1,504 research outputs found

    Castellu di la Chitati

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    One of the least understood of all the works of fortification to have stood watch over the Maltese islands in antiquity is the castellu di la chitati - the medieval castle of the old town of Mdina. The arcanum that surrounds this ancient stronghold stems primarily from the fact that it was dismantled way back in the 15th century and what little had remained of the building thereafter, eventually disappeared altogether in the metamorphosis that accompanied the Hospitaller refortification of the medieval town into a gunpowder fortress throughout the course of the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries. This, coupled with the limited nature of contemporary documentary information has ensured that the true form and features of the medieval stronghold have been lost to the point that now only archaeology can hope to really figure out. Whilst acknowledging the severe limitations imposed by any approach that falls short of a full archaeological investigation, this paper seeks to re-examine the existing documentary, cartographic and physical evidence unearthed to-date in order to suggest a rudimentary model of Mdina's medieval stronghold. Undoubtedly, the greatest contribution to-date to the study of Mdina and its medieval fortifications has been the masterly work of Prof. Stanley Fiorini and Dr. Mario Buhagiar. This paper only undertakes to re-evaluate the evidence and some of the conclusions presented so far in the light of my own research into medieval military architecture and castle typologies.peer-reviewe

    From Antemurale to Przedmurze, the History of the Term

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    Antemurale Christianitatis? Anti-Turkish Propaganda And The True Goal Of Johannes Olbracht’s Crusade

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    Jan Olbraht, Moldova, bătălia din Codrii Cosminului, Ştefan cel Mare, Imperiul Otoman. Rezumat: În studiu, în contextul surselor de propagandă anti-turcească, sunt abordate unele aspecte ale expediţiei bucovinene, din anul 1497, a regelui polonez Jan Olbracht. Scopul principal al acestuia constă în analiza aşanumitului bastion al creştinismului – Antemurale christianitatis. Autoarea cercetează problema prin prisma propagandei politicii private a dinastiei domnitoare ale Jagiellonilor. În urma studierii surselor autoarea demonstrează rolul expediţiei regelui polonez Jan Olbracht în sistemul relaţiilor polono-ungare de la sfârşitul secolului al XV-lea (congresul din Lewoczy). O atenţie specială este acordată rivalitatăţii militaro-politice dintre regatele Poloniei şi cel al Ungariei pentru influenţa asupra Moldovei

    The Death of Władysław Warneńczyk as Literary Fact: Review of Primary and Secondary Sources

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    Antemurale innovationis: Clausal complementation in the Slovene Mura River (Prekmurje) dialect and its Balkan parallels

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    The paper discusses the opposition between two complementizers/subordinators, da vs. ka, in Prekmurje Slovene. The forms were used up through the first half of the 20th century to distinguish between irrealis (da) and realis (ka) propositions. In the discussion the available evidence is examined in order to establish more precisely the conditions for the distribution of the two forms. In addition, the diachrony and diatopy of the forms are considered in both South Slavic and broader Slavic contexts


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    Historische Mythosforschung

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    1. Forschungsstand 2. Definition des politischen Mythos 3. Vermittlungs- und Ausdrucksformen 4. Die Grundfunktionen von politischen Mythen 5. Grundlegende Aussagen von politischen Mythen 6. Aufgaben historischer Mythosforschung 7. Bibliografi