76,674 research outputs found

    From the 'cinematic' to the 'anime-ic': Issues of movement in anime

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    This is the author's accepted manuscript. The final published article is available from the link below.This article explores the way that movement is formally depicted in anime. Drawing on Thomas Lamarre's concepts of the `cinematic' and the `anime-ic', the article interrogates further the differences in movement and action in anime from traditional filmic form. While often considered in terms of `flatness', anime offers spectacle, character development and, ironically, depth through the very form of movement put to use in such texts.The article questions whether the modes of address at work in anime are unique to this form of animation.Taking into account how the terms `cinematic' and `anime-ic' can be understood (and by extension the cinematic and animatic apparatus), the article also begins to explore how viewers might identify with such images

    Contradictory Character Traits as Seen in Persona 4: the Animation

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    Anime is Japanese cartoon that has a vast popularity due to its story and art. The popularity of anime results in the various genres such as: crime-fiction, urban fantasy, and slice of life. One of the popular animes that combines the three genres is Persona 4: the Animation. The popularity and the combination of three genres of that anime makes me interested in analyzing this anime. I am particularly attracted to the two main characters in Persona 4: The Animation namely, Yu Narukami and Tohru Adachi. Those two main character possess contradictory character traits and represent a certain symbol on the society. In this paper, I examine the values that influence their character traits. Using Carl Gustav Jung's theory of individuation, I proves that they have contradictory character traits by looking through their Persona, Shadow, Ego, and Self. Through the analysis of character traits, I find that they symbolize yin yang. Like yin yang, they are contradicting as well as complementing. Yet, they also are not paragon of evil or goo

    'Thinking of Spain in a flat way:' visiting Spain and Spanish cultural heritage through contemporary Japanese anime

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    This article contextualizes the representation of Spain and Spanish culture among Japanese cultural producers, particularly through the production of Japanese commercial animation (commonly named anime). Toward that goal, it provides a historical background of Japan-Spain relations within the context of the tourism industry, as well as some examples of the diverse forms of representation within several creative industries. Subsequently, the article reviews the ways in which popular culture has been contributed to national branding. There is special attention to the Spanish case and the proliferation of such images sometimes resulting in the (mis)representation of Spain's tangible and intangible cultural heritage. Internationally-distributed anime productions will be examined as a reflection of Spanish national branding on Japanese audiences and this global industry. Three cases among contemporary anime productions have been selected due to the combination of fictional and misrepresented Spanish cultural features in their narratives

    Review. Northrop Davis, Manga & Anime go to Hollywood. The Amazing Rapidly Evolving Relationship between Hollywood and Japanese Animation, Manga, Television, and Film.

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    Review. Northrop Davis, Manga & Anime go to Hollywood. The Amazing Rapidly Evolving Relationship between Hollywood and Japanese Animation, Manga, Television, and Fil

    The Potential Uses of Japanese ‘Anime’ in Primary School Curricula in China

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    With the development of globalization, more and more people are interested in Japanese anime. It is prevalence that everyone can easy to get access to various kinds of Japanese anime. there is a big issue that teenagers are also able to access to several Japanese anime that have unappropriated contents for teenagers. it is impossible to isolate Japanese anime from teenagers. it is necessary to let teenager and parents know that there are also positive affect that Japanese anime could bring to them. Instead of prohibiting teenager from watching Japanese anime. It will be more pragmatic to guide teenager and parents to appropriate anime and use Japanese anime in potential educational way. Although my topic is about the effect of Japanese anime on Chinese teenager, my audience will not be limited to Chinese teenagers and parents, and the educators. the website will also offer a idea of how visual material could benefit the normal literacy education, and what are the benefit that intercultural study could bring

    Anime in Tourism: An Analysis of Norwegian Anime Enthusiasts’ Motivation for Conducting Anime-Induced Travels to Japan

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    Anime is a part of Japan’s biggest growing markets outside of Japan (JNTO, n.d. a; AJA, 2018). What attracts overseas consumers to watch anime ranges from everything to having coherent and interesting storylines, Japanese culture elements (Thelle, 2009; Yegulalp, 2018) to unique styles and drawings (JNTO, 2011; Yegulalp, 2018). Anime can also be connected to tourism and is more specifically referred to as anime pilgrimage or anime tourism, where fans conduct travels to locations featured in anime films or television shows (Okamoto, 2015; Beeton, 2016). What motivates fans to conduct anime travels to Japan can be due to several different reasons. In this thesis, I have chosen to focus on Norwegian anime enthusiasts’ motivations for conducting anime-induced travels to Japan. I have discussed their motivations regarding theories revolving around film ‘imaginaries’, anime tourist behaviour and motivation, as well as what characterizes an experience in regards to the Experience Realms model (Pine II & Gilmore, 1999). Motivators that were individually answered by the Norwegian enthusiasts will in addition also be discussed and analysed. Such motivators revolved around ‘travelling out of interest’, ‘travelling to meet individuals with the same interests’, and to ‘experience anime theme parks’. The Norwegian anime enthusiasts’ answers have also been analysed and discussed in terms of which anime enthusiast category they fit the description of

    Perancangan Toko dan Restoran di Kyou Hobby Shop Dengan Pendekatan Konsep Akihabara di Malam Hari

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    Masuknya anime ke Indonesia membuat anime menjadi digemari oleh kalangan anak muda di Indonesia. Mulai dari tayangnya anime di stasiun televisi, maupun anime bajakan yang tersebar dalam bentuk DVD maupun di Internet. Banyaknya penggemar anime dan budaya pop Jepang lainnya membuat banyak munculnya komunitas penggemar anime dan hadirnya event dengan tema budaya pop Jepang di Indonesia. Berkembangnya penggemar anime di Indonesia, termasuk di Tangerang belum sebanding dengan jumlah tempat yang bisa mewadahi penggemar anime untuk dapat menyalurkan hobinya sekaligus sebagai hiburan. Perancangan Kyou Hobby Shop di Gading Serpong bertujuan sebagai salah satu wisata yang bisa dikunjungi oleh warga baik di sekitar maupun luar Gading Serpong. Selain itu, Kyou Hobby Shop juga bisa mewadahi event yang didirikan oleh penggemar anime seperti perkumpulan komunitas ataupun acara lainnya. Perancangan interior dari Kyou Hobby Shop ini menghadirkan konsep Akihabara di malam hari dengan memasukkan unsur-unsur yang ada di Akihabara dengan segala pengembangannya baik dari segi konsep maupun fasilitas. Kyou Hobby Shop ini diharapkan dapat memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat mengenai anime

    Learning from Anime Fans: Implications for Formal Media and Cultural Pedagogy

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    Japanese animation (anime) is recognizable to a great proportion of the adolescent population in the United States. This essay investigates how more involved adolescent fans consume anime in ways similar to how other studies have explored adolescent consumption of media products in general. However, the primary concern is with the type of interactions that adolescent anime fans have with anime and with each other that allow us to find a type of fan pedagogy. The author attended two collegiate Japanese animation clubs, three anime-specific conventions, and one convention devoted to the fantastic arts to interview adolescent anime fans about their experiences as fans in terms of how they have interacted with anime, other fans, and U.S. mainstream culture. Beyond anime consumption, this essay argues that particularly older adolescent anime fans are engaged in a process of teaching and learning from each other about locally accepted ways of understanding Japan. This includes critiquing both Japanese and U.S. mainstream culture and debating over aesthetic, gendered, and sexual aspects of anime. Implications for media educators and for educators in the social sciences more broadly are discussed
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