 Jy (vs. 5 Jy without FSU-A) and 0.05 Jy (vs. 0.2 Jy without FSU-A) using the ATs and UTs, respectively. The K band visibilities could be measured with a precision down to ~2%.Comment: 11 pages, 13 figures, Accepted for publication in A&

    VLT/SINFONI time-resolved spectroscopy of the central, luminous, H-rich WN stars of R136

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    Using the Very Large Telescope's Spectrograph for INtegral Field Observation in the Near-Infrared (VLT/SINFONI), we have obtained repeated AO-assisted, NIR spectroscopy of the six central luminous, Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars in the core of the very young (~1 Myr), massive and dense cluster R136, in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). We also de-archived available images that were obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope's Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (HST/STIS), and extracted high-quality, differential photometry of our target stars to check for any variability related to binary motion. Previous studies, relying on spatially unresolved, integrated, optical spectroscopy, had reported that one of these stars was likely to be a 4.377-day binary. Our study set out to identify the culprit and any other short-period system among our targets. However, none displays significant photometric variability, and only one star, BAT99-112 (R136c), located on the outer fringe of R136, displays a marginal variability in its radial velocities; we tentatively report an 8.2-day period. The binary status of BAT99-112 is supported by the fact that it is one of the brightest X-ray sources among all known WR stars in the LMC, consistent with it being a colliding-wind system. Follow-up observations have been proposed to confirm the orbital period of this potentially very massive system.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures; accepted for publication in MNRA

    The nuclear star cluster of the Milky Way

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    The nuclear star cluster of the Milky Way is a unique target in the Universe. Contrary to extragalactic nuclear star clusters, using current technology it can be resolved into tens of thousands of individual stars. This allows us to study in detail its spatial and velocity structure as well as the different stellar populations that make up the cluster. Moreover, the Milky Way is one of the very few cases where we have firm evidence for the co-existence of a nuclear star cluster with a central supermassive black hole, Sagittarius A*. The number density of stars in the Galactic center nuclear star cluster can be well described, at distances 1\gtrsim1 pc from Sagittarius A*, by a power-law of the form ρ(r)rγ\rho(r)\propto r^{-\gamma} with an index of γ1.8\gamma\approx1.8. In the central parsec the index of the power-law becomes much flatter and decreases to γ1.2\gamma\approx1.2. We present proper motions for more than 6000 stars within 1 pc in projection from the central black hole. The cluster appears isotropic at projected distances 0.5\gtrsim0.5 pc from Sagittarius A*. Outside of 0.5 pc and out to 1.0 pc the velocity dispersion appears to stay constant. A robust result of our Jeans modeling of the data is the required presence of 0.52.0×106M0.5-2.0\times10^{6} M_{\odot} of extended (stellar) mass in the central parsec of the Galaxy.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of "The Universe under the Microscope - Astrophysics at High Angular Resolution", Journal of Physics:Conference Series (IOP; http://www.iop.org/EJ/conf) This version has been slightly modified (e.g. double-log plot in right hand panel of Figure 5

    The Post-Pericenter Evolution of the Galactic Center Source G2

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    In early 2014 the fast-moving near-infrared source G2 reached its closest approach to the supermassive black hole Sgr A* in the Galactic Center. We report on the evolution of the ionized gaseous component and the dusty component of G2 immediately after this event, revealed by new observations obtained in 2015 and 2016 with the SINFONI integral field spectrograph and the NACO imager at the ESO VLT. The spatially resolved dynamics of the Brγ\gamma line emission can be accounted for by the ballistic motion and tidal shearing of a test-particle cloud that has followed a highly eccentric Keplerian orbit around the black hole for the last 12 years. The non-detection of a drag force or any strong hydrodynamic interaction with the hot gas in the inner accretion zone limits the ambient density to less than a few 103^3 cm3^{-3} at the distance of closest approach (1500 RsR_s), assuming G2 is a spherical cloud moving through a stationary and homogeneous atmosphere. The dust continuum emission is unresolved in L'-band, but stays consistent with the location of the Brγ\gamma emission. The total luminosity of the Brγ\gamma and L' emission has remained constant to within the measurement uncertainty. The nature and origin of G2 are likely related to that of the precursor source G1, since their orbital evolution is similar, though not identical. Both object are also likely related to a trailing tail structure, which is continuously connected to G2 over a large range in position and radial velocity.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figures; accepted for publication in Ap

    The supermassive black hole in NGC4486a detected with SINFONI at the VLT

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    The near-infrared integral field spectrograph SINFONI at the ESO VLT opens a new window for the study of central supermassive black holes. With a near-IR spatial resolution similar to HST optical and the ability to penetrate dust it provides the possibility to explore the low-mass end of the M-sigma relation (sigma<120km/s) where so far very few black hole masses were measured with stellar dynamics. With SINFONI we observed the central region of the low-luminosity elliptical galaxy NGC4486a at a spatial resolution of ~0.1arcsec in the K band. The stellar kinematics was measured with a maximum penalised likelihood method considering the region around the CO absorption band heads. We determined a black hole mass of M_BH=1.25^{+0.75}_{-0.79} x 10^7 M_sun (90% C.L.) using the Schwarzschild orbit superposition method including the full 2-dimensional spatial information. This mass agrees with the predictions of the M-sigma relation, strengthening its validity at the lower sigma end.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures. Accepted by MNRA

    The Quintuplet Cluster I. A K-band spectral catalog of stellar sources

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    Three very massive clusters are known to reside in the Galactic Center region, the Arches cluster, the Quintuplet cluster and the Central parsec cluster. We obtained spectroscopic observations of the Quintuplet cluster with the Integral Field Spectrograph SINFONI-SPIFFI at the ESO-VLT. The spectral range comprises the near-IR K-band from 1.94 to 2.45 micrometer. The 3D data cubes of the individual fields were flux-calibrated and combined to one contiguous cube, from which the spectra of all detectable point sources were extracted. We present a catalog of 160 stellar sources in the inner part of the Quintuplet cluster.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, 3 tables, accepted by A&

    Making SPIFFI SPIFFIER: Upgrade of the SPIFFI instrument for use in ERIS and performance analysis from re-commissioning

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    SPIFFI is an AO-fed integral field spectrograph operating as part of SINFONI on the VLT, which will be upgraded and reused as SPIFFIER in the new VLT instrument ERIS. In January 2016, we used new technology developments to perform an early upgrade to optical subsystems in the SPIFFI instrument so ongoing scientific programs can make use of enhanced performance before ERIS arrives in 2020. We report on the upgraded components and the performance of SPIFFI after the upgrade, including gains in throughput and spatial and spectral resolution. We show results from re-commissioning, highlighting the potential for scientific programs to use the capabilities of the upgraded SPIFFI. Finally, we discuss the additional upgrades for SPIFFIER which will be implemented before it is integrated into ERIS.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figures. Proceedings from SPIE Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation 201