1,066,728 research outputs found

    Stability Analysis and Numerical Simulation of Covid-19 Transmission with Vaccination

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    This study reviews the epidemic model, that is SIRD (Susceptible, Infected, Recovered, Death) model of Covid-19 transmission with vaccination. The SIRD model contains four compartments in the population, namely the susceptible compartment, the infected compartment, the recovered compartment, and the death compartment. The model is analyzed for stability around the equilibrium point based on the eigenvalues of the Jacobian matrix. Furthermore, the basic reproduction number associated with the stability of the model is determined. The model is simulated with different parameter values for both equilibrium points. Numerical simulations are given to confirm the analytical results by showing the solutions and their phase portraits.


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    The study of the spreading of a rumor is significantly important to obtain scientific information and better strategies in reducing its negative impact. Twitter has become a medium for spreading rumors or hoaxes spatially and chronologically because it has a unique community structure. This study demonstrates the model of spreading rumors by considering credibility, correlation, and mass classification based on personality is discussed. The behavior of a model solution around equilibrium points is investigated with the Jacobian matrices. The stability also corresponds to a threshold number indicating the rumor fades away or continues to spread in the population. The analytical results are confirmed by actual data from Twitter in Indonesia with #SahkanRUUPKS. The simulation results show that the free rumor equilibrium point is stable and the threshold number is less than 1. Our study shows that the number of spreaders does not increase and the #SahkanRUUPKS rumor will vanish

    Numerical Study of Bird Flu Infection Process Within a Poultry Farm with Age Structured Model

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    Bird flu infection processes within a poultry farm were studied analytically and numerically. A mathematical model proposed in a previous study was reformulated with consideration of age structure. The age structure model for a susceptible population and an infected population is described. Numerical results show that essential factors of security against bird flu are vaccination and removal of infected bird.     Keywords: bird flu, mathematical model, numerical simulation, age structur

    Stability Analysis and Numerical Simulation of Prey-Predator System with Age Structure

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    This study developed a four-dimensional prey-predator model consisting four groups, i.e. immature prey, mature prey, immature predator, and mature predator. The reproduction of the prey depends on the mature group. Only mature predators take part in predation and prefer to consume mature prey populations. Analysis on the system by determining the equilibrium point of the prey-predator model. The results of the stability analysis obtained three equilibrium point i.e. the extinction of all species, the extinction of predator, and the existence of all species. Stability of model is analyzed based on the eigenvalues of the Jacobian matrix and by using Routh's criteria. Numerical simulations are carried out to confirm analytical results.  Furthermore, numerical simulation by different parameter is provided. There are three cases at the equilibrium point of the existence of all species where the parameters  and  are different. The results show that  the prey and predator populations will be stable or will not experience extinction for the all species equilibrium point

    Arrival in Dakar

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    Postcard from Jenna Johnson, during the Linfield College Semester Abroad Program in Dakar, Senega


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    Vaccination is one of the methods to control and prevent the spread of infectious diseases. SIR model (susceptible, infected, recovered) without and with vaccination were developed. The behavior of the solutions of the two models is analyzed through stability analysis around the equilibrium points. The stability is also associated with a threshold number indicating the population is free or infected. Analytical results are confirmed with numerical results that are presented on the graphic solution and phase portrait. The results of numerical simulations conclude that vaccination is more effective for inhibiting the transmission of the disease than without vaccinatio

    Stability Analysis Of The Rumor Spreading Model

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    The process of spreading rumors is the same as the process of spreading infectious diseases. In this case, a rumor-spreading model is discussed in this study by considering the credibility of rumors, the correlation between rumors and lives, and the classification of groups based on personality. Furthermore, the stability of the model is analyzed for the rumor-free equilibrium point and the rumor-spreading endemic equilibrium point

    Arrival of the Fittest

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    Prometheus, the fifth film of the Alien franchise, maintains narrative connections to the original four films but the inclusion of new aliens—the Engineers—radically shifts the feminist politic of the series. There is a move away from centralising the monster and the repressed feminine, through images of horror and bodily abjection, toward a politic of carnival, seen in representations of multiple grotesque bodies and subversion of the affect of primal scenes. Carnival is a space where the authority and stability of current social powers and orders are challenged and subverted. This article contends that in Prometheus such a process occurs in the deliberate mixing of scientific knowledge and religious cosmologies, the ambivalent relationship of horror and SF genres to science and scientific knowledge, the gendered complexities of the specific bodies of astronauts and of scientists, and disruptions of the notion of gaze and viewer positioning in the opening scenes